Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2011 cole Centrale Paris * * This file is part of JLP. * * JLP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * JLP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JLP. If not, see <>. */ package org.decisiondeck.jlp.utils; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.LpConstraint; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.LpLinear; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.LpSolverException; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.LpTerm; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.parameters.LpParameters; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.parameters.LpParametersUtils; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.problem.LpProblem; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.problem.LpProblemUtils; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.problem.LpProblemWithTransformedBoolsView; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.problem.LpVariableType; import org.decisiondeck.jlp.solution.LpSolution; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class defines static methods that should be mainly useful for internal use in this project and to implement * underlying solvers. * * @author Olivier Cailloux * */ public class LpSolverUtils { /** * A function that applies the {@link #toString()} method to its input. Does not accept <code>null</code> values as * input. * * @author Olivier Cailloux * * @param <T> * the type of input. */ static public class ToString<T> implements Function<T, String> { @Override public String apply(T input) { return input.toString(); } } /** * Ensures that the given parameters are conform to the given mandatory values. That is, for each parameter value * that is mandatory, ensures that the given parameters have an associated value (which may be the default value) * that is equal to the mandatory value. * * @param parameters * not <code>null</code>. * @param mandatoryValues * not <code>null</code>, no <code>null</code> key. The values must be meaningful. * @throws LpSolverException * if the parameters are not conform. */ public static void assertConform(LpParameters parameters, Map<Enum<?>, Object> mandatoryValues) throws LpSolverException { for (Enum<?> parameter : LpParametersUtils.getParameters()) { if (mandatoryValues.containsKey(parameter)) { final Object mandatoryValue = mandatoryValues.get(parameter); final Object value = parameters.getValueAsObject(parameter); if (!Equivalences.equals().equivalent(value, mandatoryValue)) { throw new LpSolverException("Unsupported parameter value: " + parameter + ", " + value + "."); } } } } /** * Ensures that the given problem represents a zero-one problem, thus that each variable in the problem either has * type {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} or has type {@link LpVariableType#INT} with bounds defined between 0 and 1 * (inclusive). * * @param <T> * the class used for the variables in the problem. * * @param problem * not <code>null</code>. * @throws LpSolverException * iff the problem is not zero-one. */ static public <T> void assertIntZeroOne(final LpProblem<T> problem) throws LpSolverException { final LpProblem<T> problemNoBool = LpSolverUtils.getViewWithTransformedBools(problem); for (T variable : problemNoBool.getVariables()) { LpVariableType type = problemNoBool.getVarType(variable); if (type == LpVariableType.REAL) { throw new LpSolverException( "Variable " + variable + " is not an integer variable, this is not a zero-one problem."); } final Number lowerBound = problemNoBool.getVarLowerBound(variable); final Number upperBound = problemNoBool.getVarUpperBound(variable); if (lowerBound == null || lowerBound.doubleValue() < 0d) { throw new LpSolverException( "Variable " + variable + " has an inadequate lower bound, this is not a zero-one problem."); } if (upperBound == null || upperBound.doubleValue() > 1d) { throw new LpSolverException( "Variable " + variable + " has an inadequate upper bound, this is not a zero-one problem."); } } } static public <T> boolean boolsAreBools(LpSolution<T> solution) { final Set<T> bools = LpProblemUtils.getVariables(solution.getProblem(), LpVariableType.BOOL); for (T bool : bools) { final Number value = solution.getValue(bool); final boolean clean; if (value == null) { clean = true; } else { final double val = value.doubleValue(); if (val < -1e-6) { clean = false; } else if (val > 1e-6 && val < 1 - 1e-6) { clean = false; } else if (val > 1 + 1e-6) { clean = false; } else { clean = true; } } if (!clean) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Completely erase the target data and replace it with the data in the source problem. The order of the variables * and constraints in target is set to be the same as the order of the source, thus the variables and constraints * sets iteration order of the target will be the same as the sets iteration order of the source. When this method * returns the target is identical to the source. * * @param <T> * the type of the variables objects. * * @param source * not <code>null</code>. * @param target * not <code>null</code>. * * @return <code>true</code> if the state of the target object changed as a result of this call. Equivalently, * <code>false</code> iff the given source equals the given target. */ public static <T> boolean copyProblemTo(LpProblem<T> source, LpProblem<T> target) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(target); Preconditions.checkNotNull(source); if (source.equals(target)) { return false; } target.clear(); target.setName(source.getName()); for (T variable : source.getVariables()) { target.setVarType(variable, source.getVarType(variable)); target.setVarName(variable, source.getVarNameSet(variable)); target.setVarBounds(variable, source.getVarLowerBound(variable), source.getVarUpperBound(variable)); } target.setObjective(source.getObjective().getFunction(), source.getObjective().getDirection()); for (LpConstraint<T> constraint : source.getConstraints()) { target.add(constraint); } target.setVarNamer(source.getVarNamer()); target.setConstraintsNamer(source.getConstraintsNamer()); return true; } static public boolean equivalent(LpConstraint<?