Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016 Sebastian Stenzel, Markus Kreusch * This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * See the LICENSE.txt file for more info. * * Contributors: * Sebastian Stenzel - initial API and implementation, strategy fine tuning * Markus Kreusch - Refactored WebDavMounter to use strategy pattern ******************************************************************************/ package org.cryptomator.frontend.webdav.mount; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import org.cryptomator.frontend.CommandFailedException; import org.cryptomator.frontend.Frontend.MountParam; @Singleton final class MacOsXAppleScriptWebDavMounter implements WebDavMounterStrategy { private final Comparator<String> semVerComparator; @Inject MacOsXAppleScriptWebDavMounter(@Named("SemVer") Comparator<String> semVerComparator) { this.semVerComparator = semVerComparator; } @Override public boolean shouldWork(Map<MountParam, Optional<String>> mountParams) { return SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX &&, "10.10") >= 0; } @Override public void warmUp(int serverPort) { // no-op } @Override public WebDavMount mount(URI uri, Map<MountParam, Optional<String>> mountParams) throws CommandFailedException { try { String mountAppleScript = String.format("mount volume \"%s\"", uri.toString()); ProcessBuilder mount = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", mountAppleScript); Process mountProcess = mount.start(); String stdout = IOUtils.toString(mountProcess.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); waitForProcessAndCheckSuccess(mountProcess, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); String volumeIdentifier = StringUtils.trim(StringUtils.removeStart(stdout, "file ")); String waitAppleScript1 = String .format("tell application \"Finder\" to repeat while not (\"%s\" exists)", volumeIdentifier); String waitAppleScript2 = "delay 0.1"; String waitAppleScript3 = "end repeat"; ProcessBuilder wait = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", waitAppleScript1, "-e", waitAppleScript2, "-e", waitAppleScript3); Process waitProcess = wait.start(); waitForProcessAndCheckSuccess(waitProcess, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return new MacWebDavMount(volumeIdentifier); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandFailedException(e); } } private static class MacWebDavMount extends AbstractWebDavMount { private final ProcessBuilder revealCommand; private final ProcessBuilder unmountCommand; private MacWebDavMount(String volumeIdentifier) { String openAppleScript = String.format("tell application \"Finder\" to open \"%s\"", volumeIdentifier); String activateAppleScript = String.format("tell application \"Finder\" to activate \"%s\"", volumeIdentifier); String ejectAppleScript = String.format( "tell application \"Finder\" to if \"%s\" exists then eject \"%s\"", volumeIdentifier, volumeIdentifier); this.revealCommand = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", openAppleScript, "-e", activateAppleScript); this.unmountCommand = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", ejectAppleScript); } @Override public void unmount() throws CommandFailedException { try { Process proc = unmountCommand.start(); waitForProcessAndCheckSuccess(proc, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandFailedException(e); } } @Override public void reveal() throws CommandFailedException { try { Process proc = revealCommand.start(); waitForProcessAndCheckSuccess(proc, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandFailedException(e); } } } private static void waitForProcessAndCheckSuccess(Process proc, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CommandFailedException, IOException { try { boolean finishedInTime = proc.waitFor(timeout, unit); if (!finishedInTime) { proc.destroyForcibly(); throw new CommandFailedException("Command timed out."); } int exitCode = proc.exitValue(); if (exitCode != 0) { String error = IOUtils.toString(proc.getErrorStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); throw new CommandFailedException( "Command failed with exit code " + exitCode + ". Stderr: " + error); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }