Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//$HeadURL: $
 This file is part of deegree,
 Copyright (C) 2001-2010 by:
 - Department of Geography, University of Bonn -
 - lat/lon GmbH -
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 Contact information:
 lat/lon GmbH
 Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn
 Department of Geography, University of Bonn
 Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve
 Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn

import static org.deegree.commons.xml.CommonNamespaces.GMLNS;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.deegree.commons.xml.stax.SchemaLocationXMLStreamWriter;
import org.deegree.feature.Feature;
import org.deegree.feature.FeatureCollection;
import org.deegree.geometry.Geometry;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLInputFactory;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLOutputFactory;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLStreamReader;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLStreamWriter;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLVersion;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import es.unex.sextante.core.GeoAlgorithm;
import es.unex.sextante.core.OutputObjectsSet;
import es.unex.sextante.core.ParametersSet;
import es.unex.sextante.dataObjects.IRasterLayer;
import es.unex.sextante.dataObjects.ITable;
import es.unex.sextante.dataObjects.IVectorLayer;
import es.unex.sextante.exceptions.IteratorException;
import es.unex.sextante.exceptions.NullParameterValueException;
import es.unex.sextante.exceptions.WrongOutputIDException;
import es.unex.sextante.exceptions.WrongParameterTypeException;
import es.unex.sextante.outputs.Output;
import es.unex.sextante.parameters.Parameter;

 * This class presents a {@link Processlet} with a SEXTANTE {@link GeoAlgorithm} Therefore this class must
 * differentiates all input and output parameters of a SEXTANTE {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
 * @author <a href="">Jens Pabel</a>
 * @author last edited by: $Author: pabel $
 * @version $Revision: $, $Date: $
public class SextanteProcesslet implements Processlet {

    // logger
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SextanteProcesslet.class);

    // SEXTANTE algorithm
    private final GeoAlgorithm alg;

    SextanteProcesslet(GeoAlgorithm alg) {
        this.alg = alg;

    public void destroy() {
        // "Destroying process with id '" + alg.getCommandLineName() + "'" );

    public void init() {"Initializing process with id '" + SextanteWPSProcess.createIdentifier(alg) + "'");

    public void process(ProcessletInputs in, ProcessletOutputs out, ProcessletExecutionInfo info)
            throws ProcessletException {
        try {

            // "SET INPUT PARAMETERS" );

            SextanteFeatureCollectionStreamer sfcs = new SextanteFeatureCollectionStreamer(alg, in, out);

            if (sfcs.containFeatureCollectionInput() && SextanteFeatureCollectionStreamer.ENABLED) { // feature
                                                                                                     // collection =
                                                                                                     // streaming
            } else { // no feature collection = no streaming

      "NO STREAMING");

                // sets all input values
                setInputValues(alg, in);

                // "GET OUTPUT PARAMETERS" );

                // execute the algorithm
                alg.execute(null, new OutputFactoryExt());

                // write all output values
                writeResult(alg, out);
        } catch (NullParameterValueException e) { // false input data
            String message = "'" + SextanteWPSProcess.createIdentifier(alg)
                    + "' algorithm found false input data. (" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")";

            throw new ProcessletException(message);

        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // false input data
            String message = "'" + SextanteWPSProcess.createIdentifier(alg)
                    + "' algorithm found false input data. (" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")";
            throw new ProcessletException(message);

        } catch (NullPointerException e) { // false input data
            String message = "'" + SextanteWPSProcess.createIdentifier(alg)
                    + "' algorithm found false input data. (" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")";
            throw new ProcessletException(message);

        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // false input data
            String message = "'" + SextanteWPSProcess.createIdentifier(alg)
                    + "' algorithm found false input data. (" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")";
            throw new ProcessletException(message);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessletException(e.getMessage());


     * This method determines all namespaces of a {@link Feature}. If the {@link Feature} is a {@link FeatureCollection}
     * , the first {@link Feature} of the {@link FeatureCollection} is used to determine the namespaces.
     * @param f
     *            {@link Feature}.
     * @return {@link HashMap} of namespaces. The key is the prefix and the value the namespace URI.
    static HashMap<String, String> determinePropertyNamespaces(Feature f) {

