Java tutorial
/* * CRUK-CI Genologics REST API Java Client. * Copyright (C) 2013 Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.cruk.genologics.api.jaxb; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.cruk.genologics.api.GenologicsException; import org.cruk.genologics.api.unittests.UnitTestApplicationContextFactory; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller; import com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifact; import com.genologics.ri.artifact.ArtifactBatchFetchResult; import com.genologics.ri.artifact.Demux; import com.genologics.ri.artifactgroup.ArtifactGroup; import com.genologics.ri.automation.Automation; import com.genologics.ri.automation.Automations; import com.genologics.ri.configuration.Field; import com.genologics.ri.configuration.Type; import com.genologics.ri.container.Container; import com.genologics.ri.container.ContainerBatchFetchResult; import com.genologics.ri.containertype.ContainerType; import com.genologics.ri.controltype.ControlType; import com.genologics.ri.controltype.ControlTypes; import com.genologics.ri.file.GenologicsFile; import com.genologics.ri.file.GenologicsFileBatchFetchResult; import com.genologics.ri.instrument.Instrument; import com.genologics.ri.instrumenttype.InstrumentType; import com.genologics.ri.instrumenttype.InstrumentTypes; import com.genologics.ri.lab.Lab; import com.genologics.ri.permission.Permission; import com.genologics.ri.permission.Permissions; import com.genologics.ri.process.GenologicsProcess; import com.genologics.ri.processexecution.ExecutableProcess; import com.genologics.ri.processtemplate.ProcessTemplate; import com.genologics.ri.processtype.ProcessType; import com.genologics.ri.project.Project; import com.genologics.ri.protocolconfiguration.Protocol; import com.genologics.ri.protocolconfiguration.Protocols; import com.genologics.ri.queue.Queue; import com.genologics.ri.reagentkit.ReagentKit; import com.genologics.ri.reagentlot.ReagentLot; import com.genologics.ri.reagenttype.ReagentType; import com.genologics.ri.researcher.Researcher; import com.genologics.ri.role.Role; import com.genologics.ri.role.Roles; import com.genologics.ri.routing.Routing; import com.genologics.ri.sample.Sample; import com.genologics.ri.sample.SampleBatchFetchResult; import com.genologics.ri.sample.SampleCreation; import com.genologics.ri.stage.Stage; import com.genologics.ri.step.Actions; import com.genologics.ri.step.Placements; import com.genologics.ri.step.Pools; import com.genologics.ri.step.ProcessStep; import com.genologics.ri.step.ProgramStatus; import com.genologics.ri.step.ReagentLots; import com.genologics.ri.step.Reagents; import com.genologics.ri.step.StepCreation; import com.genologics.ri.step.StepDetails; import com.genologics.ri.step.StepSetup; import com.genologics.ri.stepconfiguration.ProtocolStep; import com.genologics.ri.version.Versions; import com.genologics.ri.workflowconfiguration.Workflow; import com.genologics.ri.workflowconfiguration.Workflows; /** * This set of tests fetches one of each of the GenologicsEntity classes, unmarshalls * marshalls it back to XML and compares the original XML with that produced by JAXB. * They should be equivalent (except for the namespace attributes): if they are not, * then something isn't annotated correctly. */ public class SerializationTest { static final int modifierMask = Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL; protected ApplicationContext context; protected Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller; protected DocumentBuilder docBuilder; protected File exampleDirectory = new File("src/test/jaxb"); public SerializationTest() throws Exception { context = UnitTestApplicationContextFactory.getApplicationContext(); marshaller = context.getBean("genologicsJaxbMarshaller", Jaxb2Marshaller.class); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); } @Test public void testArtifact() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Artifact.class); } @Test public void testArtifactBatchRetrieve() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ArtifactBatchFetchResult.class); } @Test public void testArtifactGroup() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ArtifactGroup.class); } @Test public void testAutomation() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Automation.class); } @Test public void testAutomations() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Automations.class); } @Test public void testContainer() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Container.class); } @Test public void testContainerBatchRetrieve() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ContainerBatchFetchResult.class); } @Test public void testContainerType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ContainerType.class); } @Test public void testControlTypes() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ControlTypes.class); } @Test public void testControlType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ControlType.class); } @Test public void testDemux() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Demux.class); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testExceptionSimple() throws Throwable { // Cannot use configured because of aspects. Jaxb2Marshaller exceptionMarshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller(); exceptionMarshaller.setPackagesToScan(new String[] { "com.genologics.ri.exception" }); exceptionMarshaller .setMarshallerProperties(context.getBean("genologicsJaxbMarshallerProperties", Map.class)); Jaxb2Marshaller original = marshaller; try { marshaller = exceptionMarshaller; fetchMarshalAndSerialize(com.genologics.ri.exception.Exception.class); } finally { marshaller = original; } } @Test public void testExceptionGuarded() throws Throwable { try { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(com.genologics.ri.exception.Exception.class); fail("No