Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import junit.framework.Test; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import org.apache.activemq.CombinationTestSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQMessage; import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue; import; import org.apache.activemq.util.Wait; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabase; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseType; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.JMSSecurityException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TemporaryTopic; import; import; public class JdbcAuthenticationPluginTest extends SecurityTestSupport { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdbcAuthenticationPluginTest.class); private EmbeddedDatabase db; public static Test suite() { return suite(JdbcAuthenticationPluginTest.class); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { setAutoFail(true); db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2) .addScript("org/ct/amq/jdbc/security/authentication/schema.sql") .addScript("org/ct/amq/jdbc/security/authentication/test-data.sql").build(); super.setUp(); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); db.shutdown(); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } @Override protected BrokerService createBroker() throws Exception { return createBroker("org/ct/amq/jdbc/security/authentication/test-broker.xml"); } protected BrokerService createBroker(String uri) throws Exception {"Loading broker configuration from the classpath with URI: " + uri); return BrokerFactory.createBroker(new URI("xbean:" + uri)); } /** * @see {@link CombinationTestSupport} */ public void initCombosForTestPredefinedDestinations() { addCombinationValues("userName", new Object[] { "guest" }); addCombinationValues("password", new Object[] { "password" }); addCombinationValues("destination", new Object[] { new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.Q") }); } public void testPredefinedDestinations() throws JMSException { Message sent = doSend(false); assertEquals("guest", ((ActiveMQMessage) sent).getUserID()); assertEquals("guest", sent.getStringProperty("JMSXUserID")); } public void testTempDestinations() throws Exception { Connection conn = factory.createConnection("guest", "password"); Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); String name = "org.apache.activemq:BrokerName=localhost,Type=TempTopic"; try { conn.start(); TemporaryTopic temp = sess.createTemporaryTopic(); name += ",Destination=" + temp.getTopicName().replaceAll(":", "_"); fail("Should have failed creating a temp topic"); } catch (Exception ignore) { } ObjectName objName = new ObjectName(name); TopicViewMBean mbean = (TopicViewMBean) broker.getManagementContext().newProxyInstance(objName, TopicViewMBean.class, true); try { System.out.println(mbean.getName()); fail("Shouldn't have created a temp topic"); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } public void testConnectionStartWithUnknownUserThrowsJMSSecurityException() throws Exception { Connection connection = factory.createConnection("badUser", "password"); try { connection.start(); fail("Should throw JMSSecurityException"); } catch (JMSSecurityException jmsEx) { } catch (Exception e) {"Expected JMSSecurityException but was: {}", e.getClass()); fail("Should throw JMSSecurityException"); } } public void testConnectionStartWithDisabledUserThrowsJMSSecurityException() throws Exception { Connection connection = factory.createConnection("disableduser", "password"); try { connection.start(); fail("Should throw JMSSecurityException"); } catch (JMSSecurityException jmsEx) { } catch (Exception e) {"Expected JMSSecurityException but was: {}", e.getClass()); fail("Should throw JMSSecurityException"); } } public void testSecurityContextClearedOnPurge() throws Exception { connection.close(); ActiveMQConnectionFactory tcpFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory( broker.getTransportConnectors().get(0).getPublishableConnectString()); ActiveMQConnection conn = (ActiveMQConnection) tcpFactory.createConnection("user", "password"); Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); conn.start(); final int numDests = broker.getRegionBroker().getDestinations().length; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { MessageProducer p = sess.createProducer(new ActiveMQQueue("USERS.PURGE." + i)); p.close(); } assertTrue("dests are purged", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception { "dests, orig: " + numDests + ", now: " + broker.getRegionBroker().getDestinations().length); return (numDests + 1) == broker.getRegionBroker().getDestinations().length; } })); // verify removed from connection security context TransportConnection brokerConnection = broker.getTransportConnectors().get(0).getConnections().get(0); TransportConnectionState transportConnectionState = brokerConnection .lookupConnectionState(conn.getConnectionInfo().getConnectionId()); assertEquals("no destinations", 0, transportConnectionState.getContext().getSecurityContext().getAuthorizedWriteDests().size()); } }