Java tutorial
/** * DataCleaner (community edition) * Copyright (C) 2014 Neopost - Customer Information Management * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.datacleaner.monitor.shared.widgets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.datacleaner.monitor.shared.model.DCUserInputException; import org.datacleaner.monitor.shared.model.JobMetrics; import org.datacleaner.monitor.shared.model.MetricIdentifier; import org.datacleaner.monitor.shared.model.TenantIdentifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Panel for defining a metric, either based on a formula or a single metric * identifier. */ public class DefineMetricPanel extends FlowPanel { private final TenantIdentifier _tenant; private final JobMetrics _jobMetrics; private final CheckBox _formulaCheckBox; private final TextBox _formulaTextBox; private final List<SelectMetricPanel> _selectMetricPanels; private final Button _formulaAddMetricButton; private final Button _formulaRemoveMetricButton; public DefineMetricPanel(final TenantIdentifier tenant, final JobMetrics jobMetrics, final MetricIdentifier existingMetric, final boolean formulaOnly) { super(); addStyleName("DefineMetricPanel"); final boolean formulaBased = (formulaOnly ? true : (existingMetric == null ? false : existingMetric.isFormulaBased())); _tenant = tenant; _jobMetrics = jobMetrics; _selectMetricPanels = new ArrayList<SelectMetricPanel>(); _formulaAddMetricButton = DCButtons.defaultButton("glyphicon-plus", null); _formulaAddMetricButton.addStyleName("AddMetricButton"); _formulaAddMetricButton.setVisible(formulaBased); _formulaRemoveMetricButton = DCButtons.defaultButton("glyphicon-minus", null); _formulaRemoveMetricButton.addStyleName("RemoveMetricButton"); _formulaRemoveMetricButton.setVisible(formulaBased); _formulaTextBox = new TextBox(); _formulaTextBox.setStyleName("form-control"); _formulaTextBox.addStyleName("FormulaTextBox"); _formulaTextBox.setVisible(formulaBased); // provide an example template, which makes it convenient to do a // percentage calculation _formulaTextBox.setText("A * 100 / B"); _formulaCheckBox = new CheckBox("Metric formula?"); _formulaCheckBox.addStyleName("FormulaCheckBox"); _formulaCheckBox .setTitle("Let this metric be a formula, comprising multiple child metrics in a calculation?"); _formulaCheckBox.setValue(formulaBased); _formulaCheckBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { final boolean formulaBased = event.getValue(); _formulaTextBox.setVisible(formulaBased); _formulaAddMetricButton.setVisible(formulaBased); _formulaRemoveMetricButton.setVisible(formulaBased); } }); if (!formulaOnly) { add(_formulaCheckBox); } add(_formulaTextBox); add(_formulaAddMetricButton); add(_formulaRemoveMetricButton); if (formulaBased) { if (existingMetric == null) { // a new formula is being defined updateFormulaState(true); } else { // an existing formula is being recreated _formulaTextBox.setText(existingMetric.getFormula()); final List<MetricIdentifier> children = existingMetric.getChildren(); for (MetricIdentifier child : children) { addSelection(createSelectMetricPanel(child, formulaBased)); } } } else { addSelection(createSelectMetricPanel(existingMetric, formulaBased)); } // add listener for limiting amount of metric selections _formulaCheckBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { final boolean formulaBased = event.getValue(); updateFormulaState(formulaBased); } }); _formulaAddMetricButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { final SelectMetricPanel panel = createSelectMetricPanel(null, true); addSelection(panel); } }); _formulaRemoveMetricButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (_selectMetricPanels.size() > 1) { removeSelection(); } } }); } private SelectMetricPanel createSelectMetricPanel(MetricIdentifier child, boolean formulaBased) { SelectMetricPanel panel = new SelectMetricPanel(_tenant, _jobMetrics, child, formulaBased); if (child == null) { char c = 'A'; c += _selectMetricPanels.size(); panel.setDisplayName("" + c); } return panel; } private void updateFormulaState(final boolean formulaBased) { if (!formulaBased) { while (_selectMetricPanels.size() > 1) { removeSelection(); } } else { while (_selectMetricPanels.size() < 2) { addSelection(createSelectMetricPanel(null, true)); } } final StringBuilder formulaBuilder = new StringBuilder(); char c = 'A'; for (SelectMetricPanel panel : _selectMetricPanels) { // show display name, since it will be used in the formula // as a variable panel.setDisplayNameVisible(formulaBased); panel.setDisplayName("" + c); if (formulaBuilder.length() == 0) { formulaBuilder.append(c); } else { formulaBuilder.append(" + "); formulaBuilder.append(c); } c++; } } private void removeSelection() { final SelectMetricPanel panel = _selectMetricPanels.remove(_selectMetricPanels.size() - 1); remove(panel); } private void addSelection(final SelectMetricPanel selectMetricPanel) { _selectMetricPanels.add(selectMetricPanel); final String displayName = selectMetricPanel.getDisplayName(); selectMetricPanel.addDisplayNameValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { private String previousValue = displayName; @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { final String value = event.getValue(); GWT.log("Value changed. Previous: " + previousValue + ", New: " + value); if (previousValue != null && !previousValue.trim().isEmpty()) { final String formulaText = _formulaTextBox.getText(); final int position = formulaText.indexOf(previousValue); if (position != -1) { final String newFormula = formulaText.replace(previousValue, value); _formulaTextBox.setText(newFormula); } } previousValue = value; } }); add(selectMetricPanel); } public MetricIdentifier getMetric() throws DCUserInputException { if (_formulaCheckBox.getValue()) { final String formula = _formulaTextBox.getValue(); final List<MetricIdentifier> children = new ArrayList<MetricIdentifier>(); for (SelectMetricPanel panel : _selectMetricPanels) { MetricIdentifier childMetric = panel.getMetric(); validateFormulaChildMetric(childMetric); children.add(childMetric); } return new MetricIdentifier(formula, formula, children); } else { return _selectMetricPanels.get(0).getMetric(); } } private void validateFormulaChildMetric(MetricIdentifier childMetric) throws DCUserInputException { final String displayName = childMetric.getDisplayName(); if (displayName == null || displayName.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new DCUserInputException("Please provide formula symbols for all child metrics."); } char firstChar = displayName.trim().charAt(0); if (!Character.isLetter(firstChar)) { throw new DCUserInputException("Formula symbol '" + displayName + "' must start with a letter."); } final int length = displayName.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = displayName.charAt(i); if (c != ' ' && c != '_' && !Character.isLetter(c) && !Character.isDigit(c)) { throw new DCUserInputException( "Formula symbol '" + displayName + "' contains invalid character: " + c); } } } }