Java tutorial
//$HeadURL$ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by: - Department of Geography, University of Bonn and - lat/lon GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.deegree.portal.context; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.deegree.datatypes.QualifiedName; import org.deegree.enterprise.WebUtils; import org.deegree.framework.log.ILogger; import org.deegree.framework.log.LoggerFactory; import org.deegree.framework.util.Parameter; import org.deegree.framework.util.ParameterList; import org.deegree.framework.util.StringTools; import org.deegree.framework.xml.ElementList; import org.deegree.framework.xml.NamespaceContext; import org.deegree.framework.xml.XMLFragment; import org.deegree.framework.xml.XMLParsingException; import org.deegree.framework.xml.XMLTools; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115.Address; import org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115.CitedResponsibleParty; import org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115.ContactInfo; import org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115.Phone; import org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115.RoleCode; import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.GeometryFactory; import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Point; import org.deegree.ogcbase.BaseURL; import org.deegree.ogcbase.CommonNamespaces; import org.deegree.ogcbase.ImageURL; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.OWSUtils; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities.MetadataURL; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities.OGCCapabilities; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities.OGCCapabilitiesDocument; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcapabilities.WCSCapabilities; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcapabilities.WCSCapabilitiesDocument; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilities; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilitiesDocument; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.LegendURL; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilitiesDocument; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilitiesDocumentFactory; import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.operation.GetLegendGraphic; import org.deegree.owscommon_new.HTTP; import org.deegree.owscommon_new.Operation; import org.deegree.owscommon_new.OperationsMetadata; import; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Factory class for creating an instance of a web map Context (<tt>ViewContext</tt>). The factory is able to parse * deegree specific extensions (General and Layer) as well as standard web map context documents. * * @author <a href="">Andreas Poth</a> * @author last edited by: $Author$ * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class WebMapContextFactory { private static final ILogger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebMapContextFactory.class); /** * Caching the wms capabilities. Key is the wms address (URL), value is the WMSCapabilities. */ private static Map<URL, WMSCapabilities> wmsCache = new HashMap<URL, WMSCapabilities>(); private static Map<URL, WFSCapabilities> wfsCache = new HashMap<URL, WFSCapabilities>(); private static Map<URL, WCSCapabilities> wcsCache = new HashMap<URL, WCSCapabilities>(); /** * creates an instance of a ViewContext from the web map context document read from the passed URL * * @param url * @param user * @param sessionID * @return new ViewContext for web map context document from <code>url</code> * @throws IOException * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws ContextException * @throws SAXException * @throws UnknownCRSException */ public synchronized static ViewContext createViewContext(URL url, User user, String sessionID) throws IOException, XMLParsingException, ContextException, SAXException, UnknownCRSException { // cache have to be cleared because contained capabilities may has been // requested with other user identification wmsCache.clear(); XMLFragment xml = new XMLFragment(url); return createViewContext(xml, user, sessionID); } /** * @param xml * @param user * @param sessionID * @return new ViewContext for web map context document from <code>xml</code> * @throws IOException * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws ContextException * @throws UnknownCRSException * @throws SAXException */ public synchronized static ViewContext createViewContext(XMLFragment xml, User user, String sessionID) throws IOException, XMLParsingException, ContextException, UnknownCRSException, SAXException { // general section Element element = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("General", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, xml.getRootElement()); General general = createGeneral(element, xml); // Layer (List) section element = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("LayerList", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, xml.getRootElement()); final LayerList layerList = createLayerList(element, user, sessionID); GeneralExtension ge = general.getExtension(); MapModel mapModel = ge.getMapModel(); if (mapModel != null) { // WMC layers assigned to MapModel layers just can be set after WMC layer // list has been parsed try { mapModel.walkLayerTree(new MapModelVisitor() { public void visit(LayerGroup layerGroup) throws Exception { } public void visit(MMLayer layer) throws Exception { Layer[] layers = layerList.getLayers(); for (Layer layer2 : layers) { if (layer.getIdentifier().equals(layer2.getExtension().getIdentifier())) { layer.setLayer(layer2); break; } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ViewContext vc = new ViewContext(general, layerList); return vc; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the general context informations * * @param element * <General> * @param xml * * @return instance of <tt>General</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws UnknownCRSException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private static General createGeneral(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, UnknownCRSException, IOException, SAXException { // <Window> Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Window", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Rectangle rect = createWindow(elem); // <BoundingBox> elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("BoundingBox", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Point[] bbox = createBoundingBox(elem); // <Title> String title = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Title", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // <KeywordList> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("KeywordList", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String[] keywords = createKeywords(elem); // <Abstract> String abstract_ = XMLTools.getStringValue("Abstract", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); // <LogoURL> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("LogoURL", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); ImageURL logoURL = createImageURL(elem); // <DescriptionURL> // elem = XMLTools.getChildElement( "DescriptionURL", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element ); elem = XMLTools.getRequiredElement(element, CommonNamespaces.CNTXT_PREFIX + ":DescriptionURL", CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext()); BaseURL descriptionURL = createBaseURL(elem); // <ContactInformation> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("ContactInformation", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); CitedResponsibleParty contact = createContactInformation(elem); // <Extension> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Extension", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); GeneralExtension extension = createGeneralExtension(elem, xml); General