Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Sebastian Stenzel * This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * See the LICENSE.txt file for more info. * * Contributors: * Sebastian Stenzel - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package org.cryptomator.crypto.aes256; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream.Filter; import java.nio.file.Path; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream; import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators.SCrypt; import org.cryptomator.crypto.AbstractCryptor; import org.cryptomator.crypto.CryptorIOSupport; import org.cryptomator.crypto.aes256.CounterAwareInputStream.CounterAwareInputLimitReachedException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.CounterOverflowException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.DecryptFailedException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.EncryptFailedException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.MacAuthenticationFailedException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.UnsupportedKeyLengthException; import org.cryptomator.crypto.exceptions.WrongPasswordException; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class Aes256Cryptor extends AbstractCryptor implements AesCryptographicConfiguration, FileNamingConventions { /** * Defined in static initializer. Defaults to 256, but falls back to maximum value possible, if JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction * Policy Files isn't installed. Those files can be downloaded here: */ private static final int AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS; /** * PRNG for cryptographically secure random numbers. Defaults to SHA1-based number generator. * * @see */ private final SecureRandom securePrng; /** * Jackson JSON-Mapper. */ private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); /** * The decrypted master key. Its lifecycle starts with the construction of an Aes256Cryptor instance or * {@link #decryptMasterKey(InputStream, CharSequence)}. Its lifecycle ends with {@link #swipeSensitiveData()}. */ private SecretKey primaryMasterKey; /** * Decrypted secondary key used for hmac operations. */ private SecretKey hMacMasterKey; static { try { final int maxKeyLength = Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(AES_KEY_ALGORITHM); AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS = (maxKeyLength >= PREF_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS) ? PREF_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS : maxKeyLength; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Algorithm should exist.", e); } } /** * Creates a new Cryptor with a newly initialized PRNG. */ public Aes256Cryptor() { byte[] bytes = new byte[AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS / Byte.SIZE]; try { securePrng = SecureRandom.getInstance(PRNG_ALGORITHM); securePrng.setSeed(securePrng.generateSeed(PRNG_SEED_LENGTH)); securePrng.nextBytes(bytes); this.primaryMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, AES_KEY_ALGORITHM); securePrng.nextBytes(bytes); this.hMacMasterKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, HMAC_KEY_ALGORITHM); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("PRNG algorithm should exist.", e); } finally { Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 0); } } /** * Encrypts the current masterKey with the given password and writes the result to the given output stream. */ @Override public void encryptMasterKey(OutputStream out, CharSequence password) throws IOException { try { // derive key: final byte[] kekSalt = randomData(SCRYPT_SALT_LENGTH); final SecretKey kek = scrypt(password, kekSalt, SCRYPT_COST_PARAM, SCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS); // encrypt: final Cipher encCipher = aesKeyWrapCipher(kek, Cipher.WRAP_MODE); byte[] wrappedPrimaryKey = encCipher.wrap(primaryMasterKey); byte[] wrappedSecondaryKey = encCipher.wrap(hMacMasterKey); // save encrypted masterkey: final KeyFile keyfile = new KeyFile(); keyfile.setScryptSalt(kekSalt); keyfile.setScryptCostParam(SCRYPT_COST_PARAM); keyfile.setScryptBlockSize(SCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE); keyfile.setKeyLength(AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS); keyfile.setPrimaryMasterKey(wrappedPrimaryKey); keyfile.setHMacMasterKey(wrappedSecondaryKey); objectMapper.writeValue(out, keyfile); } catch (InvalidKeyException | IllegalBlockSizeException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid hard coded configuration.", ex); } } /** * Reads the encrypted masterkey from the given input stream and decrypts it with the given password. * * @throws DecryptFailedException If the decryption failed for various reasons (including wrong password). * @throws WrongPasswordException If