Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Masao Nagasaki * Nagasaki Lab * Laboratory of Biomedical Information Analysis, * Department of Integrative Genomics, * Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku University * @since 2013 * * This file is part of SUGAR (Subtile-based GUI-Assisted Refiner). * SUGAR is an extension of FastQC (copyright 2010-12 Simon Andrews) * * FastQC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FastQC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FastQC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.csml.tommo.sugar.modules; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.SugarApplication; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.analysis.JSONFileSerializable; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.analysis.JSONSerializationUtils; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.analysis.OpenedFileCache; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.analysis.TileNumeration; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.dialogs.FileOptionsPanel; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.heatmap.IMixOperation; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.heatmap.LinearPaintScale; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.heatmap.MeanQualityMatrix; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.modules.heatmap.ETileSelection; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.modules.heatmap.MeanQualityMatrixMap; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.modules.heatmap.QualityHeatmapResultPanel; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.modules.heatmap.ResultsTableModel; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.sequence.LaneCoordinates; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.sequence.SequenceCoordinates; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.sequence.TileBPCoordinates; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.sequence.TileCoordinates; import org.csml.tommo.sugar.utils.Options; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import; import; import; import; public class QualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase implements SugarModule, Serializable, JSONFileSerializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 812269123732433522L; private static final String JSON_ATTR_MEAN_QUALITY_MATRIX_MAP_VALUES = "meanQualityMatrixMap.values"; private static final String JSON_ATTR_MEAN_QUALITY_MATRIX_MAP_KEYS = "meanQualityMatrixMap.keys"; private static final String JSON_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = "maxSequenceLength"; private static final String JSON_ATTR_MAX_MATRIX_DENSITY = "maxMatrixDensity"; private static final Object JSON_ATTR_MATRIX_SIZE = "matrixSize"; private PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private static final Object JSON_ATTR_QUALITY_THRESHOLD = "qualityThreshold"; public static double MAX_LOWQ_READS_RATIO = 0.7; public static final String MESSAGE_MIXED_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Mixed mode is not supported. Top and bottom tiles are not defined for the resolved tile numeration: "; public static final String MESSAGE_NO_MIXED_RESULTS = "Mixed results are empty. Corresponding top and bottom tiles were not found."; protected TileTree tileTree; /** * * maximum sequence length * * Assumes that different reads have have the same or similar length * */ private Integer maxSequenceLength = 0; /** * * maximum density at a matrix point * */ private Integer maxMatrixDensity = 0; protected int matrixSize; protected int qualityThreshold; // protected Integer[] qualityThresholdArray; protected MeanQualityMatrixMap meanQualityMatrixMap = new MeanQualityMatrixMap(); /** * Gathers all quality heatmaps for each tile and base position * for various threshold values * * "Internal cache" * * used for changing thresholds */ private Map<Integer, MeanQualityMatrixMap> thresholdQualityMatrixMap = new HashMap<Integer, MeanQualityMatrixMap>(); public QualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase(int threshold) { super(); tileTree = new TileTree(); qualityThreshold = threshold; initOptions(); } @Override public void processSequence(Sequence sequence) { { SequenceCoordinates seqCoord = SequenceCoordinates.createSequenceCoordinates(sequence); if (sequence.getQualityString().length() > maxSequenceLength) maxSequenceLength = sequence.getQualityString().length(); // store the quality in the main map for the selected threshold value storeSequenceQuality(seqCoord, sequence, meanQualityMatrixMap, qualityThreshold); // #40: Quality Heatmaps for multiple QV thersholds, e.g. QV = 1,2,3,....,49,50 // store the store the quality for various thresholds given by the range // for (int threshold : qualityThresholdArray) // { // // is main threshold value // if (threshold == qualityThreshold) // { // thresholdQualityMatrixMap.put(qualityThreshold, meanQualityMatrixMap); // continue; // } // // MeanQualityMatrixMap matrixMap = thresholdQualityMatrixMap.get(threshold); // if (matrixMap == null) // { // matrixMap = new MeanQualityMatrixMap(); // thresholdQualityMatrixMap.put(threshold, matrixMap); // } // storeSequenceQuality(seqCoord, sequence, matrixMap, threshold); // } } } private void storeSequenceQuality(SequenceCoordinates seqCoord, Sequence seq, MeanQualityMatrixMap matrixMap, int threshold) { TileCoordinates tileCoordinates = new TileCoordinates(seqCoord.getFlowCell(), seqCoord.getLane(), seqCoord.getTile()); List<MeanQualityMatrix> matrixList = matrixMap.get(tileCoordinates); if (matrixList == null) { matrixList = new ArrayList<MeanQualityMatrix>(); matrixMap.put(tileCoordinates, matrixList); } char[] chars = seq.getQualityString().toCharArray(); Rectangle tileRange = tileTree.getRange(tileCoordinates); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { MeanQualityMatrix matrix = null; if (i < matrixList.size()) { matrix = matrixList.get(i); } if (matrix == null) { matrix = new MeanQualityMatrix(tileRange, matrixSize, threshold); matrixList.add(matrix); } PhredEncoding phredEncoding = tileTree.getPhredEncoding(); int total = matrix.addQualityValue(seqCoord.getX(), seqCoord.getY(), phredEncoding.char2QualityScore(chars[i])); if (total > maxMatrixDensity) maxMatrixDensity = total; } } @Override public JPanel getResultsPanel() { JPanel returnPanel = new QualityHeatmapResultPanel(this); return returnPanel; } @Override public String name() { return "Quality heatmaps per tile and base position"; } @Override public String description() { return "Interactive analysis of quality heatmaps for specified tile and base position"; } @Override public void reset() { maxSequenceLength = 0; maxMatrixDensity = 0; meanQualityMatrixMap.clear(); thresholdQualityMatrixMap.clear(); } @Override public boolean isProcessed() { return meanQualityMatrixMap.size() > 0; } @Override public boolean raisesError() { return false; } @Override public boolean raisesWarning() { return false; } @Override public boolean ignoreFilteredSequences() { return false; } @Override public void makeReport(HTMLReportArchive report) throws IOException { SortedSet<String> flowCells = getTileTree().getFlowCells(); TileNumeration tileNumeration = getTileTree().getTileNumeration(); report.htmlDocument().append("Matrix Size: " + getMatrixSize() + "<br/>"); report.htmlDocument().append("Quality Threshold: " + getQualityThreshold() + "<br/>"); report.htmlDocument().append("Tile Numeration: " + tileNumeration.getName() + "<br/>"); report.htmlDocument().append("<br/>"); for (String flowCell : flowCells) { SortedSet<Integer> lanes = getTileTree().getLanes(flowCell); report.htmlDocument().append("FlowCell: " + flowCell + "<br/>"); for (Integer lane : lanes) { report.htmlDocument().append("Lane: " + lane + "<br/>"); LaneCoordinates laneCoordinates = new LaneCoordinates(flowCell, lane); // writeTable2HTML(report, laneCoordinates, tileNumeration); writeImage2HTML(report, laneCoordinates, tileNumeration); report.htmlDocument().append("<br/>"); } } } private void writeCSVFile(HTMLReportArchive report, LaneCoordinates laneCoordinates, TileNumeration tileNumeration, ResultsTableModel model) throws IOException { String flowCell = laneCoordinates.getFlowCell(); Integer lane = laneCoordinates.getLane(); ZipOutputStream zip = report.zipFile(); Double[][] result = new Double[model.getRowCount()][model.getColumnCount()]; for (int r = 0; r < model.getRowCount(); r++) { int bp = model.getBasePosition(r); for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { TileBPCoordinates tileBPCoordinate = model.getCoordinateAt(r, c); MeanQualityMatrix