Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Ronald Blankendaal * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.dbgl.util.searchengine; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.dbgl.model.SearchEngineImageInformation; import org.dbgl.model.Constants; import org.dbgl.model.WebProfile; import org.dbgl.util.StringRelatedUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public abstract class WebSearchEngine { protected static final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "http://"; protected static final String HTML_HREF_OPEN = " href=\""; protected static final String HTML_HREF_OPEN_SQ = " href='"; protected static final String HTML_SRC_OPEN = " src=\""; protected static final String HTML_SRC_OPEN_SQ = " src='"; protected static final String HTML_QUOTE = "\""; protected static final String HTML_QUOTE_SQ = "'"; protected static final String HTML_MOBY_OPEN = "</moby "; protected static final String HTML_MOBY_CLOSE = "</moby>"; protected static final String HTML_SPAN_OPEN = "<span "; protected static final String HTML_SPAN_CLOSE = "</span>"; protected static final String HTML_ANCHOR_OPEN = "<a "; protected static final String HTML_ANCHOR_CLOSE = "</a>"; protected static final String HTML_DIV_OPEN = "<div"; protected static final String HTML_DIV_CLOSE = "</div>"; protected static final String HTML_BLOCKQUOTE_OPEN = "<blockquote>"; protected static final String HTML_BLOCKQUOTE_CLOSE = "</blockquote>"; protected static final String HTML_I_OPEN = "<i>"; protected static final String HTML_I_CLOSE = "</i>"; protected static final String HTML_UL_OPEN = "<ul>"; protected static final String HTML_UL_CLOSE = "</ul>"; protected static final String HTML_OL_OPEN = "<ol>"; protected static final String HTML_OL_CLOSE = "</ol>"; protected static final String HTML_LI_OPEN = "<li>"; protected static final String HTML_LI_CLOSE = "</li>"; protected static final String HTML_B_OPEN = "<b>"; protected static final String HTML_B_CLOSE = "</b>"; protected static final String HTML_STRONG_OPEN = "<strong>"; protected static final String HTML_STRONG_CLOSE = "</strong>"; protected static final String HTML_P_OPEN = "<p>"; protected static final String HTML_PU_OPEN = "<p "; protected static final String HTML_P_CLOSE = "</p>"; protected static final String HTML_EM_OPEN = "<em>"; protected static final String HTML_EM_CLOSE = "</em>"; protected static final String HTML_BR_UNCLOSED = "<br>"; protected static final String HTML_BR_CLOSED = "<br/>"; protected static final String HTML_BR_CLOSED_ALT = "<br />"; protected static final String HTML_TD_OPEN = "<td>"; protected static final String HTML_TD_CLOSE = "</td>"; protected static final String HTML_TITLE_OPEN = "<title>"; protected static final String HTML_TITLE_CLOSE = "</title>"; protected static final String HTML_SMALL_OPEN = "<small>"; protected static final String HTML_SMALL_CLOSE = "</small>"; public abstract String getIcon(); public abstract String getName(); public abstract String getSimpleName(); public abstract WebProfile getEntryDetailedInformation(final WebProfile entry) throws UnknownHostException, IOException; public abstract SearchEngineImageInformation[] getEntryImages(final WebProfile entry, int coverArtMax, int screenshotsMax, boolean forceAllRegionsCoverArt) throws IOException; public abstract List<WebProfile> getEntries(final String title, String[] platforms) throws IOException; public static int getEntryFirstExactMatchIndex(final String title, final List<WebProfile> profs) { for (int i = 0; i < profs.size(); i++) { if (title.equalsIgnoreCase(profs.get(i).getTitle())) return i; } return -1; } public static int getEntryBestMatchIndex(final String search, final List<WebProfile> profs) { String[] titles = new String[profs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < profs.size(); i++) titles[i] = profs.get(i).getTitle(); return StringRelatedUtils.findBestMatchIndex(search, titles); } public static InputStream getInputStream(final String url) throws IOException { try { URL urlConnection = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlConnection.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(10000); // 10 seconds conn.setReadTimeout(20000); // 20 seconds conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", Constants.PROGRAM_NAME_FULL); return conn.getInputStream(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } protected static String getResponseContent(final String url, final String charsetName) throws IOException { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(url), charsetName)); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(8192); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { result.append(str); } in.close(); return result.toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } protected static String absoluteUrl(final String hostName, final String url) { return url.startsWith(HTTP_PROTOCOL) ? url : HTTP_PROTOCOL + hostName + (url.charAt(0) == '/' ? "" : '/') + url; } protected static String extractNextContent(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex, final String openTag, final String closeTag) { int divStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(openTag, startIndex); divStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(">", divStartIndex) + 