Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import*; import io.searchbox.client.JestClient; import io.searchbox.client.JestClientFactory; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import io.searchbox.client.config.HttpClientConfig; import io.searchbox.core.Count; import io.searchbox.core.CountResult; import io.searchbox.core.Search; import; import io.searchbox.indices.mapping.GetMapping; import org.dashbuilder.dataprovider.backend.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchClientFactory; import org.dashbuilder.dataprovider.backend.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDataSetProvider; import org.dashbuilder.dataprovider.backend.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchValueTypeMapper; import; import; import*; import*; import; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.ColumnType; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataColumn; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataSetMetadata; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.def.DataSetDef; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.def.ElasticSearchDataSetDef; import; import; import; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.sort.ColumnSort; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.sort.DataSetSort; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * <p>The Jest/GSON client for ElasticSearch server.</p> * * @see <a href=""></a> */ public class ElasticSearchJestClient implements ElasticSearchClient<ElasticSearchJestClient> { protected String serverURL; protected String clusterName; protected String[] index; protected String[] type; protected ElasticSearchClientFactory clientFactory; protected ElasticSearchValueTypeMapper typeMapper; protected ElasticSearchUtils utils; // JestClient is designed to be singleton, don't construct it for each request. private JestClient client; private ElasticSearchJestClient anotherClient; protected int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; public ElasticSearchJestClient(ElasticSearchClientFactory clientFactory, ElasticSearchValueTypeMapper typeMapper, ElasticSearchUtils utils) { this.clientFactory = clientFactory; this.typeMapper = typeMapper; this.utils = utils; } @Override public ElasticSearchJestClient serverURL(String serverURL) { this.serverURL = serverURL; if (clusterName != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchJestClient index(String... indexes) { this.index = indexes; if (serverURL != null && clusterName != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchJestClient type(String... types) { this.type = types; if (serverURL != null && clusterName != null) { if (index == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot call elasticsearchRESTEasyClient#type before calling elasticsearchRESTEasyClient#index."); buildClient(); } return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchJestClient clusterName(String clusterName) { this.clusterName = clusterName; if (serverURL != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } @Override public MappingsResponse getMappings(String... index) throws ElasticSearchClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("elasticsearchRESTEasyClient instance is not build."); try { IndexMappingResponse[] result = new IndexMappingResponse[index.length]; int x = 0; for (String _index : index) { IndexMappingResponse indexMappings = getMappings(_index, null); result[x++] = indexMappings; } return new MappingsResponse(ElasticSearchDataSetProvider.RESPONSE_CODE_OK, result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ElasticSearchClientGenericException("Cannot obtain mappings.", e); } } protected IndexMappingResponse getMappings(String index, String type) throws Exception { GetMapping.Builder builder = new GetMapping.Builder().addIndex(index); if (type != null) builder = builder.addType(type); GetMapping getMapping =; JestResult result = client.execute(getMapping); Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> mappings = result.getJsonObject().get(index).getAsJsonObject() .get("mappings").getAsJsonObject().entrySet(); TypeMappingResponse[] types = new TypeMappingResponse[mappings.size()]; int x = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : mappings) { String typeName = entry.getKey(); JsonElement typeMappings = entry.getValue(); JsonElement properties = typeMappings.getAsJsonObject().get("properties"); Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> propertyMappings = properties.getAsJsonObject().entrySet(); FieldMappingResponse[] fields = new FieldMappingResponse[propertyMappings.size()]; int y = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> propertyMapping : propertyMappings) { String field = propertyMapping.getKey(); JsonElement element = propertyMapping.getValue(); FieldMapping fieldMappings = new Gson().fromJson(element, FieldMapping.class); // Field data type. FieldMappingResponse.FieldType fieldType = null; if (fieldMappings.getType() != null) fieldType = FieldMappingResponse.FieldType.valueOf(fieldMappings.getType().toUpperCase()); // Field index type. FieldMappingResponse.IndexType indexType = null; if (fieldMappings.getIndex() != null) indexType = FieldMappingResponse.IndexType.valueOf(fieldMappings.getIndex().toUpperCase()); String format = fieldMappings.getFormat(); // Multi-fields. List<MultiFieldMappingResponse> multiFieldsResult = null; JsonElement multiFieldsElemement = element.getAsJsonObject().get("fields"); if (multiFieldsElemement != null) { Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> multiFields = multiFieldsElemement.getAsJsonObject() .entrySet(); if (multiFields != null && !multiFields.isEmpty()) { multiFieldsResult = new ArrayList<MultiFieldMappingResponse>(multiFields.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> multiFieldEntry : multiFields) { String multiFieldId = multiFieldEntry.getKey(); JsonElement multiFieldElement = multiFieldEntry.getValue(); if (multiFieldElement != null) { JsonElement _dtElement = multiFieldElement.getAsJsonObject().get("type"); String _dt = _dtElement != null ? _dtElement.getAsString() : null; JsonElement _itElement = multiFieldElement.getAsJsonObject().get("index"); String _it = _itElement != null ? _itElement.getAsString() : null; FieldMappingResponse.FieldType multiFieldDataType = _dt != null ? FieldMappingResponse.FieldType.valueOf(_dt.toUpperCase()) : fieldType; FieldMappingResponse.IndexType multiFieldIndexType = _it != null ? FieldMappingResponse.IndexType.valueOf(_it.toUpperCase()) : indexType; MultiFieldMappingResponse multiFieldMappingResponse = new MultiFieldMappingResponse( multiFieldId, multiFieldDataType, multiFieldIndexType); multiFieldsResult.add(multiFieldMappingResponse); } } } } MultiFieldMappingResponse[] multiFieldsArray = multiFieldsResult == null ? null : multiFieldsResult.toArray(new MultiFieldMappingResponse[multiFieldsResult.size()]); FieldMappingResponse fieldMappingResponse = new FieldMappingResponse(field, fieldType, indexType, format, multiFieldsArray); fields[y++] = fieldMappingResponse; } TypeMappingResponse typeMappingResponse = new TypeMappingResponse(typeName, fields); types[x++] = typeMappingResponse; } return new IndexMappingResponse(index, types); } @Override public CountResponse count(String[] index, String... type) throws ElasticSearchClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("elasticsearchRESTEasyClient instance is not build."); Count.Builder countBuilder = new Count.Builder().addIndex(Arrays.asList(index)); if (type != null) countBuilder = countBuilder.addType(Arrays.asList(type)); Count count =; try { CountResult result = client.execute(count); double hitCount = result.getCount(); int totalShards = result.getJsonObject().get("_shards").getAsJsonObject().get("total").getAsInt(); return new CountResponse((long) hitCount, totalShards); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ElasticSearchClientGenericException("Cannot count.", e); } } /** * @param definition The dataset definition. * @param request The search request. * @return * @throws ElasticSearchClientGenericException */ @Override public SearchResponse search(DataSetDef definition, DataSetMetadata metadata, SearchRequest request) throws ElasticSearchClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new NullPointerException("No client"); ElasticSearchDataSetDef elasticSearchDataSetDef = (ElasticSearchDataSetDef) definition; int start = request.getStart(); int size = request.getSize(); List<DataSetGroup> aggregations = request.getAggregations(); List<DataSetSort> sorting = request.getSorting(); Query query = request.getQuery(); // The order for column ids in the resulting data set is already given by the provider (based on the lookup definition). List<DataColumn> columns = Collections.unmodifiableList(request.getColumns()); // Crate the Gson builder and instance. GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); // Create another client for aggregations serializer (dashbuilder does a second query for finding max and min values when using intervals) JsonSerializer aggregationSerializer = new AggregationSerializer(this, metadata, columns, request); JsonSerializer querySerializer = new QuerySerializer(this, metadata, columns); JsonSerializer searchQuerySerializer = new SearchQuerySerializer(this, metadata, columns); JsonDeserializer searchResponseDeserializer = new SearchResponseDeserializer(this, metadata, columns); JsonDeserializer hitDeserializer = new HitDeserializer(this, metadata, columns); JsonDeserializer aggreationsDeserializer = new AggregationsDeserializer(this, metadata, columns); builder.registerTypeAdapter(DataSetGroup.class, aggregationSerializer); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Query.class, querySerializer); builder.registerTypeAdapter(SearchQuery.class, searchQuerySerializer); builder.registerTypeAdapter(SearchResponse.class, searchResponseDeserializer); builder.registerTypeAdapter(SearchHitResponse.class, hitDeserializer); builder.registerTypeAdapter(SearchHitResponse[].class, aggreationsDeserializer); Gson gson = builder.create(); // Set request lookup constraints into the query JSON request. JsonElement gsonQueryElement = gson.toJsonTree(query); JsonObject gsonQuery = null; if (gsonQueryElement instanceof JsonObject) gsonQuery = (JsonObject) gsonQueryElement; // Add the group functions translated as query aggregations. List<JsonObject> aggregationObjects = null; if (aggregations != null && !aggregations.isEmpty()) { aggregationObjects = new LinkedList<JsonObject>(); for (DataSetGroup aggregation : aggregations) { JsonElement object = gson.toJsonTree(aggregation, DataSetGroup.class); if (object != null && object.isJsonObject()) { aggregationObjects.add((JsonObject) object); } } } // Build the search request. SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery(getColumnIds(columns), gsonQuery, aggregationObjects, start, size); String serializedSearchQuery = gson.toJson(searchQuery, SearchQuery.class); Search.Builder searchRequestBuilder = new Search.Builder(serializedSearchQuery).addIndex(index[0]); if (type != null && type.length > 0) searchRequestBuilder.addType(type[0]); // Add sorting. if (sorting != null && !sorting.isEmpty()) { for (DataSetSort sortOp : sorting) { List<ColumnSort> columnSorts = sortOp.getColumnSortList(); if (columnSorts != null && !columnSorts.isEmpty()) { for (ColumnSort columnSort : columnSorts) { Sort sort = new Sort(columnSort.getColumnId(), columnSort.getOrder().asInt() == 1 ? Sort.Sorting.ASC : Sort.Sorting.DESC); searchRequestBuilder.addSort(sort); } } } } // Perform the query to the EL server. Search searchRequest =; JestResult result = null; try { log("REQUEST"); log("*******"); log(serializedSearchQuery); result = client.execute(searchRequest); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ElasticSearchClientGenericException("An error ocurred during search operation.", e); } JsonObject resultObject = result.getJsonObject(); if (resultObject.get("error") != null) { String errorMessage = resultObject.get("error").getAsString(); throw new ElasticSearchClientGenericException( "An error ocurred during search operation. This is the internal error: \n" + errorMessage); } log("RESPONSE"); log("********"); log(resultObject.toString()); return gson.fromJson(resultObject, SearchResponse.class); } public ElasticSearchJestClient getAnotherClient(ElasticSearchDataSetDef def) { if (anotherClient == null) { anotherClient = (ElasticSearchJestClient) clientFactory.newClient(def); } return anotherClient; } protected String[] getColumnIds(List<DataColumn> columns) { if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) return null; String[] result = new String[columns.size()]; for (int x = 0; x < columns.size(); x++) { DataColumn column = columns.get(x); result[x] = column.getId(); } return result; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (anotherClient != null) { anotherClient.close(); } if (client != null) { client.shutdownClient(); } } public static class SearchQuery { String[] fields; JsonObject query; List<JsonObject> aggregations; int start; int size; public SearchQuery(String[] fields, JsonObject query, List<JsonObject> aggregations, int start, int size) { this.fields = fields; this.query = query; this.aggregations = aggregations; this.start = start; this.size = size; } public String[] getFields() { return fields; } public JsonObject getQuery() { return query; } public List<JsonObject> getAggregations() { return aggregations; } public int getStart() { return start; } public int getSize() { return size; } } /* ********************************************************************* * Helper methods. ********************************************************************* */ /** * Parses a given value (for a given column type) returned by response JSON query body from EL server. * * @param column The data column definition. * @param valueElement The value element from JSON query response to format. * @return The object value for the given column type. */ public Object parseValue(DataSetMetadata metadata, DataColumn column, JsonElement valueElement) throws ParseException { if (column == null || valueElement == null || valueElement.isJsonNull()) return null; if (!valueElement.isJsonPrimitive()) throw new RuntimeException("Not expected JsonElement type to parse from query response."); ElasticSearchDataSetDef def = (ElasticSearchDataSetDef) metadata.getDefinition(); JsonPrimitive valuePrimitive = valueElement.getAsJsonPrimitive(); ColumnType columnType = column.getColumnType(); if (ColumnType.TEXT.