general = null; try { general = new General(title, abstract_, rect, contact, bbox, descriptionURL, logoURL, keywords, extension); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException(e.getMessage(), e); } return general; } /** * creates a <tt>Rectangle<tt> (Window) instance from the passed Element. * * @param element * <Window> * * @return instance of <tt>Rectangle</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Rectangle createWindow(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { Rectangle rect = null; if (element != null) { String tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("width", null, element); int width = Integer.parseInt(tmp); tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("height", null, element); int height = Integer.parseInt(tmp); rect = new Rectangle(width, height); } return rect; } /** * creates a <tt>Envelope </tt> from the passed Element * * @param element * <BoundingBox> * * @return instance of <tt>Envelope</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws UnknownCRSException */ private static Point[] createBoundingBox(Element element) throws XMLParsingException, UnknownCRSException { String srs = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("SRS", null, element); CoordinateSystem crs = CRSFactory.create(srs); String tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("minx", null, element); double minx = Double.parseDouble(tmp); tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("miny", null, element); double miny = Double.parseDouble(tmp); tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("maxx", null, element); double maxx = Double.parseDouble(tmp); tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("maxy", null, element); double maxy = Double.parseDouble(tmp); Point[] points = new Point[2]; points[0] = GeometryFactory.createPoint(minx, miny, crs); points[1] = GeometryFactory.createPoint(maxx, maxy, crs); return points; } /** * creates an array of keywords (String) from the passed Keyword list * * @param element * <KeywordList> * * @return array of Strings * */ private static String[] createKeywords(Element element) { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Keyword", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String[] keywords = new String[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { keywords[i] = XMLTools.getStringValue(el.item(i)); } return keywords; } /** * creates an instance of an ImageURL that is used for <LogoURL> and LegendURL * * @param element * <LogoURL> or <LegendURL> * * @return instance of <tt>ImageURL</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static ImageURL createImageURL(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { ImageURL imageURL = null; if (element != null) { String tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "width", null); int width = -1; if (tmp != null) { width = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "height", null); int height = -1; if (tmp != null) { height = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } String format = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "format", null); Element elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); URL onlineResource = createOnlineResource(elem); imageURL = new ImageURL(width, height, format, onlineResource); } return imageURL; } /** * creates an instance of an URL described by a <OnlineResource> element * * @param element * <OnlineResource> * * @return instance of <tt>URL</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static URL createOnlineResource(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { URL onlineResource = null; if (element != null) { String type = element.getAttributeNS(CommonNamespaces.XLNNS.toASCIIString(), "type"); if ((type != null) && !"".equals(type) && !type.equals("simple")) { throw new XMLParsingException("unknown type of online resource: " + type); } String tmp = element.getAttributeNS(CommonNamespaces.XLNNS.toASCIIString(), "href"); if (!isImageURL(tmp)) { tmp = OWSUtils.validateHTTPGetBaseURL(tmp); } try { onlineResource = new URL(tmp); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new XMLParsingException("couldn't create online resource", e); } } return onlineResource; } /** * @param tmp * @return */ private static boolean isImageURL(String tmp) { String s = tmp.toLowerCase(); return s.endsWith(".gif") || s.endsWith(".png") || s.endsWith(".jpg") || s.endsWith(".jpeg") || s.endsWith(".tif") || s.endsWith(".tiff") || s.endsWith(".bmp"); } /** * creates an instance of BaseURL that is used for <DescriptionURL> * * @param element * <DescriptionURL> * @return instance of <tt>BaseURL</tt>, or null, if the passed element is null * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static BaseURL createBaseURL(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { BaseURL baseURL = null; if (element != null) { String format = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "format", null); Element elem = XMLTools.getElement(element, CommonNamespaces.CNTXT_PREFIX + ":OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext()); URL onlineResource = createOnlineResource(elem); baseURL = new BaseURL(format, onlineResource); } return baseURL; } /** * Creates a <tt>ContactInformation</tt>-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given * 'ContactInformation'-<tt>Element</tt>. * <p> * * @param element * the 'ContactInformation'-<tt>Element</tt> * @throws XMLParsingException * if a syntactic or semantic error in the DOM-subtree is encountered * @return the constructed <tt>ContactInformation</tt>-instance */ private static CitedResponsibleParty createContactInformation(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { CitedResponsibleParty contact = null; if (element != null) { // optional: <ContactPersonPrimary> Element contactPersonPrimaryElement = XMLTools.getChildElement("ContactPersonPrimary", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String contactPerson = null; String contactOrganization = null; if (contactPersonPrimaryElement != null) { // required: <ContactPerson> contactPerson = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("ContactPerson", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, contactPersonPrimaryElement); // required: <ContactOrganization> contactOrganization = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("ContactOrganization", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, contactPersonPrimaryElement); } // optional: <ContactPosition> String contactPosition = XMLTools.getStringValue("ContactPosition", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); // optional: <ContactAddress> Address contactAddress = null; Element contactAddressElement = XMLTools.getChildElement("ContactAddress", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); if (contactAddressElement != null) { // optional: <ContactElectronicMailAddress> String eMailAddress = XMLTools.getStringValue("ContactElectronicMailAddress", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); contactAddress = createContactAddress(eMailAddress, contactAddressElement); } // optional: <ContactVoiceTelephone> String voice = XMLTools.getStringValue("ContactVoiceTelephone", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); // optional: <ContactFacsimileTelephone> String fax = XMLTools.getStringValue("ContactFacsimileTelephone", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); Phone phone = new Phone(new String[] { fax }, new String[] { voice }); ContactInfo ci = new ContactInfo(contactAddress, null, null, null, phone); contact = new CitedResponsibleParty(new ContactInfo[] { ci }, new String[] { contactPerson }, new String[] { contactOrganization }, new String[] { contactPosition }, new RoleCode[0]); } return contact; } /** * Creates a <tt>ContactAddress</tt>-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given * 'ContactAddress'-<tt>Element</tt>. * <p> * * @param element * the 