Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: * * @author jeremi */ package org.curriki.gwt.client.widgets.metadata; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import com.xpn.xwiki.gwt.api.client.DOMUtils; import com.xpn.xwiki.gwt.api.client.Document; import com.xpn.xwiki.gwt.api.client.User; import com.xpn.xwiki.gwt.api.client.XObject; import org.curriki.gwt.client.*; import org.curriki.gwt.client.pages.ComponentsPage; import org.curriki.gwt.client.editor.Editor; import org.curriki.gwt.client.widgets.modaldialogbox.NextCancelDialog; import org.curriki.gwt.client.widgets.modaldialogbox.NominateDialog; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class MetadataEdit extends Composite implements MouseListener, ClickListener { private VerticalPanel panel; private Document doc; private FormPanel form = new FormPanel(); private FormHandler formHandler; private boolean fullMode; private boolean startFullMode; private HashMap fieldMap = new HashMap(); private Hyperlink moreInfoLabel = null; private HTML moreInfoText = null; private WindowResizeListener resizeListener = null; private List mandatoryFields = new ArrayList(); private NextCancelDialog ncDialog; private Button bttSend = new Button(Main.getTranslation("editor.btt_save")); private HTML txtSend = new HTML(); private FlowPanel sendContainer = new FlowPanel(); private String category; // CRS private String currentCRSStatus; private int step = 1; private VerticalPanel panelStep1; private VerticalPanel panelStep2; private Map skillsPanels = new HashMap(); private static MetadataEdit currentMetadataEdit; public MetadataEdit(boolean fullMode) { this(null, fullMode); } public MetadataEdit(Document doc, boolean fullMode) { // moving init widget earlier if (!fullMode) { ScrollPanel sPanel = new ScrollPanel(form); int width = ((Window.getClientWidth() - 20) < 600 ? Window.getClientWidth() - 20 : 600); int height = ((Window.getClientHeight() - 70) < 500 ? Window.getClientHeight() - 70 : 500); sPanel.setWidth(width + "px"); sPanel.setHeight(height + "px"); initWidget(sPanel); } else initWidget(form); panel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.addStyleName("metadata-edit-panel"); form.setWidget(panel); form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_URLENCODED); bttSend.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { MetadataEdit.this.submit(); } }); bttSend.addStyleName("metadata-save"); String txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata.save_button_text"); if (txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals("metadata.save_button_text")) { txtSend.setHTML(txt); txtSend.addStyleName("metadata-save-text"); } sendContainer.addStyleName("righttext"); sendContainer.add(bttSend); sendContainer.add(txtSend); if (doc != null) init(doc, fullMode); addStyleName("metadata-edit"); } public void init(Document doc, boolean fullMode) { currentMetadataEdit = this; if (doc == null) return; this.doc = doc; this.fullMode = fullMode; this.startFullMode = fullMode; if (((AssetDocument) doc).isDirectionBlock()) { panel.clear(); panel.add(new HTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata.directionblocks_have_no_metadata"))); startFullMode = true; // So that "Next" will work correctly } else { form.setAction(doc.getSaveURL() + "?ajax=1"); showEdit(); // WARNING: This seems to break in certain cases in IE because of changes in the resizing algorythm // Send resize message if we are in the editor // Editor editor = Main.getSingleton().getEditor(); // if (editor!=null) // editor.onWindowResized(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); } } public void addFormHandler(FormHandler formHandler) { form.addFormHandler(formHandler); this.formHandler = formHandler; } protected void showEdit() { panel.clear(); panel.add(new Hidden("comment", Main.getTranslation("curriki.comment.updatemetadata"))); if (startFullMode) { showTabEdit(); } else { showDialogEdit(); } } protected void showTabEdit() { addSectionTitle("required_information", true); XObject assetObj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_CLASS); XObject rightObj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_CLASS); addEditor(assetObj, "title", "title", true); addEditor(assetObj, "description", "description", true); //addSectionTitle("educational_metadata", fullMode); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanel.addStyleName("subject-level-table"); addEditor(assetObj, "trainedTopicsAndCompetencies", "trainedTopicsAndCompetencies", hPanel, true, true); HTML h = new HTML("<input