Java tutorial
//$Header: /deegreerepository/deegree/resources/eclipse/svn_classfile_header_template.xml,v 1.2 2007/03/06 09:44:09 bezema Exp $ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by: Department of Geography, University of Bonn and lat/lon GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package; import static; import static org.deegree.protocol.wps.WPSConstants.WPS_100_NS; import static org.deegree.protocol.wps.WPSConstants.WPS_PREFIX; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deegree.commons.ows.exception.OWSException; import org.deegree.commons.tom.ows.CodeType; import org.deegree.commons.tom.ows.LanguageString; import org.deegree.commons.utils.Pair; import; import org.deegree.commons.xml.NamespaceBindings; import org.deegree.commons.xml.XMLAdapter; import org.deegree.commons.xml.XMLParsingException; import org.deegree.commons.xml.XPath; import org.deegree.commons.xml.stax.XMLStreamUtils; import org.deegree.cs.exceptions.UnknownCRSException; import org.deegree.cs.persistence.CRSManager; import org.deegree.geometry.Envelope; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deegree.protocol.ows.OWSCommonXMLAdapter; import org.deegree.protocol.wps.WPSConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Parser and validator for incoming WPS <code>Execute</code> XML requests. * <p> * Besides the general syntax, the following aspects are validated during parsing: * <ul> * <li>Process identifier: must refer to a known process <code>p</code></li> * <li>Input parameters: each present input parameter must be defined in the definition of <code>p</code></li> * <li>Output parameters: TBD</li> * </ul> * In case of a detected error, an appropriate {@link OWSException} is thrown. * </p> * * @author <a href="">Alexander Padberg</a> * @author <a href="">Markus Schneider</a> * @author last edited by: $Author: padberg$ * * @version $Revision$, $Date: 08.05.2008 13:53:13$ */ public class ExecuteRequestXMLAdapter extends OWSCommonXMLAdapter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecuteRequestXMLAdapter.class); private static NamespaceBindings nsContext; private static final XMLOutputFactory xmlOutputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); static { nsContext = new NamespaceBindings(XMLAdapter.nsContext); nsContext.addNamespace(OWS_PREFIX, OWS110_NS); nsContext.addNamespace(WPS_PREFIX, WPS_100_NS); xmlOutputFactory.setProperty(IS_REPAIRING_NAMESPACES, true); } private final Map<CodeType, WPSProcess> idToProcess; private final StorageManager storageManager; /** * Creates a new {@link ExecuteRequestXMLAdapter} for parsing execute requests for the submitted processes. * * @param idToProcess * key: process identifier, value: process * @param storageManager */ public ExecuteRequestXMLAdapter(Map<CodeType, WPSProcess> idToProcess, StorageManager storageManager) { this.idToProcess = idToProcess; this.storageManager = storageManager; } /** * Parses the encapsulated WPS 1.0.0 <<code>wps:ExecuteRequest</code>> element. * <p> * Prerequisites (not checked by this method): * <ul> * <li>The name of the encapsulated element is <<code>wps:ExecuteRequest</code>> * (wps="").</li> * <li>The value of the <code>version</code> attribute of the element is <code>1.0.0</code>.</li> * </p> * * @return corresponding <code>ExecuteRequest</code> object * @throws XMLParsingException * if a syntactical or semantical error has been encountered in the request document * @throws OWSException * @throws UnknownCRSException */ public ExecuteRequest parse100() throws OWSException, UnknownCRSException { // "language" attribute (optional) String language = getNodeAsString(rootElement, new XPath("@language", nsContext), null); // "ows:Identifier" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") CodeType identifier = parseRequiredIdentifier(rootElement, new DefaultExceptionCustomizer(null)); WPSProcess process = lookupProcess(identifier); ProcessDefinition processDef = process.getDescription(); ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer = process.getExceptionCustomizer() == null ? new DefaultExceptionCustomizer(null) : process.getExceptionCustomizer(); // "wps:DataInputs" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") ProcessletInputs dataInputs = null; OMElement dataInputsElement = getElement(rootElement, new XPath("wps:DataInputs", nsContext)); if (dataInputsElement != null) { dataInputs = parseDataInputs(dataInputsElement, processDef, eCustomizer); } // "wps:ResponseForm" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") ResponseForm responseForm = null; OMElement