the provided password was wrong. Note: Sometimes the algorithm itself fails due to a wrong * password. In this case a DecryptFailedException will be thrown. * @throws UnsupportedKeyLengthException If the masterkey has been encrypted with a higher key length than supported by the system. In * this case Java JCE needs to be installed. */ @Override public void decryptMasterKey(InputStream in, CharSequence password) throws DecryptFailedException, WrongPasswordException, UnsupportedKeyLengthException, IOException { try { // load encrypted masterkey: final KeyFile keyfile = objectMapper.readValue(in, KeyFile.class); // check, whether the key length is supported: final int maxKeyLen = Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(AES_KEY_ALGORITHM); if (keyfile.getKeyLength() > maxKeyLen) { throw new UnsupportedKeyLengthException(keyfile.getKeyLength(), maxKeyLen); } // derive key: final SecretKey kek = scrypt(password, keyfile.getScryptSalt(), keyfile.getScryptCostParam(), keyfile.getScryptBlockSize(), AES_KEY_LENGTH_IN_BITS); // decrypt and check password by catching AEAD exception final Cipher decCipher = aesKeyWrapCipher(kek, Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE); SecretKey primary = (SecretKey) decCipher.unwrap(keyfile.getPrimaryMasterKey(), AES_KEY_ALGORITHM, Cipher.SECRET_KEY); SecretKey secondary = (SecretKey) decCipher.unwrap(keyfile.getHMacMasterKey(), HMAC_KEY_ALGORITHM, Cipher.SECRET_KEY); // everything ok, assign decrypted keys: this.primaryMasterKey = primary; this.hMacMasterKey = secondary; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Algorithm should exist.", ex); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new WrongPasswordException(); } } @Override public void swipeSensitiveDataInternal() { destroyQuietly(primaryMasterKey); destroyQuietly(hMacMasterKey); } private void destroyQuietly(Destroyable d) { try { d.destroy(); } catch (DestroyFailedException e) { // ignore } } private Cipher aesKeyWrapCipher(SecretKey key, int cipherMode) { try { final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_KEYWRAP_CIPHER); cipher.init(cipherMode, key); return cipher; } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.", ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Algorithm/Padding should exist and accept GCM specs.", ex); } } private Cipher aesCtrCipher(SecretKey key, byte[] iv, int cipherMode) { try { final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_CTR_CIPHER); cipher.init(cipherMode, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv)); return cipher; } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.", ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Algorithm/Padding should exist and accept an IV.", ex); } } private Cipher aesEcbCipher(SecretKey key, int cipherMode) { try { final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_ECB_CIPHER); cipher.init(cipherMode, key); return cipher; } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.", ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException ex) { throw new AssertionError( "Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding.", ex); } } private Mac hmacSha256(SecretKey key) { try { final Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_KEY_ALGORITHM); mac.init(key); return mac; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new AssertionError("Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support HmacSHA256.", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key", e); } } private byte[] randomData(int length) { final byte[] result = new byte[length]; securePrng.nextBytes(result); return result; } private SecretKey scrypt(CharSequence password, byte[] salt, int costParam, int blockSize, int keyLengthInBits) { // use sb, as password.toString's implementation is unknown final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(password); final byte[] pw = sb.toString().getBytes(); try { final byte[] key = SCrypt.generate(pw, salt, costParam, blockSize, 1, keyLengthInBits / Byte.SIZE); return new SecretKeySpec(key, AES_KEY_ALGORITHM); } finally { // destroy copied bytes of the plaintext password: Arrays.fill(pw, (byte) 0); for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { sb.setCharAt(i, (char) 0); } } } @Override public String encryptPath(String cleartextPath, char encryptedPathSep, char cleartextPathSep, CryptorIOSupport ioSupport) { try { final String[] cleartextPathComps = StringUtils.split(cleartextPath, cleartextPathSep); final List<String> encryptedPathComps = new ArrayList<>(cleartextPathComps.length); for (final String cleartext : cleartextPathComps) { final String encrypted = encryptPathComponent(cleartext, primaryMasterKey, hMacMasterKey, ioSupport); encryptedPathComps.add(encrypted); } return StringUtils.join(encryptedPathComps, encryptedPathSep); } catch (InvalidKeyException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to encrypt path: " + cleartextPath, e); } } /** * Each path component, i.e. file or directory name separated by path separators, gets encrypted for its own.