> a, LpConstraint<?> b) { return getConstraintEquivalence().equivalent(a, b); } static public boolean equivalent(LpLinear<?> a, LpLinear<?> b) { return getLinearEquivalence().equivalent(a, b); } static public boolean equivalent(LpProblem<?> a, LpProblem<?> b) { return getProblemEquivalence().equivalent(a, b); } static public boolean equivalent(LpSolution<?> a, LpSolution<?> b) { return getSolutionEquivalence().equivalent(a, b); } static public int getAsInteger(double number) throws LpSolverException { final long lValue = Math.round(number); if (lValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new LpSolverException("Number " + number + " does not fit into an integer (too big)."); } final int iValue = (int) lValue; if (Math.abs(number - iValue) > 1e-6) { throw new LpSolverException("Number " + number + " does not round to an integer."); } return iValue; } /** * Provides an implementation of toString for debugging use. * * @param <T> * the type of variable. * @param constraint * not <code>null</code>. * @return a debug description. */ static public <T> String getAsString(LpConstraint<T> constraint) { final ToStringHelper helper = Objects.toStringHelper(constraint); helper.addValue('\'' + constraint.getName() + '\''); helper.addValue(constraint.getLhs().toString() + constraint.getOperator() + constraint.getRhs()); return helper.toString(); } /** * Provides an implementation of toString for debugging use. For a more user friendly string description, see class * {@link LpProblemUtils}. * * @param <T> * the type of variable. * @param problem * not <code>null</code>. * @return a debug description. */ static public <T> String getAsString(LpProblem<T> problem) { final ToStringHelper helper = Objects.toStringHelper(problem); helper.addValue('\'' + problem.getName() + '\''); if (!problem.getObjective().isEmpty()) { helper.addValue( "" + problem.getObjective().getDirection() + " " + problem.getObjective().getFunction()); } helper.addValue("" + problem.getVariables().size() + " variables"); helper.addValue(problem.getConstraints().size() + " constraints"); return helper.toString(); } static public <T> String getAsString(LpSolution<T> solution) { final ToStringHelper helper = Objects.toStringHelper(solution); helper.add("Problem", solution.getProblem()); helper.add("Objective value", solution.getObjectiveValue()); helper.add("Valued variables size", Integer.valueOf(solution.getVariables().size())); return helper.toString(); } static public Equivalence<LpConstraint<?>> getConstraintEquivalence() { return new Equivalence<LpConstraint<?>>() { @Override public boolean doEquivalent(LpConstraint<?> a, LpConstraint<?> b) { if (a.getRhs() != b.getRhs()) { return false; } if (!a.getLhs().equals(b.getLhs())) { return false; } if (!a.getOperator().equals(b.getOperator())) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int doHash(LpConstraint<?> c) { return Objects.hashCode(c.getLhs(), c.getOperator(), Double.valueOf(c.getRhs())); } }; } static public Equivalence<Number> getEquivalenceByDoubleValue() { return new Equivalence<Number>() { @Override public boolean doEquivalent(Number a, Number b) { return a.doubleValue() == b.doubleValue(); } @Override public int doHash(Number t) { return Double.valueOf(t.doubleValue()).hashCode(); } }; } static public Equivalence<LpLinear<?>> getLinearEquivalence() { return new Equivalence<LpLinear<?>>() { @Override public boolean doEquivalent(LpLinear<?> a, LpLinear<?> b) { return Iterables.elementsEqual(a, b); } @Override public int doHash(LpLinear<?> t) { int hashCode = 1; for (LpTerm<?> term : t) { hashCode = 31 * hashCode + term.hashCode(); } return hashCode; } }; } static public Equivalence<LpProblem<? extends Object>> getProblemEquivalence() { return new Equivalence<LpProblem<? extends Object>>() { @Override public boolean doEquivalent(LpProblem<? extends Object> a, LpProblem<? extends Object> b) { return computeEquivalent(a, b); } private <T1, T2> boolean computeEquivalent(LpProblem<T1> a, LpProblem<T2> b) { if (!a.getConstraints().equals(b.getConstraints())) { return false; } if (!Objects.equal(a.getObjective(), b.getObjective())) { return false; } if (!a.getVariables().equals(b.getVariables())) { return false; } for (T1 variable : a.getVariables()) { if (!b.getVariables().contains(variable)) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T2 varTyped = (T2) variable; if (!getEquivalenceByDoubleValue().equivalent(a.getVarLowerBound(variable), b.getVarLowerBound(varTyped))) { return false; } if (!Objects.equal(a.getVarType(variable), b.getVarType(varTyped))) { return false; } if (!getEquivalenceByDoubleValue().equivalent(a.getVarUpperBound(variable), b.getVarUpperBound(varTyped))) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int