Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Cytobank (TM) is server and client software for web-based management, analysis,
 * and sharing of flow cytometry data.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Cytobank, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Cytobank, Inc.
 * 659 Oak Grove Avenue #205
 * Menlo Park, CA 94025


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool;

import org.cytobank.FACS;

public abstract class LargeFile {

    /** The size of each buffer in bytes */

    /** The maximun number of file buffers to hold in memory */
    public static final int MAX_BUFFERS = FACS.NUMBER_OF_FILE_BUFFERS;

    /** Maximum wait time for a buffer before an exception */
    public static final int MAX_WAIT_MS = FACS.MAX_FILE_BUFFER_WAIT_MS;

    /** Maximum wait time for a buffer before an exception */
    public static final int MAX_IDLE_MS = FACS.MAX_FILE_BUFFER_IDLE_MS;

     * How often to display monitor updates in ms
    public static final int UPDATES = 2000;

    public static final String READ_ONLY = "r";
    public static final String WRITE_ONLY = "w";
    public static final String READ_WRITE = READ_ONLY + WRITE_ONLY;
    public static final String WRITE_APPEND_ONLY = WRITE_ONLY + "a";
    public static final String READ_WRITE_APPEND = READ_ONLY + WRITE_APPEND_ONLY;

    public static final ByteOrder DEFAULT_BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;

    protected static Thread monitorThread;

    // The finals are in an attempt to give hints to the just in time compiler.
    // Depending on the Java implementation they may speed things up or serve no purpose.
    protected final FileChannel fileChannel;
    final long absoluteDataStart;
    long absoluteDataEnd;

    protected final int relativeBufferSize;

    long absoluteLength;
    long relativeSize;
    protected final int bytesPerRead;

    protected final boolean readable;
    protected final boolean writable;
    protected final boolean appendable;

    protected long relativePosition = 0;
    // Setting to max value forces a load the first time around
    protected long relativeBufferStart = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    protected long relativeBufferEnd = -1;
    protected int relativeAvailable;

    protected ByteOrder byteOrder = DEFAULT_BYTE_ORDER;

    protected ByteBuffer byteBuffer;

    protected boolean written = false;

    protected boolean closed = false;

    protected String closedByThreadName;
    protected long closedByThreadId;

    protected static final GenericObjectPool objectPool;
    static {
        BufferPoolFactory eventBufferPoolFactory = new BufferPoolFactory(BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES);
        objectPool = new GenericObjectPool(eventBufferPoolFactory, MAX_BUFFERS,
                GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK, MAX_WAIT_MS, MAX_IDLE_MS, true, false);

    protected LargeFile(FileChannel fileChannel, int bytesPerRead, String mode) throws IOException {
        this(fileChannel, 0, fileChannel.size(), bytesPerRead, mode);

    protected LargeFile(FileChannel fileChannel, long dataAbsoluteOffset, long absoluteLength, int bytesPerRead,
            String mode) throws IOException {
        this.fileChannel = fileChannel;
        this.absoluteDataStart = dataAbsoluteOffset;
        this.absoluteDataEnd = dataAbsoluteOffset + absoluteLength - 1;
        this.absoluteLength = absoluteLength;
        this.bytesPerRead = bytesPerRead;
        this.relativeSize = toRelative(absoluteLength);

        if (mode == null || mode.trim().isEmpty()) {
            this.readable = true;
            this.writable = false;
            this.appendable = false;
        } else {
            mode = mode.toLowerCase();
            this.readable = mode.contains(READ_ONLY);
            this.writable = mode.contains(WRITE_ONLY);
            this.appendable = mode.contains(WRITE_APPEND_ONLY);

        byteBuffer = getBufferFromPool();

        if (byteBuffer == null)
            throw new IOException("Could not get buffer from pool.");

        this.relativeBufferSize = toRelative(byteBuffer.capacity());

        if (relativeBufferSize < 1)
            throw new IOException("Cannot work with a zero length buffer.");

        // Guard against attempts to specify a length needed that is larger than the actual file length by checking if the dataAbsoluteOffset + absoluteLength exceeds the length
        // of the file when in read only.  If the file on disk is too short, throwing an IOException.
        if (!this.appendable) {
            if (fileChannel.size() < absoluteDataEnd)
                throw new IOException("File too short.  Expected file to be at least " + absoluteDataEnd
                        + " bytes, but it only contains " + fileChannel.size() + " bytes.");

    // Callbacks
    protected abstract void afterReadBuffer();

    protected boolean positionRequiresRead(long position) {
        return (position < relativeBufferStart || position >= (relativeBufferStart + relativeBufferSize));

    protected boolean positionAtEof(long position) {
        return position >= relativeSize;

    public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
        return byteOrder;

    public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) {
        if (byteOrder == null)
            byteOrder = DEFAULT_BYTE_ORDER;

        this.byteOrder = byteOrder;

    public void setRelativePosition(long relativePosition) throws IOException {
        if (closed) {
            throw new IOException("Read from closed file. This large file was alrady closed by "
                    + this.closedByThreadId + "/" + this.closedByThreadName);
        if (!writable && positionAtEof(relativePosition)) {
            // It's alright to set a zero length file to position 0
            if (relativePosition == 0)

            throw new IOException("Read past end of file in " + this.getClass().getName() + ". relativePosition: "
                    + relativePosition + ", relativeSize: " + relativeSize + ", fileChannel.size(): "
                    + fileChannel.size() + ", fileChannel.size() double length : "
                    + fileChannel.size() / (1.0 * DoubleFile.BYTES_PER_DOUBLE));