<br/> * Encryption will blow up the filename length due to aes block sizes and base32 encoding. The result may be too long for some old file * systems.<br/> * This means that we need a workaround for filenames longer than the limit defined in * {@link FileNamingConventions#ENCRYPTED_FILENAME_LENGTH_LIMIT}.<br/> * <br/> * In any case we will create the encrypted filename normally. For those, that are too long, we calculate a checksum. No * cryptographically secure hash is needed here. We just want an uniform distribution for better load balancing. All encrypted filenames * with the same checksum will then share a metadata file, in which a lookup map between encrypted filenames and short unique * alternative names are stored.<br/> * <br/> * These alternative names consist of the checksum, a unique id and a special file extension defined in * {@link FileNamingConventions#LONG_NAME_FILE_EXT}. */ private String encryptPathComponent(final String cleartext, final SecretKey aesKey, final SecretKey macKey, CryptorIOSupport ioSupport) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException { final byte[] cleartextBytes = cleartext.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // encrypt: final byte[] encryptedBytes = AesSivCipherUtil.sivEncrypt(aesKey, macKey, cleartextBytes); final String ivAndCiphertext = ENCRYPTED_FILENAME_CODEC.encodeAsString(encryptedBytes); if (ivAndCiphertext.length() + BASIC_FILE_EXT.length() > ENCRYPTED_FILENAME_LENGTH_LIMIT) { final String groupPrefix = ivAndCiphertext.substring(0, LONG_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH); final String metadataFilename = groupPrefix + METADATA_FILE_EXT; final LongFilenameMetadata metadata = this.getMetadata(ioSupport, metadataFilename); final String alternativeFileName = groupPrefix + metadata.getOrCreateUuidForEncryptedFilename(ivAndCiphertext).toString() + LONG_NAME_FILE_EXT; this.storeMetadata(ioSupport, metadataFilename, metadata); return alternativeFileName; } else { return ivAndCiphertext + BASIC_FILE_EXT; } } @Override public String decryptPath(String encryptedPath, char encryptedPathSep, char cleartextPathSep, CryptorIOSupport ioSupport) throws DecryptFailedException { try { final String[] encryptedPathComps = StringUtils.split(encryptedPath, encryptedPathSep); final List<String> cleartextPathComps = new ArrayList<>(encryptedPathComps.length); for (final String encrypted : encryptedPathComps) { final String cleartext = decryptPathComponent(encrypted, primaryMasterKey, hMacMasterKey, ioSupport); cleartextPathComps.add(new String(cleartext)); } return StringUtils.join(cleartextPathComps, cleartextPathSep); } catch (InvalidKeyException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to decrypt path: " + encryptedPath, e); } } /** * @see #encryptPathComponent(String, SecretKey, CryptorIOSupport) */ private String decryptPathComponent(final String encrypted, final SecretKey aesKey, final SecretKey macKey, CryptorIOSupport ioSupport) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, DecryptFailedException { final String ciphertext; if (encrypted.endsWith(LONG_NAME_FILE_EXT)) { final String basename = StringUtils.removeEnd(encrypted, LONG_NAME_FILE_EXT); final String groupPrefix = basename.substring(0, LONG_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH); final String uuid = basename.substring(LONG_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH); final String metadataFilename = groupPrefix + METADATA_FILE_EXT; final LongFilenameMetadata metadata = this.getMetadata(ioSupport, metadataFilename); ciphertext = metadata.getEncryptedFilenameForUUID(UUID.fromString(uuid)); } else if (encrypted.endsWith(BASIC_FILE_EXT)) { ciphertext = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(encrypted, BASIC_FILE_EXT); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported path component: " + encrypted); } // decrypt: final byte[] encryptedBytes = ENCRYPTED_FILENAME_CODEC.decode(ciphertext); final byte[] cleartextBytes = AesSivCipherUtil.sivDecrypt(aesKey, macKey, encryptedBytes); return new String(cleartextBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private LongFilenameMetadata getMetadata(CryptorIOSupport ioSupport, String metadataFile) throws IOException { final byte[] fileContent = ioSupport.readPathSpecificMetadata(metadataFile); if (fileContent == null) { return new LongFilenameMetadata(); } else { return objectMapper.readValue(fileContent, LongFilenameMetadata.class); } } private void storeMetadata(CryptorIOSupport ioSupport, String metadataFile, LongFilenameMetadata