Java tutorial
//$HeadURL$ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by: Department of Geography, University of Bonn and lat/lon GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package; import static org.deegree.gml.GMLVersion.GML_32; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.deegree.commons.annotations.Tool; import; import org.deegree.commons.tom.primitive.BaseType; import; import org.deegree.feature.persistence.FeatureStore; import org.deegree.feature.persistence.FeatureStoreProvider; import org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.FeatureTypeMapping; import org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.SQLFeatureStore; import org.deegree.feature.persistence.sql.ddl.DDLCreator; import org.deegree.feature.types.AppSchema; import org.deegree.feature.types.FeatureType; import org.deegree.gml.GMLVersion; import org.deegree.gml.schema.GMLAppSchemaReader; import; import org.deegree.workspace.ResourceIdentifier; import org.deegree.workspace.ResourceInitException; import org.deegree.workspace.Workspace; import org.deegree.workspace.standard.DefaultResourceIdentifier; import org.deegree.workspace.standard.DefaultResourceLocation; import org.deegree.workspace.standard.DefaultWorkspace; /** * Swiss Army knife for GML/deegree application schemas. * * @author <a href="">Markus Schneider </a> * @author last edited by: $Author$ * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ @Tool("Swiss Army knife for GML/deegree application schemas.") public class ApplicationSchemaTool { // command line parameters private static final String OPT_ACTION = "action"; private static final String OPT_INPUT_FILE = "inputfile"; private static final String OPT_INPUT_FORMAT = "inputformat"; private static final String OPT_RULES_FILE = "rulesfile"; private static final String OPT_DB_SCHEMA = "dbschema"; private enum Action { /** Print defined feature types */ analyze, /** Extract SQL script for creating relational schema */ create_ddl, /** Create mapped application schema (PostGIS) */ map_to_postgis, /** Create mapped application schema (Oracle) */ map_to_oracle; } private enum InputFormat { /** GML 2 application schema */ gml2, /** GML 3.0/3.1 application schema */ gml31, /** GML 3.2 application schema */ gml32, /** deegree application schema */ deegree, /** deegree application schema mapped to PostGIS */ deegree_postgis, /** deegree application schema mapped to Oracle Spatial */ deegree_oracle, /** deegree application schema mapped to an ESRI Shapefile */ deegree_shape; } private static void analyze(InputFormat inputFormat, String inputFileName) throws ClassCastException, MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, JAXBException { AppSchema schema = loadAppSchema(inputFormat, inputFileName); Set<String> ftNames = new TreeSet<String>(); Set<String> propNames = new TreeSet<String>(); printFtHierarchy(schema, ftNames, propNames); System.out.println(ftNames.size() + " feature type names"); for (String ftName : ftNames) { System.out.println(ftName); } System.out.println(propNames.size() + " property names"); for (String propName : propNames) { System.out.println(propName); } } private static void mapToPostGIS(InputFormat inputFormat, String inputFileName, String rulesFileName) throws ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, JAXBException, IOException { LinkedHashMap<String, String> rules = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (rulesFileName != null) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(rulesFileName)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); int indexOfDelim = line.indexOf('='); if (indexOfDelim != -1) { String from = line.substring(0, indexOfDelim); String to = line.substring(indexOfDelim + 1, line.length()); rules.put(from, to); } } System.err.println("Loaded " + rules.size() + " replacement rule(s) from " + rulesFileName); } else { System.err.println("Continuing without rules file."); } AppSchema schema = loadAppSchema(inputFormat, inputFileName); Map<QName, FeatureTypeMapping> ftNameToHints = new HashMap<QName, FeatureTypeMapping>(); FeatureType[] fts = schema.getFeatureTypes(); Arrays.sort(fts, new Comparator<FeatureType>() { @Override public int compare(FeatureType o1, FeatureType o2) { return o1.getName().toString().compareTo(o2.getName().toString()); } }); for (FeatureType ft : fts) { // ftNameToHints.put( ft.getName(), getFtHints( schema, ft, rules ) ); } // PostGISApplicationSchema postgisSchema = new PostGISApplicationSchema( schema, getGlobalHints( schema ), // ftNameToHints ); // ApplicationSchemaDecl jaxbSchema = JAXBApplicationSchemaAdapter.toJAXB( postgisSchema ); // JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "org.deegree.feature.persistence.postgis.jaxbconfig" ); // Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller(); // m.