Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 <> * * This file is part of xrootd4j. * * xrootd4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * xrootd4j is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with xrootd4j. If not, see */ package org.dcache.xrootd.tpc; import; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.dcache.xrootd.core.XrootdException; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.AbstractXrootdInboundResponse; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.InboundAttnResponse; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.InboundChecksumResponse; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.InboundReadResponse; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.OutboundChecksumRequest; import org.dcache.xrootd.tpc.protocol.messages.OutboundReadRequest; import static; import static org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.XrootdProtocol.*; /** * <p>This handler reads until the file is complete, terminating the session * thereafter. When complete, it uses the write handler on its client to * send a reply to the kXR_sync request received from the initiating client, * and calls back to disconnect the third-party client.</p> * * <p>Optional checksum verification (done prior to the sync reply) * is implemented by subclasses.</p> */ public abstract class TpcSourceReadHandler extends AbstractClientSourceHandler { @Override protected void doOnAsynResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, InboundAttnResponse response) throws XrootdException { switch (response.getRequestId()) { case kXR_read: sendReadRequest(ctx); break; case kXR_query: sendChecksumRequest(ctx); break; default: super.doOnAsynResponse(ctx, response); } } @Override protected void doOnChecksumResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, InboundChecksumResponse response) throws XrootdException { int status = response.getStatus(); XrootdTpcInfo tpcInfo = client.getInfo(); LOGGER.trace("Checksum query response for {} on {}, channel {}, stream {} " + "received, status {}.", tpcInfo.getLfn(), tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId(), status); if (status != kXR_ok) { String error = String.format("Checksum query for %s failed.", tpcInfo.getLfn()); handleTransferTerminated(status, error, ctx); return; } validateChecksum(response, ctx); } /* * TODO: revisit read implementation to see if parallel read is feasible. */ @Override protected void doOnReadResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, InboundReadResponse response) { try { int status = response.getStatus(); XrootdTpcInfo tpcInfo = client.getInfo(); int bytesRcvd = response.getDlen(); LOGGER.trace( "Read response received for {} on {}, channel {}, " + "stream {}: status {}, " + "got {} more bytes.", tpcInfo.getLfn(), tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId(), status, bytesRcvd); if (status != kXR_ok && status != kXR_oksofar) { String error = String.format("Read of %s failed with status %s.", tpcInfo.getLfn(), status); handleTransferTerminated(kXR_error, error, ctx); return; } long writeOffset = client.getWriteOffset(); if (bytesRcvd > 0) { try { response.setWriteOffset(writeOffset); client.getWriteHandler().write(response); writeOffset += bytesRcvd; client.setWriteOffset(writeOffset); } catch (ClosedChannelException e) { handleTransferTerminated(kXR_ServerError, "Channel " + + " was forcefully " + "closed by the server.", ctx); return; } catch (IOException e) { handleTransferTerminated(kXR_IOError, e.toString(), ctx); return; } LOGGER.trace("Read of {} on {}, channel {}, stream {}: " + "wrote {}, " + "so far {}, expected {}.", tpcInfo.getLfn(), tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId(), bytesRcvd, writeOffset, tpcInfo.getAsize()); } if (status == kXR_oksofar) { LOGGER.trace("Waiting for more data for {} on {}, " + "channel {}, stream {}", tpcInfo.getLfn(), tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId()); return; } if (writeOffset < tpcInfo.getAsize()) { sendReadRequest(ctx); } else if (tpcInfo.getCks() != null) { sendChecksumRequest(ctx); } else { LOGGER.trace( "Read for {} on {}, channel {}, stream {}," + " completed without " + "checksum verification.", tpcInfo.getLfn(), tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId()); handleTransferTerminated(kXR_ok, null, ctx); } } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.release(response); } } @Override protected void doOnWaitResponse(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, AbstractXrootdInboundResponse response) throws XrootdException { switch (response.getRequestId()) { case kXR_read: client.getExecutor().schedule(() -> { sendReadRequest(ctx); }, getWaitInSeconds(response), TimeUnit.SECONDS); break; case kXR_query: client.getExecutor().schedule(() -> { sendChecksumRequest(ctx); }, getWaitInSeconds(response), TimeUnit.SECONDS); break; default: super.doOnWaitResponse(ctx, response); } } protected void handleTransferTerminated(int status, String error, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { client.getWriteHandler().fireDelayedSync(status, error); LOGGER.trace("handleTransferTerminated called fire delayed sync, " + "calling client shutdown"); try { client.shutDown(ctx); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warn("Client shutdown interrupted."); } } @Override protected void sendReadRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { XrootdTpcInfo tpcInfo = client.getInfo(); LOGGER.trace("sendReadRequest to {}, channel {}, stream {}, " + "fhandle {}, offset {}, chunksize {}.", tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId(), client.getFhandle(), client.getWriteOffset(), getChunkSize()); client.setExpectedResponse(kXR_read); ctx.writeAndFlush(new OutboundReadRequest(client.getStreamId(), client.getFhandle(), client.getWriteOffset(), getChunkSize()), ctx.newPromise()).addListener(FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE); } @Override protected void sendChecksumRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { XrootdTpcInfo tpcInfo = client.getInfo(); LOGGER.trace("sendChecksumRequest to {}, channel {}, " + "stream {}, fhandle {}.", tpcInfo.getSrc(),, client.getStreamId(), client.getFhandle()); client.setExpectedResponse(kXR_query); ctx.writeAndFlush(new OutboundChecksumRequest(client.getStreamId(), tpcInfo.getLfn()), ctx.newPromise()) .addListener(FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE); } protected abstract void validateChecksum(InboundChecksumResponse response, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws XrootdException; protected abstract int getChunkSize(); }