metadata) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { ioSupport.writePathSpecificMetadata(metadataFile, objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(metadata)); } @Override public Long decryptedContentLength(SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile) throws IOException { // skip 128bit IV + 256 bit MAC: encryptedFile.position(48); // read encrypted value: final ByteBuffer encryptedFileSizeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); final int numFileSizeBytesRead =; // return "unknown" value, if EOF if (numFileSizeBytesRead != encryptedFileSizeBuffer.capacity()) { return null; } // decrypt size: try { final Cipher sizeCipher = aesEcbCipher(primaryMasterKey, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE); final byte[] decryptedFileSize = sizeCipher.doFinal(encryptedFileSizeBuffer.array()); final ByteBuffer fileSizeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(decryptedFileSize); return fileSizeBuffer.getLong(); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private void encryptedContentLength(SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile, Long contentLength) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer encryptedFileSizeBuffer; // encrypt content length in ECB mode (content length is less than one block): try { final ByteBuffer fileSizeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES); fileSizeBuffer.putLong(contentLength); final Cipher sizeCipher = aesEcbCipher(primaryMasterKey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE); final byte[] encryptedFileSize = sizeCipher.doFinal(fileSizeBuffer.array()); encryptedFileSizeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(encryptedFileSize); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Block size must be valid, as padding is requested. BadPaddingException not possible in encrypt mode.", e); } // skip 128bit IV + 256 bit MAC: encryptedFile.position(48); // write result: encryptedFile.write(encryptedFileSizeBuffer); } @Override public boolean isAuthentic(SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile) throws IOException { // init mac: final Mac calculatedMac = this.hmacSha256(hMacMasterKey); // read stored mac: encryptedFile.position(16); final ByteBuffer storedMac = ByteBuffer.allocate(calculatedMac.getMacLength()); final int numMacBytesRead =; // check validity of header: if (numMacBytesRead != calculatedMac.getMacLength()) { throw new IOException("Failed to read file header."); } // go to begin of content: encryptedFile.position(64); // calculated MAC final InputStream in = new SeekableByteChannelInputStream(encryptedFile); final InputStream macIn = new MacInputStream(in, calculatedMac); IOUtils.copyLarge(macIn, new NullOutputStream()); // compare (in constant time): return MessageDigest.isEqual(storedMac.array(), calculatedMac.doFinal()); } @Override public Long decryptFile(SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile, OutputStream plaintextFile) throws IOException, DecryptFailedException { // read iv: encryptedFile.position(0); final ByteBuffer countingIv = ByteBuffer.allocate(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); final int numIvBytesRead =; // init mac: final Mac calculatedMac = this.hmacSha256(hMacMasterKey); // read stored mac: final ByteBuffer storedMac = ByteBuffer.allocate(calculatedMac.getMacLength()); final int numMacBytesRead =; // read file size: final Long fileSize = decryptedContentLength(encryptedFile); // check validity of header: if (numIvBytesRead != AES_BLOCK_LENGTH || numMacBytesRead != calculatedMac.getMacLength() || fileSize == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to read file header."); } // go to begin of content: encryptedFile.position(64); // generate cipher: final Cipher cipher = this.aesCtrCipher(primaryMasterKey, countingIv.array(), Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE); // read content final InputStream in = new SeekableByteChannelInputStream(encryptedFile); final InputStream macIn = new MacInputStream(in, calculatedMac); final InputStream cipheredIn = new CipherInputStream(macIn, cipher); final long bytesDecrypted = IOUtils.copyLarge(cipheredIn, plaintextFile, 0, fileSize); // drain remaining bytes to /dev/null to complete MAC calculation: IOUtils.copyLarge(macIn, new NullOutputStream()); // compare (in constant time): final boolean macMatches = MessageDigest.isEqual(storedMac.array(), calculatedMac.doFinal()); if (!macMatches) { // This exception will be thrown AFTER we sent the decrypted content to the user. // This has two advantages: // - we don't need to read files twice // - we can still restore files suffering from non-malicious bit rotting // Anyway me MUST make sure to warn the user. This will be done by the UI when catching this exception. throw new MacAuthenticationFailedException("MAC authentication