responseFormElement = getElement(rootElement, new XPath("wps:ResponseForm", nsContext)); if (responseFormElement != null) { responseForm = parseResponseForm(responseFormElement, processDef, eCustomizer); } return new ExecuteRequest(WPSConstants.VERSION_100, language, processDef, dataInputs, responseForm); } private ProcessletInputs parseDataInputs(OMElement dataInputsElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // key: id of input parameter, value: number of occurences Map<CodeType, Integer> inputIdToCount = new HashMap<CodeType, Integer>(); // "wps:Input" elements (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="unbounded") List<OMElement> inputElements = null; try { inputElements = getRequiredElements(dataInputsElement, new XPath("wps:Input", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.missingParameter(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "Input").toString()); } List<ProcessletInput> inputs = new ArrayList<ProcessletInput>(inputElements.size()); for (OMElement inputElement : inputElements) { ProcessletInput input = parseInput(inputElement, processDef, eCustomizer); inputs.add(input); CodeType inputId = input.getIdentifier(); Integer count = inputIdToCount.get(inputId); if (count == null) { count = 1; } else { count++; } inputIdToCount.put(inputId, count); } // validate cardinalities of present input parameters for (JAXBElement<? extends ProcessletInputDefinition> el : processDef.getInputParameters() .getProcessInput()) { ProcessletInputDefinition inputDef = el.getValue(); CodeType inputId = new CodeType(inputDef.getIdentifier().getValue(), inputDef.getIdentifier().getCodeSpace()); int minOccurs = inputDef.getMinOccurs() != null ? inputDef.getMinOccurs().intValue() : 1; int maxOccurs = inputDef.getMaxOccurs() != null ? inputDef.getMaxOccurs().intValue() : 1; int actualOccurs = inputIdToCount.get(inputId) != null ? inputIdToCount.get(inputId) : 0; if (actualOccurs < minOccurs || actualOccurs > maxOccurs) { throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidOccurrence(inputId, minOccurs, maxOccurs, actualOccurs); } } return new ProcessletInputs(inputs); } private ProcessletInput parseInput(OMElement inputElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // "ows:Identifier" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") CodeType inputId = parseRequiredIdentifier(inputElement, eCustomizer); ProcessletInputDefinition definition = lookupInputDefinition(inputId, processDef, eCustomizer); // "ows:Title" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") LanguageString title = null; OMElement titleElement = inputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OWS110_NS, "Title")); if (titleElement != null) { title = parseLanguageString(titleElement); } // "ows:Abstract" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") LanguageString summary = null; OMElement abstractElement = inputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OWS110_NS, "Abstract")); if (abstractElement != null) { summary = parseLanguageString(abstractElement); } // choice: "wps:Data" or "wps:Reference" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") OMElement dataElement = inputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "Data")); OMElement referenceElement = inputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "Reference")); ProcessletInput input = null; if (dataElement != null && referenceElement == null) { OMElement childElement = dataElement.getFirstElement(); if (childElement == null || !WPS_100_NS.equals(childElement.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI())) { String allowedInputParam = (definition instanceof LiteralInputDefinition) ? wpsElement("LiteralData") : (definition instanceof ComplexInputDefinition) ? wpsElement("ComplexData") : wpsElement("BoundingBoxData"); throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(inputId, allowedInputParam); } String name = childElement.getLocalName(); if (definition instanceof LiteralInputDefinition) { if (!"LiteralData".equals(name)) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(inputId, wpsElement("LiteralInput") + "/" + wpsElement("LiteralData")); } input = parseLiteralInput((LiteralInputDefinition) definition, childElement, title, summary, eCustomizer); } else if (definition instanceof BoundingBoxInputDefinition) { if (!"BoundingBoxData".equals(name)) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(inputId, wpsElement("BoundingBox") + "/" + wpsElement("BoundingBoxData")); } input = parseBoundingBoxData((BoundingBoxInputDefinition) definition, childElement, title, summary, eCustomizer); } else if (definition instanceof ComplexInputDefinition) { if (!"ComplexData".equals(name)) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(inputId, wpsElement("ComplexInput") + "/" + wpsElement("ComplexData")); } input = parseComplexData((ComplexInputDefinition) definition, childElement, title, summary, eCustomizer); } } else if (dataElement == null && referenceElement != null) { if (definition instanceof ComplexInputDefinition) { input = parseInputReference((ComplexInputDefinition) definition, referenceElement, title, summary, eCustomizer); } else { String href = referenceElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(XLN_NS, "href")); Pair<String, String> kvp = new Pair<String, String>(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "Reference").toString(), href); throw eCustomizer.inputEvalutationNotSupported(inputId, kvp, "Reference may only be used with complex data."); } } else if (dataElement != null && referenceElement != null) { throw eCustomizer.mutualExclusive(wpsElement("Data"), wpsElement("Reference")); } else { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameters(inputId, wpsElement("Data"), wpsElement("Reference")); } return input; } private String wpsElement(String elementName) { return new QName(WPS_100_NS, elementName).toString(); } /** * Parses and validates the given <code>wps:LiteralData</code> element as a {@link LiteralInput} object. * <p> * The following "semantical" properties are validated by this method: * <ul> * <li>The specified UOM (unit-of-measure) must be supported according to the given {@link LiteralInputDefinition}. * If it is not specified (uom attribute is missing), the UOM from the definition is assumed.</li> * <li>If the dataType attribute is present, it must have the same value as specified by the * {@link LiteralInputDefinition}.</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param definition * input parameter definition (from process description) * @param literalDataElement * <code>wps:LiteralData</code> element to be parsed * @param title * title for the input parameter (may be null) * @param summary * abstract (narrative description) for the input parameter (may be null) * @param eCustomizer * @return corresponding {@link LiteralInput} object * @throws OWSException * if the element is not valid */ private LiteralInput parseLiteralInput(LiteralInputDefinition definition, OMElement literalDataElement, LanguageString title, LanguageString summary, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { CodeType identifier = getIdentifier(definition); // text value String value = literalDataElement.getText(); // "dataType" attribute (optional) String dataType = literalDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("dataType")); String definedDataType = definition.getDataType() != null ? definition.getDataType().getValue() : dataType; if (dataType != null && !dataType.equals(definedDataType)) { throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidDatatype(identifier, dataType, definedDataType); } // rb: Evaluating the value of the parameter should be done here (if allowed values were defined in the process // description!!!). if (definition.getAllowedValues() != null && !definition.getAllowedValues().getValueOrRange().isEmpty()) { LOG.warn(identifier + ", validating supplied value: " + value + " against the allowed values is not yet implemented."); } // "uom" attribute (optional) String uom = literalDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("uom")); if (uom == null) { // not specified -> use default UOM from parameter definition uom = definition.getDefaultUOM() != null ? definition.getDefaultUOM().getValue() : null; } else { // validate against parameter definition Set<String> supportedUOMs = new HashSet<String>(); if (definition.getDefaultUOM() != null) { supportedUOMs.add(definition.getDefaultUOM().getValue()); for (OtherUOM otherUOM : definition.getOtherUOM()) { supportedUOMs.add(otherUOM.getValue()); } } if (!supportedUOMs.contains(uom)) { throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidParameter(identifier, new Pair<String, String>("@uom", uom)); } } return new LiteralInputImpl(definition, title, summary, value, uom); } /** * Parses and validates the given <code>wps:BoundingBoxData</code> element as a {@link BoundingBoxInput} object. * <p> * This method validates that the specified CRS name is supported according to the input parameter definition. * </p> * * @param definition * input parameter definition (from process description) * @param boundingBoxDataElement * <code>wps:BoundingBoxData</code> element to be parsed * @param title * title for the input parameter (may be null) * @param summary * abstract (narrative description) for the input parameter (may be null) * @param eCustomizer * @return corresponding {@link BoundingBoxInput} object * @throws OWSException * if the element is not valid */ private BoundingBoxInput parseBoundingBoxData(BoundingBoxInputDefinition definition, OMElement boundingBoxDataElement, LanguageString title, LanguageString summary, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // 'crs' attribute (optional) String crs = boundingBoxDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("crs")); if (crs == null) { // not specified -> use default CRS from parameter definition crs = definition.getDefaultCRS(); } else { // validate against parameter definition Set<String> supportedCRS = new HashSet<String>(); supportedCRS.add(definition.getDefaultCRS()); for (String otherCRS : definition.getOtherCRS()) { supportedCRS.add(otherCRS); } if (!supportedCRS.contains(crs)) { throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidParameter(getIdentifier(definition), new Pair<String, String>("@crs", crs)); } } Envelope bbox = parseBoundingBoxType(boundingBoxDataElement, CRSManager.getCRSRef(crs)); return new BoundingBoxInputImpl(definition, title, summary, bbox); } /** * Parses and validates the given <code>wps:ComplexData</code> element as an {@link EmbeddedComplexInput} object. * <p> * The following "semantical" properties are validated by this method: * <ul> * <li>The specified UOM (unit-of-measure) must be supported according to the given {@link LiteralInputDefinition}. * If it is not specified (uom attribute is missing), the UOM from the definition is assumed.</li> * <li>If the dataType attribute is present, it must have the same value as specified by the * {@link LiteralInputDefinition}.</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param definition * input parameter definition (from process description) * @param complexDataElement * <code>wps:ComplexData</code> element to be parsed * @param title * title for the input parameter (may be null) * @param summary * abstract (narrative description) for the input parameter (may be null) * @param eCustomizer * @return corresponding {@link BoundingBoxInput} object * @throws OWSException * if the element is not valid */ private EmbeddedComplexInput parseComplexData(ComplexInputDefinition definition, OMElement complexDataElement, LanguageString title, LanguageString summary, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { ComplexFormatType format = new ComplexFormatType(); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) format.setMimeType(complexDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType"))); // "encoding" attribute (optional) format.setEncoding(complexDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("encoding"))); // "schema" attribute (optional) format.setSchema(complexDataElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("schema"))); format = validateAndAugmentFormat(format, definition, eCustomizer); StreamBufferStore store = storageManager.newInputSink(); LOG.debug("Storing embedded ComplexInput as XML"); XMLStreamReader xmlReader = complexDataElement.getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching(); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = null; try { xmlWriter = xmlOutputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(store); XMLStreamUtils.skipStartDocument(xmlReader); XMLAdapter.writeElement(xmlWriter, xmlReader); } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Unable to extract embedded complex input: " + t.getMessage(); throw new OWSException(msg, OWSException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } finally { try { xmlReader.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // nothing to do } try { xmlWriter.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // nothing to do } IOUtils.closeQuietly(store); } return new EmbeddedComplexInput(definition, title, summary, format, store); } private ReferencedComplexInput parseInputReference(ComplexInputDefinition definition, OMElement referenceElement, LanguageString title, LanguageString summary, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { ComplexFormatType format = new ComplexFormatType(); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) format.setMimeType(referenceElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType"))); // "encoding" attribute (optional) format.setEncoding(referenceElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("encoding"))); // "schema" attribute (optional) format.setSchema(getNodeAsString(referenceElement, new XPath("@schema", nsContext), null)); format = validateAndAugmentFormat(format, definition, eCustomizer); // "xlink:href" attribute (required) URL href = null; try { href = getRequiredNodeAsURL(referenceElement, new XPath("@xlink:href", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("Reference") + "/@xlink:href"); } // "method" attribute (optional) boolean isPost = false; String method = getNodeAsString(referenceElement, new XPath("@method", nsContext), "GET"); if ("GET".equals(method)) { isPost = false; } else if ("POST".equals(method)) { isPost = true; } else { throw eCustomizer.invalidAttributedParameter( new Pair<String, String>(wpsElement("Reference") + "/@method", method)); } // "wps:Header" elements (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded") Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<?> headerIter = referenceElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName("Header", WPS_100_NS)); while (headerIter.hasNext()) { OMElement headerElement = (OMElement); // "key" attribute (required) String key = null; try { key = getRequiredNodeAsString(headerElement, new XPath("@key", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("Header") + "/@key"); } // "value" attribute (required) String value = null; try { value = getRequiredNodeAsString(headerElement, new XPath("@value", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("Header") + "/@value"); } headers.put(key, value); } InputReference inputReference = null; if (!isPost) { // GET -> no further elements required inputReference = new InputReference(href, headers); } else { // POST -> choice: "wps:Body" or "wps:BodyReference" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") OMElement bodyElement = referenceElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "Body")); OMElement bodyReferenceElement = referenceElement .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "BodyReference")); if (bodyElement != null && bodyReferenceElement == null) { inputReference = new InputReference(href, headers, bodyElement); } else if (bodyElement == null && bodyReferenceElement != null) { // "xlink:href" attribute (required) URL bodyURL = null; try { bodyURL = getRequiredNodeAsURL(bodyReferenceElement, new XPath("@xlink:href", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameter(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("BodyReference") + "/@xlink:href"); } inputReference = new InputReference(href, headers, bodyURL); } else if (bodyElement != null && bodyReferenceElement != null) { throw eCustomizer.inputMutualExclusive(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("Body"), wpsElement("BodyReference")); } else { throw eCustomizer.inputMissingParameters(getIdentifier(definition), wpsElement("Body"), wpsElement("BodyReference")); } } return new ReferencedComplexInput(definition, title, summary, format, inputReference); } private CodeType getIdentifier(ProcessletInputDefinition definition) { return new CodeType(definition.getIdentifier().getValue(), definition.getIdentifier().getCodeSpace()); } private ComplexFormatType validateAndAugmentFormat(ComplexFormatType format, ComplexInputDefinition definition, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { LOG.debug("Looking up compatible format ('" + toString(format) + "') in parameter definition."); List<ComplexFormatType> equalMimeType = null; if (format.getMimeType() == null) { // not specified -> assume mime type from default format equalMimeType = Collections.singletonList(definition.getDefaultFormat()); } else { equalMimeType = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); if (format.getMimeType().equals(definition.getDefaultFormat().getMimeType())) { equalMimeType.add(definition.getDefaultFormat()); } for (ComplexFormatType otherFormat : definition.getOtherFormats()) { if (format.getMimeType().equals(otherFormat.getMimeType())) { equalMimeType.add(format); } } } // no matching formats (mime type) found? if (equalMimeType.isEmpty()) { throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidParameter(getIdentifier(definition), new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); } List<ComplexFormatType> equalMimeTypeAndSchema = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); for (ComplexFormatType candidateFormat : equalMimeType) { if (format.getSchema() == null || format.getSchema().equals(candidateFormat.getSchema())) { equalMimeTypeAndSchema.add(candidateFormat); } } // no matching formats (mime type and