Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016. Diorite (by Bartomiej Mazur (aka GotoFinal)) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package org.diorite.impl; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.diorite.impl.auth.GameProfileImpl; import; import org.diorite.impl.connection.packets.RegisterPackets; import org.diorite.impl.entity.attrib.SimpleAttributeModifier; import org.diorite.Core; import org.diorite.auth.GameProfile; import org.diorite.auth.Property; import org.diorite.auth.PropertyMap; import org.diorite.banner.BannerPattern; import org.diorite.effect.StatusEffect; import org.diorite.entity.attrib.AttributeModifier; import org.diorite.entity.attrib.BasicAttributeModifier; import org.diorite.firework.FireworkEffect; import; import org.diorite.material.Material; import org.diorite.nbt.NbtSerializable; import org.diorite.nbt.NbtSerialization; import org.diorite.utils.math.DioriteMathUtils; import io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; public final class CoreMain { public static final float JAVA_8 = 52.0f; public static final int MB_128 = 131072; // 1024KB * 128 private static final Pattern PERM_GEN_PAT = Pattern.compile("[^\\d]"); private static final Logger debugLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("[DEBUG]"); static boolean consoleEnabled = true; static boolean useJline = true; static boolean enabledDebug = false; static boolean client = false; private CoreMain() { } public static boolean isUseJline() { return useJline; } public static boolean isEnabledDebug() { return enabledDebug; } public static boolean isConsoleEnabled() { return consoleEnabled; } public static boolean isClient() { return consoleEnabled; } public enum InitResult { RUN, HELP, VERSION, STOP } public static InitResult init(final OptionSet options, final boolean client) { CoreMain.client = client; if (options.has("version")) { return InitResult.VERSION; } if (options.has("?")) { return InitResult.HELP; } final String path = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); if (path.contains("!") || path.contains("+")) { System.err.println( "Cannot run server in a directory with ! or + in the pathname. Please rename the affected folders and try again."); return InitResult.STOP; } try { CoreMain.enabledDebug = options.has("debug"); CoreMain.debug("===> Debug is enabled! <==="); try { final String lvl = options.valueOf("rld").toString(); if (lvl.length() == 1) { ResourceLeakDetector .setLevel(ResourceLeakDetector.Level.values()[DioriteMathUtils.asInt(lvl, 0)]); } else { ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(ResourceLeakDetector.Level.valueOf(lvl)); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (options.has("noconsole")) { CoreMain.consoleEnabled = false; } int maxPermGen = 0; for (final String s : ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()) { if (s.startsWith("-XX:MaxPermSize")) { maxPermGen = DioriteMathUtils.asInt(PERM_GEN_PAT.matcher(s).replaceAll(""), 0); maxPermGen <<= 10 * "kmg".indexOf(Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(s.length() - 1))); } } if ((Float.parseFloat(System.getProperty("java.class.version")) < JAVA_8) && (maxPermGen < MB_128)) { System.out.println( "Warning, your max perm gen size is not set or less than 128mb. It is recommended you restart Java with the following argument: -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"); } System.out.println("Starting server, please wait..."); registerNbt(); // register all packet classes. RegisterPackets.init(); // TODO: load "magic values" // never remove this line (Material.values), it's needed even if it don't do anything for you. // it will force load all material classes, loading class of one material before "Material" is loaded will throw error. Material.values(); System.out.println("Registered " + Material.getBlockMaterialsCount() + " (" + Material.getAllBlockMaterialsCount() + " with sub-types) diorite blocks."); System.out.println("Registered " + Material.getItemMaterialsCount() + " (" + Material.getAllItemMaterialsCount() + " with sub-types) diorite items."); System.out.println("Registered " + Material.getMaterialsCount() + " (" + Material.getAllMaterialsCount() + " with sub-types) diorite blocks and items."); } catch (final Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return InitResult.RUN; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void registerNbt() { NbtSerialization.register(PropertyImpl::new, Property.class, PropertyImpl.class); NbtSerialization.register(BannerPattern::new, BannerPattern.class); NbtSerialization.register(StatusEffect::new, StatusEffect.class); NbtSerialization.register(BasicAttributeModifier::new, AttributeModifier.class, BasicAttributeModifier.class, SimpleAttributeModifier.class); NbtSerialization.register(FireworkEffect::new, FireworkEffect.class); NbtSerialization.register(MapIcon::new, MapIcon.class); NbtSerialization.register(GameProfileImpl::new, GameProfile.class, GameProfileImpl.class); NbtSerialization.register(PropertyMap::new, PropertyMap.class); if (enabledDebug) { new Reflections("").getSubTypesOf(NbtSerializable.class).stream() .filter(c -> !NbtSerialization.isRegistered(c)).forEach(c -> debug( "[WARNING] Class: " + c.getCanonicalName() + " isn't registered in NbtSerialization,")); } } public static OptionSet main(final String[] args, final boolean client, final Consumer<OptionParser> addon) { final OptionParser parser = new OptionParser() { { this.acceptsAll(Collections.singletonList("?"), "Print help"); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("v", "version"), "Print version"); this.acceptsAll(Collections.singletonList("debug"), "Enable debug mode"); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("resourceleakdetector", "rld"), "ResourceLeakDetector level, disabled by default").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("rld").defaultsTo(; this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("p", "port", "server-port"), "Port to listen on").withRequiredArg() .ofType(Integer.class).describedAs("port").defaultsTo(Core.DEFAULT_PORT); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("hostname", "h"), "hostname to listen on").withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class).describedAs("hostname").defaultsTo("localhost"); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("online-mode", "online", "o"), "is server should be in online-mode") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Boolean.class).describedAs("online").defaultsTo(true); this.acceptsAll(Collections.singletonList("config"), "Configuration file to use.").withRequiredArg() .ofType(File.class).describedAs("config").defaultsTo(new File("diorite.yml")); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("keepalivetimer", "keep-alive-timer", "kat"), "Each x seconds server will send keep alive packet to players").withRequiredArg() .ofType(Integer.class).describedAs("keepalivetimer").defaultsTo(10); this.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("netty", "netty-threads"), "Amount of netty event loop threads.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).describedAs("netty").defaultsTo(4); this.acceptsAll(Collections.singletonList("noconsole"), "Disables the console"); } }; if (addon != null) { addon.accept(parser); } OptionSet options; try { options = parser.parse(args); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); options = parser.parse(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } final InitResult result = init(options, client); switch (result) { case HELP: try { parser.printHelpOn(System.out); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; case VERSION: System.out.println("Diorite version: " + DioriteCore.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion() + " (MC: " + Core.getMinecraftVersion() + ")"); return null; case RUN: return options; default: return null; } } public static void debug(final Object obj) { if (enabledDebug) {; } } /** * This comment is here just to write some to-do stuff, and other notes * TODO: remember about signs that can run commands -> player can inject commands here, aka force op * * You can make sky with weird colors by GameStateChange, id 7, values from 0 to 60 * And rain without rains, id 7, values from -10 to 0. */ }