matrix = getMeanQualityMatrix(tileBPCoordinate); if (matrix != null) { result[r][c] = matrix.getMeanRatio(); } else { result[r][c] = -1.0; } } } String csvFileName = "mean_lowq_reads_ratio_" + flowCell + "_" + lane + ".txt"; zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(report.folderName() + "/" + csvFileName)); String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String COLUMN_SEPARATOR = "\t"; // write column header for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { if (c == 0) { String s = "Tiles:" + COLUMN_SEPARATOR; zip.write(s.getBytes()); } String s = model.getTile(c) + COLUMN_SEPARATOR; zip.write(s.getBytes()); } zip.write(LINE_SEPARATOR.getBytes()); for (int r = 0; r < result.length; r++) { String s = model.getBasePosition(r) + COLUMN_SEPARATOR; zip.write(s.getBytes()); for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { s = result[r][c].toString() + COLUMN_SEPARATOR; zip.write(s.getBytes()); } zip.write(LINE_SEPARATOR.getBytes()); } } /* * Old version write an HTML table with one image in each cell * - writes too many images */ @Deprecated private void writeTable2HTML(HTMLReportArchive report, LaneCoordinates laneCoordinates, TileNumeration tileNumeration) throws IOException { final ResultsTableModel model = new ResultsTableModel(this, laneCoordinates, tileNumeration); String flowCell = laneCoordinates.getFlowCell(); Integer lane = laneCoordinates.getLane(); ZipOutputStream zip = report.zipFile(); StringBuffer b = report.htmlDocument(); StringBuffer d = report.dataDocument(); b.append("<table>\n"); // Do the headers b.append("<tr>\n"); d.append("#Tiles: "); // "row header" for base position number b.append("<th></th>\n"); d.append("\t"); for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { b.append("<th>"); b.append(model.getColumnName(c)); d.append(model.getColumnName(c)); b.append("</th>\n"); d.append("\t"); if (c == model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn()) { b.append("<th>"); b.append("Top-Bottom"); d.append("Top-Bottom"); b.append("</th>\n"); d.append("\t"); } } b.append("</tr>\n"); d.append("\n"); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Do the rows d.append("#Base Positions: 1-" + maxSequenceLength); d.append("\n"); for (int r = 0; r < model.getRowCount(); r++) { b.append("<tr>\n"); // "header" for base position number b.append("<th>"); int bp = model.getBasePosition(r); b.append(model.getCycleID(r) == 0 ? bp : ""); b.append("</th>\n"); for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { TileBPCoordinates tileBPCoordinate = model.getCoordinateAt(r, c); TileCoordinates tileCoordinates = tileBPCoordinate.getTileCoordinate(); b.append("<td>"); MeanQualityMatrix matrix = getMeanQualityMatrix(tileBPCoordinate); if (matrix != null) { String imgFileName = "matrix_" + flowCell + "_" + lane + "_" + tileCoordinates.getTile() + "_" + tileBPCoordinate.getBasePosition() + ".png"; zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(report.folderName() + "/Images/" + imgFileName)); BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) matrix.createBufferedImage(LinearPaintScale.PAINT_SCALE); int imgSize = Options.getHeatmapImageSize(); BufferedImage scaledImage = new BufferedImage(imgSize, imgSize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = scaledImage.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, imgSize, imgSize, null); g.dispose(); ImageIO.write(scaledImage, "png", zip); b.append("<img src=\"Images/" + imgFileName + "\" alt=\"M[" + tileBPCoordinate.toString() + "]\">\n"); } else { b.append(""); d.append("Missing matrix for: " + tileBPCoordinate + "\n"); } b.append("</td>\n"); if (c == model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn()) { b.append("<td></td>\n"); } } b.append("</tr>\n"); } long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); d.append("Creating report time: " + (after - before)); b.append("</table>\n"); } private void writeImage2HTML(HTMLReportArchive report, LaneCoordinates laneCoordinates, TileNumeration tileNumeration) throws IOException { final ResultsTableModel model = new ResultsTableModel(this, laneCoordinates, tileNumeration); ZipOutputStream zip = report.zipFile(); StringBuffer b = report.htmlDocument(); StringBuffer d = report.dataDocument(); int imgSize = Options.getHeatmapImageSize() + 1; // add one pixel for internal grid int width = imgSize * model.getColumnCount() + 1; // add one pixel for left border int topBottomSeparator = 50; if (model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn() > 0) { width += topBottomSeparator; // add top bottom separator } int height = imgSize * model.getRowCount() + 1; // add one pixel for top border int yOffset = 10 * model.getTileNumeration().getCycleSize(); // space for column header int xOffset = 20; // space for row header BufferedImage fullImage = new BufferedImage(width + xOffset, height + yOffset, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) fullImage.getGraphics(); Color headerBackground = new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x80); Color headerForeground = Color.WHITE; // Do the headers d.append("#Tiles: "); d.append("\t"); g2.setColor(headerBackground); g2.fillRect(0, height, width + xOffset, yOffset); g2.fillRect(width, 0, xOffset, height + yOffset); g2.setColor(headerForeground); g2.setFont(g2.getFont().deriveFont(7f).deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); drawColumnHeader(g2, model, imgSize, topBottomSeparator, height, d); g2.setFont(g2.getFont().deriveFont(9f).deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); drawRowHeader(g2, model, imgSize, width, xOffset); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int r = 0; r < model.getRowCount(); r++) { int separator = 0; // "header" for base position number for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { TileBPCoordinates tileBPCoordinate = model.getCoordinateAt(r, c); MeanQualityMatrix matrix = getMeanQualityMatrix(tileBPCoordinate); if (matrix != null) { BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) matrix.createBufferedImage(LinearPaintScale.PAINT_SCALE); g2.drawImage(image, 1 + imgSize * c + separator, 1 + imgSize * r, imgSize * (c + 1) + separator, imgSize * (r + 1), 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), null); } else { d.append("Missing matrix for: " + tileBPCoordinate + "\n"); } if (c == model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn()) { separator = topBottomSeparator; } } } g2.dispose(); String imgFileName = "matrix_" + laneCoordinates.getFlowCell() + "_" + laneCoordinates.getLane() + ".png"; zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(report.folderName() + "/Images/" + imgFileName)); ImageIO.write(fullImage, "png", zip); b.append("<img src=\"Images/" + imgFileName + "\" alt=\"full image\">\n"); // #38: Save each mean value of tile as a matrix file e.g. CSV file format writeCSVFile(report, laneCoordinates, tileNumeration, model); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); d.append("Creating report time: " + (after - before)); } void drawRowHeader(Graphics2D g2, final ResultsTableModel model, int imgSize, int width, int xOffset) { for (int r = 0; r < model.getRowCount(); r++) { int bp = model.getBasePosition(r); if (model.getCycleID(r) == 0) { String s = String.valueOf(bp); int stringHeight = g2.getFont().getSize(); //g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); int stringWidth = g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s); g2.drawString(s, 1 + width + (xOffset - 1 - stringWidth) / 2, imgSize * (r + 1) - (imgSize - stringHeight) / 2); } } } void drawColumnHeader(Graphics2D g2, final ResultsTableModel model, int imgSize, int topBottomSeparator, int height, StringBuffer d) { // draw Top-Bottom header if (model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn() > 0) { String s = "Top-Bottom"; int stringWidth = g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s); g2.drawString(s, 1 + imgSize * (model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn() + 1) + (topBottomSeparator - 1 - stringWidth) / 2, 1 + height + 10 - 3); } int separator = 0; for (int c = 0; c < model.getColumnCount(); c++) { d.append(model.getColumnName(c)); d.append("\t"); if (c == model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn()) { d.append("Top-Bottom"); d.append("\t"); } Integer[] tiles = model.getTilesForColumn(c); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { String s = tiles[i].toString(); int stringWidth = g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s); g2.drawString(s, 1 + imgSize * c + (imgSize - 1 - stringWidth) / 2 + separator, 1 + height + 10 * (i + 1) - 3); } if (c == model.getTopBottomSeparatorColumn()) { separator = topBottomSeparator; } } d.append("\n"); } public TileTree getTileTree() { return tileTree; } public Integer getMaxSequenceLength() { return maxSequenceLength; } public MeanQualityMatrix getMeanQualityMatrix(TileBPCoordinates coordinate) { TileCoordinates tileCoordinate = coordinate.getTileCoordinate(); int index = coordinate.getBasePosition() - 1; return meanQualityMatrixMap.containsKey(tileCoordinate) && index < meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tileCoordinate).size() ? meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tileCoordinate).get(index) : null; } public MeanQualityMatrix createMixedQualityMatrix(TileBPCoordinates tileCoordinatesTop, TileBPCoordinates tileCoordinatesBottom, IMixOperation mixOperation) { MeanQualityMatrix result = null; MeanQualityMatrix matrixTop = getMeanQualityMatrix(tileCoordinatesTop); MeanQualityMatrix matrixBottom = getMeanQualityMatrix(tileCoordinatesBottom); if (matrixTop != null && matrixBottom != null) { result = MeanQualityMatrix.createMixedMatrix(matrixTop, matrixBottom, mixOperation); } return result; } // customized JSON Serialization @Override public String toJSONString() { JSONObject obj = toJSONObject(); return obj.toString(); } @Override public void writeJSONString(Writer out) throws IOException { JSONObject obj = toJSONObject(); JSONValue.writeJSONString(obj, out); } @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject() { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); // matrixSize obj.put(JSON_ATTR_MATRIX_SIZE, matrixSize); // qualityThreshold obj.put(JSON_ATTR_QUALITY_THRESHOLD, qualityThreshold); // maxSequenceLength obj.put(JSON_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, maxSequenceLength); // maxMatrixDensity obj.put(JSON_ATTR_MAX_MATRIX_DENSITY, maxMatrixDensity); // meanQualityMatrixMap JSONSerializationUtils.saveMapInJSONObject(obj, meanQualityMatrixMap, "meanQualityMatrixMap"); return obj; } @Override public void fromJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject) { // matrixSize if (jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MATRIX_SIZE) != null) matrixSize = new Integer(jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MATRIX_SIZE).toString()); // qualityThreshold if (jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_QUALITY_THRESHOLD) != null) qualityThreshold = new Integer(jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_QUALITY_THRESHOLD).toString()); // maxSequenceLength maxSequenceLength = new Integer(jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH).toString()); // maxMatrixDensity maxMatrixDensity = new Integer(jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MAX_MATRIX_DENSITY).toString()); // tileIDsMap JSONArray keyArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MEAN_QUALITY_MATRIX_MAP_KEYS); JSONArray valueArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(JSON_ATTR_MEAN_QUALITY_MATRIX_MAP_VALUES); for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonTileCoordinate = (JSONObject) keyArray.get(i); TileCoordinates tc = new TileCoordinates(); tc.fromJSONObject(jsonTileCoordinate); Rectangle tileRange = tileTree.getRange(tc); List<MeanQualityMatrix> matrixList = new ArrayList<MeanQualityMatrix>(); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) valueArray.get(i); for (Object o : array) { MeanQualityMatrix matrix = new MeanQualityMatrix(tileRange, matrixSize, qualityThreshold); matrix.fromJSONObject((JSONObject) o); matrixList.add(matrix); } meanQualityMatrixMap.put(tc, matrixList); } } @Override public void toJSONFile(File file) throws IOException { JSONSerializationUtils.writeJSONFile(file, this); } @Override public void fromJSONFile(File file) throws IOException, ParseException { JSONSerializationUtils.fromJSONFile(file, this); } // customized JSON Serialization public void initOptions(FileOptionsPanel optionsPanel) { matrixSize = optionsPanel.getMatrixSize(); } public void initOptions() { matrixSize = Options.getMatrixSize(); } public int getMatrixSize() { return matrixSize; } public int getQualityThreshold() { return qualityThreshold; } public int getHeatMapSize() { return SugarApplication.getApplication().getTileHeatmapSize(); } public