Java tutorial
//$HeadURL$ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by: Department of Geography, University of Bonn and lat/lon GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package; import static; import static org.deegree.commons.ows.exception.OWSException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE; import static org.deegree.protocol.wcs.WCSConstants.VERSION_100; import static org.deegree.protocol.wcs.WCSConstants.WCS_100_NS; import static; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.deegree.commons.ows.exception.OWSException; import org.deegree.commons.tom.ows.Version; import org.deegree.commons.utils.kvp.KVPUtils; import org.deegree.commons.utils.kvp.MissingParameterException; import org.deegree.commons.xml.NamespaceBindings; import org.deegree.commons.xml.XMLAdapter; import org.deegree.commons.xml.stax.IndentingXMLStreamWriter; import org.deegree.coverage.rangeset.AxisSubset; import org.deegree.coverage.rangeset.RangeSet; import org.deegree.coverage.raster.interpolation.InterpolationType; import org.deegree.cs.coordinatesystems.ICRS; import org.deegree.geometry.Envelope; import org.deegree.protocol.ows.getcapabilities.GetCapabilities; import org.deegree.protocol.wcs.WCSConstants; import org.deegree.protocol.wcs.WCSConstants.WCSRequestType; import org.deegree.protocol.wcs.WCServiceException; import org.deegree.protocol.wcs.capabilities.GetCapabilities100KVPAdapter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deegree.workspace.ResourceInitException; import org.deegree.workspace.ResourceMetadata; import org.deegree.workspace.Workspace; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Implementation of the <a href="">OpenGIS Web Coverage Service</a> server * protocol. * * @author <a href="">Oliver Tonnhofer</a> * @author last edited by: $Author$ * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class WCSController extends AbstractOWS { private static int UPDATE_SEQUENCE = -1; private static final String COVERAGE_NOT_DEFINED = "CoverageNotDefined"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WCSController.class); private WCService wcsService; private List<String> allowedOperations = new LinkedList<String>(); private ServiceIdentificationType identification; private ServiceProviderType provider; private DeegreeServiceControllerType mainControllerConf; private DeegreeServicesMetadataType mainMetadataConf; private static final String CONFIG_PRE = "dwcs"; private static final String CONFIG_NS = ""; public WCSController(ResourceMetadata<OWS> metadata, Workspace workspace, Object jaxbConfig) { super(metadata, workspace, jaxbConfig); } @Override public void init(DeegreeServicesMetadataType serviceMetadata, DeegreeServiceControllerType mainConf, Object controllerConf) {"Initializing WCS."); UPDATE_SEQUENCE++; DeegreeWCS cfg = (DeegreeWCS) controllerConf; NamespaceBindings nsContext = new NamespaceBindings(); nsContext.addNamespace(WCSConstants.WCS_100_PRE, WCS_100_NS); nsContext.addNamespace(WCSConstants.WCS_110_PRE, WCSConstants.WCS_110_NS); nsContext.addNamespace(CONFIG_PRE, CONFIG_NS); this.wcsService = new WCServiceBuilder(workspace, getMetadata()).buildService(); PublishedInformation publishedInformation = cfg.getPublishedInformation(); parsePublishedInformation(publishedInformation, nsContext); syncWithMainController(publishedInformation, serviceMetadata); validateAndSetOfferedVersions(publishedInformation.getSupportedVersions().getVersion()); mainControllerConf = mainConf; mainMetadataConf = serviceMetadata; } /** * sets the identification to the main controller or it will be synchronized with the maincontroller. sets the * provider to the provider of the configured main controller or it will be synchronized with it's values. * * @param publishedInformation */ private void syncWithMainController(PublishedInformation publishedInformation, DeegreeServicesMetadataType mainMetadataConf) { identification = mainMetadataConf.getServiceIdentification(); provider = mainMetadataConf.getServiceProvider(); } @Override public void destroy() { // *Kaaboooom!* } private void parsePublishedInformation(PublishedInformation pubInf, NamespaceBindings nsContext) throws ResourceInitException { if (pubInf != null) { // mandatory allowedOperations.add(; AllowedOperations configuredOperations = pubInf.getAllowedOperations(); if (configuredOperations != null) { // if ( configuredOperations.getDescribeCoverage() != null ) { // if // }"WCS specification implies support for all three operations."); } allowedOperations.add(; allowedOperations.add(; } } @Override public void doKVP(Map<String, String> param, HttpServletRequest request, HttpResponseBuffer response, List<FileItem> multiParts) throws ServletException, IOException { try { checkRequiredKeys(param); WCSRequestType requestType = getRequestType(param); LOG.debug("Handling {} request: {}", requestType, param); switch (requestType) { case GetCoverage: GetCoverage coverageReq = GetCoverage100KVPAdapter.parse(param); doGetCoverage(coverageReq, response); break; case GetCapabilities: GetCapabilities capabilitiesReq = GetCapabilities100KVPAdapter.parse(param); doGetCapabilities(capabilitiesReq, request, response); break; case DescribeCoverage: DescribeCoverage describeReq = DescribeCoverage100KVPAdapter.parse(param); doDescribeCoverage(describeReq, response); break; } } catch (MissingParameterException e) { sendServiceException(new