Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dbflute.helper.StringKeyMap; import org.dbflute.helper.dataset.DfDataColumn; import org.dbflute.helper.dataset.DfDataRow; import org.dbflute.helper.dataset.DfDataSet; import org.dbflute.helper.dataset.DfDataSetConstants; import org.dbflute.helper.dataset.DfDataTable; import org.dbflute.util.DfCollectionUtil; import org.dbflute.util.DfTypeUtil; import org.dbflute.util.Srl; /** * @author modified by jflute (originated in Seasar2) * @author p1us2er0 (pull request) * @since 0.8.3 (2008/10/28 Tuesday) */ public class DfTableXlsWriter implements DfDataSetConstants { // =================================================================================== // Attribute // ========= // ----------------------------------------------------- // XLS Resource // ------------ protected final OutputStream _out; protected final Workbook _workbook; protected final CellStyle _dateStyle; protected final CellStyle _base64Style; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Read Option // ----------- protected boolean _stringCellType; protected boolean _largeDataHandling; protected boolean _quoteEmptyString; protected int _cellLengthLimit = 30000; // as default, actually 32767 allowed by excel; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Large Data // ---------- /** The map for large data table. map:{ table.column = map:{ dataKey = list:{split-large-data ; ...} } } (NullAllowed) */ protected Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> _largeDataMap; // =================================================================================== // Constructor // =========== public DfTableXlsWriter(File file) { _out = create(file); _workbook = DfXlsFactory.instance().createWorkbook(file); final DataFormat dataFormat = _workbook.createDataFormat(); _dateStyle = _workbook.createCellStyle(); _dateStyle.setDataFormat(dataFormat.getFormat(DATE_FORMAT)); _base64Style = _workbook.createCellStyle(); _base64Style.setDataFormat(dataFormat.getFormat(BASE64_FORMAT)); } protected static OutputStream create(File file) { try { return new FileOutputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } // =================================================================================== // Option // ====== /** * Enable string types of all cells. * @return this. */ public DfTableXlsWriter stringCellType() { _stringCellType = true; return this; } /** * Enable large data handling. (using large data table) * @return this. */ public DfTableXlsWriter largeDataHandling() { _largeDataHandling = true; return this; } /** * Quote empty string by double quotation. (to keep empty string basically for ReplaceSchema) * @return this. */ public DfTableXlsWriter quoteEmptyString() { _quoteEmptyString = true; return this; } /** * Change cell length limit. (override default value) * @param limit The limit size of cell length. * @return this. */ public DfTableXlsWriter cellLengthLimit(int limit) { _cellLengthLimit = limit; return this; } // =================================================================================== // Write // ===== public void write(DfDataSet dataSet) { setupTableSheet(dataSet); setupLargeDataSheet(); doWriteWorkbook(); } protected void doWriteWorkbook() { try { _workbook.write(_out); _out.flush(); _out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to write the workbook.", e); } } // =================================================================================== // Table Sheet // =========== protected void setupTableSheet(DfDataSet dataSet) { for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < dataSet.getTableSize(); ++tableIndex) { final DfDataTable table = dataSet.getTable(tableIndex); final Sheet sheet = _workbook.createSheet(); final String tableName = table.getTableDbName(); try { _workbook.setSheetName(tableIndex, tableName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = "Failed to set the sheet name: " + tableName; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } final Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < table.getColumnSize(); ++columnIndex) { final Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(columnIndex); cell.setCellValue(createRichTextString(_workbook, table.getColumnName(columnIndex))); } for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < table.getRowSize(); ++rowIndex) { final Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex + 1); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < table.getColumnSize(); ++columnIndex) { final DfDataRow dataRow = table.getRow(rowIndex); final Object value = dataRow.getValue(columnIndex); if (value != null) { final Cell cell = row.createCell(columnIndex); setupCellValueOfTableSheet(table, columnIndex, row, cell, value); } } } } } // =================================================================================== // Large Data Sheet // ================ protected void setupLargeDataSheet() { if (_largeDataHandling && _largeDataMap != null) { final int nextSheetIndex = _workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); final Sheet sheet = _workbook.createSheet(); final String sheetName = DfTableXlsReader.LDATA_SHEET_NAME; try { _workbook.setSheetName(nextSheetIndex, sheetName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = "Failed to set the sheet name for large data: " + sheetName; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } doSetupLargeDataHeader(sheet); doSetupLargeDataRowCell(sheet); } } protected void doSetupLargeDataHeader(Sheet sheet) { final Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); int columnIndex = 0; for (Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> entry : _largeDataMap.entrySet()) { final String columnTitle = entry.getKey(); final Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(columnIndex); cell.setCellValue(createRichTextString(_workbook, columnTitle)); ++columnIndex; } } protected void doSetupLargeDataRowCell(Sheet sheet) { final Map<Integer, Row> rowMap = allocateLargeDataRow(sheet); int columnIndex = 0; for (Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> entry : _largeDataMap.entrySet()) { final Map<String, List<String>> dataMap = entry.getValue(); int rowIndex = 0; for (Entry<String, List<String>> dataEntry : dataMap.entrySet()) { final String dataKey = dataEntry.getKey(); final List<String> splitDataList = dataEntry.getValue(); for (String splitData : splitDataList) { final Row row = rowMap.get(rowIndex); final Cell cell = row.createCell(columnIndex); final String managedValue = convertToLargeDataManagedValue(dataKey, splitData); setupCellValueOfLargeDataSheet(row, cell, managedValue); ++rowIndex; } } ++columnIndex; } } protected Map<Integer, Row> allocateLargeDataRow(Sheet sheet) { int maxRowSize = 0; for (Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> entry : _largeDataMap.entrySet()) { final Map<String, List<String>> dataMap = entry.getValue(); int dataRowSize = 0; for (Entry<String, List<String>> dataEntry : dataMap.entrySet()) { final List<String> splitDataList = dataEntry.getValue(); dataRowSize = dataRowSize + splitDataList.size(); } if (maxRowSize < dataRowSize) { maxRowSize = dataRowSize; } } final Map<Integer, Row> rowMap = DfCollectionUtil.newLinkedHashMap(); for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < maxRowSize; rowIndex++) { final Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex + 1); rowMap.put(rowIndex, row); } return rowMap; } protected String convertToLargeDataManagedValue(final String dataKey, String splitData) { return dataKey + DfTableXlsReader.LDATA_KEY_DELIMITER + "{" + splitData + "}"; } // =================================================================================== // Cell Value Handling // =================== protected void setupCellValueOfTableSheet(DfDataTable table, int columnIndex, Row row, Cell cell, Object value) { doSetupCellValue(table, columnIndex, row, cell, value); } protected void setupCellValueOfLargeDataSheet(Row row, Cell cell, Object value) { doSetupCellValue(null, -1, row, cell, value); } protected void doSetupCellValue(DfDataTable table, int columnIndex, Row row, Cell cell, Object value) { // value is not null here if (_stringCellType) { cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); } if (value instanceof Number) { cell.setCellValue(createRichTextString(_workbook, value.toString())); } else if (value instanceof Date) { cell.setCellValue((Date) value); cell.setCellStyle(_dateStyle); } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { cell.setCellValue(createRichTextString(_workbook, DfTypeUtil.encodeAsBase64((byte[]) value))); cell.setCellStyle(_base64Style); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { cell.setCellValue(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); } else { // e.g. String final String adjustedStr = adjustStringCellValue(table, columnIndex, row, cell, value); cell.setCellValue(createRichTextString(_workbook, adjustedStr)); } } protected String adjustStringCellValue(DfDataTable table, int columnIndex, Row row, Cell cell, Object value) { final boolean tableSheet = table != null; final String plainStr = DfTypeUtil.toString(value); final String strValue; if (tableSheet) { strValue = resolveLargeDataReferenceIfNeeds(table, columnIndex, row, plainStr); } else { strValue = plainStr; } return resolveEmptyStringIfNeeds(strValue); } protected String resolveLargeDataReferenceIfNeeds(DfDataTable table, int columnIndex, Row row, String strValue) { final String mark = "..."; final int splitLength = getCellLengthLimit() - mark.length(); if (strValue != null && strValue.length() > splitLength) { final String filteredValue; if (_largeDataHandling) { if (_largeDataMap == null) { _largeDataMap = StringKeyMap.createAsFlexibleOrdered(); } final String tableDbName = table.getTableDbName(); final DfDataColumn column = table.getColumn(columnIndex); final String columnDbName = column.getColumnDbName(); final String columnTitle = tableDbName + "." + columnDbName; Map<String, List<String>> dataMap = _largeDataMap.get(columnTitle); if (dataMap == null) { dataMap = DfCollectionUtil.newLinkedHashMap(); _largeDataMap.put(columnTitle, dataMap); } final String plainKey = columnTitle + ":" + row.getRowNum(); final String dataKey = Integer.toHexString(plainKey.hashCode()); dataMap.put(dataKey, toLargeDataSplitList(strValue)); filteredValue = toLargeDataReferenceExp(dataKey); } else { filteredValue = strValue.substring(0, splitLength) + mark; } return filteredValue; } return strValue; } protected List<String> toLargeDataSplitList(String strValue) { final List<String> splitList = DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList(); final int limit = getCellLengthLimit(); String workingStr = strValue; while (workingStr.length() > limit) { final String element = Srl.substring(workingStr, 0, limit); splitList.add(element); workingStr = Srl.substring(workingStr, limit); } splitList.add(workingStr); return splitList; } protected String toLargeDataReferenceExp(final String dataKey) { return DfTableXlsReader.LDATA_REF_PREFIX + dataKey + DfTableXlsReader.LDATA_REF_SUFFIX; } protected int getCellLengthLimit() { return _cellLengthLimit; } protected String resolveEmptyStringIfNeeds(String strValue) { // empty string from database can be treated as empty string by quoting return _quoteEmptyString && strValue.equals("") ? "\"\"" : strValue; } protected RichTextString createRichTextString(Workbook workbook, String str) { return DfXlsFactory.instance().createRichTextString(workbook, str); } }