Java tutorial
/* Milyn - Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2.1) as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details: */ package org.dhatim.ect.formats.unedifact; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dhatim.ect.EdiConvertionTool; import org.dhatim.edisax.interchange.ControlBlockHandlerFactory; import org.dhatim.edisax.interchange.EdiDirectory; import org.dhatim.ect.EdiSpecificationReader; import org.dhatim.ect.EdiParseException; import org.dhatim.edisax.model.internal.Description; import org.dhatim.edisax.unedifact.handlers.r41.UNEdifact41ControlBlockHandlerFactory; import org.dhatim.edisax.util.EDIUtils; import org.dhatim.edisax.model.EdifactModel; import org.dhatim.edisax.model.internal.Edimap; import org.dhatim.edisax.model.internal.Field; import org.dhatim.edisax.model.internal.Segment; import org.dhatim.edisax.unedifact.UNEdifactInterchangeParser; import org.dhatim.util.ClassUtil; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; /** * UN/EDIFACT Specification Reader. * * @author bardl */ public class UnEdifactSpecificationReader implements EdiSpecificationReader { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(UnEdifactSpecificationReader.class); public static final String INTERCHANGE_TYPE = "UNEDIFACT"; private static final int BUFFER = 2048; private static final String INTERCHANGE_DEFINITION = "un-edifact-interchange-definition.xml"; private static final String INTERCHANGE_DEFINITION_SHORTNAME = "un-edifact-interchange-definition-shortname.xml"; private boolean useImport; private boolean useShortName; private Map<String, byte[]> definitionFiles; private Map<String, byte[]> messageFiles; private Edimap definitionModel; private Set<String> versions = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> messages = new HashSet<String>(); private EdiDirectory ediDirectory; /** * Matcher to recognize and parse entries like CUSCAR_D.08A */ private Pattern entryFileName = Pattern.compile("^([A-Z]+)_([A-Z])\\.([0-9]+[A-Z])$"); public UnEdifactSpecificationReader(ZipInputStream specificationInStream, boolean useImport) throws IOException { this(specificationInStream, useImport, true); } public UnEdifactSpecificationReader(ZipInputStream specificationInStream, boolean useImport, boolean useShortName) throws IOException { this.useImport = useImport; this.useShortName = useShortName; definitionFiles = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); messageFiles = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); readDefinitionEntries(specificationInStream, new ZipDirectoryEntry("eded.", definitionFiles), new ZipDirectoryEntry("edcd.", definitionFiles), new ZipDirectoryEntry("edsd.", definitionFiles), new ZipDirectoryEntry("edmd.", "*", messageFiles)); if (versions.size() != 1) { if (versions.size() == 0) { throw new EdiParseException("Seems that we have a directory containing 0 parseable version inside: " + versions + ".\n All messages:\n\t" + messages); } throw new EdiParseException( "Seems that we have a directory containing more than one parseable version inside: " + versions + ".\n All messages:\n\t" + messages); } String version = versions.iterator().next(); // Read Definition Configuration definitionModel = parseEDIDefinitionFiles(); addMissingDefinitions(definitionModel); definitionModel.getDescription() .setNamespace(ControlBlockHandlerFactory.NAMESPACE_ROOT + ":un:" + version + ":common"); //Interchange envelope is inserted into the definitions. Handcoded at the moment. try { String interchangeSegmentDefinitions = INTERCHANGE_DEFINITION_SHORTNAME; if (!useShortName) { interchangeSegmentDefinitions = INTERCHANGE_DEFINITION; } EdifactModel interchangeEnvelope = new EdifactModel( ClassUtil.getResourceAsStream(interchangeSegmentDefinitions, this.getClass())); definitionModel.getSegments().getSegments() .addAll(interchangeEnvelope.getEdimap().getSegments().getSegments()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EdiParseException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public Set<String> getMessageNames() { Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); names.add(definitionModel.getDescription().getName()); names.addAll(messageFiles.keySet()); return names; } public Edimap getMappingModel(String messageName) throws IOException { if (messageName.equals(definitionModel.getDescription().getName())) { return definitionModel; } else { return parseEdiMessage(messageName).getEdimap(); } } public Properties getInterchangeProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(EdiSpecificationReader.INTERCHANGE_TYPE, INTERCHANGE_TYPE); properties.setProperty(EdiSpecificationReader.MESSAGE_BINDING_CONFIG, "/org/dhatim/smooks/edi/unedifact/model/r41/bindings/unedifact-message.xml"); properties.setProperty(EdiSpecificationReader.INTERCHANGE_BINDING_CONFIG, "/org/dhatim/smooks/edi/unedifact/model/r41/bindings/unedifact-interchange.xml"); return properties; } public EdiDirectory getEdiDirectory(String... includeMessages) throws IOException { if (ediDirectory == null) { Set<String> includeMessageSet = null; String commonMessageName = getCommmonMessageName(); Set<String> messages = getMessageNames(); Edimap commonModel = null; List<Edimap> models = new ArrayList<Edimap>(); if (includeMessages != null && includeMessages.length > 0) { includeMessageSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(includeMessages)); } for (String message : messages) { if (includeMessageSet != null && !message.equals(commonMessageName)) { if (!includeMessageSet.contains(message)) { // Skip this message... continue; } } Edimap model = getMappingModel(message); EdiConvertionTool.removeDuplicateSegments(model.getSegments()); if (message.equals(commonMessageName)) { if (commonModel == null) { commonModel = model; } else { logger.warn("Common model message '" + commonMessageName + "' already read."); } } else { models.add(model); } } ediDirectory = new EdiDirectory(commonModel, models); } return ediDirectory; } private String getCommmonMessageName() { return EDIUtils.MODEL_SET_DEFINITIONS_DESCRIPTION.getName(); } private void addMissingDefinitions(Edimap definitionModel) { Segment ugh = new Segment(); Segment ugt = new Segment(); ugh.setSegcode("UGH"); ugh.setXmltag("UGH"); ugh.addField(new Field("id", UNEdifact41ControlBlockHandlerFactory.NAMESPACE, true)); ugt.setSegcode("UGT"); ugt.setXmltag("UGT"); ugt.addField(new Field("id", UNEdifact41ControlBlockHandlerFactory.NAMESPACE, true)); definitionModel.getSegments().getSegments().add(ugh); definitionModel.getSegments().getSegments().add(ugt); } private UnEdifactMessage parseEdiMessage(String messageName) throws IOException { byte[] message = messageFiles.get(messageName); if (message != null) { InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(message)); try { return new UnEdifactMessage(reader, useImport, useShortName, definitionModel); } finally { reader.close(); } } return null; } public Edimap getDefinitionModel() throws IOException { return definitionModel; } private Edimap parseEDIDefinitionFiles() throws IOException, EdiParseException { Edimap edifactModel; Reader dataISR = null; Reader compositeISR = null; Reader segmentISR = null; try { dataISR = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(definitionFiles.get("eded."))); compositeISR = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(definitionFiles.get("edcd."))); segmentISR = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(definitionFiles.get("edsd."))); edifactModel = UnEdifactDefinitionReader.parse(dataISR, compositeISR, segmentISR, useShortName); edifactModel.setDescription((Description) EDIUtils.MODEL_SET_DEFINITIONS_DESCRIPTION.clone()); edifactModel.getSegments().setXmltag("DefinitionMap"); edifactModel.setDelimiters(UNEdifactInterchangeParser.defaultUNEdifactDelimiters); } finally { if (dataISR != null) { dataISR.close(); } if (compositeISR != null) { compositeISR.close(); } if (segmentISR != null) { segmentISR.close(); } } return edifactModel; } private void readDefinitionEntries(ZipInputStream folderZip, ZipDirectoryEntry... entries) throws IOException { ZipEntry fileEntry = folderZip.getNextEntry(); while (fileEntry != null) { String fName = new File(fileEntry.getName().toLowerCase()).getName().replaceFirst("tr", "ed"); for (ZipDirectoryEntry entry : entries) { if (fName.startsWith(entry.getDirectory())) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = new byte[BUFFER]; int size; while ((size =, 0, bytes.length)) != -1) { baos.write(bytes, 0, size); } ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())); readZipEntry(entry.getEntries(), zipInputStream, entry.getFile()); zipInputStream.close(); } } folderZip.closeEntry(); fileEntry = folderZip.getNextEntry(); } } private boolean readZipEntry(Map<String, byte[]> files, ZipInputStream folderZip, String entry) throws IOException { boolean result = false; ZipEntry fileEntry = folderZip.getNextEntry(); while (fileEntry != null) { String fileName = fileEntry.getName(); String fName = new File(fileName.toLowerCase()).getName().replaceFirst("tr", "ed"); if (fName.startsWith(entry) || entry.equals("*")) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = new byte[2048]; int size; while ((size =, 0, bytes.length)) != -1) { translatePseudoGraph(bytes); baos.write(bytes, 0, size); } File file = new File(fileName); String messageName = file.getName().toUpperCase(); result = true; messages.add(messageName); if (entry.equals("*")) { Matcher match = entryFileName.matcher(messageName); if (match.matches()) { String entryName =; files.put(entryName, baos.toByteArray()); versions.add(( +; } } else { files.put(entry, baos.toByteArray()); break; } } folderZip.closeEntry(); fileEntry = folderZip.getNextEntry(); } return result; } private static void translatePseudoGraph(byte[] bytes) { for (int i = 0, l = bytes.length; i < l; i++) { switch (bytes[i]) { case (byte) 0xC4: bytes[i] = (byte) '-'; break; case (byte) 0xC1: case (byte) 0xBF: case (byte) 0xD9: bytes[i] = (byte) '+'; break; case (byte) 0xB3: bytes[i] = (byte) '|'; break; } } } private static class ZipDirectoryEntry { private String directory; private String file; private Map<String, byte[]> entries; private ZipDirectoryEntry(String directory, Map<String, byte[]> entries) { this(directory, directory, entries); } public ZipDirectoryEntry(String directory, String file, Map<String, byte[]> entries) { = directory; this.file = file; this.entries = entries; } public String getDirectory() { return directory; } public String getFile() { return file; } public Map<String, byte[]> getEntries() { return entries; } } }