doHash(LpProblem<? extends Object> t) { final int hashCode = Objects.hashCode(t.getObjective()); return hashCode + t.getConstraints().hashCode() + t.getVariables().hashCode(); } }; } static public Equivalence<LpSolution<? extends Object>> getSolutionEquivalence() { return new Equivalence<LpSolution<? extends Object>>() { @Override public boolean doEquivalent(LpSolution<? extends Object> a, LpSolution<? extends Object> b) { return computeEquivalent(a, b); } private <T1, T2> boolean computeEquivalent(LpSolution<T1> a, LpSolution<T2> b) { if (!getEquivalenceByDoubleValue().equivalent(a.getObjectiveValue(), b.getObjectiveValue())) { return false; } if (!a.getProblem().equals(b.getProblem())) { return false; } for (T1 variable : a.getVariables()) { if (!b.getVariables().contains(variable)) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T2 varTyped = (T2) variable; if (!getEquivalenceByDoubleValue().equivalent(a.getValue(variable), b.getValue(varTyped))) { return false; } } for (LpConstraint<T1> constraint : a.getConstraints()) { if (!b.getConstraints().contains(constraint)) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final LpConstraint<T2> constraintTyped = (LpConstraint<T2>) constraint; if (!getEquivalenceByDoubleValue().equivalent(a.getDualValue(constraint), b.getDualValue(constraintTyped))) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int doHash(LpSolution<? extends Object> t) { return computeHash(t); } private <T> int computeHash(LpSolution<T> solution) { int hashCode = Objects.hashCode(solution.getProblem(), solution.getProblem()); for (T variable : solution.getVariables()) { hashCode += solution.getValue(variable).hashCode(); } for (LpConstraint<T> constraint : solution.getConstraints()) { hashCode += solution.getDualValue(constraint).hashCode(); } return hashCode; } }; } static public <T> BiMap<T, Integer> getVariablesIds(LpProblem<T> problem, int startId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(problem); final Builder<T, Integer> builder = ImmutableBiMap.builder(); { int i = startId; for (T variable : problem.getVariables()) { builder.put(variable, Integer.valueOf(i)); ++i; } } final ImmutableBiMap<T, Integer> variableIds =; return variableIds; } /** * <p> * Retrieves the bound of the variable from the given problem, with a possible modification if the variable type is * {@link LpVariableType#BOOL}: the bound is itself <em>bounded</em> to zero. * </p> * <p> * Consider a variable defined in the delegate problem having the type {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} and a lower bound * <em>l</em>. This method will return as its lower bound 0 if l is <code>null</code>, 0 if l.doubleValue() is lower * than zero, and l otherwise. E.g. this method returns zero as the lower bound of a {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} * variable having a lower bound of -1 in the given problem. * </p> * * @see #getViewWithTransformedBools(LpProblem) * * @param <T> * the class of variables used in the problem. * @param problem * not <code>null</code>. * @param variable * must exist in the problem. * @return the bound of the variable according to the given problem. The bound is not <code>null</code> and greater * or equal to zero if the variable has the type {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} according to the given problem. */ static public <T> Number getVarLowerBoundBounded(LpProblem<T> problem, T variable) { Preconditions.checkArgument(problem.getVariables().contains(variable)); final LpVariableType type = problem.getVarType(variable); if (type != LpVariableType.BOOL) { return problem.getVarLowerBound(variable); } final Number low = problem.getVarLowerBound(variable); if (low == null || low.doubleValue() < 0d) { return Double.valueOf(0d); } return low; } /** * <p> * Retrieves the bound of the variable from the given problem, with a possible modification if the variable type is * {@link LpVariableType#BOOL}: the bound is itself <em>bounded</em> to one. * </p> * <p> * Consider a variable defined in the delegate problem having the type {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} and an upper * bound <em>u</em>. This method will return as its upper bound 1 if u is <code>null</code>, 1 if u.doubleValue() is * greater than one, and u otherwise. E.g. this method returns 1 as the upper bound of a {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} * variable having an upper bound of 1.5 in the given problem. * </p> * * @see #getViewWithTransformedBools(LpProblem) * * @param <T> * the class of variables used in the problem. * @param problem * not <code>null</code>. * @param variable * must exist in the problem. * @return the bound of the variable according to the given problem. The bound is not <code>null</code> and greater * or equal to zero if the variable has the type {@link LpVariableType#BOOL} according to the given problem. */ static public <T> Number getVarUpperBoundBounded(LpProblem<T> problem, T variable) { Preconditions.checkArgument(problem.getVariables().contains(variable)); final LpVariableType type = problem.getVarType(variable); if (type != LpVariableType.BOOL) { return problem.getVarUpperBound(variable); } final Number up = problem.getVarUpperBound(variable); if (up == null || up.doubleValue() > 0d) { return Double.valueOf(1d); } return up; } static public <T> LpProblem<T> getViewWithTransformedBools(LpProblem<T> problem) { return new LpProblemWithTransformedBoolsView<T>(problem); } }