Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.config.ConfigurationFactory; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.rebind.module.Modules; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.rebind.screen.ScreenResourceResolverInitializer; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.server.CruxBridge; import org.cruxframework.crux.core.server.dispatch.ServiceFactoryInitializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocket; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocket.Connection; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocketHandler; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Thiago da Rosa de Bustamante * */ public class CodeServer { private static final String MSG_CAN_NOT_DETERMINE_THE_USER_AGENT = "Can not determine the userAgent that must be used by code server. Configure your .gwt.xml file or inform it using -userAgent to CodeServer tool."; private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CodeServer.class); private String moduleName; private String sourceDir; private boolean noPrecompile = false; private String workDir; private String bindAddress = "localhost"; private int port = getDefaultPort(); private int notificationServerPort = getDefaultNotificationPort(); private String webDir; private boolean startHotDeploymentScanner; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean startJetty = false; private String userAgent; private String locale; private CodeServerRecompileListener recompileListener; private Connection compilerNotificationConnection; public String getModuleName() { return moduleName; } public void setModuleName(String moduleName) { this.moduleName = moduleName; } public String getSourceDir() { return sourceDir; } public void setSourceDir(String sourceDir) { this.sourceDir = sourceDir; } public String getWorkDir() { return workDir; } public void setWorkDir(String workDir) { this.workDir = workDir; } protected int getDefaultPort() { return 9876; } protected int getDefaultNotificationPort() { return Integer.valueOf(ConfigurationFactory.getConfigurations().notifierCompilerPort()); } protected void execute() throws Exception { AbstractCruxCompiler compiler = CruxCompilerFactory.createCompiler(); compiler.setOutputCharset("UTF-8"); CruxBridge.getInstance().setSingleVM(true); CruxRegisterUtil.registerFilesCruxBridge(null); ServiceFactoryInitializer.initialize(null); RestServiceFactoryInitializer.initialize(null); compiler.initializeCompiler(); Set<String> screenIDs = null; try { screenIDs = ScreenResourceResolverInitializer.getScreenResourceResolver().getAllScreenIDs(moduleName); } catch (Exception e) {"Error retrieving crux pages list for module [" + moduleName + "]. " + "Please, verify if the module name parameter matches the module short name on your .gwt file", e); } if (screenIDs != null && !screenIDs.isEmpty()) {"Starting code server for module [" + moduleName + "]"); CruxBridge.getInstance().registerLastPageRequested(screenIDs.iterator().next()); processUserAgent(); String[] args = getServerParameters(); HotDeploymentScanner hotDeploymentScanner = initializeRecompileListener(); runGWTCodeServer(args); if (Boolean.valueOf(ConfigurationFactory.getConfigurations().generateIndexInDevMode())) { for (String screenID : screenIDs) { URL preProcessCruxPage = compiler.preProcessCruxPage(new URL(screenID), Modules.getInstance().getModule(moduleName)); File index = new File(webDir + File.separator + moduleName + File.separator + screenID.substring(screenID.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, screenID.lastIndexOf(".crux.xml")) + ".html"); index.delete(); FileUtils.moveFile(new File(preProcessCruxPage.getFile()), index); } } if (startHotDeploymentScanner) { hotDeploymentScanner.recompileCodeServer(); } } else { logger.error("Unable to find any screens in module [" + moduleName + "]"); } } protected HotDeploymentScanner initializeRecompileListener() { recompileListener = new CodeServerRecompileListener(webDir); if (startHotDeploymentScanner) { HotDeploymentScanner hotDeploymentScanner = HotDeploymentScanner.scanProjectDirs(bindAddress, port, moduleName, userAgent, locale); runCompileNotificationServer(); registerCompileNotificationCallback(); return hotDeploymentScanner; } return null; } protected void registerCompileNotificationCallback() { recompileListener.setCompilationCallback(new CompilationCallback() { @Override public void onCompilationStart(String moduleName) { if (compilerNotificationConnection != null) { try { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("op", "START"); data.put("module", moduleName); compilerNotificationConnection.sendMessage(data.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error notifying client about module compilation", e); } } } @Override public void onCompilationEnd(String moduleName, boolean success) { if (compilerNotificationConnection != null) { try { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("op", "END"); data.put("module", moduleName); data.put("status", success); compilerNotificationConnection.sendMessage(data.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error notifying client about module compilation", e); } } } }); } protected void runCompileNotificationServer() { try { SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); connector.setHost(bindAddress); connector.setPort(notificationServerPort); connector.setReuseAddress(false); connector.setSoLingerTime(0); Server server = new Server(); server.addConnector(connector); server.setHandler(new WebSocketHandler() { @Override public WebSocket doWebSocketConnect(HttpServletRequest arg0, String arg1) { return new WebSocket() { @Override public void onOpen(Connection connection) { compilerNotificationConnection = connection; } @Override public void onClose(int closeCode, String message) { compilerNotificationConnection = null; } }; } }); server.start(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error starting the compilation notifier service.", e); } } protected void runGWTCodeServer(String[] args) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); if (!options.parseArgs(args)) { System.exit(1); } options.setJobChangeListener(recompileListener); try {; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error running code server", t); } } protected String[] getServerParameters() { List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); if (noPrecompile) { args.add("-noprecompile"); } if (bindAddress != null && bindAddress.length() > 0) { args.add("-bindAddress"); args.add(bindAddress); } if (port > 0) { args.add("-port"); args.add(Integer.toString(port)); } if (workDir != null && workDir.length() > 0) { args.add("-workDir"); args.add(workDir); } if (sourceDir != null && sourceDir.length() > 