'ContactAddress'-<tt>Element</tt> * @throws XMLParsingException * if a syntactic or semantic error in the DOM-subtree is encountered * @return the constructed <tt>ContactAddress</tt>-instance */ private static Address createContactAddress(String eMail, Element element) throws XMLParsingException { // required: <AddressType> /* * String addressType = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue( "AddressType", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element ); */ // required: <Address> String address = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Address", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // required: <City> String city = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("City", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // required: <StateOrProvince> String stateOrProvince = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("StateOrProvince", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // required: <PostCode> String postCode = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("PostCode", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // required: <Country> String country = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Country", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); return new Address(stateOrProvince, city, country, new String[] { address }, new String[] { eMail }, postCode); } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the deegree specific extensions of the general section of a web map * context document * * @param element * <Extension> * @param xml * * @return instance of <tt>GeneralExtension</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private static GeneralExtension createGeneralExtension(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, IOException, SAXException { GeneralExtension ge = null; if (element != null) { // retunrs the current mode of a client using a WMC String mode = XMLTools.getStringValue("Mode", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, "ZOOMIN"); // <AuthentificationSettings> Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("AuthentificationSettings", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); AuthentificationSettings authSettings = null; if (elem != null) { authSettings = createAuthentificationSettings(elem); } // <IOSetiings> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("IOSettings", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); IOSettings ioSettings = null; if (elem != null) { ioSettings = createIOSettings(elem, xml); } // <Frontend> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Frontend", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); Frontend frontend = null; if (elem != null) { frontend = createFrontend(elem, xml); } // <MapParameter> elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("MapParameter", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); MapParameter mapParameter = createMapParameter(elem); // <LayerTree> old version elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("LayerTree", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); Node layerTreeRoot = null; if (elem != null) { Element nodeElem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("Node", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, elem); layerTreeRoot = createNode(nodeElem, null); } else { try { layerTreeRoot = new Node(0, null, "root", false, false); Node[] nodes = new Node[] { new Node(1, layerTreeRoot, "deegree", false, false) }; layerTreeRoot.setNodes(nodes); } catch (ContextException e) { throw new XMLParsingException("couldn't create layertree node", e); } } elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("MapModel", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); MapModel mapModel = null; if (elem != null) { MapModelDocument doc = new MapModelDocument(elem); mapModel = doc.parseMapModel(); } String tmp = XMLTools.getStringValue("XSLT", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, "context2HTML.xsl"); URL xslt = xml.resolve(tmp); File file = new File(xslt.getFile()); if (!file.exists()) { // address xslt script from WEB-INF/conf/igeoportal file = new File( file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParent() + File.separatorChar + file.getName()); xslt = file.toURL(); } ge = new GeneralExtension(ioSettings, frontend, mapParameter, authSettings, mode, layerTreeRoot, mapModel, xslt); } return ge; } /** * creates a node in the layerTree */ private static Node createNode(Element nodeElem, Node parent) throws XMLParsingException { int id = Integer.parseInt(XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("id", null, nodeElem)); String title = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("title", null, nodeElem); String s = XMLTools.getAttrValue(nodeElem, null, "selectable", null); boolean selectable = "true".equals(s) || "1".equals(s); s = XMLTools.getAttrValue(nodeElem, null, "collapsed", null); boolean collapsed = "true".equals(s) || "1".equals(s); Node node = null; try { node = new Node(id, parent, title, selectable, collapsed); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException("couldn't create layertree node", e); } // get Child nodes ElementList nl = XMLTools.getChildElements("Node", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, nodeElem); Node[] nodes = new Node[nl.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i] = createNode(nl.item(i), node); } // set child nodes node.setNodes(nodes); return node; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating access descrition to an authentification service for a deegree map * client * * @param element * <AuthentificationSettings> * @return instance of <tt>AuthentificationSettings</tt> * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static AuthentificationSettings createAuthentificationSettings(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { Element elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("AuthentificationService", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, elem); URL url = createOnlineResource(elem); BaseURL bu = new BaseURL("text/xml", url); return new AuthentificationSettings(bu); } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the frontend (GUI) description of a deegree map client * * @param element * * @param xml * * @return instance of <tt>Frontend</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private static Frontend createFrontend(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, IOException, SAXException { // <Controller> String controller = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Controller", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); // <Style> String style = XMLTools.getStringValue("Style", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, null); // <Buttons> String buttons = XMLTools.getStringValue("Buttons", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, null); // <CommonJS> Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("CommonJS", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); String[] commonJS = createCommonJS(elem); // <West> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("West", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); GUIArea west = createGUIArea(elem, xml); // <East> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("East", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); GUIArea east = createGUIArea(elem, xml); // <North> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("North", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); GUIArea north = createGUIArea(elem, xml); // <South> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("South", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); GUIArea south = createGUIArea(elem, xml); // <Center> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Center", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); GUIArea center = createGUIArea(elem, xml); // <Header> String