        Feature propertyTypeFeature = f;

        if (f instanceof FeatureCollection) {
            FeatureCollection fc = (FeatureCollection) f;
            Iterator<Feature> it = fc.iterator();
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                propertyTypeFeature =;

        HashMap<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();

        List<Property> props = propertyTypeFeature.getProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
            QName name = props.get(i).getName();
            namespaces.put(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getPrefix());

        return namespaces;

     * Commits the input data (all supported types) to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param alg
     *            SEXTANTE {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @throws ProcessletException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws NullParameterValueException
     * @throws WrongParameterTypeException
    static void setInputValues(GeoAlgorithm alg, ProcessletInputs in) throws WrongParameterTypeException,
            NullParameterValueException, ClassNotFoundException, ProcessletException {
        setInputValues(alg, in, null);

     * Commits the input data (all supported types) to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param alg
     *            SEXTANTE {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param paramIndexes
     *            Indexes of input parameters for commit, can be null.
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws NullParameterValueException
     * @throws WrongParameterTypeException
     * @throws ProcessletException
    static void setInputValues(GeoAlgorithm alg, ProcessletInputs in, List<Integer> paramIndexes)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, WrongParameterTypeException, NullParameterValueException,
            ProcessletException {

        // input parameters
        ParametersSet paramSet = alg.getParameters();

        // set all parameters
        if (paramIndexes == null) {
            paramIndexes = new LinkedList<Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < paramSet.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {

        // traverses the input parameters
        for (Integer i : paramIndexes) {

            Parameter param = paramSet.getParameter(i);

            // set the correct input parameter value
            String paramTypeName = param.getParameterTypeName();
            if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.VECTOR_LAYER_INPUT))
                setVectorLayerInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.NUMERICAL_VALUE_INPUT))
                setNumericalValueInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.SELECTION_INPUT))
                setSelectionInputValue(in, param, alg);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.FILEPATH_INPUT))
                setFilepathInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.BOOLEAN_INPUT))
                setBooleanInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.STRING_INPUT))
                setStringInputValue(in, param, alg);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.MULTIPLE_INPUT_INPUT))
                setMultipleInputInputValue(in, param, alg);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.RASTER_LAYER_INPUT))
                setRasterLayerInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.TABLE_FIELD_INPUT))
                setTableFieldInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.POINT_INPUT))
                setPointInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.BAND_INPUT))
                setBandInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.TABLE_INPUT))
                setTableInputValue(in, param);
            else if (paramTypeName.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.FIXED_TABLE_INPUT))
                setFixedTableInputValue(in, param);
            else {
                String message = "'" + paramTypeName + "' is a not supported input parameter type.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

     * Commits the {@link IVectorLayer} input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws UnknownParameterException
     * @throws ProcessletException
    private static void setVectorLayerInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, ProcessletException {
        // input object
        ComplexInput gmlInput = (ComplexInput) in.getParameter(param.getParameterName());

        // create vector layer
        IVectorLayer layer = null;

        GMLType gmlType = FormatHelper.determineGMLType(gmlInput);

        // feature collection input
        if (gmlType.equals(GMLType.FEATURE_COLLECTION)) {
            FeatureCollection coll = readFeatureCollection(gmlInput);
            layer = VectorLayerAdapter.createVectorLayer(coll);
        } else {

            // geometry input
            if (gmlType.equals(GMLType.GEOMETRY)) {
                Geometry geometry = readGeometry(gmlInput);
                layer = VectorLayerAdapter.createVectorLayer(geometry);

            } else {// unknown GMLType
                String message = "The GMLType '" + + "' of schema '" + gmlInput.getSchema()
                        + "' is unknown.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        if (layer != null) {
            // set vector layer


     * Commits the numerical input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setNumericalValueInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LiteralInput literalInput = (LiteralInput) in.getParameter(param.getParameterName());

