Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Johns Hopkins University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.dataconservancy.packaging.apt; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamFactory; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.api.PackagingFormat; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.GeneralParameterNames; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.PackageGenerationParameters; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.PackageGenerationParametersBuilder; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.PackageToolException; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.PackagingToolReturnInfo; import org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.model.ParametersBuildException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * Created by jrm on 8/10/16. * * @author jrm */ public class AutomatedPackageTool { private final static String rulesFileName = "rules.xsd"; private final static String packageMetadataFileName = "packageMetadata"; private final static String packageGenerationsParametersFileName = "packageGenerationParameters"; private final static File userDataconservancyDirectory = new File( System.getProperty("user.home") + File.pathSeparator + ".dataconservancy"); private final static String defaultResourceConfigPath = "/org/dataconservancy/apt/config/"; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); /* * * Arguments */ @Argument(required = true, index = 0, metaVar = "[content]", usage = "content root directory") private File contentRootFile = null; @Argument(required = false, index = 1, metaVar = "[profile]", usage = "domain profile file") private File domainProfileFile = null; /* * * General Options */ /** Request for help/usage documentation */ @Option(name = "-h", aliases = { "-help", "--help" }, usage = "print help message") private boolean help = false; /** Requests the current version number of the cli application. */ @Option(name = "-v", aliases = { "-version", "--version" }, usage = "print version information") private boolean version = false; /** Requests for debugging info. */ @Option(name = "-d", aliases = { "-debug", "--debug" }, usage = "print debug information") private boolean debug = false; /** Requests for parameter info */ @Option(name = "-i", aliases = { "-info", "--info" }, usage = "print parameter info") private boolean info = false; /* * * Package Generation Options */ /** Packaging format */ @Option(name = "-f", aliases = { "--format" }, usage = "packaging format to use") private PackagingFormat pkgFormat = PackagingFormat.BOREM; /** Package Generation Params location */ @Option(name = "-g", aliases = { "--generation-params" }, metaVar = "<file>", usage = "package generation params file location") private static File packageGenerationParamsFile; /** Package Metadata File location */ @Option(name = "-m", aliases = { "--package-metadata" }, metaVar = "<file>", usage = "package metadata file location") private static File packageMetadataFile; /** Archive format **/ @Option(name = "-a", aliases = { "--archiving-format" }, metaVar = "tar|zip", usage = "Archive format to use when creating the package. Defaults to tar") private String archiveFormat; /** Compression format for tar archives **/ @Option(name = "-c", aliases = { "--compression-format" }, metaVar = "gz|none", usage = "Compression format, if archive type is tar. If not specified, no compression is used. Ignored if non-tar archive is used.") private String compressionFormat; /** Checksum algorithms **/ @Option(name = "-s", aliases = { "--checksum" }, metaVar = "md5|sha1", usage = "Checksum algorithms to use. If none specified, will use md5. Can be specified multiple times") private List<String> checksums; /** Package Name **/ @Option(name = "-n", aliases = { "--name", "--package-name" }, metaVar = "<name>", usage = "The package name, which also determines the output filename. Will override value in Package Generation Parameters file.") private static String packageName; /** Package output location **/ @Option(name = "-o", aliases = { "--location", "--output-location" }, metaVar = "<path>", usage = "The output directory to which the package file will be written. Will override value in Package Generation Parameters file.") private static File outputLocation; /** Package staging location **/ @Option(name = "--stage", aliases = { "--staging", "--staging-location", "--package-staging-location" }, metaVar = "<path>", usage = "The directory to which the package will be staged before building. Will override value in Package Generation Parameters file.") private String packageStagingLocation; /** Force overwrite of target file **/ @Option(name = "--overwrite", aliases = { "--force" }, usage = "If specified, will overwrite if the destination package file already exists without prompting.") private boolean overwriteIfExists = false; /** Write to stdout **/ @Option(name = "--stdout", usage = "Write to stdout, instead of to a file.") private boolean stdout = false; /** Serialization Format **/ @Option(name = "-z", aliases = { "--serialization", "--serialization-format" }, metaVar = "JSONLD|TURTLE|XML", usage = "Serialization format for the ORE-ReM file") private String serializationFormat; /** Rules file **/ @Option(name = "-r", aliases = { "--rules", "--rules-file" }, metaVar = "<path>", usage = "Thelocation of the rules file") private static File rulesFile; public static void main(String[] args) { final AutomatedPackageTool application = new AutomatedPackageTool(); CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(application); parser.setUsageWidth(80); try { parser.parseArgument(args); /* Handle general options such as help, version */ if ( { parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); System.exit(0); } else if (application.version) { System.err.println(AutomatedPackageTool.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); System.exit(0); } if (!outputLocation.exists() || !outputLocation.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("Supplied output file directory " + outputLocation.getCanonicalPath() + " does not exist or is not a directory."); System.exit(1); } if (!