schema) found? if (equalMimeTypeAndSchema.isEmpty()) { List<Pair<String, String>> combi = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("schema", format.getSchema())); throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidCombination(getIdentifier(definition), combi); } List<ComplexFormatType> matchingFormats = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); for (ComplexFormatType candidateFormat : equalMimeTypeAndSchema) { if (format.getEncoding() == null || format.getEncoding().equals(candidateFormat.getEncoding())) { matchingFormats.add(candidateFormat); } } // no formats with specified mime type, schema and encoding found? if (matchingFormats.isEmpty()) { List<Pair<String, String>> combi = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("schema", format.getSchema())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("encoding", format.getEncoding())); throw eCustomizer.inputInvalidCombination(getIdentifier(definition), combi); } if (matchingFormats.size() > 1) { String msg = "Format specification for complex input parameter '" + getIdentifier(definition) + "' is not unique. Using first match: '" + matchingFormats.get(0) + "'."; LOG.warn(msg); } ComplexFormatType matchingFormat = matchingFormats.get(0); LOG.debug("Augmented format: '" + toString(matchingFormat) + "'"); return matchingFormat; } private ComplexFormatType validateAndAugmentFormat(ComplexFormatType format, ComplexOutputDefinition definition, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { LOG.debug("Looking up compatible format ('" + toString(format) + "') in parameter definition."); List<ComplexFormatType> equalMimeType = null; if (format.getMimeType() == null) { // not specified -> assume mime type from default format equalMimeType = Collections.singletonList(definition.getDefaultFormat()); } else { equalMimeType = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); if (format.getMimeType().equals(definition.getDefaultFormat().getMimeType())) { equalMimeType.add(definition.getDefaultFormat()); } for (ComplexFormatType otherFormat : definition.getOtherFormats()) { if (format.getMimeType().equals(otherFormat.getMimeType())) { equalMimeType.add(format); } } } // no matching formats (mime type) found? if (equalMimeType.isEmpty()) { throw eCustomizer.outputInvalidParameter(getIdentifier(definition), new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); } List<ComplexFormatType> equalMimeTypeAndSchema = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); for (ComplexFormatType candidateFormat : equalMimeType) { if (format.getSchema() == null || format.getSchema().equals(candidateFormat.getSchema())) { equalMimeTypeAndSchema.add(candidateFormat); } } // no matching formats (mime type and schema) found? if (equalMimeTypeAndSchema.isEmpty()) { List<Pair<String, String>> combi = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("schema", format.getSchema())); throw eCustomizer.outputInvalidCombination(getIdentifier(definition), combi); } List<ComplexFormatType> matchingFormats = new LinkedList<ComplexFormatType>(); for (ComplexFormatType candidateFormat : equalMimeTypeAndSchema) { if (format.getEncoding() == null || format.getEncoding().equals(candidateFormat.getEncoding())) { matchingFormats.add(candidateFormat); } } // no formats with specified mime type, schema and encoding found? if (matchingFormats.isEmpty()) { List<Pair<String, String>> combi = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("mimetype", format.getMimeType())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("schema", format.getSchema())); combi.add(new Pair<String, String>("encoding", format.getEncoding())); throw eCustomizer.outputInvalidCombination(getIdentifier(definition), combi); } if (matchingFormats.size() > 1) { String msg = "Format specification for complex output parameter '" + getIdentifier(definition) + "' is not unique. Using first match: '" + matchingFormats.get(0) + "'."; LOG.warn(msg); } ComplexFormatType matchingFormat = matchingFormats.get(0); LOG.debug("Augmented format: '" + toString(matchingFormat) + "'"); return matchingFormat; } private CodeType getIdentifier(ComplexOutputDefinition definition) { return new CodeType(definition.getIdentifier().getValue(), definition.getIdentifier().getCodeSpace()); } private String toString(ComplexFormatType format) { return "mimeType: " + format.getMimeType() + ", encoding: " + format.getEncoding() + ", schema: " + format.getSchema(); } private ResponseForm parseResponseForm(OMElement responseFormElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // choice: "wps:ResponseDocument" or "wps:RawDataOutput" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") OMElement responseDocumentElement = responseFormElement .