Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013, 2014 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 the "License"; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Visualizes a Metamorph definition in dot format. <br><strong>Warning:</strong> This visualizer is a mere proof of concept. Code is messy and not covered by unit tests! * * @author Markus Michael Geipel * */ public final class MorphVisualizer extends AbstractMetamorphDomWalker { private static final String RECURSION_INDICATOR = Character.toString(Metamorph.FEEDBACK_CHAR); private static final Set<String> ORDERED_COLLECTS = new HashSet<String>(); private final Map<String, String> meta = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final PrintWriter writer; private int count; private final Deque<String> idStack = new LinkedList<String>(); // private final ListMap<String, String> sourceIdMap = new ListMap<String, // String>(); private final Set<String> sources = new HashSet<String>(); private final StringBuilder edgeBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private final Deque<String> lastProcessorStack = new LinkedList<String>(); private final Deque<Integer> childCountStack = new LinkedList<Integer>(); static { Collections.addAll(ORDERED_COLLECTS, "choose", "entity"); } public MorphVisualizer(final Writer writer) { super(); this.writer = new PrintWriter(writer); setIgnoreMissingVars(true); } @Override protected void init() { childCountStack.push(Integer.valueOf(0)); writer.println("digraph dataflow {\n" + "graph [ rankdir = \"LR\"];\n" + "node [ fontsize = \"9\" shape = \"plaintext\" fontname=\"Helvetica\"];\n" + "edge [ fontsize = \"9\" fontname=\"Helvetica\"];\n"); } private static String buildRecord(final String identifier, final String name, final String color, final Map<String, String> attributes) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\"" + identifier + "\" [label = <<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); if (name != null) { builder.append("<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\" BGCOLOR=\"" + color + "\"><B>" + name + "</B></TD></TR>"); } for (final Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { builder.append("<TR><TD>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(entry.getKey()) + "</TD><TD>'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(entry.getValue()) + "'</TD></TR>"); } builder.append("</TABLE>>];"); return builder.toString(); } private static String buildMap(final String identifier, final String name, final Map<String, String> attributes) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\"" + identifier + "\" [color=\"grey\" label = <<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); if (name != null) { builder.append("<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\"><B>" + name + "</B></TD></TR>"); } for (final Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { builder.append("<TR><TD>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(entry.getKey()) + "</TD><TD>'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(entry.getValue()) + "'</TD></TR>"); } builder.append("</TABLE>>];"); return builder.toString(); } private void addEdge(final String fromId, final String toId) { edgeBuffer.append("\"" + fromId + "\" -> \"" + toId + "\" \n"); } private void addEdge(final String fromId, final String toId, final String label) { if (label == null) { addEdge(fromId, toId); } else { edgeBuffer.append("\"" + fromId + "\" -> \"" + toId + "\" [ label = \"" + label + "\" ] \n"); } } private void addIncludeEdge(final String fromId, final String toId) { edgeBuffer.append("\"" + fromId + "\" -> \"" + toId + "\" [color = \"grey\" dir=\"none\"]\n"); } @Override protected void finish() { for (final String source : sources) { final String color; if (source.startsWith(RECURSION_INDICATOR)) { color = "lemonchiffon"; } else { color = "skyblue"; } writer.println("\"" + source + "\" [label=\"" + source + "\" shape=\"ellipse\" fillcolor=\"" + color + "\" style=\"filled\"];"); } writer.append(edgeBuffer.toString()); writer.println("}"); writer.flush(); } @Override protected void setEntityMarker(final String entityMarker) { // nothing to do } @Override protected void handleInternalMap(final Node