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE ); // m.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_SCHEMA_LOCATION, // "" // ); // m.marshal( jaxbSchema, System.out ); } private static String shortenName(String s, LinkedHashMap<String, String> rules) { String shortened = s; for (Entry<?, ?> rule : rules.entrySet()) { String from = (String) rule.getKey(); String to = (String) rule.getValue(); shortened = shortened.replaceAll(from, to); } return shortened; } // private static FeatureTypeMapping getFtHints( ApplicationSchema schema, FeatureType ft, // LinkedHashMap<String, String> rules ) { // // String featureTable = shortenName( ft.getName().getLocalPart().toLowerCase(), rules ); // FeatureTypeMappingHints ftHints = new FeatureTypeMappingHints(); // ftHints.setDBTable( featureTable ); // ftHints.setGMLDefaultProps( true ); // Map<QName, PropertyMappingType> propNameToHint = new HashMap<QName, PropertyMappingType>(); // int multiPropId = 0; // for ( PropertyType pt : ft.getPropertyDeclarations() ) { // String propName = shortenName( pt.getName().getLocalPart().toLowerCase(), rules ); // String qPropName = featureTable + "_multi" + multiPropId; // try { // propNameToHint.put( pt.getName(), getPropertyHints( featureTable, pt, rules, propName, qPropName ) ); // } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { // System.err.println( "Omitting property " + pt.getName() + " (class)" + pt.getClass() + "..." ); // } // if ( pt.getMaxOccurs() != 1 ) { // multiPropId++; // } // } // return new FeatureTypeMapping( ftHints, propNameToHint ); // } // private static PropertyMappingType getPropertyHints( String featureTable, PropertyType pt, // LinkedHashMap<String, String> rules, String propName, // String qPropName ) { // // PropertyMappingType hints = null; // if ( pt instanceof SimplePropertyType ) { // hints = new SimplePropertyMappingType(); // String postgisType = getPostGISType( ( (SimplePropertyType) pt ).getPrimitiveType() ); // if ( pt.getMaxOccurs() != 1 ) { // PropertyTable propTable = new PropertyTable(); // propTable.setTable( qPropName ); // propTable.setColumn( "value" ); // propTable.setSqlType( postgisType ); // ( (SimplePropertyMappingType) hints ).setPropertyTable( propTable ); // } else { // DBColumn dbColumn = new DBColumn(); // dbColumn.setName( propName ); // dbColumn.setSqlType( postgisType ); // ( (SimplePropertyMappingType) hints ).setDBColumn( dbColumn ); // } // } else if ( pt instanceof GeometryPropertyType ) { // hints = new GeometryPropertyMappingType(); // // TODO // String postgisType = "GEOMETRY"; // if ( pt.getMaxOccurs() != 1 ) { // GeometryPropertyTable propTable = new GeometryPropertyTable(); // propTable.setTable( qPropName ); // propTable.setColumn( "value" ); // // TODO // propTable.setDimension( new BigInteger( "2" ) ); // // TODO // propTable.setSrid( new BigInteger( "31466" ) ); // propTable.setSqlType( postgisType ); // ( (GeometryPropertyMappingType) hints ).setGeometryPropertyTable( propTable ); // } else { // GeometryDBColumn dbColumn = new GeometryDBColumn(); // dbColumn.setName( propName ); // dbColumn.setSqlType( postgisType ); // // TODO // dbColumn.setDimension( new BigInteger( "2" ) ); // // TODO // dbColumn.setSrid( new BigInteger( "31466" ) ); // ( (GeometryPropertyMappingType) hints ).setGeometryDBColumn( dbColumn ); // } // } else if ( pt instanceof FeaturePropertyType ) { // hints = new FeaturePropertyMappingType(); // if ( pt.getMaxOccurs() != 1 ) { // FeatureJoinTable propTable = new FeatureJoinTable(); // propTable.setTable( qPropName ); // ( (FeaturePropertyMappingType) hints ).setFeatureJoinTable( propTable ); // } else { // DBColumn dbColumn = new DBColumn(); // // TODO // dbColumn.setName( propName ); // dbColumn.setSqlType( "integer" ); // ( (FeaturePropertyMappingType) hints ).setDBColumn( dbColumn ); // } // } else if ( pt instanceof MeasurePropertyType ) { // hints = new MeasurePropertyMappingType(); // if ( pt.getMaxOccurs() != 1 ) { // PropertyTable propTable = new PropertyTable(); // propTable.setTable( qPropName ); // propTable.setColumn( "value" ); // ( (MeasurePropertyMappingType) hints ).setPropertyTable( propTable ); // } else { // DBColumn dbColumn = new DBColumn(); // dbColumn.setName( propName ); // dbColumn.setSqlType( "double precision" ); // ( (MeasurePropertyMappingType) hints ).setDBColumn( dbColumn ); // } // } else if ( pt instanceof CustomPropertyType ) { // hints = new CustomPropertyMappingType(); // ( (CustomPropertyMappingType) hints ).setXsdType( ( (CustomPropertyType) pt ).getXSDValueType() ); // } // return hints; // } private static String getPostGISType(BaseType primitiveType) { String postgisType = null; switch (primitiveType) { case BOOLEAN: { postgisType = "boolean"; break; } case DATE: { postgisType = "date"; break; } case DATE_TIME: { postgisType = "timestamp with time zone"; break; } case DECIMAL: { postgisType = "decimal"; break; } case INTEGER: { postgisType = "bigint"; break; } case DOUBLE: { postgisType = "double precision"; break; } case STRING: { postgisType = "text"; break; } case TIME: { postgisType = "time with time zone"; break; } } return postgisType; } // private static GlobalMappingHints getGlobalHints( ApplicationSchema schema ) { // GlobalMappingHints hints = new GlobalMappingHints(); // hints.setUseObjectLookupTable( true ); // hints.setJDBCConnId( "conn1" ); // return hints; // } private static void mapToOracle(InputFormat inputFormat, String inputFileName) { System.out.println("Not implemented yet."); } private static void createDDL(InputFormat inputFormat, String inputFileName, String dbSchema) throws JAXBException { switch (inputFormat) { case deegree_oracle: System.out.println("Not implemented yet."); break; case deegree_postgis: try { DefaultResourceLocation<FeatureStore> loc; ResourceIdentifier<FeatureStore> id = new DefaultResourceIdentifier<FeatureStore>( FeatureStoreProvider.class, "deegree_postgis"); loc = new DefaultResourceLocation<FeatureStore>(new File(inputFileName), id); Workspace ws = new DefaultWorkspace(new File("nix")); ws.initAll(); ws.add(loc); ws.prepare(id); SQLFeatureStore fs = (SQLFeatureStore) ws.init(id, null); String[] sql = DDLCreator.newInstance(fs.getSchema(), fs.getDialect()).getDDL(); for (String string : sql) { System.out.println(string + ";"); } } catch (ResourceInitException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } break; case gml32: { try { List<String> inputURLs = new ArrayList<String>(); File inputFile = new File(inputFileName); if (!inputFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified schema (directory) does not exist."); } if (inputFile.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("Specified input file is a directory -- scanning for .xsd files."); String[] inputFiles = inputFile.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xsd"); } }); for (String file : inputFiles) { System.out.println("Adding '" + file + "'"); inputURLs.add(new URL(inputFile.toURI().toURL(), URLEncoder.encode(file, "UTF-8")) .toExternalForm()); } } else { inputURLs.add(inputFile.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm()); } GMLAppSchemaReader xsdDecoder = new GMLAppSchemaReader(GML_32, null, inputURLs.toArray(new String[inputURLs.size()])); AppSchema schema = xsdDecoder.extractAppSchema(); System.out.println("- Total feature types: " + schema.getFeatureTypes().length); System.out.println( "- Non-abstract feature types: " + schema.getFeatureTypes(null, true, false).size()); System.out.println("- Non-abstract feature types w/o collections: " + schema.getFeatureTypes(null, false, false).size()); SortedSet<FeatureType> sortedFts = new TreeSet<FeatureType>(new Comparator<FeatureType>() { @Override public int compare(FeatureType ft1, FeatureType ft2) { return ft1.getName().toString().compareTo(ft2.getName().toString()); } }); sortedFts.addAll(schema.getFeatureTypes(null, false, false)); int i = 0; for (FeatureType ft : sortedFts) { System.out.println( "INSERT INTO feature_types (id,qname) VALUES (" + i + ",'" + ft.getName() + "');"); i++; } break; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } default: { System.out.println( "Action " + Action.create_ddl + " is only supported for " + + " and " + + " input formats."); return; } } } private static AppSchema loadAppSchema(InputFormat inputFormat, String inputFileName) throws ClassCastException, MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, JAXBException { AppSchema schema = null; switch (inputFormat) { case deegree: break; case deegree_oracle: break; case deegree_postgis: { // schema = loadPostGISSchema( inputFileName ).getSchema(); break; } case deegree_shape: break; case gml2: { String inputURL = new File(inputFileName).toURI().toURL().toString(); GMLAppSchemaReader decoder = new GMLAppSchemaReader(GMLVersion.GML_2, null, inputURL); schema = decoder.extractAppSchema(); break; } case gml31: { String inputURL = new File(inputFileName).toURI().toURL().toString(); GMLAppSchemaReader decoder = new GMLAppSchemaReader(GMLVersion.GML_31, null, inputURL); schema = decoder.extractAppSchema(); break; } case gml32: { String inputURL = new File(inputFileName).toURI().toURL().toString(); GMLAppSchemaReader decoder = new