int getMaxMatrixDensity() { return maxMatrixDensity; } public List<MeanQualityMatrix> getMeanQualityMatrixList(TileCoordinates tile) { return meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tile); } public List<MeanQualityMatrix> getMeanQualityMatrixList(SequenceCoordinates seqCoord) { TileCoordinates tileCoordinates = new TileCoordinates(seqCoord.getFlowCell(), seqCoord.getLane(), seqCoord.getTile()); return meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tileCoordinates); } private static final String JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_MAP = "selectionMatrixMap"; private static final String JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_SIZE = "selectionMatrixSize"; private static final String QUALITY_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY = "Quality_Threshold_Property"; public void exportSelectionMatrix(File file) throws IOException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); //matrixSize obj.put(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_SIZE, matrixSize); // get selection Map<TileBPCoordinates, boolean[][]> selectionMatrixMap = new HashMap<TileBPCoordinates, boolean[][]>(); // for all tiles for (TileCoordinates tile : meanQualityMatrixMap.keySet()) { List<MeanQualityMatrix> meanQualityMatrixList = meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tile); //for all base positions for (int i = 0; i < meanQualityMatrixList.size(); i++) { MeanQualityMatrix m = meanQualityMatrixList.get(i); if (m != null && m.isAnythingSelected()) { selectionMatrixMap.put(new TileBPCoordinates(tile, i + 1), m.getSelectedEntries()); } } } // write selection to JSON JSONArray keyArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray valueArray = new JSONArray(); for (TileBPCoordinates tilebp : selectionMatrixMap.keySet()) { keyArray.add(tilebp); JSONArray selectionArray = JSONSerializationUtils.matrix2json(selectionMatrixMap.get(tilebp)); valueArray.add(selectionArray); } obj.put(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_MAP + ".keys", keyArray); obj.put(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_MAP + ".values", valueArray); Writer writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); JSONValue.writeJSONString(obj, writer); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } } public void importSelectionMatrix(File file) throws Exception { Reader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(reader); //matrixSize int size = new Integer(obj.get(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_SIZE).toString()); if (size != matrixSize) throw new Exception("Different Size of selection matrix: " + size); // get selection Map<TileBPCoordinates, boolean[][]> selectionMatrixMap = new HashMap<TileBPCoordinates, boolean[][]>(); // write selection to JSON JSONArray keyArray = (JSONArray) obj.get(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_MAP + ".keys"); JSONArray valueArray = (JSONArray) obj.get(JSON_ATTR_SELECTION_MATRIX_MAP + ".values"); for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonTileCoordinate = (JSONObject) keyArray.get(i); TileBPCoordinates tc = new TileBPCoordinates(); tc.fromJSONObject(jsonTileCoordinate); // Rectangle tileRange = tileTree.getRange(tc); MeanQualityMatrix matrix = getMeanQualityMatrix(tc); JSONArray selectionArray = (JSONArray) valueArray.get(i); JSONSerializationUtils.json2matrix(selectionArray, matrix.getSelectedEntries()); } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } public void selectRedAreas() { // for all tiles for (TileCoordinates tile : meanQualityMatrixMap.keySet()) { List<MeanQualityMatrix> meanQualityMatrixList = meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tile); //for all base positions for (int i = 0; i < meanQualityMatrixList.size(); i++) { MeanQualityMatrix m = meanQualityMatrixList.get(i); m.getMeanValues(); m.selectRedArea(); } } } /** * * check if the tile is selected * checks only the first matrix in the list!!! * * returns three value: * - WHOLE_TILE_SELECTED * - PART_TILE_SELECTED * - NOTHING_SELECTED * * @param i * @return */ public ETileSelection getTileSelection(TileCoordinates tile) { ETileSelection result = ETileSelection.NONE; MeanQualityMatrix m = getFirstTileMatrix(tile); if (m != null) { result = ETileSelection.getTileSelection(m.getSelectedEntries()); } return result; } /** * * get the first matrix for the given tile * * @param i * @return */ public MeanQualityMatrix getFirstTileMatrix(TileCoordinates tile) { MeanQualityMatrix result = null; List<MeanQualityMatrix> matrixList = meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tile); if (matrixList != null) { for (MeanQualityMatrix m : matrixList) { if (m != null) { result = m; // first matrix read successfully, so break break; } } } return result; } // update selection of first matrix in tile public void expandTileSelection() { for (TileCoordinates tile : meanQualityMatrixMap.keySet()) { expandTileSelection(tile); } } // update selection of first matrix in tile public void expandTileSelection(TileCoordinates tile) { List<MeanQualityMatrix> meanQualityMatrixList = meanQualityMatrixMap.get(tile); MeanQualityMatrix firstMatrix = null; //for all base positions for (MeanQualityMatrix m : meanQualityMatrixList) { if (m == null) continue; if (firstMatrix == null) { firstMatrix = m; } else { for (int i = 0; i < matrixSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrixSize; j++) { if (m.isEntrySelected(i, j)) firstMatrix.setSelectedEntry(i, j, true); } } } } } public ActionListener createThresholdChangedListener() { return new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { JComboBox qualityCombo = (JComboBox) event.getSource(); Integer threshold = (Integer) qualityCombo.getSelectedItem(); QualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase qualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase = QualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase.this; if (qualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase.changeQualityMatrixMap(threshold)) { // loaded successfully // do nothing // the table will be updated in propertChanged() listener } else { // load failed // display info JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(SugarApplication.getApplication(), "Failed to load module from cache for threshold: " + threshold, "Load Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // delete the failed threshold qualityCombo.removeItem(threshold); QCModule[] module = new QCModule[] { qualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase }; // revert to old value int originalThreshold = qualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase.getQualityThreshold(); int matrixSize = qualityHeatMapsPerTileAndBase.getMatrixSize(); File file = SugarApplication.getApplication().getSelectedSequenceFile().getFile(); OpenedFileCache.getInstance().readModulesFromCache(file, module, null, matrixSize, originalThreshold); qualityCombo.setSelectedItem(originalThreshold); } } }; } public boolean changeQualityMatrixMap(Integer threshold) { boolean result = false; if (threshold == qualityThreshold) { return true; } int oldThreshold = qualityThreshold; // the module is replaced by a new one with a different threshold. Keep the previous one in "local cache". this.keepQualityMatrixMap(); // first try to load from the internal map if (thresholdQualityMatrixMap.containsKey(threshold)) { meanQualityMatrixMap = thresholdQualityMatrixMap.get(threshold); result = true; } else { meanQualityMatrixMap = new MeanQualityMatrixMap(); QCModule[] module = new QCModule[] { this }; int matrixSize = this.getMatrixSize(); File file = SugarApplication.getApplication().getSelectedSequenceFile().getFile(); if (OpenedFileCache.getInstance().readModulesFromCache(file, module, null, matrixSize, threshold)) { result = true; } } if (result) { // update threshold qualityThreshold = threshold; fireQualityThresholdPropertyChanged(oldThreshold, qualityThreshold); } return result; } public void keepQualityMatrixMap() { if (!thresholdQualityMatrixMap.containsKey(qualityThreshold)) { thresholdQualityMatrixMap.put(qualityThreshold, meanQualityMatrixMap); } } public void addOualityThresholdPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(QUALITY_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY, listener); } public void fireQualityThresholdPropertyChanged(Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) { if (oldValue != newValue) propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(QUALITY_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); } }