header = XMLTools.getStringValue("Header", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, null); // <Footer> String footer = XMLTools.getStringValue("Footer", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, null); Frontend frontend = new JSPFrontend(controller, west, east, south, north, center, style, buttons, commonJS, header, footer); return frontend; } /** * creates a list of javascript pages (names) that contains javascript objects and methods that are used by more * than one module * * @param element * <CommonJS> * * @return instance of <tt>String[]</tt> * */ private static String[] createCommonJS(Element element) { String[] commonJS = null; if (element != null) { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Name", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); commonJS = new String[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < commonJS.length; i++) { commonJS[i] = XMLTools.getStringValue(el.item(i)); } } return commonJS; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the GUI description of one region of the GUI * * @param element * <West>; <East>; <South>; <North> or <Center> * * @return instance of <tt>GUIArea</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private static GUIArea createGUIArea(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, IOException, SAXException { GUIArea gui = null; if (element != null) { String tmp = element.getLocalName(); int area = 0; if (tmp.equals("West")) { area = GUIArea.WEST; } else if (tmp.equals("East")) { area = GUIArea.EAST; } else if (tmp.equals("South")) { area = GUIArea.SOUTH; } else if (tmp.equals("North")) { area = GUIArea.NORTH; } else if (tmp.equals("Center")) { area = GUIArea.CENTER; } NamespaceContext nsContext = CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext(); int w = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@width", nsContext, -1); int h = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@height", nsContext, -1); int l = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@left", nsContext, -1); int t = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@top", nsContext, -1); int r = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@right", nsContext, -1); int b = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@bottom", nsContext, -1); boolean ov = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@overlay", nsContext, false); boolean head = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@header", nsContext, false); boolean close = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@closable", nsContext, false); // hidden tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "hidden", null); boolean hidden = "1".equals(tmp) || "true".equals(tmp); // <Module> ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Module", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); Module[] modules = new Module[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i] = createModule(el.item(i), xml); } gui = new GUIArea(area, hidden, w, h, l, t, r, b, ov, head, close, modules); } return gui; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating module informations * * @param element * @param xml * * @return instance of <tt>Module</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private static Module createModule(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, IOException, SAXException { // width and height of a Module are optional // if not set '0' will be used instead NamespaceContext nsContext = CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext(); String w = XMLTools.getNodeAsString(element, "./@width", nsContext, "-1"); String h = XMLTools.getNodeAsString(element, "./@height", nsContext, "-1"); int l = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@left", nsContext, -1); int t = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@top", nsContext, -1); int b = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@bottom", nsContext, -1); int r = XMLTools.getNodeAsInt(element, "./@right", nsContext, -1); boolean ov = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@overlay", nsContext, false); boolean head = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@header", nsContext, false); boolean close = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@closable", nsContext, false); boolean collapsed = XMLTools.getNodeAsBoolean(element, "./@collapsed", nsContext, false); String scrollable = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "scrolling", null); String tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "hidden", null); boolean hidden = tmp.equals("1") || tmp.equals("true"); // <ModuleConfiguration> Element elem = XMLTools.getElement(element, "dgcntxt:ModuleConfiguration", nsContext); ModuleConfiguration mc = createModuleConfiguration(elem, xml); if (mc != null) { XMLFragment moduleXML = new XMLFragment(mc.getOnlineResource()); element = moduleXML.getRootElement(); } // <Name> String name = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); // <Title> String title = XMLTools.getStringValue("Title", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, name); // <Content> String content = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Content", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); // <ParameterList> elem = XMLTools.getElement(element, "dgcntxt:ParameterList", nsContext); ParameterList paramList = createParameterList(elem); String type = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "type", null); String[] moduleJS = createModuleJSList(element); return new Module(name, title, content, hidden, type, l, t, r, b, w, h, ov, head, close, collapsed, scrollable, moduleJS, mc, paramList); } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the access the configuration of Module * * @param element * @param xml * * @return instance of <tt>ModuleConfiguration</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException * @throws MalformedURLException */ private static ModuleConfiguration createModuleConfiguration(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, MalformedURLException { ModuleConfiguration mc = null; if (element != null) { Element elem = XMLTools.getRequiredElement(element, "cntxt:OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext()); Attr attr = elem.getAttributeNodeNS(CommonNamespaces.XLNNS.toASCIIString(), "href"); String url = attr.getValue(); URL u = xml.resolve(url); url = u.toExternalForm(); if (url.endsWith("?")) { url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1); } attr.setNodeValue(url); URL onlineResource = createOnlineResource(elem); mc = new ModuleConfiguration(onlineResource); } return mc; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the layer list informations * * @param element * <LayerList> * * @return instance of <tt>LayerList</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static ParameterList createParameterList(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { ParameterList parameterList = new ParameterList(); if (element != null) { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Parameter", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); for (int i = 0; i < el.getLength(); i++) { Parameter parameter = createParameter(el.item(i)); parameterList.addParameter(parameter); } } return parameterList; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a parameter that shall be passed to a module * * @param element * <Parameter> * * @return instance of <tt>Parameter</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Parameter createParameter(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { String name = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); String value = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Value", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); // Parameter param = new Parameter_Impl( name+":"+value, value ); Parameter param = new Parameter(name, value); return param; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating informations about controlling options for a map presented to the * user * * @param element * <MapParameter> * * @return instance of <tt>MapParameter</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static MapParameter createMapParameter(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { // <OfferedInfoFormats> Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("OfferedInfoFormats", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); Format[] infoFormats = null; if (elem != null) { infoFormats = createOfferedInfoFormats(elem); } // <OfferedZoomFactor> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("OfferedZoomFactor", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); MapOperationFactor[] zoomFactors = null; if (elem != null) { zoomFactors = createOfferedMapOperationFactors(elem); } // <OfferedPanFactor> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("OfferedPanFactor", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); MapOperationFactor[] panFactors = null; if (elem != null) { panFactors = createOfferedMapOperationFactors(elem); } // <MinScale> String tmp = XMLTools.getStringValue("MinScale", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, "0"); double minScale = Double.parseDouble(tmp); // <MaxScale> tmp = XMLTools.getStringValue("MaxScale", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, "9999999999"); double maxScale = Double.parseDouble(tmp); MapParameter mp = new MapParameter(infoFormats, panFactors, zoomFactors, minScale, maxScale); return mp; } /** * Creates a list of the feature info formats offered by the client. * * @param element * <OfferedInfoFormats> element of the configuration * * @return list of offered feature info formats * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Format[] createOfferedInfoFormats(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { Format[] format = null; // get list of offered feature info formats ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Format", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); format = new Format[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < el.getLength(); i++) { String name = XMLTools.getStringValue(el.item(i)); String sel = XMLTools.getAttrValue(el.item(i), null, "selected", null); boolean selected = "1".equals(sel) || "true".equals(sel); try { format[i] = new Format(name, selected); } catch (ContextException e) { throw new XMLParsingException("", e); } } return format; } /** * returns a list of offered numerical map operation factors that can be used to determine zoom or pan levels * * @param element * a <tt>Element</tt> that contains <Factor> elements as children * * @return list of <tt>MapOperationFactor</tt>s * */ private static MapOperationFactor[] createOfferedMapOperationFactors(Element element) { // get list of offered factors ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Factor", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); MapOperationFactor[] mof = new MapOperationFactor[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < el.getLength(); i++) { boolean free = true; String tmp = XMLTools.getStringValue(el.item(i)); double fac = -99; if (!tmp.equals("*")) { free = false; fac = Double.parseDouble(tmp); } String sel = XMLTools.getAttrValue(el.item(i), null, "selected", null); boolean selected = "1".equals(sel) || "true".equals(sel); mof[i] = new MapOperationFactor(fac, selected, free); } return mof; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the IO setting informations * * @param element * @param xml * @return the iosettings. * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static IOSettings createIOSettings(Element element, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, MalformedURLException { // temp directory Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("TempDirectory", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); DirectoryAccess temp = null; if (elem != null) { temp = createDirectoryAccess(elem, null, xml); } // download directory elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("DownloadDirectory", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); DirectoryAccess download = null; if (elem != null) { download = createDirectoryAccess(elem, temp, xml); } if (temp == null && elem == null) { throw new XMLParsingException("If <TempDirectory> isn't set, " + "downloaddirectory must be set!"); } // SLD directory elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("SLDDirectory", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); DirectoryAccess sld = null; if (elem != null) { sld = createDirectoryAccess(elem, temp, xml); } if (temp == null && elem == null) { throw new XMLParsingException("If <TempDirectory> isn't set, " + "slddirectory must be set!"); } // Print directory elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("PrintDirectory", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); DirectoryAccess print = null; if (elem != null) { print = createDirectoryAccess(elem, temp, xml); } if (temp == null && elem == null) { throw new XMLParsingException("If <TempDirectory> isn't set, " + "printdirectory must be set!"); } IOSettings ioSettings = new IOSettings(download, sld, print, temp); return ioSettings; } /** * @param element * @param tempDir * @return the directory access. * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static DirectoryAccess createDirectoryAccess(Element element, DirectoryAccess tempDir, XMLFragment xml) throws XMLParsingException, MalformedURLException { // directory name String name = XMLTools.getStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element, null); name = xml.resolve(name).toExternalForm(); URL url = null; Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Access", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, elem); url = createOnlineResource(elem); } DirectoryAccess da = null; if (name == null || url == null) { da = tempDir; } else { da = new DirectoryAccess(xml.resolve(name).toExternalForm(), url); } return da; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the layer list informations * * @param element * <LayerList> * @param user * @param sessionID * * @return instance of <tt>LayerList</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static LayerList createLayerList(Element element, User user, String sessionID) throws XMLParsingException { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Layer", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Layer[] layers = new Layer[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { Layer layer = createLayer(el.item(i), user, sessionID); layers[i] = layer; } LayerList list = new LayerList(layers); return list; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a web map context layer's attributes * * @param element * <Layer> * @param user * @param sessionID * * @return instance of <tt>Layer</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Layer createLayer(Element element, User user, String sessionID) throws XMLParsingException { String tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("queryable", null, element); boolean queryable = "1".equals(tmp) || "true".equals(tmp); tmp = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("hidden", null, element); boolean hidden = "1".equals(tmp) || "true".equals(tmp); // <Name> String name = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // <Title> String title = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Title", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); // <Abstract> String abstract_ = XMLTools.getStringValue("Abstract", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); // <DataURL> Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("DataURL", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); BaseURL dataURL = createBaseURL(elem); // <MetaDataURL> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("MetadataURL", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); BaseURL