0) { args.add("-src"); args.add(sourceDir); } if (moduleName != null && moduleName.length() > 0) { String moduleFullName = Modules.getInstance().getModule(moduleName).getFullName(); args.add(moduleFullName); } return args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); } protected void processParameters(Collection<ConsoleParameter> parameters) { for (ConsoleParameter parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.getName().equals("-moduleName")) { moduleName = parameter.getValue(); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-noprecompile")) { this.noPrecompile = true; } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-startHotDeploymentScanner")) { this.startHotDeploymentScanner = true; } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-startJetty")) { this.startJetty = true; } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-userAgent")) { userAgent = parameter.getValue(); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-locale")) { locale = parameter.getValue(); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-sourceDir")) { sourceDir = parameter.getValue(); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-bindAddress")) { try { InetAddress bindAddress = InetAddress.getByName(parameter.getValue()); if (bindAddress.isAnyLocalAddress()) { this.bindAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } else { this.bindAddress = parameter.getValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { //Use default } } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-port")) { port = Integer.parseInt(parameter.getValue()); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-notificationServerPort")) { notificationServerPort = Integer.parseInt(parameter.getValue()); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-workDir")) { workDir = parameter.getValue(); } else if (parameter.getName().equals("-webDir")) { webDir = parameter.getValue(); } } } protected void processUserAgent() { if (userAgent == null) { PrintWriterTreeLogger logger = new PrintWriterTreeLogger(); logger.setMaxDetail(TreeLogger.Type.INFO); CompilerContext emptyCompilerContext = new CompilerContext.Builder().build(); try { String moduleFullName = Modules.getInstance().getModule(moduleName).getFullName(); ModuleDef moduleDef = ModuleDefLoader.loadFromClassPath(logger, emptyCompilerContext, moduleFullName); BindingProperty userAgentProperty = (BindingProperty) moduleDef.getProperties().find("user.agent"); userAgent = userAgentProperty.getFirstAllowedValue(); if (userAgent == null) { throw new ConsoleParametersProcessingException(MSG_CAN_NOT_DETERMINE_THE_USER_AGENT); } else {"User Agent not provided. Using first valid value found on module " + moduleFullName + ".gwt.xml."); } } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) { throw new ConsoleParametersProcessingException(e.getCause()); } } } protected ConsoleParametersProcessor createParametersProcessor() { ConsoleParameter parameter; ConsoleParametersProcessor parametersProcessor = new ConsoleParametersProcessor("CodeServer"); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-moduleName", "The name of the module to be compiled.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("name", "Module name")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-sourceDir", "The application source folder.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("dir", "Source dir")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-bindAddress", "The ip address of the code server. Defaults to", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("ip", "Ip address")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(new ConsoleParameter("-noprecompile", "If informed, code server will not pre compile the source.", false, true)); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(new ConsoleParameter("-startHotDeploymentScanner", "If informed, a hotdeployment scanner will be started to automatically recompile the module when changes are made on the project.", false, true)); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(new ConsoleParameter("-startJetty", "If informed, starts the default application server (Jetty).", false, true)); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-userAgent", "The userAgent used by hotdeployment scanner to recompile the project.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("agent", "user agent")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-locale", "The locale used by hotdeployment scanner to recompile the project.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("locale", "locale")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-port", "The port where the code server will run.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("port", "Port")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-notificationServerPort", "The port where the compile notification server will run.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("port", "Port")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-workDir", "The root of the directory tree where the code server will write compiler output. If not supplied, a temporary directory will be used.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("dir", "Work dir")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parameter = new ConsoleParameter("-webDir", "The directory to be updated by code server compiler. If provided, after each code server compilation, this folder will be updated.", false, true); parameter.addParameterOption(new ConsoleParameterOption("dir", "Web dir")); parametersProcessor.addSupportedParameter(parameter); parametersProcessor .addSupportedParameter(new ConsoleParameter("-help", "Display the usage screen.", false, true)); parametersProcessor .addSupportedParameter(new ConsoleParameter("-h", "Display the usage screen.", false, true)); return parametersProcessor; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { CodeServer codeServer = new CodeServer(); ConsoleParametersProcessor parametersProcessor = codeServer.createParametersProcessor(); Map<String, ConsoleParameter> parameters = parametersProcessor.processConsoleParameters(args); if (parameters.containsKey("-help") || parameters.containsKey("-h")) { parametersProcessor.showsUsageScreen(); } else { codeServer.processParameters(parameters.values()); codeServer.execute(); if (parameters.containsKey("-startJetty")) { JettyDevServer.main(args); } } } catch (ConsoleParametersProcessingException e) { logger.error("Error processing program parameters: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ". Program aborted.", e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error running code server: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ". Program aborted.", e); } } }