Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.cruxframework.crux.widgets.client.grid; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.client.collection.FastList; import org.cruxframework.crux.widgets.client.layout.AutoResizableComposite; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Tableless implementation to be used as grid's substructure element. * * @author Gesse Dafe */ abstract class AbstractTablelessGridStructure extends AutoResizableComposite implements GridBaseTable { private Lines lines = new Lines(); private int cellSpacing = 0; // TODO isso nao pode existir private int cellPadding; private AbstractGrid<?> grid; private CellRenderer cellRenderer = GWT.create(CellRenderer.class); /** * Constructor * @param grid */ public AbstractTablelessGridStructure(AbstractGrid<?> grid) { this.grid = grid; initWidget(lines); setStyleName("crux-AbstractTablelessGridStructure"); if (grid.hasFrozenCells()) { this.grid.getScrollingArea().addScrollHandler(new FrozenCellsScrollHandler(this)); } } @Override protected void onResize(int containerHeight, int containerWidth) { int numLines = lines.getWidgetCount(); if (numLines > 0) { boolean isPercentual = hasPercentualColumnWidths(); FastList<Integer> columnWidths = calculateColumnWidths(containerWidth); String lineWidth = calculateRowWidth(isPercentual, columnWidths); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { Line line = getLines().getLine(i); line.setWidth(lineWidth); updateCellsDimensions(i, columnWidths); } } } /** * Calculates the widht of the row based on the columns widths * @param isPercentual * @param columnWidths * @return */ private String calculateRowWidth(boolean isPercentual, FastList<Integer> columnWidths) { String lineWidth = "100%"; if (!isPercentual) { int sumWidths = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.size(); i++) { sumWidths += columnWidths.get(i); } lineWidth = sumWidths + "px"; } return lineWidth; } /** * Calculates the absolute width of each grid column * @param containerWidth * @return */ private FastList<Integer> calculateColumnWidths(int containerWidth) { FastList<Integer> columnWidths = new FastList<Integer>(); ColumnDefinitions defs = grid.getColumnDefinitions(); int numCols = lines.getLine(0).getWidgetCount(); int offset = (grid.hasRowDetailsIconColumn() ? 1 : 0) + (grid.hasSelectionColumn() ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { if (i < offset) { columnWidths.add(30); } if (i >= offset) { ColumnDefinition def = defs.getVisibleColumnDefinition(i - offset); String width = def.getWidth(); int absoluteWidth = 0; if (hasPercentualColumnWidths()) { absoluteWidth = calculateAbsoluteColumnWidth(width, containerWidth); } else { absoluteWidth = getIntegerPixelMeasure(width); } columnWidths.add(absoluteWidth); } } return columnWidths; } /** * Parses a px value and returns an integer * @param measure * @return */ protected int getIntegerPixelMeasure(String measure) { measure = measure.replace("px", "").trim(); if (measure.length() > 0) { return (int) Math.round(Double.parseDouble(measure)); } return 0; } /** * Simulates the percentual widths by calculating an absolute for each column, based on the container's width * @param columnWidths * @param containerWidth * @return true if at least one column has a percentual width declaration */ private int calculateAbsoluteColumnWidth(String percentualWidth, int containerWidth) { percentualWidth = percentualWidth.replace("%", "").trim(); double value = Double.valueOf(percentualWidth); value = Math.floor(value / 100.0 * containerWidth); value = value - cellSpacing; return (int) value; } /** * Checks if the columns have percentual widths * @return true if at least one column has a percentual width declaration */ private boolean hasPercentualColumnWidths() { FastList<ColumnDefinition> defs = grid.getColumnDefinitions().getDefinitions(); int numCols = defs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { ColumnDefinition def = defs.get(i); String width = def.getWidth(); if (isPercentual(width)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param lineIndex * @param columnWidths */ protected void updateCellsDimensions(int lineIndex, FastList<Integer> columnWidths) { int numCells = columnWidths.