metadataURL = createBaseURL(elem); // <SRS> tmp = XMLTools.getStringValue("SRS", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); String[] srs = StringTools.toArray(tmp, ",; ", true); // <FormatList> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("FormatList", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); FormatList formatList = createFormatList(elem); // <Extension> Element extElem = XMLTools.getChildElement("Extension", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); LayerExtension extension = createLayerExtension(extElem, user, sessionID); // <Server> elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("Server", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Server server = createServer(elem, user, sessionID, extension.getAuthentication()); // try setting metadataURl again. this time from server. if (metadataURL == null) { metadataURL = createMetadataURL(name, server); } // TODO must be removed, if reading capabilities from remote WMS is too slow setScaleHint(extElem, name, extension, server, user, sessionID, extension.getAuthentication()); // <StyleList> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("StyleList", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); StyleList styleList = createStyleList(elem, name, server); Layer layer = null; try { layer = new Layer(server, name, title, abstract_, srs, dataURL, metadataURL, formatList, styleList, queryable, hidden, extension); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException("couldn't create map context layer", e); } if (layer.getServer().getCapabilities() == null) { LOG.logInfo("set status of layer: " + name + " to not valid because capabilities could be read."); layer.getExtension().setValid(false); } return layer; } /** * @param layerName * the layer name from which to take the MetadataURL information * @param server * the WMS server from which to read the layer information (WMS capabilities document) * @return only the first MetadataURL from the WMS capabilities for the given layer * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static BaseURL createMetadataURL(String layerName, Server server) throws XMLParsingException { WMSCapabilities capa = (WMSCapabilities) server.getCapabilities(); BaseURL metaURL = null; if (capa != null) { org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Layer layer = capa.getLayer(layerName); if (layer != null) { MetadataURL[] urls = layer.getMetadataURL(); if (urls != null && urls.length > 0) { metaURL = urls[0]; } } else { if (LOG.getLevel() == ILogger.LOG_DEBUG) { String msg = StringTools.concat(500, "LayerName '", layerName, "' does not exist in the WMSCapabilities of server ", server.getOnlineResource()); LOG.logDebug(msg); } } } return metaURL; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating informations about the server (service) a layer based on * * @param element * <Server> * @param user * @param sessionID * @param useAuthentication * * @return instance of <tt>Server</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Server createServer(Element element, User user, String sessionID, int useAuthentication) throws XMLParsingException { String service = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("service", null, element); String version = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("version", null, element); String title = XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("title", null, element); // <OnlineResource> Element elem = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); URL onlineResource = createOnlineResource(elem); OGCCapabilities capabilities = getCapabilities(onlineResource, service, version, user, sessionID, useAuthentication); Server server = null; try { server = new Server(title, version, service, onlineResource, capabilities); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logError(e.getMessage(), e); throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context server", e); } return server; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a list of image formats a layer offers * * @param element * <FormatList> * * @return instance of <tt>FormatList</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static FormatList createFormatList(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Format", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Format[] formats = new Format[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { String name = XMLTools.getStringValue(el.item(i)); String tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(el.item(i), null, "current", null); boolean current = "1".equals(tmp) || "true".equals(tmp) || formats.length == 1; try { formats[i] = new Format(name, current); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context format", e); } } FormatList formatList = null; try { formatList = new FormatList(formats); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context formatList", e); } return formatList; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a list of styles available for a layer * * @param element * <StyleList> * @param layerName * @param server * * @return instance of <tt>StyleList</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static StyleList createStyleList(Element element, String layerName, Server server) throws XMLParsingException { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("Style", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); Style[] styles = new Style[el.getLength()]; boolean current = false; for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { styles[i] = createStyle(el.item(i), layerName, server); if (styles[i].isCurrent()) { current = true; } } if (!current) { styles[0].setCurrent(true); LOG.logWarning("not style for layer: " + layerName + " has been defined as current -> first style has been marked as current"); } StyleList styleList = null; try { styleList = new StyleList(styles); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context stylelist", e); } return styleList; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a description of a Style * * @param element * <Style> * * @return instance of <tt>Style</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static Style createStyle(Element element, String layerName, Server server) throws XMLParsingException { Style style = null; String tmp = XMLTools.getAttrValue(element, null, "current", null); boolean current = "1".equals(tmp) || "true".equals(tmp); Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("SLD", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { SLD sld = createSLD(elem); try { style = new Style(sld, current); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context style", e); } } else { String name = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String title = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Title", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String abstract_ = XMLTools.getStringValue("Abstract", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); // <LegendURL> elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("LegendURL", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); ImageURL legendURL = null; if (elem != null) { legendURL = createImageURL(elem); } else { try { legendURL = createLegendURL(name, layerName, server); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context style", e); } } try { style = new Style(name, title, abstract_, legendURL, current); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new XMLParsingException("could not create context style", e); } } return style; } /** * creates a legendURL for a style/layer by evaluating the servers capabilities the layer is servered by. * * @return the image url. * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static ImageURL createLegendURL(String styleName, String layerName, Server server) throws