type='hidden' name='" + assetObj.getEditPropertyFieldName("fw_items") + "' value='Mathematics'/>"); fieldMap.put("fw_items", h); panel.add(h); //addEditor(assetObj, "educational_level2", "educational_level", hPanel, true, true); h = new HTML("<input type='hidden' name='" + assetObj.getEditPropertyFieldName("educational_level2") + "' value='gr-9-10'/>"); fieldMap.put("educational_level2", h); panel.add(h); // TODO: autocompute curriki-level from properties? addEditor(assetObj, "eduLevelFine", "eduLevelFine", hPanel, true, true); //hPanel.setCellWidth(hPanel.getWidget(0), "50%"); //hPanel.setCellWidth(hPanel.getWidget(1), "50%"); panel.add(hPanel); addEditor(assetObj, Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, panel, true, fullMode); addSectionTitle("general_information", fullMode); addEditor(assetObj, "keywords", "keywords", panel, false, fullMode); addEditor(assetObj, "language", "language", panel, false, fullMode); String rating = ""; if (doc.getObject(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS) != null) { doc.use(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS); if (doc.get(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_STATUS) != null) { rating = String.valueOf(doc.getValue(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_STATUS)); } } if (!(rating.equals("200") || rating.equals("800"))) { // Only show Hide From Search if the CRS rating is not a P or 3 addEditor(assetObj, Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY, Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY, panel, false, fullMode); } if (fullMode) addCRS(doc, panel, "private".equals(assetObj.get("rights"))); User user = Main.getSingleton().getUser(); boolean forceViewMode = !(user == null || (doc.getCreator().equals(user.getFullName()) || user.isAdmin())); addSectionTitle("right_section", fullMode); addEditor(rightObj, Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_RIGHT_HOLDER_PROPERTY, "right_holder", panel, true, fullMode, forceViewMode); addEditor(assetObj, "rights", "rights", panel, false, fullMode, forceViewMode); addEditor(rightObj, "licenseType2", "license_type", panel, false, fullMode, forceViewMode); moreInfoText = new HTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata.more_info_text")); moreInfoText.addStyleName("more-info-text"); moreInfoText.setVisible(!fullMode); panel.add(moreInfoText); if (!fullMode) { moreInfoLabel = new Hyperlink(); moreInfoLabel.setHTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata.more_info_" + fullMode)); moreInfoLabel.addClickListener(this); moreInfoLabel.addStyleName("more-info"); //moreInfoLabel.addStyleName("more-info-"+fullMode); panel.add(moreInfoLabel); } panel.remove(sendContainer); if (Main.getSingleton().getEditor().getCurrentAsset().hasEditRight()) { panel.add(sendContainer); } } public static void displaySkills(String value, String panelName) { if (panelName == null) Window.alert("Null panelNmae!"); VerticalPanel panel = (VerticalPanel) currentMetadataEdit.skillsPanels.get(panelName); currentMetadataEdit.displaySkills(value, panel); } private void displaySkills(String value, final VerticalPanel panel) { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, "/SearchI2G/render?uri=" + URL.encodeComponent(value) + "&language=" + URL.encodeComponent(getLanguages())); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Error at rendering: " + exception); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (200 != response.getStatusCode()) { Window.alert( "Error " + response.getStatusCode() + " at rendering: " + response.getStatusText()); return; } panel.clear(); panel.add(new HTML(response.getText())); } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Error at launching rendering: " + e); } } /* final SkillsSearchServiceAsync service = (SkillsSearchServiceAsync) GWT.create(SkillsSearchService.class); ((ServiceDefTarget) service).setServiceEntryPoint("/SearchI2G/search"); final String[] values = value.split(","); final SKBRenderer renderer = new SKBRenderer("/SearchI2G/net.i2geo.skillstextbox.SkillsTextBox/"); renderer.setSmall(true); renderer.setWitSelection(false); if(values.length==0) return; service.getSkillItem(values[0], new AsyncCallback() { int i=0; public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {processNext(throwable);} public void onSuccess(Object o) { processNext(o);} private void processNext(Object o) { i++; if(o instanceof SkillItem[]) { SkillItem[] x = (SkillItem[]) o; for(int j=0, l=x.length; j<l; j++) { panel.add(new HTML(renderer.render(x[j]))); } } if(i<values.length) { service.getSkillItem(values[i],this); } } }); */ protected void showDialogEdit() { // TODO: unused?? panelStep1 = new VerticalPanel(); panelStep2 = new VerticalPanel(); panelStep2.setVisible(false); addSectionTitle(panelStep1, "when_you_add_a_resource", true); panelStep1.add(new HTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata.add_resource_metadata_desc"))); addSubTitle(panelStep1, "complete_required_fields"); XObject assetObj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_CLASS); XObject rightObj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_CLASS); addEditor(assetObj, "title", "title", panelStep1, true, true); addEditor(assetObj, "description", "description", panelStep1, true, true); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanel.addStyleName("subject-level-table"); //addEditor(assetObj, "fw_items", "fw_items", hPanel, true, true); hPanel.add(new HTML(" <div id=\"trainedTopicsAndCompetencies_pane\"></div>\n" + " <textarea name=\"XWiki.AssetClass_0_trainedTopicsAndCompetencies\" id=\"XWiki.AssetClass_0_trainedTopicsAndCompetencies\"\n" + " value=\"Construct_rectangle\">" + assetObj.getEditProperty("fw_items") + "\n fieldName:" + assetObj.getEditPropertyFieldName("trainedTopicsAndCompetencies") + "</textarea>\n" + " <a href=\"'fw_items_pane','XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items', 'competency,topic','false');\">edit</a>\n" + " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> =\n" + " + \",fw_items_pane/XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items\"</script>")); /* <div id="fw_items_pane"></div> <textarea name="XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items" id="XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items" value="Construct_rectangle">assetObj.</textarea> <a href="'fw_items_pane','XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items', 'competency,topic','false');">edit</a> <script type="text/javascript"> = + ",fw_items_pane/XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items"</script> */ addEditor(assetObj, "educational_level2", "educational_level", hPanel, true, true); hPanel.setCellWidth(hPanel.getWidget(0), "50%"); hPanel.setCellWidth(hPanel.getWidget(1), "50%"); panelStep1.add(hPanel); addEditor(assetObj, Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, panelStep1, true, true); panel.add(panelStep1); addSubTitle(panelStep2, "review_and_update_fields"); User user = Main.getSingleton().getUser(); boolean forceViewMode = !(user == null || (doc.getCreator().equals(user.getFullName()) || user.isAdmin())); addEditor(assetObj, "rights", "rights", panelStep2, false, true, forceViewMode); String rating = ""; if (doc.getObject(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS) != null) { doc.use(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS); if (doc.get(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_STATUS) != null) { rating = String.valueOf(doc.getValue(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_STATUS)); } } if (!(rating.equals("200") || rating.equals("800"))) { // Only show Hide From Search if the CRS rating is not a P or 3 addEditor(assetObj, Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY, Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY, panelStep2, false, true); } addEditor(assetObj, "keywords", "keywords", panelStep2, false, true); addEditor(assetObj, "language", "language", panelStep2, false, true); addEditor(rightObj, Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_RIGHT_HOLDER_PROPERTY, "right_holder", panelStep2, true, true, forceViewMode); addEditor(rightObj, "licenseType2", "license_type", panelStep2, false, true, forceViewMode); panel.add(panelStep2); } private void addCRS(Document doc, Panel panel, boolean isPrivate) { String role = Main.getProperty("role"); XObject crsObj = doc.getObject(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS); Integer reviewpending = (crsObj == null) ? null : (Integer) crsObj.get(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_REVIEWPENDING); String status = (crsObj == null) ? null : (String) crsObj.get(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_STATUS); currentCRSStatus = status; String lastReviewDate = (crsObj == null) ? "" : crsObj.getViewProperty(Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_LASTTREVIEWDATE); FlowPanel crsPanel = new FlowPanel(); crsPanel.setStyleName("crs_review"); HTMLPanel crsPanelTitle = new HTMLPanel(Main.getTranslation("")); crsPanelTitle.setStyleName("crs_reviewtitle"); crsPanel.add(crsPanelTitle); String txt = Main.getTranslation(""); Image image = new Image(Constants.ICON_PATH + "exclamation.png"); PopupPanel popup = new PopupPanel(true); popup.setStyleName("metadata-tooltip-popup"); // popup.setWidth("300px"); popup.add(new HTML(txt)); image.addMouseListener(new TooltipMouseListener(popup)); crsPanel.add(image); FlowPanel crsRatingPanel = new FlowPanel(); crsRatingPanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewrating"); if ((status == null) || (status.equals("100")) || (status.equals(""))) { crsRatingPanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewnorating"); HTMLPanel crsRatingTextPanel = new HTMLPanel(Main.getTranslation("")); crsRatingTextPanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewratingtext"); crsRatingPanel.add(crsRatingTextPanel); } else { HTMLPanel crsRatingTextPanel = new HTMLPanel(Main.getTranslation("" + status)); crsRatingTextPanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewratingtext"); crsRatingPanel.add(crsRatingTextPanel); if ((lastReviewDate != null) && (!lastReviewDate.equals(""))) { String sreviewDate = (lastReviewDate.length() >= 8) ? lastReviewDate.substring(0, 8) : lastReviewDate; HTMLPanel crsRatingDatePanel = new HTMLPanel( Main.getTranslation("") + " " + sreviewDate); crsRatingDatePanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewratingdate"); crsRatingPanel.add(crsRatingDatePanel); } Image crsRatingImage = new Image(Constants.SKIN_PATH + "crs" + status + ".gif"); crsRatingImage.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { ComponentsPage.getSingleton().switchPage("comment"); } }); crsRatingImage.setStyleName("crs_reviewratingtext"); crsRatingPanel.add(crsRatingImage); } crsPanel.add(crsRatingPanel); if (!"200".equals(status) && !isPrivate) { if ((reviewpending != null) && reviewpending.intValue() == 1) { HTMLPanel crsReviewPendingPanel = new HTMLPanel(Main.getTranslation("")); crsReviewPendingPanel.setStyleName("crs_reviewpending"); crsPanel.add(crsReviewPendingPanel); } else { Hyperlink crsReviewNominateLink = new Hyperlink(); crsReviewNominateLink.setHTML(Main.getTranslation("")); crsReviewNominateLink.setStyleName("crs_reviewnominate"); crsReviewNominateLink.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { Document currentAsset = Main.getSingleton().getEditor().getCurrentAsset(); new NominateDialog(currentAsset, new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { // nothing to do this was a cancel } public void onSuccess(Object object) { // Refresh the page Editor editor = Main.getSingleton().getEditor(); editor.setCurrentAssetInvalid(true); editor.refreshState(); } }); // String url = Main.getTranslation("") + "?fromgwt=1&page=" + currentAsset.getFullName(); //, "_blank", ""); } }); crsPanel.add(crsReviewNominateLink); } // if the reviewer mode is set to one then we show the review link if (("reviewer".equals(role)) || ("admin".equals(role))) { Hyperlink crsReviewReviewLink = new Hyperlink(); crsReviewReviewLink.setHTML(Main.getTranslation("")); crsReviewReviewLink.setStyleName("crs_reviewreview"); crsReviewReviewLink.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { Document currentAsset = Main.getSingleton().getEditor().getCurrentAsset(); String url = Main.getTranslation("") + "?page=" + currentAsset.getFullName();, "_blank", ""); } }); crsPanel.add(crsReviewReviewLink); } } /* // We are not putting the set to partner button anymore in the CB // see CURRIKI-2781 if ("admin".equals(role)) { final CheckBox setToPCheckBox = new CheckBox(Main.getTranslation("")); setToPCheckBox.setChecked("200".equals(currentCRSStatus)); setToPCheckBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget widget) { String questionText; String titleText; if ("200".equals(currentCRSStatus)) { questionText = Main.getTranslation(""); titleText = ""; } else { questionText = Main.getTranslation(""); titleText = ""; } ncDialog = new NextCancelDialog(titleText, questionText, "crsconfirmsettopartner", new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { setToPCheckBox.setChecked("200".equals(currentCRSStatus)); ncDialog.hide(); } public void onSuccess(Object object) { Document currentAsset = Main.getSingleton().getEditor().getCurrentAsset(); final String newCRSStatus = "200".equals(currentCRSStatus) ? "100" : "200"; ncDialog.hide(); CurrikiService.App.getInstance().updateProperty(currentAsset.getFullName(), Constants.CURRIKI_REVIEW_STATUS_CLASS, "status", newCRSStatus, new CurrikiAsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { super.onFailure(caught); setToPCheckBox.setChecked("200".equals(currentCRSStatus)); } public void onSuccess(Object result) { super.onSuccess(result); setToPCheckBox.setChecked("200".equals(newCRSStatus)); currentCRSStatus = newCRSStatus; } }); } }); } }); crsPanel.add(setToPCheckBox); } */ panel.add(crsPanel); } public void addSectionTitle(String titleKey, boolean visible) { addSectionTitle(panel, titleKey, visible); } public void addSectionTitle(Panel panel, String titleKey, boolean visible) { Label label = new HTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata." + titleKey)); label.addStyleName("curriki-title"); label.setVisible(visible); fieldMap.put(titleKey, label); panel.add(label); } public void addSubTitle(String titleKey) { addSubTitle(panel, titleKey); } public void addSubTitle(Panel panel, String titleKey) { HTML title = new HTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata." + titleKey)); title.addStyleName("curriki-subtitle"); panel.add(title); } public void SetHiddenCategoryValue(String value) { this.category = value; } public void addEditor(XObject obj, String name, String keyValue) { addEditor(obj, name, keyValue, panel, false, true); } public void addEditor(XObject obj, String name, String keyValue, boolean mandatory) { addEditor(obj, name, keyValue, panel, mandatory, true); } public void addEditor(XObject obj, String name, String keyValue, Panel panel, boolean mandatory, boolean visible) { addEditor(obj, name, keyValue, panel, mandatory, visible, false); } public void addEditor(XObject obj, String name, String keyValue, Panel panel, boolean mandatory, boolean visible, boolean forceViewMode) { String divid = null; String script = null; String html = null; if (obj != null) { if (doc.hasEditRight() && !forceViewMode) html = obj.getEditProperty(name); else html = obj.getViewProperty(name); } HTML htmlblock; VerticalPanel extraPanel = null; if (name.equals("fw_items") && doc.hasEditRight()) { // We need to workaround the fact the Internet Explorer does not executre Javascript // when inserted using an HTMLPanel try { String findstr1 = "<div id=\""; int i1 = html.indexOf(findstr1); int i2 = html.indexOf("\"", i1 + findstr1.length() + 1); divid = html.substring(i1 + findstr1.length(), i2); String findstr2 = "<input"; int i5 = html.indexOf(findstr2); int i6 = html.indexOf("/>", i5 + findstr2.length() + 1); String inputstr = html.substring(i5, i6 + 2); htmlblock = new HTML(inputstr); String findstr3 = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"; int i3 = html.indexOf(findstr3); int i4 = html.indexOf("</script>", i3 + 1); script = html.substring(i3 + findstr3.length(), i4); } catch (Exception e) { html = Main.getTranslation("metadata.error_displaying_subject_field"); htmlblock = new HTML(html); } } else if (name.equals("trainedTopicsAndCompetencies") || name.equals("eduLevelFine")) { String findstr2 = "<input"; int i5 = html.indexOf(findstr2); int i6 = html.indexOf("/>", i5 + findstr2.length() + 1); html = html.substring(i5, i6 + 2); //Matcher m = Pattern.compile("<input([^>]+)>").matcher(input); String value; String propName; //="XWiki.AssetClass_0_trainedTopicsAndCompetencies"; i5 = html.indexOf("value='") + "value='".length(); i6 = html.indexOf("'", i5); //m = Pattern.compile("value *= *['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]").matcher(input); value = html.substring(i5, i6); if ("size=".equals(value.trim())) value = ""; if (value.length() == 0) value = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + name + "_content"); //m = Pattern.compile("id *= *['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]").matcher(input); i5 = html.indexOf("id='") + "id='".length(); i6 = html.indexOf("'", i5); propName = html.substring(i5, i6); String types = "trainedTopicsAndCompetencies".equals(name) ? "competency%2Ctopic%2CabstractTopic" : "level"; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append( //assetObj.getEditProperty("fw_items")+ " <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return" + name + "Editor();\">edit</a>\n" + " <input name=\"" + propName + "\" id=\"" + propName + "\"\n" + " type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + value + "\"></input>\n"); hookOpenSKBEditor(); htmlblock = new HTML(buff.toString()); extraPanel = new VerticalPanel(); extraPanel.setSize("15em", "5em"); displaySkills(value, extraPanel); skillsPanels.put(name, extraPanel); } else { htmlblock = new HTML(html); } VerticalPanel fieldPanel = new VerticalPanel(); fieldPanel.addStyleName("field-panel"); fieldPanel.setVisible(visible); panel.add(fieldPanel); fieldMap.put(name, fieldPanel); FlowPanel hPanel = new FlowPanel(); hPanel.addStyleName("field-panel-field"); fieldPanel.add(hPanel); if (mandatory) { HTML mandatoryHTML = new HTML("! "); mandatoryHTML.addStyleName("required_fields"); hPanel.add(mandatoryHTML); mandatoryFields.add(htmlblock); } if (keyValue != null) { String txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + keyValue + "_title"); if (txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals("metadata." + keyValue + "_title")) { Label title = new HTML(txt + ":"); title.addStyleName("curriki-subtitle"); hPanel.add(title); } hPanel.add(getTooltip(name)); txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + keyValue + "_txt"); if (txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals("metadata." + keyValue + "_txt")) { HTML text = new HTML(txt); text.addStyleName("curriki-txt"); fieldPanel.add(text); } txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + keyValue + "_content"); if (txt.equals("metadata." + keyValue + "_content")) { txt = ""; } Element el = htmlblock.getElement(); Element resEl = DOMUtils.getFirstElementByTagName(el, "input"); if (resEl != null) { String origValue = DOM.getAttribute(resEl, "value"); if (origValue == null || origValue.length() == 0) DOM.setAttribute(resEl, "value", txt); } else { resEl = DOMUtils.getFirstElementByTagName(el, "textarea"); if (resEl != null) { String origValue = DOM.getInnerText(resEl); if (origValue == null || origValue.length() == 0) DOM.setInnerText(resEl, txt); } } txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + keyValue + "_after"); if (txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals("metadata." + keyValue + "_after")) { htmlblock.setHTML(htmlblock.getHTML() + txt); } } if (script != null) { SimplePanel hpanel = new SimplePanel(); fieldPanel.add(hpanel); addScript(hpanel, divid, script); } if (extraPanel != null) { fieldPanel.add(extraPanel); } if (htmlblock != null) { fieldPanel.add(htmlblock); } } private Widget getTooltip(String name) { String txt = Main.getTranslation("metadata." + name + "_tooltip"); Image image = new Image(Constants.ICON_PATH + "exclamation.png"); PopupPanel popup = new PopupPanel(true); popup.setStyleName("metadata-tooltip-popup"); // popup.setWidth("300px"); popup.add(new HTML(txt)); image.addMouseListener(new TooltipMouseListener(popup)); return image; } private native void initTooltip() /*-{ tt_Init(); }-*/; private native void setText(Element e, String script) /*-{ e.text = script; }-*/; private String languageFromPage = null; private String getLanguages() { if (languageFromPage == null) { languageFromPage = readBrowserLanguages(); } if (languageFromPage == null || "".equals(languageFromPage)) languageFromPage = "en"; return languageFromPage; } private native String readBrowserLanguages() /*-{ if($wnd.browserLanguages) return $wnd.browserLanguages; else return ""; }-*/; public void addScript(Panel panel, String divid, String script) { if (!Main.isSafari()) { Element e1 = DOM.createElement("div"); DOM.setAttribute(e1, "id", divid); // Let's append the child element to an already visible element // Otherwise it is not found DOM.appendChild(DOM.getElementById("treeviewtemp"), e1); Element e = DOM.createElement("script"); DOM.setAttribute(e, "language", "JavaScript"); DOM.appendChild(panel.getElement(), e); // We need to do it this way because of Internet Explorer setText(e, script); // One generated we can append it to the panel DOM.removeChild(DOM.getElementById("treeviewtemp"), e1); DOM.appendChild(panel.getElement(), e1); } else { Element e1 = DOM.createElement("div"); DOM.setAttribute(e1, "id", divid); DOM.appendChild(panel.getElement(), e1); Element e = DOM.createElement("script"); DOM.setAttribute(e, "language", "JavaScript"); DOM.appendChild(panel.getElement(), e); // We need to do it this way because of Internet Explorer // This also works with Gecko and Safari DOM.setInnerHTML(e, script); } } private String getFieldName(String className, String fieldName) { return className + "_0_" + fieldName; } private native String getFieldValue(Element form, String fieldName) /*-{ var field = form[fieldName]; if (field==null) return null; else return form[fieldName].value; }-*/; private void addFormField(Element form, Map map, String fieldName) { String value = getFieldValue(form, fieldName); if (value != null) map.put(fieldName, value); } private native String getCheckboxFieldValue(Element form, String fieldName) /*-{ var checkboxes = form[fieldName]; var values = []; var valuesnb = 0; for (i=0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked){ values[valuesnb] = checkboxes[i].value; valuesnb++; } } return values.join("|"); }-*/; private void addCheckboxFormField(Element form, Map map, String