        // Load the next frame if necessary
        if (positionRequiresRead(relativePosition))

        this.relativePosition = relativePosition;

     * Load the frame for the relative position.  This will force a load.  byteBuffer.position is set
     * to zero, since it assumed indexes will be used with gets and puts. Note: byteBuffer position
     * zero will not necessarily be forRelativePosition.
     * @param forRelativePosition This is the requested position needed from the frame.  It will
     * be converted to the position needed on disk through lots of math and science.
     * @throws IOException

    protected void loadFrame(long forRelativePosition) throws IOException {
        // Flush out any writes before loading the next frame.

        // Everywhere else we try to ignore that the offset, absoluteDataStart, doesn't exist, here it is needed.
        long positionOnDisk = (toAbsolute(forRelativePosition) / BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES) * BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES
                + absoluteDataStart;

        // The byteBuffer must be cleared for the read to write new data to it
        // Byte order needs to be set after every clear/read

        int read = 0;
        if (positionOnDisk <= absoluteDataEnd && readable)
            read =, positionOnDisk);

        relativeBufferStart = (forRelativePosition / relativeBufferSize) * relativeBufferSize;
        relativeAvailable = toRelative(read);
        relativeBufferEnd = relativeBufferStart + relativeAvailable - 1;

        // Use relativeAvailable to make sure that the amount read is divisible by bytesPerRead
        if (relativeAvailable > 0) {
            // Position needs to be set to zero for byteBuffer.toDouble() and its ilk to work
            // Set position to forRelativePosition

        // Do any follow up work required

    protected int toRelative(int absolute) {
        return absolute / bytesPerRead;

    protected int toAbsolute(int relative) {
        return relative * bytesPerRead;

    protected long toRelative(long absolute) {
        return absolute / bytesPerRead;

    protected long toAbsolute(long relative) {
        return relative * bytesPerRead;

    protected int getNeededPosition() throws IOException {
        if (closed)
            throw new IOException("Read from closed file.");
        if (!appendable && positionAtEof(relativePosition))
            throw new IOException("Opertation past end of file.");
        if (positionRequiresRead(relativePosition))

        int neededPosition = (int) (relativePosition - relativeBufferStart);


        return neededPosition;

    protected int getNeededWritePosition() throws IOException {
        int neededPosition = getNeededPosition();

        written = true;

        if (neededPosition >= relativeAvailable)
            relativeAvailable = neededPosition + 1;

        return neededPosition;

    protected int write() throws IOException {

        long positionOnDisk = toAbsolute(relativeBufferStart) + absoluteDataStart;

        int written = fileChannel.write(byteBuffer, positionOnDisk);
        long currentPosition = toAbsolute(relativeBufferStart) + written;

        // Grow the length of the file
        if (currentPosition > absoluteLength)

        return written;

    public long getLengthInBytes() {
        return absoluteLength;

     * Return the size of the file in terms of the data type that is being used to represent the file.
     * If the file is being represented in doubles, there are 8 bytes per double, and there are 800 bytes
     * in the file then the size would be 100 because there would be 100 doubles in the file.
     * @return
     * @throws IOException

    public long getRelativeLength() {
        return toRelative(absoluteLength);

    protected void setLengthInBytes(long length) {
        this.absoluteLength = length;
        this.relativeSize = toRelative(length);
        this.absoluteDataEnd = absoluteDataStart + absoluteLength - 1;

    public int getRelativeBufferSize() {
        return relativeBufferSize;

    public int getAbsoluteBufferSize() {
        return BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES;

    public boolean isWritable() {
        return writable;

    public void flush() throws IOException {
        if (written)
        written = false;

     * Close this instance of LargeFile.  Note, this method intentionally does not close the fileChannel.
     * It is up to the caller to do that.
     * @throws IOException
    public void close() throws IOException {
        this.closedByThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        this.closedByThreadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
        closed = true;
        byteBuffer = null;

    //   protected void finalize() {
    //      try {
    //         close();
    //      } catch (IOException ignore) {}
    //   }

    protected static ByteBuffer getBufferFromPool() throws IOException {
        try {
            ByteBuffer byteBuffer = (ByteBuffer) objectPool.borrowObject();
            return byteBuffer;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IOException("Could not get buffer from buffer pool.");

    protected static void returnBufferToPool(ByteBuffer buffer) {
        if (buffer == null)
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static int numberOfActiveBuffers() {
        return objectPool.getNumActive();

    public static int numberOfIdleBuffers() {
        return objectPool.getNumIdle();