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "ResponseDocument")); OMElement rawDataOutputElement = responseFormElement .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WPS_100_NS, "RawDataOutput")); ResponseForm responseForm = null; if (responseDocumentElement != null && rawDataOutputElement == null) { responseForm = parseResponseDocument(responseDocumentElement, processDef, eCustomizer); } else if (responseDocumentElement == null && rawDataOutputElement != null) { responseForm = parseRawDataOutput(rawDataOutputElement, processDef, eCustomizer); } else if (responseDocumentElement != null && rawDataOutputElement != null) { throw eCustomizer.mutualExclusive(wpsElement("ResponseDocument"), wpsElement("RawDataOutput")); } else { throw eCustomizer.missingParameters(wpsElement("ResponseDocument"), wpsElement("RawDataOutput")); } return responseForm; } private ResponseDocument parseResponseDocument(OMElement responseDocumentElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // "storeExecuteResponse" attribute (optional) boolean storeExecuteResponse = getNodeAsBoolean(responseDocumentElement, new XPath("@storeExecuteResponse", nsContext), false); // "lineage" attribute (optional) boolean lineage = getNodeAsBoolean(responseDocumentElement, new XPath("@lineage", nsContext), false); // "status" attribute (optional) boolean status = getNodeAsBoolean(responseDocumentElement, new XPath("@status", nsContext), false); // "wps:Output" elements (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="unbounded") List<OMElement> outputElements = null; try { outputElements = getRequiredElements(responseDocumentElement, new XPath("wps:Output", nsContext)); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { throw eCustomizer.missingParameter(wpsElement("ResponseDocument") + "/" + wpsElement("Output")); } List<RequestedOutput> outputDefinitions = new ArrayList<RequestedOutput>(outputElements.size()); for (OMElement outputElement : outputElements) { outputDefinitions.add(parseOutput(outputElement, processDef, eCustomizer)); } return new ResponseDocument(outputDefinitions, storeExecuteResponse, lineage, status); } private RequestedOutput parseOutput(OMElement outputElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // "ows:Identifier" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") CodeType outputId = parseRequiredIdentifier(outputElement, eCustomizer); ProcessletOutputDefinition outputType = lookupOutputDefinition(outputId, processDef, eCustomizer); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) String mimeType = outputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType")); if (mimeType == null) { if (outputType instanceof ComplexOutputDefinition) { mimeType = ((ComplexOutputDefinition) outputType).getDefaultFormat().getMimeType(); } } ComplexFormatType format = new ComplexFormatType(); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) format.setMimeType(outputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType"))); // "encoding" attribute (optional) format.setEncoding(outputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("encoding"))); // "schema" attribute (optional) format.setSchema(outputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("schema"))); if (outputType instanceof ComplexOutputDefinition) { format = validateAndAugmentFormat(format, (ComplexOutputDefinition) outputType, eCustomizer); } // "uom" attribute (optional) // TODO validate against offered uoms String uom = outputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("uom")); // "asReference" attribute (optional) boolean asReference = getNodeAsBoolean(outputElement, new XPath("@asReference", nsContext), false); LOG.debug("attribute 'asReference': " + asReference); // "ows:Title" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") LanguageString title = null; OMElement titleElement = outputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OWS110_NS, "Title")); if (titleElement != null) { title = parseLanguageString(titleElement); } // "ows:Abstract" element (minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="1") LanguageString summary = null; OMElement abstractElement = outputElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OWS110_NS, "Abstract")); if (abstractElement != null) { summary = parseLanguageString(abstractElement); } return new RequestedOutput(outputType, asReference, format.getMimeType(), format.getEncoding(), format.getSchema(), uom, title, summary); } private