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.parseText(def, column.getId(), valueElement.getAsString()); } else if (ColumnType.LABEL.equals(columnType)) { boolean isColumnGroup = column.getColumnGroup() != null && column.getColumnGroup().getStrategy().equals(GroupStrategy.FIXED); return typeMapper.parseLabel(def, column.getId(), valueElement.getAsString(), isColumnGroup); } else if (ColumnType.NUMBER.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.parseNumeric(def, column.getId(), valueElement.getAsString()); } else if (ColumnType.DATE.equals(columnType)) { // We can expect two return core types from EL server when handling dates: // 1.- String type, using the field pattern defined in the index' mappings, when it's result of a query without aggregations. // 2.- Numeric type, when it's result from a scalar function or a value pickup. if (valuePrimitive.isString()) { return typeMapper.parseDate(def, column.getId(), valuePrimitive.getAsString()); } if (valuePrimitive.isNumber()) { return typeMapper.parseDate(def, column.getId(), valuePrimitive.getAsLong()); } } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot parse value for column with id [" + column.getId() + "] (Data Set UUID [" + def.getUUID() + "]). Value core type not supported. Expecting string or number or date core field types."); } /** * Formats the given value in a String type in order to send the JSON query body to the EL server. */ public String formatValue(String columnId, DataSetMetadata metadata, Object value) { if (value == null) return null; ElasticSearchDataSetDef def = (ElasticSearchDataSetDef) metadata.getDefinition(); ColumnType columnType = metadata.getColumnType(columnId); if (ColumnType.TEXT.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.formatText(def, columnId, value != null ? value.toString() : null); } else if (ColumnType.LABEL.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.formatLabel(def, columnId, value != null ? value.toString() : null); } else if (ColumnType.DATE.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.formatDate(def, columnId, (Date) value); } else if (ColumnType.NUMBER.equals(columnType)) { return typeMapper.formatNumeric(def, columnId, (Number) value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot format value for column with id [" + columnId + "] (Data Set UUID [" + def.getUUID() + "]). Value core type not supported. Expecting string or number or date core field types."); } public static String getInterval(DateIntervalType dateIntervalType) { String intervalExpression; switch (dateIntervalType) { case MILLISECOND: intervalExpression = "0.001s"; break; case HUNDRETH: intervalExpression = "0.01s"; break; case TENTH: intervalExpression = "0.1s"; break; case SECOND: intervalExpression = "1s"; break; case MINUTE: intervalExpression = "1m"; break; case HOUR: intervalExpression = "1h"; break; case DAY: intervalExpression = "1d"; break; case DAY_OF_WEEK: intervalExpression = "1d"; break; case WEEK: intervalExpression = "1w"; break; case MONTH: intervalExpression = "1M"; break; case QUARTER: intervalExpression = "1q"; break; case YEAR: intervalExpression = "1y"; break; case DECADE: intervalExpression = "10y"; break; case CENTURY: intervalExpression = "100y"; break; case MILLENIUM: intervalExpression = "1000y"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "No interval mapping for date interval type [" + + "]."); } return intervalExpression; } protected JestClient buildClient() throws IllegalArgumentException { return client = buildNewClient(serverURL, clusterName, timeout); } public static JestClient buildNewClient(String serverURL, String clusterName, int timeout) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (serverURL == null || serverURL.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter serverURL is missing."); if (clusterName == null || clusterName.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter clusterName is missing."); // TODO: use clusterName. JestClientFactory factory = new JestClientFactory(); factory.setHttpClientConfig( new HttpClientConfig.Builder(serverURL).multiThreaded(true).connTimeout(timeout).build()); return factory.getObject(); } public ElasticSearchClientFactory getClientFactory() { return clientFactory; } public ElasticSearchValueTypeMapper getValueTypeMapper() { return typeMapper; } public ElasticSearchUtils getUtils() { return utils; } private void log(String message) { /*if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(message); }*/ } }