Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * Cyberoam iView - The Intelligent logging and reporting solution that * provides network visibility for security, regulatory compliance and * data confidentiality * Copyright (C ) 2009 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code * versions of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as * required under Section 5 of the GNU General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of * the "Cyberoam Elitecore Technologies Initiative" logo. *************************************************************************/ package org.cyberoam.iview.charts; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.text.MessageFormat; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.cyberoam.iview.audit.CyberoamLogger; import org.cyberoam.iview.beans.DataLinkBean; import org.cyberoam.iview.beans.GraphBean; import org.cyberoam.iview.beans.ProtocolBean; import org.cyberoam.iview.beans.ReportBean; import org.cyberoam.iview.beans.ReportColumnBean; import org.cyberoam.iview.modes.TabularReportConstants; import org.cyberoam.iviewdb.utility.ResultSetWrapper; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardPieToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot3D; import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment; import org.jfree.util.Rotation; /** * This class is used to generate tooltip for pie chart. * @author Narendra Shah * */ class CustomToolTipGeneratorForPie3D extends StandardPieToolTipGenerator { private String formatString = null; CustomToolTipGeneratorForPie3D() { formatString = super.getLabelFormat(); } CustomToolTipGeneratorForPie3D(String formatString) { this.formatString = formatString; } public String generateToolTip(PieDataset dataset, Comparable key) { String result = null; Object[] items = createItemArray(dataset, key); result = MessageFormat.format(formatString, items); return result; } } /** * This class represents Pie3D chart entity. * @author Vishal Vala * */ public class Pie3D { private static Color[] pieSections = { new Color(254, 211, 41), new Color(243, 149, 80), new Color(199, 85, 82), new Color(181, 105, 152), new Color(69, 153, 204) }; /** * This method generates JFreeChart instance for 3D Pie chart with iView customization. * @param reportID specifies that for which report Chart is being prepared. * @param rsw specifies data set which would be used for the Chart * @param requeest used for Hyperlink generation from uri. * @return jfreechart instance with iView Customization. */ public static JFreeChart getChart(int reportID, ResultSetWrapper rsw, HttpServletRequest request) { boolean xFlag = false; ReportBean reportBean = ReportBean.getRecordbyPrimarykey(reportID); JFreeChart chart = null; try { ReportColumnBean reportColumnBean, reportColumnBeanX = null; GraphBean graphBean = null; DataLinkBean dataLinkBean = null; DefaultPieDataset dataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); graphBean = GraphBean.getRecordbyPrimarykey(reportBean.getGraphId());//Getting GraphBean reportColumnBeanX = ReportColumnBean.getRecordByPrimaryKey(reportBean.getReportId(), graphBean.getXColumnId());//getting ReportColumnBean For X Axis // String xColumnDBname = reportColumnBeanX.getDbColumnName(); if (reportColumnBeanX.getDataLinkId() != -1) { dataLinkBean = DataLinkBean.getRecordbyPrimarykey(reportColumnBeanX.getDataLinkId()); } reportColumnBean = ReportColumnBean.getRecordByPrimaryKey(reportBean.getReportId(), graphBean.getZColumnId()); rsw.beforeFirst(); reportColumnBean = ReportColumnBean.getRecordByPrimaryKey(reportBean.getReportId(), graphBean.getYColumnId()); String yColumnName = reportColumnBean.getColumnName(); if (dataLinkBean == null && reportColumnBean.getDataLinkId() != -1) { dataLinkBean = DataLinkBean.getRecordbyPrimarykey(reportColumnBean.getDataLinkId()); } String xData = null; while ( { xData = rsw.getString(reportColumnBeanX.getDbColumnName()); if (xData == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(xData) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(xData)) { xData = "N/A"; } else if (reportColumnBeanX.getColumnFormat() == TabularReportConstants.PROTOCOL_FORMATTING && xData.indexOf(':') != -1) { String data = data = ProtocolBean.getProtocolNameById(Integer.parseInt( rsw.getString(reportColumnBeanX.getDbColumnName()).substring(0, xData.indexOf(':')))); xData = data + rsw.getString(reportColumnBeanX.getDbColumnName()).substring(xData.indexOf(':'), xData.length()); } dataset.setValue(xData, new Long(rsw.getLong(reportColumnBean.getDbColumnName()))); } chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart3D("", // chart title dataset, // data true, // include legend true, // tooltips? false // URLs? ); /* *Setting additional customization to the chart. */ //Set the background color for the chart... chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); //Get a reference to the plot for further customisation... PiePlot3D plot = (PiePlot3D) chart.getPlot(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setBackgroundAlpha(0.0f); plot.setSectionOutlinesVisible(false); plot.setOutlineVisible(false); plot.setStartAngle(290); plot.setDepthFactor(0.1); plot.setDirection(Rotation.CLOCKWISE); plot.setNoDataMessage("No data to display"); plot.setSectionOutlinesVisible(false); plot.setSectionOutlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setOutlineVisible(false); plot.setExplodePercent(dataset.getKey(0), 0.3); plot.setLabelLinkPaint(Color.gray); plot.setLabelBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setLabelFont(new Font("Arial", Font.CENTER_BASELINE, 10)); plot.setLabelOutlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setLabelShadowPaint(Color.white); LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend(); legend.setItemFont(new Font("Arial", Font.CENTER_BASELINE, 10)); legend.setMargin(0, 0, 2, 0); legend.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); plot.setToolTipGenerator(new CustomToolTipGeneratorForPie3D("{0}: ({1} " + yColumnName + ", {2})")); //Setting Color try { plot.setSectionPaint(dataset.getKey(0), Pie3D.pieSections[0]); plot.setSectionPaint(dataset.getKey(1), Pie3D.pieSections[1]); plot.setSectionPaint(dataset.getKey(2), Pie3D.pieSections[2]); plot.setSectionPaint(dataset.getKey(3), Pie3D.pieSections[3]); plot.setSectionPaint(dataset.getKey(4), Pie3D.pieSections[4]); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { CyberoamLogger.appLog.debug("Pie3D.e:" + e, e); } return chart; } }