OWSException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), OWSException.MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE), response); } catch (OWSException ex) { sendServiceException(ex, response); } catch (Throwable e) { sendServiceException( new OWSException("an error occured while processing a request", NO_APPLICABLE_CODE), response); } } @Override public void doXML(XMLStreamReader xmlStream, HttpServletRequest request, HttpResponseBuffer response, List<FileItem> multiParts) throws ServletException, IOException { try { XMLAdapter requestDoc = new XMLAdapter(xmlStream); OMElement rootElement = requestDoc.getRootElement(); String rootName = rootElement.getLocalName(); switch (IMPLEMENTATION_METADATA.getRequestTypeByName(rootName)) { case GetCapabilities: GetCapabilities100XMLAdapter capa = new GetCapabilities100XMLAdapter(rootElement); doGetCapabilities(capa.parse(), request, response); break; case DescribeCoverage: DescribeCoverage100XMLAdapter describe = new DescribeCoverage100XMLAdapter(rootElement); doDescribeCoverage(describe.parse(), response); break; case GetCoverage: GetCoverage100XMLAdapter getCoverage = new GetCoverage100XMLAdapter(rootElement); doGetCoverage(getCoverage.parse(), response); break; } } catch (OWSException ex) { sendServiceException(ex, response); } catch (Throwable e) { sendServiceException( new OWSException("an error occured while processing a request", NO_APPLICABLE_CODE), response); } } private void doGetCoverage(GetCoverage coverageReq, HttpResponseBuffer response) throws IOException, OWSException { if (wcsService.hasCoverage(coverageReq.getCoverage())) { WCSCoverage coverage = wcsService.getCoverage(coverageReq.getCoverage()); if (coverageReq.getVersion().equals(WCSConstants.VERSION_100)) { // do wcs 1.0.0 specific request checking. if (coverageReq.getRangeSet() != null && coverage.getRangeSet() != null) { checkRangeSet(coverage.getRangeSet(), coverageReq.getRangeSet()); } } testIntersectingBBox(coverage, coverageReq); checkOutputOptions(coverageReq, coverage.getCoverageOptions()); response.setContentType("image/" + coverageReq.getOutputFormat()); CoverageResult result; try { result = coverage.getCoverageResult(coverageReq.getRequestEnvelope(), coverageReq.getOutputGrid(), coverageReq.getOutputFormat(), coverageReq.getInterpolation(), coverageReq.getRangeSet()); } catch (WCServiceException e) { throw new OWSException("An error occured while creating the coverage result: " + e.getMessage(), NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } result.write(response.getOutputStream()); } else { throw new OWSException("The coverage " + coverageReq.getCoverage() + " is invalid", COVERAGE_NOT_DEFINED, "offering"); } } /** * Tests if the requested bbox intersects with the bbox of the coverage, if not, an exception must be thrown. * * @param coverage * from the {@link WCService} * @param coverageReq * requested. * @throws OWSException */ private static void testIntersectingBBox(WCSCoverage coverage, GetCoverage coverageReq) throws OWSException { Envelope rEnv = coverageReq.getRequestEnvelope(); if (rEnv != null) { ICRS crs = rEnv.getCoordinateSystem(); boolean intersects = true; if (crs == null) { // test against the default crs. intersects = rEnv.intersects(coverage.getEnvelope()); } else { Iterator<Envelope> it = coverage.responseEnvelopes.iterator(); Envelope defEnv = null; while (it.hasNext() && defEnv == null) { Envelope e =; if (e != null) { ICRS eCRS = e.getCoordinateSystem(); if (crs.equals(eCRS)) { defEnv = e; } } } if (defEnv == null) { defEnv = coverage.getEnvelope(); } intersects = rEnv.intersects(defEnv); } if (!intersects) { throw new OWSException("Given is outside the bbox of the coverage.", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE); } } } private static void checkRangeSet(RangeSet configuredRangeSet, RangeSet requestedRangeSet) throws OWSException { List<AxisSubset> reqAxis = requestedRangeSet.getAxisDescriptions(); for (AxisSubset ras : reqAxis) { if (ras.getName() != null) { boolean hasMatch = false; Iterator<AxisSubset> it = configuredRangeSet.getAxisDescriptions().iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && !hasMatch) { AxisSubset as =; if (as.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ras.getName())) { boolean match = false; try { match = ras.match(as, true); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new OWSException("Following rangeset: " + ras.getName() + " has an AxisDescriptions requesting a value which is not valid for the requested coverage", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE); } if (!match) { throw new OWSException("Following rangeset: " + ras.getName() + " has an AxisDescriptions requesting a value which is not valid for the requested coverage", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE); } } } } } } private static void checkOutputOptions(GetCoverage request, CoverageOptions options) throws OWSException { boolean supported; String outputFormat = request.getOutputFormat(); supported = options.getOutputFormats().contains(outputFormat); if (!supported) { // check for geotiff if (outputFormat == null || !"geotiff".equals(outputFormat.toLowerCase())) { throw new OWSException("Unsupported output format (" + outputFormat + ")", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "FORMAT"); } } String interpolation = request.getInterpolation(); try { supported = options.getInterpolations().contains(InterpolationType.fromString(interpolation)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OWSException("Unsupported