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 * Copyright / LIRMM 2013
 * Contributor(s) : T. Colas, T. Marmin
 * Contact:
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 * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
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package org.datalift.sdmxdatacube;


import org.datalift.fwk.log.Logger;
import org.sdmxsource.rdf.model.RDFDataOutputFormat;
import org.sdmxsource.rdf.model.RDFStructureOutputFormat;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.engine.DataReaderEngine;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.engine.DataWriterEngine;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.factory.ReadableDataLocationFactory;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.manager.output.StructureWritingManager;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.manager.parse.StructureParsingManager;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.model.StructureFormat;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.model.beans.SdmxBeans;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.model.beans.datastructure.DataflowBean;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.api.util.ReadableDataLocation;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.dataparser.manager.DataReaderManager;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.dataparser.manager.DataWriterManager;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.dataparser.transform.DataReaderWriterTransform;
import org.sdmxsource.sdmx.structureretrieval.manager.InMemoryRetrievalManager;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

 * A Spring Bean which uses SDMXRDFParser from Metadata Technologies' SdmxSource
 * to convert SDMX 2.1 datasets / structures to DataCube.
 * This code is mainly from the example of usage provided by Matt Nelson
 * (org.sdmxsource.demo.rdf.main.RDFDataTransformer, rev 11 on SVN).
 * @author T. Colas, T. Marmin, Matt Nelson (Metadata Tech)
 * @version 260213
public class SDMXDataCubeTransformer {

    /** Required to Build SdmxBeans from a SDMX/EDI source. */
    private StructureParsingManager structureParsingManager;

    /** Required for StructureWriterEngine. */
    private StructureWritingManager structureWritingManager;

    /** Required to get the required DataWriterEngine. */
    private DataWriterManager dataWriterManager;

    /** Required to get the DataReaderEngine capable of reading the datasource. */
    private DataReaderManager dataReaderManager;

    /** Required to read from the data source, and write to the target source. */
    private DataReaderWriterTransform dataReaderWriterTransform;

    private ReadableDataLocationFactory readableDataLocationFactory;

    private InMemoryRetrievalManager inMemoryRetrievalManager;

    /** Datalift's logger. */
    protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger();

    public SdmxBeans outputStructures(StructureFormat structureFormat) throws Exception {
        ReadableDataLocation structures = readableDataLocationFactory.getReadableDataLocation(new URL(

        // Build an object representation of the SDMX
        SdmxBeans beans = structureParsingManager.parseStructures(structures).getStructureBeans(false);

        // Write to the in memory manager, this is used to resolve cross
        // referenced structures later

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        structureWritingManager.writeStructures(beans, structureFormat, out);

        return beans;

    public ByteArrayOutputStream outputData(SdmxBeans beans, DataFormat dataFormat) throws Exception {
        ReadableDataLocation data = readableDataLocationFactory.getReadableDataLocation(new URL(

        // Create a reader, we either need the datastructure at this point, or
        // access to get the datastructure
        DataReaderEngine dataReader = dataReaderManager.getDataReaderEngine(data,
                new InMemoryRetrievalManager(beans));

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataWriterEngine dataWriter = dataWriterManager.getDataWriterEngine(dataFormat, out);

        // Copy to writer, copyheader=true, closewriter on completion=true
        dataReaderWriterTransform.copyToWriter(dataReader, dataWriter, true, true);

        return out;

    public ByteArrayOutputStream convertSDMXToDataCube(InputStream sourceStream, RDFFormat rdfFormat) {
        // TODO replace structures and data with dataset.
        ReadableDataLocation dataset = readableDataLocationFactory.getReadableDataLocation(sourceStream);
        ReadableDataLocation structures = null;
        ReadableDataLocation data = null;
        try {
            structures = readableDataLocationFactory.getReadableDataLocation(new URL(
            data = readableDataLocationFactory.getReadableDataLocation(new URL(

        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        /* Working on structure */

        // Build an object representation of the SDMX.
        SdmxBeans beans = structureParsingManager.parseStructures(structures).getStructureBeans(false);

        // Write to the in memory manager, this is used to resolve cross-referenced structures later

        structureWritingManager.writeStructures(beans, new RDFStructureOutputFormat(rdfFormat),
                new ByteArrayOutputStream());

        /* Working on data */

        // Create a reader, we either need the datastructure at this point, or access to get the datastructure.
        DataReaderEngine dataReader = dataReaderManager.getDataReaderEngine(data,
                new InMemoryRetrievalManager(beans));

        ByteArrayOutputStream convertedStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataWriterEngine dataWriter = dataWriterManager.getDataWriterEngine(
                new RDFDataOutputFormat((DataflowBean) beans.getDataflows().toArray()[0], rdfFormat),

        // Copy to writer, copyheader=true, closewriter on completion=true
        dataReaderWriterTransform.copyToWriter(dataReader, dataWriter, true, true);

        return convertedStream;