RawDataOutput parseRawDataOutput(OMElement rawDataOutputElement, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { // "ows:Identifier" element (minOccurs="1", maxOccurs="1") CodeType identifier = parseRequiredIdentifier(rawDataOutputElement, eCustomizer); ProcessletOutputDefinition outputType = lookupOutputDefinition(identifier, processDef, eCustomizer); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) String mimeType = rawDataOutputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType")); if (mimeType == null) { if (outputType instanceof ComplexOutputDefinition) { LOG.debug("No mime type specified. Defaulting to '" + ((ComplexOutputDefinition) outputType).getDefaultFormat().getMimeType() + "'"); mimeType = ((ComplexOutputDefinition) outputType).getDefaultFormat().getMimeType(); } } ComplexFormatType format = new ComplexFormatType(); // "mimeType" attribute (optional) format.setMimeType(rawDataOutputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("mimeType"))); // "encoding" attribute (optional) format.setEncoding(rawDataOutputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("encoding"))); // "schema" attribute (optional) format.setSchema(rawDataOutputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("schema"))); if (outputType instanceof ComplexOutputDefinition) { format = validateAndAugmentFormat(format, (ComplexOutputDefinition) outputType, eCustomizer); } // "uom" attribute (optional) String uom = rawDataOutputElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("uom")); RequestedOutput requestedOutput = new RequestedOutput(outputType, false, format.getMimeType(), format.getEncoding(), format.getSchema(), uom, null, null); return new RawDataOutput(requestedOutput); } private LanguageString parseLanguageString(OMElement languageStringElement) { // "xml:lang" attribute (optional) String lang = languageStringElement .getAttributeValue(new QName("", "lang")); // text value String value = languageStringElement.getText(); return new LanguageString(value, lang); } private WPSProcess lookupProcess(CodeType identifier) throws OWSException { WPSProcess process = idToProcess.get(identifier); if (process == null) { String msg = "No process with identifier '" + identifier + "' is known to the WPS."; throw new OWSException(msg, OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "ows:Identifier"); } return process; } private ProcessletInputDefinition lookupInputDefinition(CodeType identifier, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { LOG.trace("Looking up input type: " + identifier); ProcessletInputDefinition inputType = null; InputParameters inputParams = processDef.getInputParameters(); if (inputParams != null) { for (JAXBElement<? extends ProcessletInputDefinition> el : inputParams.getProcessInput()) { LOG.trace("Defined input type: " + el.getValue().getIdentifier().getValue()); inputId = el.getValue().getIdentifier(); if (equals(identifier, inputId)) { inputType = el.getValue(); } } } if (inputType == null) { throw eCustomizer.inputNoSuchParameter(identifier); } return inputType; } private ProcessletOutputDefinition lookupOutputDefinition(CodeType identifier, ProcessDefinition processDef, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { ProcessletOutputDefinition outputType = null; OutputParameters outputParams = processDef.getOutputParameters(); if (outputParams != null) { for (JAXBElement<? extends ProcessletOutputDefinition> el : outputParams.getProcessOutput()) { outputId = el.getValue().getIdentifier(); if (equals(identifier, outputId)) { outputType = el.getValue(); } } } if (outputType == null) { throw eCustomizer.outputNoSuchParameter(identifier); } return outputType; } private static boolean equals(CodeType codeType, codeType2) { if (codeType2.getValue().equals(codeType.getCode())) { if (codeType2.getCodeSpace() == null) { return codeType.getCodeSpace() == null; } return codeType2.getCodeSpace().equals(codeType.getCodeSpace()); } return false; } private CodeType parseRequiredIdentifier(OMElement el, ExceptionCustomizer eCustomizer) throws OWSException { OMElement codeTypeElement = el.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OWS110_NS, "Identifier")); if (codeTypeElement == null) { throw eCustomizer.missingParameter(el.getLocalName() + "/" + new QName(OWS110_NS, "Identifier")); } // "codeSpace" attribute (optional) String codeSpace = codeTypeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("codeSpace")); // text value String value = codeTypeElement.getText(); return new CodeType(value, codeSpace); } }