fieldName) { String value = getCheckboxFieldValue(form, fieldName); if (value != null) map.put(fieldName, value); } private native String getSelectFieldValue(Element form, String fieldName) /*-{ var options = form[fieldName][0].options; if (options==null) { return null; return null; } var values = []; var valuesnb = 0; for (i=0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].selected){ values[valuesnb] = options[i].value; valuesnb++; } } return values.join("|"); }-*/; private native void hookOpenSKBEditor() /*-{ $wnd.skbSetMyValuetrainedTopicsAndCompetencies = function skbSetMyValuetrainedTopicsAndCompetencies(value) { $wnd.document.getElementById("XWiki.AssetClass_0_trainedTopicsAndCompetencies").value=value; @org.curriki.gwt.client.widgets.metadata.MetadataEdit::displaySkills(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)(value,"trainedTopicsAndCompetencies"); }; $wnd.opentrainedTopicsAndCompetenciesEditor = function opentrainedTopicsAndCompetenciesEditor() { var v = $wnd.document.getElementById('XWiki.AssetClass_0_trainedTopicsAndCompetencies'); if(v) v = v.value; var w = $'/SearchI2G/skills-text-box-editor.jsp?types=competency%2Ctopic%2CabstractTopic&value='+escape(v)+'&language='+encodeURIComponent($wnd.browserLanguages),'skillsTextBoxEditor','width=520,height=250,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes'); $wnd.skbSetMyValue = $wnd.skbSetMyValuetrainedTopicsAndCompetencies; return false; }; $wnd.skbSetMyValueeduLevelFine = function skbSetMyValueeduLevelFine(value) { $wnd.document.getElementById("XWiki.AssetClass_0_eduLevelFine").value=value; @org.curriki.gwt.client.widgets.metadata.MetadataEdit::displaySkills(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)(value,"eduLevelFine"); }; $wnd.openeduLevelFineEditor = function openeduLevelFineEditor() { var v = $wnd.document.getElementById('XWiki.AssetClass_0_eduLevelFine'); if(v) v = v.value; var w = $'/SearchI2G/skills-text-box-editor.jsp?types=level&value='+escape(v)+'&language='+encodeURIComponent($wnd.browserLanguages),'skillsTextBoxEditor','width=520,height=250,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes'); $wnd.skbSetMyValue = $wnd.skbSetMyValueeduLevelFine; return false; }; }-*/; private void addSelectFormField(Element form, Map map, String fieldName) { String value = getSelectFieldValue(form, fieldName); if (value != null) map.put(fieldName, value); } // take the category given or get it from the doc private String getCategory() { if (category != null) return category; if (doc == null) return null; XObject obj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_CLASS); if (obj != null) { String category = (String) obj.get(Constants.ASSET_CATEGORY_PROPERTY); if ((category != null) && (this.category == null)) { return category; } } return null; } protected Map getFormMap() { HashMap formMap = new HashMap(); // add category String cat = getCategory(); if (cat != null) formMap.put(getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_CATEGORY_PROPERTY), cat); // 9 properties from the asset class addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_TITLE_PROPERTY)); addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY)); addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_FW_ITEMS_PROPERTY)); addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, "eduLevelFine")); addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, "trainedTopicsAndCompetencies")); addCheckboxFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_EDUCATIONAL_LEVEL_PROPERTY)); addSelectFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY)); addCheckboxFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_RIGHTS_PROPERTY)); addCheckboxFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY)); addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_KEYWORDS_PROPERTY)); addSelectFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_LANGUAGE_PROPERTY)); // 2 properties from the licence class addFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_RIGHT_HOLDER_PROPERTY)); addSelectFormField(form.getElement(), formMap, getFieldName(Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_CLASS, Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_TYPE_PROPERTY)); return formMap; } public void submit() { if (!hasMissing()) { // replacing form submit with a Curriki GWT API // form.submit(); Map formMap = getFormMap(); CurrikiService.App.getInstance().updateAssetMetadata(doc.getFullName(), formMap, new CurrikiAsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { super.onFailure(caught); // let's refresh the