mapNode) { final String mapName = resolvedAttribute(mapNode, ATTRITBUTE.NAME); final Map<String, String> map = getMap(mapNode); writer.println(buildMap(mapName, mapName, map)); } @Override protected void handleMapClass(final Node mapNode) { final String mapName = resolvedAttribute(mapNode, ATTRITBUTE.NAME); final Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap(); writer.println(buildMap(mapName, mapName, emptyMap)); } private Map<String, String> getMap(final Node mapNode) { final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); final String mapDefault = resolvedAttribute(mapNode, ATTRITBUTE.DEFAULT); if (mapDefault != null) { map.put("_default", mapDefault); } for (Node entryNode = mapNode.getFirstChild(); entryNode != null; entryNode = entryNode.getNextSibling()) { final String entryName = resolvedAttribute(entryNode, ATTRITBUTE.NAME); final String entryValue = resolvedAttribute(entryNode, ATTRITBUTE.VALUE); map.put(entryName, entryValue); } return map; } @Override protected void handleMetaEntry(final String name, final String value) { meta.put(name, value); } @Override protected void handleFunctionDefinition(final Node functionDefNode) { // nothing to do } private String getNewId() { return String.valueOf(++count); } private String newOutNode() { final String identifier = getNewId(); writer.println( "\"" + identifier + "\" [shape=\"circle\" fillcolor=\"palegreen\" style=\"filled\" label=\"\"];"); return identifier; } @Override protected void enterData(final Node node) { incrementChildCount(); lastProcessorStack.push(resolvedAttribute(node, ATTRITBUTE.SOURCE)); } @Override protected void exitData(final Node node) { sources.add(resolvedAttribute(node, ATTRITBUTE.SOURCE)); exit(node); } @Override protected void enterCollect(final Node node) { incrementChildCount(); pushChildCount(); final String identifier = getNewId(); lastProcessorStack.push(identifier); idStack.push(identifier); final Map<String, String> attributes = resolvedAttributeMap(node); attributes.remove(ATTRITBUTE.NAME.getString()); writer.println(buildRecord(identifier, node.getLocalName(), "lightgray", attributes)); } @Override protected void exitCollect(final Node node) { idStack.pop(); childCountStack.pop(); exit(node); } @Override protected void enterName(final Node node) { ((Element) node.getFirstChild()).setAttribute(ATTRITBUTE.NAME.getString(), "<entity-name>"); } @Override protected void exitName(final Node node) { // Nothing to do } private void exit(final Node node) { String name = resolvedAttribute(node, ATTRITBUTE.NAME); if (name == null) { name = ""; } final String lastProcessor = lastProcessorStack.pop(); if (idStack.isEmpty()) { if (name.startsWith(RECURSION_INDICATOR)) { addEdge(lastProcessor, name); sources.add(name); } else { addEdge(lastProcessor, newOutNode(), name); } } else { if (ORDERED_COLLECTS.contains(node.getParentNode().getLocalName())) { addEdge(lastProcessor, idStack.peek(), name + "(" + childCountStack.peek() + ")"); } else { addEdge(lastProcessor, idStack.peek(), name); } } } @Override protected void handleFunction(final Node functionNode) { final String identifier = getNewId(); final Map<String, String> attributes = resolvedAttributeMap(functionNode); //for lookups TODO: find generic solution and get rid of the ifs. attributes.remove("default"); String inAttr = attributes.remove("in"); if (inAttr == null) { inAttr = attributes.remove("map"); } if (inAttr != null) { addIncludeEdge(inAttr, identifier); } writer.println(buildRecord(identifier, functionNode.getLocalName(), "white", attributes)); if (functionNode.hasChildNodes()) { final Map<String, String> map = getMap(functionNode); final String mapId = identifier + "M"; addIncludeEdge(mapId, identifier); writer.println(buildMap(mapId, null, map)); } addEdge(lastProcessorStack.pop(), identifier); lastProcessorStack.push(identifier); } private void pushChildCount() { childCountStack.push(Integer.valueOf(0)); } private void incrementChildCount() { childCountStack.push(Integer.valueOf(1 + childCountStack.pop().intValue())); } @Override protected void enterIf(final Node node) { ((Element) node.getFirstChild()).setAttribute(ATTRITBUTE.NAME.getString(), "<if>"); } @Override protected void exitIf(final Node node) { // Nothing to do } }