     * Commits the selection input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setSelectionInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param, GeoAlgorithm alg) {
        LiteralInput literalInput = (LiteralInput) in.getParameter(param.getParameterName());

        // value as string
        String valueAsString = literalInput.getValue();

        // value as integer
        int valueAsInteger = 0;

        // string to integer
        if (org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils.isNumber(valueAsString))
            valueAsInteger = Integer.parseInt(valueAsString);

        // special case of 'vectoraddfield' algorithm
        if (alg.getCommandLineName().equals("vectoraddfield")) {

            String valueAsText;

            if (valueAsInteger == 0)
                valueAsText = "Integer";
            else if (valueAsInteger == 1)
                valueAsText = "Double";
                valueAsText = "String";


        } else {// normal case


     * Commits the filepath input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ComplexInput}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setFilepathInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the boolean input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}
     * @throws ProcessletException
    private static void setBooleanInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) throws ProcessletException {
        LiteralInput literalInput = (LiteralInput) in.getParameter(param.getParameterName());

        String value = literalInput.getValue();

        if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("1"))
        else if (value.equals("false") || value.equals("0"))
        else {
            String message = "Can't identify the value '" + value + "' to true or false.";
            throw new ProcessletException(message);


     * Commits the string input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
     * @throws NullParameterValueException
     * @throws WrongParameterTypeException
    private static void setStringInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param, GeoAlgorithm alg)
            throws WrongParameterTypeException, NullParameterValueException {
        LiteralInput literalInput = (LiteralInput) in.getParameter(param.getParameterName());

        String stringInput = literalInput.getValue();

        // special case of vectorcluster algorithm
        if (alg.getCommandLineName().equals("vectorcluster")) {

            // determine input vector layer if available
            IVectorLayer layer = null;
            ParametersSet params = alg.getParameters();
            for (int i = 0; i < params.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
                Parameter p = params.getParameter(i);
                if (p.getParameterTypeName().equals(SextanteWPSProcess.VECTOR_LAYER_INPUT)) {
                    layer = p.getParameterValueAsVectorLayer();

            // determine input strings in format of getNameWithNamespaceAndPrefix() method
            String[] fNamesInput = stringInput.split(",");
            LinkedList<String> newNames = new LinkedList<String>();
            if (layer != null) {
                if (layer instanceof VectorLayerImpl) {
                    Field[] fields = ((VectorLayerImpl) layer).getFields();
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                        String fNameLayer = fields[i].getQName().getLocalPart();
                        for (int j = 0; j < fNamesInput.length; j++) {
                            if (fNameLayer.equals(fNamesInput[i])) {

            // modify input string
            stringInput = "";
            Iterator<String> itNewNames = newNames.iterator();
            if (itNewNames.hasNext()) {
                stringInput +=;
            while (itNewNames.hasNext()) {
                stringInput += "," +;


     * Commits the multiple input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
     * @param paramSet
     *            Input parameter set of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setMultipleInputInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param, GeoAlgorithm paramSet) {
        LOG.error("Using multiple input input data is not supported.");

     * Commits the raster layer input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            - Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            - Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setRasterLayerInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the table field input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setTableFieldInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the point input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setPointInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the band input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setBandInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the table input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setTableInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Commits the fixed table input data to the {@link GeoAlgorithm} input parameter.
     * @param in
     *            Input data as {@link ProcessletInputs}.
     * @param param
     *            Input parameter of {@link GeoAlgorithm}.
    private static void setFixedTableInputValue(ProcessletInputs in, Parameter param) {
        LOG.error("'" + param.getParameterTypeName()
                + "' a is not supported input parameter type (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this input parameter type

     * Reads the {@link Geometry} from {@link ComplexInput}.
     * @param gmlInput
     *            Input data as {@link ComplexInput}.
     * @return {@link Geometry}
     * @throws ProcessletException
    private static Geometry readGeometry(ComplexInput gmlInput) throws ProcessletException {
        try {

