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 * Copyright (c) 2015 SDL, Radagio & R. Oudshoorn
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.dd4t.providers.impl;

import com.sdl.web.api.content.BinaryContentRetriever;
import com.sdl.web.api.dynamic.BinaryContentRetrieverImpl;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebBinaryMetaFactory;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebBinaryMetaFactoryImpl;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebComponentMetaFactory;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebComponentMetaFactoryImpl;
import com.tridion.meta.BinaryMeta;
import com.tridion.meta.ComponentMeta;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.Binary;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.BinaryDataImpl;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.BinaryImpl;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.SerializationException;
import org.dd4t.core.util.Constants;
import org.dd4t.core.util.TCMURI;
import org.dd4t.providers.BaseBrokerProvider;
import org.dd4t.providers.BinaryProvider;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * Provides access to Binaries stored in the Content Delivery database through the Web 8
 * REST client.
 * Access to these objects is not cached, and as such must be cached externally.
public class BrokerBinaryProvider extends BaseBrokerProvider implements BinaryProvider {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrokerBinaryProvider.class);

    private static final BinaryContentRetriever BINARY_CONTENT_RETRIEVER = new BinaryContentRetrieverImpl();
    private static final WebBinaryMetaFactory WEB_BINARY_META_FACTORY = new WebBinaryMetaFactoryImpl();
    private static final Map<Integer, WebComponentMetaFactory> FACTORY_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public Binary getBinaryByURI(final String tcmUri)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, ParseException, SerializationException {
        final TCMURI binaryUri = new TCMURI(tcmUri);
        final BinaryMeta binaryMeta = getBinaryMetaByTcmUri(binaryUri);
        return getBinary(binaryUri, binaryMeta);

    public Binary getBinaryByURL(final String url, final int publication)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, SerializationException {
        final BinaryMeta binaryMeta = getBinaryMetaByURL(url, publication);
        TCMURI binaryUri = new TCMURI(binaryMeta.getPublicationId(), (int) binaryMeta.getId(), 16);
        return getBinary(binaryUri, binaryMeta);

    private Binary getBinary(final TCMURI binaryUri, final BinaryMeta binaryMeta) throws ItemNotFoundException {

        final BinaryImpl binary = new BinaryImpl();



        // TODO: binary.setMetadata(binaryMeta.getCustomMeta().getChildren());
        final BinaryDataImpl binaryDataBytes = new BinaryDataImpl();
        binaryDataBytes.setBytes(getBinaryContentById(binaryUri.getItemId(), binaryUri.getPublicationId()));
        return binary;

     * Retrieves the byte array content of a Tridion binary based on its TCM item id and publication id.
     * @param id          int representing the item id
     * @param publication int representing the publication id
     * @return byte[] the byte array of the binary content
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the item identified by id and publication was not found
    public byte[] getBinaryContentById(int id, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {

        final BinaryData binaryData = BINARY_CONTENT_RETRIEVER.getBinary(publication, id);

        if (binaryData == null || binaryData.getDataSize() == 0) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find binary content by id: tcm:" + publication + "-" + id);

        try {
            return binaryData.getBytes().clone();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO: wrap in provider exception
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(e);

     * Retrieves the byte array content of a Tridion binary based on its URL.
     * @param url         string representing the path portion of the URL of the binary
     * @param publication int representing the publication id
     * @return byte[] the byte array of the binary content
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the item identified by id and publication was not found
    public byte[] getBinaryContentByURL(String url, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {

        BinaryMeta binaryMeta = getBinaryMetaByURL(url, publication);
        return getBinaryContentById((int) binaryMeta.getId(), binaryMeta.getPublicationId());

     * @param id          int representing the item id
     * @param publication int representing the publication id
     * @return BinaryData the binary identified by id and publication
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the item identified by id and publication was not found
    public BinaryData getBinaryDataById(int id, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        return getBinaryDataById(id, publication, null);

     * @param id          int representing the item id
     * @param publication int representing the publication id
     * @param variantId   String representing the variant Id
     * @return BinaryData the binary identified by id, publication and variantId
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the item identified by id, publication and variantId was not found
    public BinaryData getBinaryDataById(int id, int publication, String variantId) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        final BinaryData binaryData;

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(variantId)) {
            binaryData = BINARY_CONTENT_RETRIEVER.getBinary(publication, id);
        } else {
            binaryData = BINARY_CONTENT_RETRIEVER.getBinary(publication, id, variantId);
        if (binaryData == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    "Unable to find binary by id '" + id + "' and publication '" + publication + "'.");
        return binaryData;

     * @param url         string representing the path portion of the URL of the binary
     * @param publication int representing the publication id
     * @return BinaryMeta the binary identified by url and publication
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the item identified by url and publication was not found

    public BinaryMeta getBinaryMetaByURL(String url, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        final BinaryMeta binaryMeta = WEB_BINARY_META_FACTORY.getMetaByURL(publication, url);
        if (binaryMeta == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    "Unable to find binary by url '" + url + "' and publication '" + publication + "'.");
        return binaryMeta;

    public BinaryMeta getBinaryMetaById(int publicationId, int itemId) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        TCMURI binaryUri = new TCMURI(publicationId, itemId, 16);
        return getBinaryMetaByTcmUri(binaryUri);

    public BinaryMeta getBinaryMetaByTcmUri(TCMURI binaryUri) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        BinaryMeta binaryMeta = WEB_BINARY_META_FACTORY.getMeta(binaryUri.toString());
        if (binaryMeta == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find binary by TCMURI '" + binaryUri.toString());
        return binaryMeta;

    public DateTime getLastPublishDate(String tcmUri) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        TCMURI binaryTcmUri = null;
        try {
            binaryTcmUri = new TCMURI(tcmUri);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

        if (binaryTcmUri == null) {
            return Constants.THE_YEAR_ZERO;

        WebComponentMetaFactory webComponentMetaFactory = FACTORY_CACHE.get(binaryTcmUri.getPublicationId());

        if (webComponentMetaFactory == null) {
            webComponentMetaFactory = new WebComponentMetaFactoryImpl(binaryTcmUri.getPublicationId());
            FACTORY_CACHE.put(binaryTcmUri.getPublicationId(), webComponentMetaFactory);

        final ComponentMeta binaryMeta = webComponentMetaFactory.getMeta(tcmUri);

        if (binaryMeta != null && binaryMeta.getLastPublicationDate() != null) {
            return new DateTime(binaryMeta.getLastPublicationDate());
        return Constants.THE_YEAR_ZERO;