Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton, * Member of the Helmholtz Association, (DESY), HAMBURG, GERMANY * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program (see the file COPYING.LIB for more * details); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.dcache.nfs.v4.client; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layoutreturn_file4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_fh4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.CREATE_SESSION4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.CREATE4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.WRITE4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.attrlist4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.open_claim_type4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.seqid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.READDIR4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_opnum4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_argop4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_impl_id4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.callback_sec_parms4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs4_prot; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layoutreturn4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.slotid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.sequenceid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.LOOKUP4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.state_protect4_a; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layoutiomode4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.PUTFH4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.uint32_t; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.GETDEVICELIST4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.GETATTR4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.open_claim4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.GETDEVICEINFO4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.createhow4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.createtype4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.deviceid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.SEQUENCE4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_ftype4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.client_owner4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.count4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.stable_how4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.utf8str_cis; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.CLOSE4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.fattr4_mode; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.DESTROY_CLIENTID4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.clientid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.channel_attrs4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.EXCHANGE_ID4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.opentype4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.length4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.COMPOUND4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.fattr4_size; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.bitmap4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.REMOVE4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.component4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.LAYOUTGET4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.OPEN4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.fattr4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.READ4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.state_owner4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.offset4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.DESTROY_SESSION4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.LAYOUTRETURN4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.utf8str_cs; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfstime4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layoutreturn_type4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_cookie4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layouttype4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.verifier4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.sessionid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.openflag4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.createmode4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.open_owner4; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.RECLAIM_COMPLETE4args; import org.dcache.utils.Bytes; import org.dcache.xdr.XdrBuffer; import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer; public class CompoundBuilder { private final String NO_TAG = ""; private String tag = NO_TAG; private int minorversion = 1; private List<nfs_argop4> ops = new ArrayList<>(); public CompoundBuilder withTag(String tag) { this.tag = tag; return this; } public CompoundBuilder withLookup(String path) { final Splitter splitter = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings(); for (String s : splitter.split(path)) { if ("..".equals(s)) { withLookupp(); continue; } nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_LOOKUP; op.oplookup = new LOOKUP4args(); op.oplookup.objname = new component4(s); ops.add(op); } return this; } public CompoundBuilder withPutfh(nfs_fh4 fh) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.opputfh = new PUTFH4args(); op.opputfh.object = fh; op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_PUTFH; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withReaddir(long cookie, verifier4 verifier) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.opreaddir = new READDIR4args(); op.opreaddir.cookie = new nfs_cookie4(cookie); op.opreaddir.dircount = new count4(8192); op.opreaddir.maxcount = new count4(256); op.opreaddir.attr_request = new bitmap4(new int[] { 0, 0 }); op.opreaddir.cookieverf = verifier; op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_READDIR; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withGetfh() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_GETFH; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withExchangeId(String nii_domain, String nii_name, String co_ownerid, int flags, int how) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_EXCHANGE_ID; op.opexchange_id = new EXCHANGE_ID4args(); op.opexchange_id.eia_client_impl_id = new nfs_impl_id4[1]; nfs_impl_id4 n4 = new nfs_impl_id4(); n4.nii_domain = new utf8str_cis(nii_domain); n4.nii_name = new utf8str_cs(nii_name); op.opexchange_id.eia_client_impl_id[0] = n4; nfstime4 releaseDate = new nfstime4(System.currentTimeMillis()); op.opexchange_id.eia_client_impl_id[0].nii_date = releaseDate; op.opexchange_id.eia_clientowner = new client_owner4(); op.opexchange_id.eia_clientowner.co_ownerid = co_ownerid.