            XMLStreamReader xmlReader = gmlInput.getValueAsXMLStream();
            GMLStreamReader gmlReader = GMLInputFactory
                    .createGMLStreamReader(FormatHelper.determineGMLVersion(gmlInput), xmlReader);

            return gmlReader.readGeometry();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessletException(
                    "Error parsing parameter " + gmlInput.getIdentifier() + ": " + e.getMessage());

     * Reads the {@link FeatureCollection} from {@link ComplexInput}.
     * @param gmlInput
     *            {@link ComplexInput}
     * @return feature collection
     * @throws ProcessletException
    private static FeatureCollection readFeatureCollection(ComplexInput gmlInput) throws ProcessletException {
        try {

            XMLStreamReader xmlReader = gmlInput.getValueAsXMLStream();

            GMLStreamReader gmlReader = GMLInputFactory
                    .createGMLStreamReader(FormatHelper.determineGMLVersion(gmlInput), xmlReader);

            FeatureCollection fc = gmlReader.readFeatureCollection();

            return fc;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessletException(
                    "Error parsing parameter " + gmlInput.getIdentifier() + ": " + e.getMessage());

    static void writeResult(GeoAlgorithm alg, ProcessletOutputs out)
            throws WrongOutputIDException, IteratorException, IllegalArgumentException, ProcessletException,
            InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        writeResult(alg, out, null);

     * Writes the output data (all supported types).
     * @param alg
     *            SEXTANTE {@link GeoAlgorithm}
     * @param out
     *            {@link ProcessletOutputs}
     * @throws WrongOutputIDException
     * @throws ProcessletException
     * @throws IteratorException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     * @throws InstantiationException
    static void writeResult(GeoAlgorithm alg, ProcessletOutputs out, List<Integer> paramIndexes)
            throws WrongOutputIDException, ProcessletException, IteratorException, IllegalArgumentException,
            InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

        OutputObjectsSet outputs = alg.getOutputObjects();

        // write all parameters
        if (paramIndexes == null) {
            paramIndexes = new LinkedList<Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.getOutputObjectsCount(); i++) {

        // traverses the output parameters
        for (Integer i : paramIndexes) {

            // output parameter
            Output param = outputs.getOutput(i);

            // write the correct output type
            String paramTypeDesc = param.getTypeDescription();
            if (paramTypeDesc.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.VECTOR_LAYER_OUTPUT))
                writeVectorLayer(param, out);
            else if (paramTypeDesc.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.RASTER_LAYER_OUTPUT))
                writeRasterLayer(param, out);
            else if (paramTypeDesc.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.TABLE_OUTPUT))
                writeTable(param, out);
            else if (paramTypeDesc.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.TEXT_OUTPUT))
                writeText(param, out);
            else if (paramTypeDesc.equals(SextanteWPSProcess.CHART_OUTPUT))
                writeChart(param, out);
            else {
                String message = "'" + paramTypeDesc + "' is a not supported output parameter type.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);


     * Writes an {@link IVectorLayer}.
     * @param obj
     *            - {@link IVectorLayer} as {@link Output}
     * @param out
     *            - {@link ProcessletOutputs}
     * @throws IteratorException
     * @throws ProcessletException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    private static void writeVectorLayer(Output obj, ProcessletOutputs out) throws IteratorException,
            ProcessletException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        // output object
        IVectorLayer result = (IVectorLayer) obj.getOutputObject();

        ComplexOutput gmlOutput = (ComplexOutput) out.getParameter(obj.getName());

        GMLType gmlType = FormatHelper.determineGMLType(gmlOutput);

        // feature collection output
        if (gmlType.equals(GMLType.FEATURE_COLLECTION)) {
            FeatureCollection fc = VectorLayerAdapter.createFeatureCollection(result);
            writeFeatureCollection(gmlOutput, fc);
        } else {

            // geometry output
            if (gmlType.equals(GMLType.GEOMETRY)) {
                Geometry g = VectorLayerAdapter.createGeometry(result);

                if (g != null) {
                    writeGeometry(gmlOutput, g);
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("The " + gmlOutput.getIdentifier().getCode() + " is an empty collection.");