interpolation (" + interpolation + ")", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "INTERPOLATION"); } String crs = request.getOutputCRS(); supported = options.getCRSs().contains(crs); if (!supported) { throw new OWSException("unsupported response crs (" + crs + ")", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "RESPONSE CRS"); } } private void doDescribeCoverage(DescribeCoverage describeReq, HttpResponseBuffer response) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, OWSException { response.setContentType("text/xml"); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = getXMLStreamWriter(response.getWriter()); List<WCSCoverage> coverages = new LinkedList<WCSCoverage>(); if (describeReq.getCoverages().size() == 0) { // return all coverages = wcsService.getAllCoverages(); } else { for (String reqCoverage : describeReq.getCoverages()) { if (wcsService.hasCoverage(reqCoverage)) { coverages.add(wcsService.getCoverage(reqCoverage)); } else { throw new OWSException("Unknown coverage " + reqCoverage, COVERAGE_NOT_DEFINED, "coverage"); } } } CoverageDescription100XMLAdapter.export(xmlWriter, coverages, UPDATE_SEQUENCE); xmlWriter.flush(); } private void doGetCapabilities(GetCapabilities request, HttpServletRequest requestWrapper, HttpResponseBuffer response) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, OWSException { Set<Sections> sections = getSections(request); Version negotiateVersion = negotiateVersion(request); // if update sequence is given and matches the given update sequence an error should occur // if (negotiateVersion.equals(VERSION_100)) { String updateSeq = request.getUpdateSequence(); int requestedUS = UPDATE_SEQUENCE - 1; try { requestedUS = Integer.parseInt(updateSeq); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing to do, just ignore it. } if (requestedUS == UPDATE_SEQUENCE) { throw new OWSException("Update sequence may not be equal than server's current update sequence.",; } else if (requestedUS > UPDATE_SEQUENCE) { throw new OWSException("Update sequence may not be higher than server's current update sequence.",; } } XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); factory.setProperty(IS_REPAIRING_NAMESPACES, true); response.setContentType("text/xml"); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = getXMLStreamWriter(response.getWriter()); if (negotiateVersion.equals(VERSION_100)) { Capabilities100XMLAdapter.export(xmlWriter, request, identification, provider, allowedOperations, sections, wcsService.getAllCoverages(), mainMetadataConf, mainControllerConf, xmlWriter, UPDATE_SEQUENCE); } else { // the 1.1.0 } xmlWriter.writeEndDocument(); xmlWriter.flush(); } private static Set<Sections> getSections(GetCapabilities capabilitiesReq) { Set<String> sections = capabilitiesReq.getSections(); Set<Sections> result = new HashSet<Sections>(); if (!(sections.isEmpty() || sections.contains("/"))) { final int length = "/WCS_Capabilities/".length(); for (String section : sections) { if (section.startsWith("/WCS_Capabilities/")) { section = section.substring(length); } try { result.add(Sections.valueOf(section)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // unknown section name // the spec does not say what to do, so we ignore it } } } return result; } private void sendServiceException(OWSException ex, HttpResponseBuffer response) throws ServletException { sendException(null, new WCS100ServiceExceptionReportSerializer(), ex, response); } private void checkRequiredKeys(Map<String, String> param) throws OWSException { try { ImplementationMetadata<?> imd = ((OWSProvider) getMetadata().getProvider()).getImplementationMetadata(); String service = KVPUtils.getRequired(param, "SERVICE"); if (!"WCS".equalsIgnoreCase(service)) { throw new OWSException("SERVICE " + service + " is not supported", OWSException.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "SERVICE"); } String request = KVPUtils.getRequired(param, "REQUEST"); if (!imd.getHandledRequests().contains(request)) { throw new OWSException("REQUEST " + request + " is not supported", OWSException.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "REQUEST"); } String version; if (imd.getRequestTypeByName(request) != WCSRequestType.GetCapabilities) { // no version required version = KVPUtils.getRequired(param, "VERSION"); if (version != null && !offeredVersions.contains(Version.parseVersion(version))) { throw new OWSException("VERSION " + version + " is not supported", OWSException.VERSION_NEGOTIATION_FAILED, "VERSION"); } } } catch (MissingParameterException e) { throw new OWSException(e.getMessage(), OWSException.MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE); } } private WCSRequestType getRequestType(Map<String, String> param) throws OWSException { try { String requestName = KVPUtils.getRequired(param, "REQUEST"); return WCSProvider.IMPLEMENTATION_METADATA.getRequestTypeByName(requestName); } catch (MissingParameterException e) { throw new OWSException(e.getMessage(), OWSException.MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE); } } private static XMLStreamWriter getXMLStreamWriter(Writer writer) throws XMLStreamException { XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); return new IndentingXMLStreamWriter(factory.createXMLStreamWriter(writer)); } @Override public XMLExceptionSerializer getExceptionSerializer(Version requestVersion) { return new WCS100ServiceExceptionReportSerializer(); } }