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); op.opexchange_id.eia_clientowner.co_verifier = new verifier4(); op.opexchange_id.eia_clientowner.co_verifier.value = new byte[nfs4_prot.NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE]; Bytes.putLong(op.opexchange_id.eia_clientowner.co_verifier.value, 0, releaseDate.seconds); op.opexchange_id.eia_flags = new uint32_t(flags); op.opexchange_id.eia_state_protect = new state_protect4_a(); op.opexchange_id.eia_state_protect.spa_how = how; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withPutrootfh() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_PUTROOTFH; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withLookupp() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_LOOKUPP; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withMinorversion(int minorversion) { this.minorversion = minorversion; return this; } public CompoundBuilder withCreatesession(clientid4 clientid, sequenceid4 sequenceid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_CREATE_SESSION; op.opcreate_session = new CREATE_SESSION4args(); channel_attrs4 chan_attrs = new channel_attrs4(); chan_attrs.ca_headerpadsize = new count4(0); chan_attrs.ca_maxoperations = new count4(8192); chan_attrs.ca_maxrequests = new count4(8192); chan_attrs.ca_maxrequestsize = new count4(8192); chan_attrs.ca_maxresponsesize = new count4(8192); chan_attrs.ca_maxresponsesize_cached = new count4(8); chan_attrs.ca_rdma_ird = new uint32_t[0]; op.opcreate_session.csa_clientid = clientid; op.opcreate_session.csa_sequence = sequenceid; op.opcreate_session.csa_flags = new uint32_t(nfs4_prot.CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST); op.opcreate_session.csa_fore_chan_attrs = chan_attrs; op.opcreate_session.csa_back_chan_attrs = chan_attrs; op.opcreate_session.csa_cb_program = new uint32_t(123); op.opcreate_session.csa_sec_parms = new callback_sec_parms4[1]; op.opcreate_session.csa_sec_parms[0] = new callback_sec_parms4(); op.opcreate_session.csa_sec_parms[0].cb_secflavor = nfs4_prot.AUTH_NONE; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withSequence(boolean CacheThis, sessionid4 sessionid, int sequence, int slotid, int highSlotid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_SEQUENCE; op.opsequence = new SEQUENCE4args(); op.opsequence.sa_cachethis = CacheThis; slotid4 sId = new slotid4(slotid); op.opsequence.sa_slotid = sId; slotid4 HsId = new slotid4(highSlotid); op.opsequence.sa_highest_slotid = HsId; op.opsequence.sa_sequenceid = new sequenceid4(++sequence); op.opsequence.sa_sessionid = sessionid; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withGetattr(int... attrs) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); GETATTR4args args = new GETATTR4args(); args.attr_request = bitmap4.of(attrs); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_GETATTR; op.opgetattr = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withSavefh() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_SAVEFH; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withRestorefh() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_RESTOREFH; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withDestroysession(sessionid4 sessionid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_DESTROY_SESSION; op.opdestroy_session = new DESTROY_SESSION4args(); op.opdestroy_session.dsa_sessionid = sessionid; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withDestroyclientid(clientid4 clientid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_DESTROY_CLIENTID; op.opdestroy_clientid = new DESTROY_CLIENTID4args(); op.opdestroy_clientid.dca_clientid = clientid; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withRemove(String path) { REMOVE4args args = new REMOVE4args(); = new component4(path); nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_REMOVE; op.opremove = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withWrite(long offset, byte[] data, stateid4 stateid) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); buf.position(data.length); return withWrite(offset, buf, stateid); } public CompoundBuilder withWrite(long offset, ByteBuffer data, stateid4 stateid) { WRITE4args args = new WRITE4args(); args.stable = stable_how4.FILE_SYNC4; args.offset = new offset4(offset); args.stateid = stateid; = data; nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_WRITE; op.opwrite = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withRead(int count, long offset, stateid4 stateid) { READ4args args = new READ4args(); args.count = new count4(count); args.offset = new offset4(offset); args.stateid = stateid; nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_READ; op.opread = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withGetdevicelist() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_GETDEVICELIST; op.opgetdevicelist = new GETDEVICELIST4args(); op.opgetdevicelist.gdla_cookie = new nfs_cookie4(0); op.opgetdevicelist.gdla_cookieverf = new verifier4(); op.opgetdevicelist.gdla_cookieverf.value = new byte[nfs4_prot.NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE]; op.opgetdevicelist.gdla_layout_type = layouttype4.LAYOUT4_NFSV4_1_FILES; op.opgetdevicelist.gdla_maxdevices = new count4(256); ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withGetdeviceinfo(deviceid4 devId) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_GETDEVICEINFO; op.opgetdeviceinfo = new GETDEVICEINFO4args(); op.opgetdeviceinfo.gdia_device_id = devId; op.opgetdeviceinfo.gdia_layout_type = layouttype4.LAYOUT4_NFSV4_1_FILES; op.opgetdeviceinfo.gdia_maxcount = new count4(1024); op.opgetdeviceinfo.gdia_notify_types = new bitmap4(); op.opgetdeviceinfo.gdia_notify_types.value = new int[] { 1 }; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withLayoutreturn(long offset, long len, byte[] body, stateid4 stateid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_LAYOUTRETURN; op.oplayoutreturn = new LAYOUTRETURN4args(); op.oplayoutreturn.lora_reclaim = false; op.oplayoutreturn.lora_iomode = layoutiomode4.LAYOUTIOMODE4_ANY; op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layout_type = layouttype4.LAYOUT4_NFSV4_1_FILES; op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn = new layoutreturn4(); op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_returntype = layoutreturn_type4.LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE; op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_layout = new layoutreturn_file4(); op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_layout.lrf_offset = new offset4(offset); op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_layout.lrf_length = new length4(len); op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_layout.lrf_body = body; op.oplayoutreturn.lora_layoutreturn.lr_layout.lrf_stateid = stateid; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withClose(stateid4 stateid) { CLOSE4args args = new CLOSE4args(); args.seqid = new seqid4(new uint32_t(0)); args.open_stateid = stateid; nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_CLOSE; op.opclose = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withOpenCreate(String path, int sequenceId, clientid4 clientid, int access) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_OPEN; op.opopen = new OPEN4args(); op.opopen.seqid = new seqid4(new uint32_t(sequenceId)); state_owner4 owner = new state_owner4(); owner.clientid = clientid; owner.owner = "JUnitChimera".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); op.opopen.owner = new open_owner4(owner); if ((access & nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_DELEG_MASK) == 0) { access |= nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG; } op.opopen.share_access = new uint32_t(access); op.opopen.share_deny = new uint32_t(nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_NONE); openflag4 flag = new openflag4(); flag.opentype = opentype4.OPEN4_CREATE; // createhow4(mode, attrs, verifier) createhow4 how = new createhow4(); how.mode = createmode4.GUARDED4; fattr4 attr = new fattr4(); attr.attrmask = openFattrBitmap(); attr.attr_vals = new attrlist4(); attr.attr_vals.value = openAttrs(); how.createattrs = attr; how.createverf = new verifier4(new byte[nfs4_prot.NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE]); how.mode = createmode4.GUARDED4; = how; op.opopen.openhow = flag; open_claim4 claim = new open_claim4(); claim.claim = open_claim_type4.CLAIM_NULL; claim.file = new component4(path); claim.delegate_type = nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG; claim.file_delegate_prev = null; claim.oc_delegate_stateid = null; claim.delegate_type = 0; claim.delegate_cur_info = null; op.opopen.claim = claim; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withMakedir(String path) { CREATE4args args = new CREATE4args(); args.objname = new component4(path); args.objtype = new createtype4(); args.objtype.type = nfs_ftype4.NF4DIR; args.createattrs = new fattr4(); args.createattrs.attr_vals = new attrlist4(); args.createattrs.attr_vals.value = openAttrs(); args.createattrs.attrmask = openFattrBitmap(); nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_CREATE; op.opcreate = args; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withOpen(String path, int sequenceId, clientid4 clientid, int access) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_OPEN; op.opopen = new OPEN4args(); op.opopen.seqid = new seqid4(new uint32_t(sequenceId)); // if ((access & nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_DELEG_MASK) == 0){ // access |= nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG; // } // op.opopen.share_access = new uint32_t(access); op.opopen.share_access = new uint32_t(nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_READ); op.opopen.share_deny = new uint32_t(nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_NONE); state_owner4 owner = new state_owner4(); owner.clientid = clientid; owner.owner = "JUnitChimera".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); op.opopen.owner = new open_owner4(owner); openflag4 flag = new openflag4(); flag.opentype = opentype4.OPEN4_NOCREATE; createhow4 how = new createhow4(); how.mode = createmode4.UNCHECKED4; = how; op.opopen.openhow = flag; open_claim4 claim = new open_claim4(); claim.claim = open_claim_type4.CLAIM_NULL; claim.file = new component4(path); claim.delegate_type = nfs4_prot.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG; claim.file_delegate_prev = null; claim.oc_delegate_stateid = null; claim.delegate_type = 0; claim.delegate_cur_info = null; op.opopen.claim = claim; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withLayoutget(boolean signal_layout_avail, int layout_type, int iomode, long offset, long length, long minlength, int maxcount, stateid4 stateid) { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_LAYOUTGET; op.oplayoutget = new LAYOUTGET4args(); op.oplayoutget.loga_signal_layout_avail = signal_layout_avail; op.oplayoutget.loga_layout_type = layout_type; op.oplayoutget.loga_iomode = iomode; op.oplayoutget.loga_offset = new offset4(offset); op.oplayoutget.loga_length = new length4(length); op.oplayoutget.loga_minlength = new length4(minlength); op.oplayoutget.loga_maxcount = new count4(maxcount); op.oplayoutget.loga_stateid = stateid; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withReclaimComplete() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_RECLAIM_COMPLETE; op.opreclaim_complete = new RECLAIM_COMPLETE4args(); op.opreclaim_complete.rca_one_fs = false; ops.add(op); return this; } public CompoundBuilder withReclaimCompleteOneFs() { nfs_argop4 op = new nfs_argop4(); op.argop = nfs_opnum4.OP_RECLAIM_COMPLETE; op.opreclaim_complete = new RECLAIM_COMPLETE4args(); op.opreclaim_complete.rca_one_fs = true; ops.add(op); return this; } public COMPOUND4args build() { final COMPOUND4args compound4args = new COMPOUND4args(); compound4args.tag = new utf8str_cs(tag); compound4args.minorversion = new uint32_t(minorversion); compound4args.argarray = ops.toArray(new nfs_argop4[0]); return compound4args; } private static bitmap4 openFattrBitmap() { List<Integer> attrs = new ArrayList<>(); attrs.add(nfs4_prot.FATTR4_SIZE); attrs.add(nfs4_prot.FATTR4_MODE); bitmap4 afttrBitmap = new bitmap4(); afttrBitmap.value = new int[2]; for (Integer mask : attrs) { int bit; int bitmap; if (mask > 31) { bit = mask - 32; bitmap = afttrBitmap.value[1]; } else { bit = mask; bitmap = afttrBitmap.value[0]; } bitmap |= 1 << bit; } return afttrBitmap; } private static byte[] openAttrs() { XdrBuffer xdr = new XdrBuffer(1024); try { xdr.beginEncoding(); fattr4_mode mode = new fattr4_mode(0755); fattr4_size size = new fattr4_size(0); size.xdrEncode(xdr); mode.xdrEncode(xdr); } catch (IOException never_happens) { // ignore } xdr.endEncoding(); Buffer b = xdr.asBuffer(); byte[] retBytes = new byte[b.remaining()]; b.get(retBytes); return retBytes; } }