1; int divEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(closeTag, divStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(divStartIndex, divEndIndex); } protected static String extractNextHrefContent(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_HREF_OPEN, startIndex) + HTML_HREF_OPEN.length(); int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_QUOTE, aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static String extractNextHrefContentSingleQuotes(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_HREF_OPEN_SQ, startIndex) + HTML_HREF_OPEN_SQ.length(); int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_QUOTE_SQ, aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static int idxNextHrefContent(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int idx = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_ANCHOR_OPEN, startIndex); if ((idx != -1) && (htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_ANCHOR_CLOSE, idx + HTML_ANCHOR_OPEN.length()) != -1)) return idx; return -1; } protected static String extractNextSrcContent(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_SRC_OPEN, startIndex) + HTML_SRC_OPEN.length(); int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_QUOTE, aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static String extractNextDoubleQuotedContent(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf("\"", startIndex) + 1; int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf("\"", aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static String extractNextSrcContentSingleQuotes(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_SRC_OPEN_SQ, startIndex) + HTML_SRC_OPEN_SQ.length(); int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(HTML_QUOTE_SQ, aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static String extractNextSrcContentParentheses(final String htmlChunk, final int startIndex) { int aStartIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf('(', startIndex) + 1; int aEndIndex = htmlChunk.indexOf(')', aStartIndex); return htmlChunk.substring(aStartIndex, aEndIndex); } protected static String removeAllTags(final String htmlChunk) { String result = removeTag(HTML_DIV_OPEN, HTML_DIV_CLOSE, htmlChunk); result = removeTag(HTML_ANCHOR_OPEN, HTML_ANCHOR_CLOSE, result); result = removeTag(HTML_MOBY_OPEN, HTML_MOBY_CLOSE, result); result = replaceTag(HTML_I_OPEN, HTML_I_CLOSE, "", "", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_B_OPEN, HTML_B_CLOSE, "", "", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_STRONG_OPEN, HTML_STRONG_CLOSE, "", "", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_LI_OPEN, HTML_LI_CLOSE, "", "\n", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_EM_OPEN, HTML_EM_CLOSE, "", "", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_UL_OPEN, HTML_UL_CLOSE, "\n\n", "\n", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_OL_OPEN, HTML_OL_CLOSE, "\n\n", "\n", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_BLOCKQUOTE_OPEN, HTML_BLOCKQUOTE_CLOSE, "\n\n", "\n", result); result = result.replaceAll(HTML_P_CLOSE + "\\s*" + HTML_P_OPEN, "\n\n"); result = replaceTag(HTML_P_OPEN, HTML_P_CLOSE, "\n", "", result); return result; } protected static String replaceTag(final String openTag, final String closeTag, final String r1, final String r2, final String htmlChunk) { return replaceTag(closeTag, r2, replaceTag(openTag, r1, htmlChunk)); } protected static String replaceTag(final String openTag, final String r1, final String htmlChunk) { return htmlChunk.replace(openTag, r1).replace(openTag.toUpperCase(), r1); } protected static String removeTag(final String openTag, final String closeTag, final String htmlChunk) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(htmlChunk); int openingIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(result, openTag); while (openingIndex != -1) { result.delete(openingIndex, result.indexOf(">", openingIndex + openTag.length()) + 1); int closingIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(result, closeTag); result.delete(closingIndex, closingIndex + closeTag.length()); openingIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(result, openTag); } return result.toString(); } protected static String unescapeHtml(final String htmlChunk) { String result = replaceTag(HTML_BR_UNCLOSED, "\n", htmlChunk); result = replaceTag(HTML_BR_CLOSED, "\n", result); result = replaceTag(HTML_BR_CLOSED_ALT, "\n", result); result = replaceTag(" ", " ", result); result = replaceTag("'", "'", result); return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringUtils.strip(result)); } private static boolean isAllowed(final WebProfile prof, final String[] platforms) { boolean allowed = (platforms.length == 0); for (String p : platforms) { if (prof.getPlatform().equalsIgnoreCase(p)) return true; } return allowed; } protected static List<WebProfile> filterEntries(String[] platforms, Collection<WebProfile> allEntries) { List<WebProfile> entries = new ArrayList<WebProfile>(); for (WebProfile prof : allEntries) if (isAllowed(prof, platforms)) entries.add(prof); if (entries.isEmpty()) entries.addAll(allEntries); Collections.sort(entries); return entries; } }