GMLAppSchemaReader(GMLVersion.GML_32, null, inputURL); schema = decoder.extractAppSchema(); break; } } return schema; } // private static PostGISApplicationSchema loadPostGISSchema( String inputFileName ) // throws JAXBException { // JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "org.deegree.feature.persistence.postgis.jaxbconfig" ); // Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); // ApplicationSchemaDecl jaxbAppSchema = (ApplicationSchemaDecl) u.unmarshal( new File( inputFileName ) ); // PostGISApplicationSchema mappedSchema = JAXBApplicationSchemaAdapter.toInternal( jaxbAppSchema ); // return mappedSchema; // } private static void printFtHierarchy(AppSchema schema, Set<String> ftNames, Set<String> propNames) { int concrete = 0; for (FeatureType ft : schema.getFeatureTypes()) { if (!ft.isAbstract()) { concrete++; } printFt(ft, ftNames, propNames); } System.out.println(schema.getFeatureTypes().length + " feature types (" + concrete + " concrete)"); } private static void printFt(FeatureType ft, Set<String> ftNames, Set<String> propNames) { System.out.println("\n - feature type '" + ft.getName() + "'" + (ft.isAbstract() ? " (abstract)" : "")); ftNames.add(ft.getName().getLocalPart()); for (PropertyType pt : ft.getPropertyDeclarations()) { propNames.add(pt.getName().getLocalPart()); String ptName = pt.getName().getNamespaceURI().equals(ft.getName().getNamespaceURI()) ? pt.getName().getLocalPart() : pt.getName().toString(); System.out.println(" - '" + ptName + "', minOccurs=" + pt.getMinOccurs() + ", maxOccurs=" + pt.getMaxOccurs() + ", type: " + pt.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } /** * @param args * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws ClassCastException * @throws JAXBException * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, JAXBException, IOException { Options options = initOptions(); // for the moment, using the CLI API there is no way to respond to a help argument; see // if (args.length == 0 || (args.length > 0 && (args[0].contains("help") || args[0].contains("?")))) { printHelp(options); } try { new PosixParser().parse(options, args); Action action = null; try { action = Action.valueOf(options.getOption(OPT_ACTION).getValue()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Unknown action '" + options.getOption(OPT_ACTION).getValue() + "'. Call with '-help' for displaying available actions."); System.exit(0); } InputFormat inputFormat = null; try { inputFormat = InputFormat.valueOf(options.getOption(OPT_INPUT_FORMAT).getValue()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Unknown input format '" + options.getOption(OPT_INPUT_FORMAT).getValue() + "'. Call with '-help' for displaying valid formats."); System.exit(0); } String inputFileName = options.getOption(OPT_INPUT_FILE).getValue(); String rulesFileName = options.getOption(OPT_RULES_FILE).getValue(); String dbSchema = options.getOption(OPT_DB_SCHEMA).getValue(); switch (action) { case analyze: analyze(inputFormat, inputFileName); break; case create_ddl: createDDL(inputFormat, inputFileName, dbSchema); break; case map_to_oracle: mapToOracle(inputFormat, inputFileName); break; case map_to_postgis: mapToPostGIS(inputFormat, inputFileName, rulesFileName); break; } } catch (ParseException exp) { System.err.println(Messages.getMessage("TOOL_COMMANDLINE_ERROR", exp.getMessage())); // printHelp( options ); } } private static Options initOptions() { Options opts = new Options(); String actionsList = ""; Action[] actions = Action.values(); actionsList += actions[0].toString(); for (int i = 1; i < actions.length; i++) { actionsList += ", " + actions[i]; } Option opt = new Option(OPT_ACTION, true, "action, one of: " + actionsList + ""); opt.setRequired(true); opts.addOption(opt); String formatsList = ""; InputFormat[] formats = InputFormat.values(); formatsList += formats[0].toString(); for (int i = 1; i < formats.length; i++) { formatsList += ", " + formats[i]; } opt = new Option(OPT_INPUT_FORMAT, true, "input format, one of: " + formatsList + ""); opt.setRequired(true); opts.addOption(opt); opt = new Option(OPT_INPUT_FILE, true, "input filename"); opt.setRequired(true); opts.addOption(opt); opt = new Option(OPT_RULES_FILE, true, "rules filename (Java properties file with string replacement rules for feature type / property names)"); opt.setRequired(false); opts.addOption(opt); opt = new Option(OPT_DB_SCHEMA, true, "optional database schema name"); opt.setRequired(false); opts.addOption(opt); CommandUtils.addDefaultOptions(opts); return opts; } private static void printHelp(Options options) { CommandUtils.printHelp(options, ApplicationSchemaTool.class.getSimpleName(), null, null); } }