            } else {// unknown GML type
                String message = "The GMLType '" + + "' of schema '" + gmlOutput.getRequestedSchema()
                        + "' is unknown.";
                throw new ProcessletException(message);

     * Writes an {@link IRasterLayer}.
     * @param obj
     *            - {@link IRasterLayer} as {@link Output}.
     * @param out
     *            - {@link ProcessletOutputs}
    private static void writeRasterLayer(Output obj, ProcessletOutputs out) {
        LOG.error("Writing of '" + obj.getTypeDescription() + "' is not supported (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this output parameter type


     * Writes an {@link ITable}.
     * @param obj
     *            - {@link ITable} as {@link Output}.
     * @param out
     *            - {@link ProcessletOutputs}
    private static void writeTable(Output obj, ProcessletOutputs out) {
        LOG.error("Writing of '" + obj.getTypeDescription() + "' is not supported (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this output parameter type

     * Writes a text.
     * @param obj
     *            - text as {@link Output}.
     * @param out
     *            - {@link ProcessletOutputs}
    private static void writeText(Output obj, ProcessletOutputs out) {
        LOG.error("Writing of '" + obj.getTypeDescription() + "' is not supported (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this output parameter type


     * Writes a chart.
     * @param obj
     *            - chart as {@link Output}.
     * @param out
     *            - {@link ProcessletOutputs}
    private static void writeChart(Output obj, ProcessletOutputs out) {
        LOG.error("Writing of '" + obj.getTypeDescription() + "' is not supported (but is in implementation)");
        // TODO implement this output parameter type

     * Writes a {@link Geometry}.
     * @param gmlOutput
     *            - {@link ComplexOutput}
     * @param geometry
     *            - {@link Geometry}
     * @throws ProcessletException
    private static void writeGeometry(ComplexOutput gmlOutput, Geometry geometry) throws ProcessletException {
        try {

            String gmlSchema = gmlOutput.getRequestedSchema();

            GMLVersion gmlVersion = FormatHelper.determineGMLVersion(gmlOutput);

            String schemaPrefix;
            if (gmlVersion.equals(GMLVersion.GML_32))
                schemaPrefix = " ";
                schemaPrefix = " ";

            SchemaLocationXMLStreamWriter sw = new SchemaLocationXMLStreamWriter(gmlOutput.getXMLStreamWriter(),
                    schemaPrefix + gmlSchema);
            sw.setPrefix("gml", GMLNS);
            GMLStreamWriter gmlWriter = GMLOutputFactory.createGMLStreamWriter(gmlVersion, sw);

            // gmlWriter.setOutputCRS(new CRS( "EPSG:4326" ));


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessletException("Error exporting geometry: " + e.getMessage());

     * Writes a {@link FeatureCollection}.
     * @param gmlOutput
     *            - {@link ComplexOutput}
     * @param coll
     *            - {@link FeatureCollection}
     * @throws ProcessletException
    public static void writeFeatureCollection(ComplexOutput gmlOutput, Feature coll) throws ProcessletException {
        try {

            XMLStreamWriter sw = gmlOutput.getXMLStreamWriter();

            // determine and set namespaces
            HashMap<String, String> namespaces = determinePropertyNamespaces(coll);
            Set<String> namespaceURIs = namespaces.keySet();
            for (String uri : namespaceURIs) {
                sw.setPrefix(namespaces.get(uri), uri);

            // sw.setPrefix( VectorLayerAdapter.APP_PREFIX, VectorLayerAdapter.APP_NS );
            // sw.setPrefix( "gml", CommonNamespaces.GML3_2_NS );
            GMLStreamWriter gmlWriter = GMLOutputFactory
                    .createGMLStreamWriter(FormatHelper.determineGMLVersion(gmlOutput), sw);
            // gmlWriter.setOutputCRS(new CRS( "EPSG:4326" ));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessletException("Error exporting geometry: " + e.getMessage());