XMLParsingException { WMSCapabilities capa = (WMSCapabilities) server.getCapabilities(); ImageURL legendURL = null; if (capa != null) { org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Layer layer = capa.getLayer(layerName); // null layer will produce NullPointerException@layer.getStyles() if (layer == null) { LOG.logDebug("LayerName: " + layerName + " does not exist in the WMSCapabilities"); } // if layer is null, no legend is needed! if (layer != null) { org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Style[] styles = layer.getStyles(); org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Style style = null; for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { // find responsible style definition style = styles[i]; if (style.getName().equals(styleName)) { break; } } LegendURL[] urls = null; if (style != null) { urls = style.getLegendURL(); } if (urls != null && urls.length > 0 && urls[0] != null) { // if style has defined LegendURL(s) take the first legendURL = new ImageURL(urls[0].getWidth(), urls[0].getHeight(), urls[0].getFormat(), urls[0].getOnlineResource()); } else { // create a GetLegendGraphic request as style URL if the server // supports GetLegendGraphic operation OperationsMetadata om = capa.getOperationMetadata(); Operation operation = om.getOperation(new QualifiedName("GetLegendGraphic")); if (operation != null) { HTTP http = (HTTP) operation.getDCP().get(0); URL url = http.getGetOnlineResources().get(0); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(500); sb.append(OWSUtils.validateHTTPGetBaseURL(url.toExternalForm())); GetLegendGraphic glg = GetLegendGraphic.create("12", capa.getVersion(), layerName, styleName, null, null, 1, null, null, "image/jpeg", 20, 20, null, null); try { sb.append(glg.getRequestParameter()); url = new URL(sb.toString()); legendURL = new ImageURL(20, 20, "image/jpeg", url); } catch (Exception shouldNeverHappen) { shouldNeverHappen.printStackTrace(); } } } } } return legendURL; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating a description of a Style based on a SLD * * @param element * <SLD> * * @return instance of <tt>SLD</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static SLD createSLD(Element element) throws XMLParsingException { SLD sld = null; String name = XMLTools.getRequiredStringValue("Name", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); String title = XMLTools.getStringValue("Title", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element, null); Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("OnlineResource", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, element); try { if (elem != null) { URL onlineResource = createOnlineResource(elem); sld = new SLD(name, title, onlineResource); } else { elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("StyledLayerDescriptor", CommonNamespaces.SLDNS, element); if (elem != null) { XMLFragment xml = new XMLFragment(); xml.setRootElement(elem); StyledLayerDescriptor styledLayerDescriptor = SLDFactory.createSLD(xml); sld = new SLD(name, title, styledLayerDescriptor); } else { FeatureTypeStyle fts = SLDFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(elem); sld = new SLD(name, title, fts); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new XMLParsingException("couldn't create map context SLD", e); } return sld; } /** * creates an instance of a class encapsulating the deegree specific extensions of a Layer. * * Extensions are: DataService, MasterLayer, SelectedForQuery, parentNodeId, showLegendGraphic, identifier, * ScaleHint. * * @param element * Extension * @param user * @param sessionID * * @return instance of <tt>LayerExtension</tt> * * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static LayerExtension createLayerExtension(Element element, User user, String sessionID) throws XMLParsingException { LayerExtension le = null; if (element != null) { String tmp = XMLTools.getNodeAsString(element, "./dgcntxt:UseAuthentication/text()", CommonNamespaces.getNamespaceContext(), "NONE"); int ua = LayerExtension.NONE; if ("sessionID".equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) { ua = LayerExtension.SESSIONID; } else if ("user/password".equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) { ua = LayerExtension.USERPASSWORD; } // standard edition: download WFS data DataService dataService = null; Element elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("DataService", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { Element el = XMLTools.getRequiredChildElement("Server", CommonNamespaces.CNTXTNS, elem); Server server = createServer(el, user, sessionID, ua); String geoType = XMLTools.getStringValue("GeometryType", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, elem, null); String featureType = XMLTools.getStringValue("FeatureType", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, elem, null); dataService = new DataService(server, featureType, geoType); } // project specific boolean masterLayer = false; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("MasterLayer", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { String s = XMLTools.getStringValue(elem); masterLayer = "true".equals(s) || "1".equals(s); } // project specific boolean selectedForFI = false; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("SelectedForQuery", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { String s = XMLTools.getStringValue(elem); selectedForFI = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(s) || "1".equals(s); } // portlet edition: LayerTree int parentNodeId = 1; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("parentNodeId", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { parentNodeId = Integer.parseInt(XMLTools.getStringValue(elem)); } // boolean showLegendGraphic = false; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("showLegendGraphic", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { String s = XMLTools.getStringValue(elem); showLegendGraphic = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(s) || "1".equals(s); } boolean tiled = false; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("tiled", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { String s = XMLTools.getStringValue(elem); tiled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(s) || "1".equals(s); } // standard edition: LayerTree String identifier = null; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("identifier", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); if (elem != null) { identifier = XMLTools.getStringValue(elem); } // standard edition: ScaleHint String scaleHint = null; elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("ScaleHint", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); double minScale = 0; double maxScale = Double.MAX_VALUE; if (elem != null) { minScale = Double.valueOf(XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("min", null, elem)); maxScale = Double.valueOf(XMLTools.getRequiredAttrValue("max", null, elem)); } le = new LayerExtension(dataService, masterLayer, minScale, maxScale, selectedForFI, ua, parentNodeId, showLegendGraphic, identifier, tiled); } else { le = new LayerExtension(); } return le; } /** * Use information form extension and server elements of a layer to set a scaleHint. * * If layer extension contains scale hints (min, max), then these values are used. Otherwise, the information is * taken from the WMS capabilities by using {@link #getScaleHintFromCapabilities(Server, String, User, String, int)} * * @param extElem * @param name * @param extension * @param server * @param user * @param sessionID * @param useAuthentication * @throws XMLParsingException */ private static void setScaleHint(Element extElem, String name, LayerExtension extension, Server server, User user, String sessionID, int useAuthentication) throws XMLParsingException { // <deegree:ScaleHint min="0.0" max="41.0"/> Element elem = null; if (extElem != null) { elem = XMLTools.getChildElement("ScaleHint", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, extElem); } if (elem == null) { // reade scaleHint from WMS Capabilities double[] sc = getScaleHintFromCapabilities(server, name, user, sessionID, useAuthentication); extension.setMinScaleHint(sc[0]); extension.setMaxScaleHint(sc[1]); } else { // do nothing. Values have already been read from layer extension when creating the LayerExtension object. } } /** * taken from d1 and adjusted for d2. * * TODO: check if inconsistencies arise regarding user-dependant scaleHint, because of using {@link #wmsCache}. * * @param server * @param layerName * @param user * @param sessionID * @param useAuthentication * @return */ private static double[] getScaleHintFromCapabilities(Server server, String layerName, User user, String sessionID, int useAuthentication) { double[] sc = new double[] { 0, Double.MAX_VALUE }; WMSCapabilities capa = null; // capabilities have not been stored in cache before. getting the capabilities for the specified user if (wmsCache.get(server.getOnlineResource()) == null) { capa = (WMSCapabilities) getCapabilities(server.getOnlineResource(), server.getService(), server.getVersion(), user, sessionID, useAuthentication); } else { // get capabilities from cache. // May cause an inconsistency problem, if cache contains capabilities of a different but the specified user. // Could be handled with different caches for different users, but this would cause performance problems. capa = (WMSCapabilities) wmsCache.get(server.getOnlineResource()); } if (capa != null) { wmsCache.put(server.getOnlineResource(), capa); org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Layer lay = capa.getLayer(layerName); if (lay != null) { try { sc[0] = lay.getScaleHint().getMin(); sc[1] = lay.getScaleHint().getMax(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return sc; } /** * returns the capabilities for the passed server. The capabilities are read directly from the server or from the * loacal cache. * * @param url * @param service * @param version * @param user * @param sessionID * @param useAuthentication * @return he capabilities for the passed server. The capabilities are read directly from the server or from the * loacal cache. */ private static OGCCapabilities getCapabilities(URL url, String service, String version, User user, String sessionID, int useAuthentication) { OGCCapabilities capa = null; String href = OWSUtils.validateHTTPGetBaseURL(url.toExternalForm()); if (href.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || href.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) { if ("OGC:WMS".equals(service)) { // is a HTTP URL so GetCapabilities request must be constructed if ("1.0.0".equals(version)) { href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "request=capabilities&service=WMS", "&WMTVER=", version); } else { href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS", "&version=", version); } } else if ("OGC:WFS".equals(service)) { // is a HTTP URL so GetCapabilities request must be constructed href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS", "&version=", version); } else if ("OGC:WCS".equals(service)) { // is a HTTP URL so GetCapabilities request must be constructed href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "request=GetCapabilities&service=WCS", "&version=", version); } if (useAuthentication == LayerExtension.SESSIONID) { href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "&sessionID=", sessionID); } else if (useAuthentication == LayerExtension.USERPASSWORD) { href = StringTools.concat(1000, href, "&user=", user.getName(), "&password=", user.getPassword()); } } if (wmsCache.get(url) == null && "OGC:WMS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get " + service + " capabilities from GetCapabilities request"); capa = parseCapabilities(href, service); if (capa != null) { // write capabilities into local cache wmsCache.put(url, (WMSCapabilities) capa); } } else if ("OGC:WMS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get WMS capabilities from cache"); capa = wmsCache.get(url); } else if (wfsCache.get(url) == null && "OGC:WFS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get " + service + " capabilities from GetCapabilities request"); capa = parseCapabilities(href, service); if (capa != null) { // write capabilities into local cache wfsCache.put(url, (WFSCapabilities) capa); } } else if ("OGC:WFS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get WFS capabilities from cache"); capa = wfsCache.get(url); } else if (wcsCache.get(url) == null && "OGC:WCS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get " + service + " capabilities from GetCapabilities request"); capa = parseCapabilities(href, service); if (capa != null) { // write capabilities into local cache wcsCache.put(url, (WCSCapabilities) capa); } } else if ("OGC:WFS".equals(service)) { LOG.logDebug("get WCS capabilities from cache"); capa = wcsCache.get(url); } return capa; } /** * * @param href * @param service * @return the capabilities bean. */ private static OGCCapabilities parseCapabilities(String href, String service) { OGCCapabilities capa = null; try { URL url = null; Reader reader = null; // consider that the reference to the capabilities may has been // made by a file URL to a local copy if (href.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || href.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) { HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); httpclient = WebUtils.enableProxyUsage(httpclient, new URL(href)); int timeout = Integer.parseInt(Messages.getString("WebMapContextFactory.timeout")); httpclient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setSoTimeout(timeout); GetMethod httpget = new GetMethod(href); LOG.logDebug("GetCapabilities: ", href); httpclient.executeMethod(httpget); reader = new InputStreamReader(httpget.getResponseBodyAsStream()); } else { if (href.endsWith("?")) { url = new URL(href.substring(0, href.length() - 1)); } reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()); } OGCCapabilitiesDocument doc = null; if ("OGC:WMS".equals(service)) { doc = new WMSCapabilitiesDocument(); doc.load(reader, XMLFragment.DEFAULT_URL); doc = WMSCapabilitiesDocumentFactory.getWMSCapabilitiesDocument(doc.getRootElement()); } else if ("OGC:WFS".equals(service)) { doc = new WFSCapabilitiesDocument(); doc.load(reader, XMLFragment.DEFAULT_URL); } else if ("OGC:WCS".equals(service)) { doc = new WCSCapabilitiesDocument(); doc.load(reader, XMLFragment.DEFAULT_URL); } else { throw new XMLParsingException("not supported service type: " + service); } capa = doc.parseCapabilities(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.logWarning("could not read capabilities: " + href); // LOG.logError( e.getMessage(), e ); return null; } return capa; } // /** // * @param mapServer // * @param layer // * @return ScaleHint // */ // private static double[] getScaleHintFromCapabilities( Server mapServer, String layer ) { // // double[] sc = new double[] { 0, 9999999 }; // WMSCapabilities capa = (WMSCapabilities) mapServer.getCapabilities(); // if ( capa != null ) { // org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Layer lay = capa.getLayer( layer ); // if ( lay != null ) { // sc[0] = lay.getScaleHint().getMin(); // sc[1] = lay.getScaleHint().getMax(); // } // } // return sc; // } /** * creates a list (String[]) containing the name of the JavaScript files used by the moudle * * @param element * <Module> * * @return instance of <tt>String[]</tt> * */ private static String[] createModuleJSList(Element element) { String[] moduleJS = null; if (element != null) { ElementList el = XMLTools.getChildElements("ModuleJS", CommonNamespaces.DGCNTXTNS, element); moduleJS = new String[el.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < el.getLength(); i++) { moduleJS[i] = ((Text) el.item(i).getFirstChild()).getData(); } } return moduleJS; } }