failed."); } return bytesDecrypted; } @Override public Long decryptRange(SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile, OutputStream plaintextFile, long pos, long length) throws IOException, DecryptFailedException { // read iv: encryptedFile.position(0); final ByteBuffer countingIv = ByteBuffer.allocate(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); final int numIvBytesRead =; // check validity of header: if (numIvBytesRead != AES_BLOCK_LENGTH) { throw new IOException("Failed to read file header."); } // seek relevant position and update iv: long firstRelevantBlock = pos / AES_BLOCK_LENGTH; // cut of fraction! long beginOfFirstRelevantBlock = firstRelevantBlock * AES_BLOCK_LENGTH; long offsetInsideFirstRelevantBlock = pos - beginOfFirstRelevantBlock; countingIv.putInt(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH - Integer.BYTES, (int) firstRelevantBlock); // int-cast is possible, as max file size is 64GiB // fast forward stream: encryptedFile.position(64l + beginOfFirstRelevantBlock); // generate cipher: final Cipher cipher = this.aesCtrCipher(primaryMasterKey, countingIv.array(), Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE); // read content final InputStream in = new SeekableByteChannelInputStream(encryptedFile); final InputStream cipheredIn = new CipherInputStream(in, cipher); return IOUtils.copyLarge(cipheredIn, plaintextFile, offsetInsideFirstRelevantBlock, length); } @Override public Long encryptFile(InputStream plaintextFile, SeekableByteChannel encryptedFile) throws IOException, EncryptFailedException { // truncate file encryptedFile.truncate(0); // use an IV, whose last 8 bytes store a long used in counter mode and write initial value to file. final ByteBuffer countingIv = ByteBuffer.wrap(randomData(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH)); countingIv.putInt(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH - Integer.BYTES, 0); encryptedFile.write(countingIv); // init crypto stuff: final Mac mac = this.hmacSha256(hMacMasterKey); final Cipher cipher = this.aesCtrCipher(primaryMasterKey, countingIv.array(), Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE); // init mac buffer and skip 32 bytes final ByteBuffer macBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(mac.getMacLength()); encryptedFile.write(macBuffer); // encrypt and write "zero length" as a placeholder, which will be read by concurrent requests, as long as encryption didn't finish: encryptedContentLength(encryptedFile, 0l); // write content: final OutputStream out = new SeekableByteChannelOutputStream(encryptedFile); final OutputStream macOut = new MacOutputStream(out, mac); final OutputStream cipheredOut = new CipherOutputStream(macOut, cipher); final OutputStream blockSizeBufferedOut = new BufferedOutputStream(cipheredOut, AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); final InputStream lengthLimitingIn = new CounterAwareInputStream(plaintextFile); final Long plaintextSize; try { plaintextSize = IOUtils.copyLarge(lengthLimitingIn, blockSizeBufferedOut); } catch (CounterAwareInputLimitReachedException ex) { encryptedFile.truncate(64l + CounterAwareInputStream.SIXTY_FOUR_GIGABYE); encryptedContentLength(encryptedFile, CounterAwareInputStream.SIXTY_FOUR_GIGABYE); // no additional padding needed here, as 64GiB is a multiple of 128bit throw new CounterOverflowException( "File size exceeds limit (64Gib). Aborting to prevent counter overflow."); } // ensure total byte count is a multiple of the block size, in CTR mode: final int remainderToFillLastBlock = AES_BLOCK_LENGTH - (int) (plaintextSize % AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); blockSizeBufferedOut.write(new byte[remainderToFillLastBlock]); // for filesizes of up to 16GiB: append a few blocks of fake data: if (plaintextSize < (long) (Integer.MAX_VALUE / 4) * AES_BLOCK_LENGTH) { final int numberOfPlaintextBlocks = (int) Math.ceil(plaintextSize / AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); final int upToTenPercentFakeBlocks = (int) Math.ceil(Math.random() * 0.1 * numberOfPlaintextBlocks); final byte[] emptyBytes = this.randomData(AES_BLOCK_LENGTH); for (int i = 0; i < upToTenPercentFakeBlocks; i += AES_BLOCK_LENGTH) { blockSizeBufferedOut.write(emptyBytes); } } blockSizeBufferedOut.flush(); // write MAC of total ciphertext: macBuffer.clear(); macBuffer.put(mac.doFinal()); macBuffer.flip(); encryptedFile.position(16); // right behind the IV encryptedFile.write(macBuffer); // 256 bit MAC // encrypt and write plaintextSize: encryptedContentLength(encryptedFile, plaintextSize); return plaintextSize; } @Override public Filter<Path> getPayloadFilesFilter() { return new Filter<Path>() { @Override public boolean accept(Path entry) throws IOException { return ENCRYPTED_FILE_GLOB_MATCHER.matches(entry); } }; } }