state in case of error Editor editor = Main.getSingleton().getEditor(); editor.setCurrentAssetInvalid(true); editor.refreshState(); } public void onSuccess(Object result) { super.onSuccess(result); // trigger the form submit complete handler to finish the wizard or save process formHandler.onSubmitComplete(new FormSubmitCompleteEvent(null, null)); } }); } } public boolean hasMissing() { String missing = isFormValid(); if (missing.equals("")) { return false; } else { String[] missings = missing.split(","); String text; text = Main.getTranslation("metadata.fields_missing") + ":\n"; for (int i = 0; i < missings.length; i++) { text += " - " + Main.getTranslation("metadata." + missings[i] + "_title") + "\n"; } Window.alert(text); return true; } } private String isFormValid() { return isFormValid(form.getElement()); } private native String isFormValid(Element form) /*-{ var missing = ""; var first = true; if (form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_title"].value == "") { if (!first) missing += ","; first = false; missing += "title"; } if (form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_description"].value == "") { if (!first) missing += ","; first = false; missing += "description"; } if (form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items"].value == "" || form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_fw_items"].value == "FW_masterFramework.WebHome") { if (!first) missing += ","; first = false; missing += "fw_items"; } // There are 2 fields of this name, the first is the selector, second is a hidden input if (form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_instructional_component2"][0].selectedIndex == -1) { if (!first) missing += ","; first = false; missing += "instructional_component2"; } //var checkboxes = form["XWiki.AssetClass_0_educational_level2"]; // var selected = false; // for (i=0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { // if (checkboxes[i].checked){ // selected = true; // break; // } // } // // if (!selected) { // if (!first) // missing += ","; // first = false; // missing += "educational_level"; // } if (form["XWiki.AssetLicenseClass_0_rightsHolder"] && form["XWiki.AssetLicenseClass_0_rightsHolder"].value == "") { if (!first) { missing += ","; } first = false; missing += "right_holder"; } return missing; }-*/; public void showView() { panel.clear(); } private void switchVisibility(String key, boolean visible) { Widget widget = (Widget) fieldMap.get(key); if (widget != null) { widget.setVisible(visible); } } private void switchMode() { fullMode = !fullMode; switchVisibility("educational_metadata", fullMode); switchVisibility(Constants.ASSET_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT_PROPERTY, fullMode); switchVisibility("right_section", fullMode); switchVisibility("general_information", fullMode); switchVisibility("educational_information", fullMode); switchVisibility(Constants.ASSET_LICENCE_RIGHT_HOLDER_PROPERTY, fullMode); switchVisibility("rights", fullMode); switchVisibility("licenseType2", fullMode); switchVisibility("keywords", fullMode); switchVisibility("language", fullMode); switchVisibility(Constants.ASSET_HIDE_FROM_SEARCH_PROPERTY, fullMode); moreInfoText.setVisible(!fullMode); if (resizeListener != null) { resizeListener.onWindowResized(panel.getOffsetHeight(), panel.getOffsetWidth()); } } private void set_view_step(int nextStep) { if (nextStep == 1) { panelStep1.setVisible(true); panelStep2.setVisible(false); } if (nextStep == 2) { panelStep1.setVisible(false); panelStep2.setVisible(true); } } public void onMouseDown(Widget sender, int x, int y) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void onMouseEnter(Widget sender) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void onMouseLeave(Widget sender) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void onMouseMove(Widget sender, int x, int y) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void onMouseUp(Widget sender, int x, int y) { onClick(sender); } public void onClick(Widget sender) { //moreInfoLabel.removeStyleName("more-info-" + fullMode); switchMode(); moreInfoLabel.setHTML(Main.getTranslation("metadata.more_info_" + fullMode)); //moreInfoLabel.addStyleName("more-info-" + fullMode); } public void setResizeListener(WindowResizeListener resizeListener) { this.resizeListener = resizeListener; } public boolean doNext() { if (startFullMode) { return true; } if (step == 1) { if (!hasMissing()) { // Go to step 2 step = 2; set_view_step(step); } return false; } else if (step == 2) { if (hasMissing()) { return false; } } return true; } }