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++) { int width = columnWidths.get(i); Line line = lines.getLine(lineIndex); Cell cell = line.getCell(i); cell.setWidth(width + "px"); cell.setHeight("100%"); } } public void setCellAlignment(int index, int colIndex, HorizontalAlignmentConstant horizontalAlign, VerticalAlignmentConstant verticalAlign) { Widget innerWidget = lines.getLine(index).getCell(colIndex).getWidget(); if (innerWidget != null) { innerWidget.getElement().getParentElement().getStyle().setProperty("textAlign", horizontalAlign.getTextAlignString()); innerWidget.getElement().getParentElement().getStyle().setProperty("verticalAlign", verticalAlign.getVerticalAlignString()); if (innerWidget instanceof Label) { ((Label) innerWidget).setHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlign); } } } public void setCellWidth(int index, int colIndex, String width) { Element cellElement = lines.getLine(index).getCell(colIndex).getElement(); cellElement.getStyle().setProperty("width", width); } /** * @see */ public void removeAllRows() { lines.clear(); } /** * @see, int) */ public void resize(int rowCount, int columnCount) { while (lines.getWidgetCount() > rowCount) { lines.remove(lines.getWidgetCount() - 1); } while (lines.getWidgetCount() < rowCount) { lines.add(createRow()); } for (int i = 0, numLines = lines.getWidgetCount(); i < numLines; i++) { Line line = lines.getLine(i); while (line.getWidgetCount() > columnCount) { line.remove(line.getWidgetCount() - 1); } while (line.getWidgetCount() < columnCount) { line.add(createCell()); } } } /** * Creates a grid row * @return */ private Widget createRow() { Line line = new Line(); line.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("whiteSpace", "nowrap"); line.getElement().getStyle().setFloat(Float.LEFT); line.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("clear", "both"); line.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(cellSpacing, Unit.PX); line.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); return line; } /** * Creates a grid cell * @return */ private Widget createCell() { Cell cell = new Cell(this); cellRenderer.updateCellStyle(cell, cellSpacing, cellPadding); return cell; } /** * @see, int, */ public void setWidget(int index, int column, Widget widget) { Cell cell = lines.getLine(index).getCell(column); if (cell.getWidget() != null) { cell.clear(); } cell.add(widget); } /** * @see, int) */ public Widget getWidget(int index, int column) { return lines.getLine(index).getCell(column).getWidget(); } /** * @see, int) */ public Element getCellElement(int row, int col) { Line line = lines.getLine(row); return line.getCell(col).getElement(); } /** * @see */ public Element getRowElement(int row) { return lines.getLine(row).getElement(); } /** * Dummy implementation. There is no table body in this widget. */ public Element getBodyElement() { return new Line().getElement(); } /** * @see */ public void setCellSpacing(int cellSpacing) { this.cellSpacing = 0; } /** * @see */ public void setCellPadding(int cellPadding) { this.cellPadding = cellPadding; } /** * Checks if a measure is percentual * @param measure * @return */ private boolean isPercentual(String measure) { return measure != null && measure.trim().endsWith("%"); } /** * Represents a line * @author Gesse Dafe */ static class Line extends { Cell getCell(int index) { return (Cell) getWidget(index); } } /** * Represents the grid lines * @author Gesse Dafe */ static class Lines extends { Line getLine(int index) { return (Line) getWidget(index); } } /** * Represents a cell * @author Gesse Dafe */ static class Cell extends { private AbstractTablelessGridStructure struct; public Cell(AbstractTablelessGridStructure struct) { this.struct = struct; this.getElement().getStyle().setTableLayout(TableLayout.FIXED); } public Widget getWidget() { if (getWidgetCount() > 0) { return super.getWidget(0); } return null; } @Override public void add(Widget w) { super.add(w); setCellVerticalAlignment(w, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); w.getElement().getParentElement().getStyle().setPadding(struct.getCellPadding(), Unit.PX); } } /** * This one and its subclasses handle drawing differences among various browsers. * @author Gesse Dafe */ public static class CellRenderer { final void updateCellStyle(Widget cell, int cellSpacing, int cellPadding) { cell.getElement().getStyle().setMarginRight(cellSpacing, Unit.PX); cell.getElement().getStyle().setPadding(cellPadding, Unit.PX); cell.getElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.HIDDEN); cell.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); setDisplay(cell); } protected void setDisplay(Widget cell) { cell.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE_BLOCK); } } /** * Internet Explorer * @author Gesse Dafe */ public static class CellRendererIE extends CellRenderer { @Override protected void setDisplay(Widget cell) { cell.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE); } } /** * @return the lines */ protected Lines getLines() { return lines; } /** * @return the cellSpacing */ protected int getCellSpacing() { return cellSpacing; } /** * @return the cellPadding */ protected int getCellPadding() { return cellPadding; } /** * @return the grid */ protected AbstractGrid<?> getGrid() { return grid; } protected abstract boolean canFreezeColumns(int lineIndex); public void onAfterRender() { Element container = this.getElement().getParentElement().cast(); onResize(container.getClientHeight(), container.getClientWidth()); } }