(packageName.length() > 0)) { System.err.println("Bag name must have positive length."); System.exit(1); } if (packageMetadataFile != null && (!packageMetadataFile.exists() || !packageMetadataFile.isFile())) { System.err.println("Supplied package metadata file " + packageMetadataFile.getCanonicalPath() + " does not exist or is not a file."); System.exit(1); } if (rulesFile != null && (!rulesFile.exists() || !rulesFile.isFile())) { System.err.println("Supplied rules file " + rulesFile.getCanonicalPath() + " does not exist or is not a file."); System.exit(1); } /* Run the package generation application proper */; } catch (CmdLineException e) { /* * This is an error in command line args, just print out usage data * and description of the error. */ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } private void run() throws Exception { final ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( "classpath*:org/dataconservancy/apt/config/applicationContext.xml", "classpath*:org/dataconservancy/config/applicationContext.xml", "classpath*:org/dataconservancy/packaging/tool/ser/config/applicationContext.xml"); boolean useDefaults = true; // Prepare parameter builder PackageGenerationParametersBuilder parametersBuilder = appContext .getBean("packageGenerationParametersBuilder", PackageGenerationParametersBuilder.class); // Load parameters first from default, then override with home directory .packageGenerationParameters, then with // specified params file (if given). PackageGenerationParameters packageParams; try { packageParams = parametersBuilder.buildParameters(getClass() .getResourceAsStream(defaultResourceConfigPath + packageGenerationsParametersFileName)); updateCompression(packageParams); } catch (ParametersBuildException e) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_PARAM_BUILD_EXCEPTION, e); } File userParamsFile = new File(userDataconservancyDirectory, packageGenerationsParametersFileName); if (userParamsFile.exists()) { try { PackageGenerationParameters homeParams = parametersBuilder .buildParameters(new FileInputStream(userParamsFile)); System.err.println("Overriding generation parameters with values from standard '" + packageGenerationsParametersFileName + "'"); useDefaults = false; updateCompression(homeParams); packageParams.overrideParams(homeParams); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Do nothing, it's ok to not have this file } catch (ParametersBuildException e) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_PARAM_BUILD_EXCEPTION, e); } } if (packageGenerationParamsFile != null) { try { PackageGenerationParameters fileParams = parametersBuilder .buildParameters(new FileInputStream(packageGenerationParamsFile)); System.err.println("Overriding generation parameters with values from " + packageGenerationParamsFile + " specified on command line"); useDefaults = false; updateCompression(fileParams); packageParams.overrideParams(fileParams); } catch (ParametersBuildException e) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_PARAM_BUILD_EXCEPTION, e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, e); } if (debug) { log.debug("Parameters resulted from parsing file " + packageGenerationParamsFile.getAbsoluteFile() + ": \n" + packageParams.toString()); } } // Finally, override with command line options // If any options overridden, this will cause useDefaults to become false, if it wasn't already PackageGenerationParameters flagParams = createCommandLinePrefs(); if (!flagParams.getKeys().isEmpty()) { useDefaults = false; System.err.println("Overriding generation parameters using command line flags"); updateCompression(flagParams); packageParams.overrideParams(flagParams); } //we need to validate any specified file locations in the package generation params to make sure they exist if (packageParams.getParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_LOCATION) == null) { packageParams.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_LOCATION, System.getProperty("")); } validateLocationParameters(packageParams); // Resolve the rules file location. Priority is given to a command line file path, then to one in the user's home location, then to the app default if (rulesFile == null) { File userRulesFile = new File(userDataconservancyDirectory, rulesFileName); if (userRulesFile.exists()) { rulesFile = userRulesFile; } else { //get the default rules file supplied with the app } } System.err.println("MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"); } /** * we validate locations of files passed as arguments elsewhere, but the locations passed as options * eventually end up in the PackageGenerationsParameters. We validate these parameter values only after * we finish the process of building the parameters from the various available sources. * @param params the package generation parameters */ private void validateLocationParameters(PackageGenerationParameters params) { //required, cannot be null String packageLocation = params.getParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_LOCATION, 0); if (packageLocation == null || packageLocation.isEmpty()) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION); } else { File packageLocationFile = new File(packageLocation); if (!packageLocationFile.exists()) { System.err.println(packageLocation); throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION); } } } /** * Update the compression format for the parameters, if necessary. * Basically, if the archive format is "zip", it should set the compression * format to "none" unless another format is explicitly set. * @param params The package generation params, used to get the file needed */ private void updateCompression(PackageGenerationParameters params) { String archive = params.getParam(GeneralParameterNames.ARCHIVING_FORMAT, 0); String compress = params.getParam(GeneralParameterNames.COMPRESSION_FORMAT, 0); //manually set the compression to none if archive is ZIP and no compression // is specifically set in this object, or if archive is exploded if (archive != null && ((archive.equals(ArchiveStreamFactory.ZIP) && compress == null) || archive.equals("exploded"))) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.COMPRESSION_FORMAT, "none"); } } /** * Create a PackageGenerationParameter for command line flags * @return a PackageGenerationParameter object with any command line overrides */ private PackageGenerationParameters createCommandLinePrefs() { PackageGenerationParameters params = new PackageGenerationParameters(); if (archiveFormat != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.ARCHIVING_FORMAT, archiveFormat); } if (compressionFormat != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.COMPRESSION_FORMAT, compressionFormat); } if (packageName != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_NAME, packageName); // params.addParam(BagItParameterNames.PKG_BAG_DIR, packageName); } if (outputLocation != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_LOCATION, outputLocation.getAbsolutePath()); } if (packageStagingLocation != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_STAGING_LOCATION, packageStagingLocation); } if (checksums != null && !checksums.isEmpty()) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS, checksums); } if (serializationFormat != null) { params.addParam(GeneralParameterNames.REM_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT, serializationFormat); } return params; } private LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> createPackageMetadata() { Properties props = new Properties(); if (packageMetadataFile != null) { if (!packageMetadataFile.exists()) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION); } try (InputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(packageMetadataFile)) { props.load(fileStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); throw new PackageToolException(PackagingToolReturnInfo.CMD_LINE_FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION); } } LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<String> valueList; for (String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) { valueList = Arrays.asList(props.getProperty(key).trim().split("\\s*,\\s*")); metadata.put(key, valueList); } return metadata; } }