GenologicsException thrown when unmarshalling an exception."); } catch (GenologicsException e) { // Correct. assertEquals("Message wrong", "Something has gone very wrong.", e.getMessage()); assertEquals("Suggested actions wrong", "Get on the phone to Genologics.", e.getSuggestedActions()); assertEquals("Category wrong", "BAD", e.getCategory()); assertEquals("Code wrong", "BROKEN", e.getCode()); } } @Test public void testFile() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(GenologicsFile.class); } @Test public void testInstrument() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Instrument.class); } @Test public void testInstrumentType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(InstrumentType.class); } @Test public void testInstrumentTypes() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(InstrumentTypes.class); } @Test public void testLab() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Lab.class); } @Test public void testProcess() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(GenologicsProcess.class); } @Test public void testExecutableProcess() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ExecutableProcess.class); } @Test public void testProcessTemplate() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ProcessTemplate.class); } @Test public void testProcessType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ProcessType.class); } @Test public void testProject() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Project.class); } @Test public void testReagentType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ReagentType.class); } @Test public void testResearcher() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Researcher.class); } @Test public void testField() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Field.class); } @Test public void testType() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Type.class); } @Test public void testSample() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Sample.class); } @Test public void testSampleCreation() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(SampleCreation.class); } @Test public void testVersions() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Versions.class); } // Clarity 2.5 additions. @Test public void testProcessStep() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ProcessStep.class); } @Test public void testStepActions() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Actions.class); } @Test public void testPlacements() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Placements.class); } @Test public void testPools() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Pools.class); } @Test public void testProgramStatus() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ProgramStatus.class); } @Test public void testReagents() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Reagents.class); } @Test public void testProtocols() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Protocols.class); } @Test public void testProtocol() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Protocol.class); } @Test public void testProtocolStep() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ProtocolStep.class); } @Test public void testWorkflows() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Workflows.class); } @Test public void testWorkflow() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Workflow.class); } @Test public void testStage() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Stage.class); } @Test public void testRouting() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Routing.class); } // Clarity 3 additions @Test public void testFileBatchRetrieve() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(GenologicsFileBatchFetchResult.class); } @Test public void testSampleBatchRetrieve() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(SampleBatchFetchResult.class); } @Test public void testReagentKit() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ReagentKit.class); } @Test public void testReagentLot() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ReagentLot.class); } @Test public void testStepDetails() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(StepDetails.class); } @Test public void testStepSetup() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(StepSetup.class); } @Test public void testReagentLots() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(ReagentLots.class); } @Test public void testStepCreation() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(StepCreation.class); } // Clarity 3.1 additions @Test public void testPermissions() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Permissions.class); } @Test public void testPermission() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Permission.class); } @Test public void testQueue() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Queue.class); } @Test public void testRoles() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Roles.class); } @Test public void testRole() throws Throwable { fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Role.class); } private void fetchMarshalAndSerialize(Class<?> entityClass) throws Throwable { final String className = ClassUtils.getShortClassName(entityClass); XmlRootElement rootElementAnno = entityClass.getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class); if (rootElementAnno == null) { fail(className + " has no XmlRootElement annotation"); } File exampleFile = new File(exampleDirectory, className.toLowerCase() + ".xml"); Object unmarshalled = marshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(new FileReader(exampleFile))); // In the case where the simple serialisation test for the exception // hasn't got the unmarshalling aspect around it. // See JaxbUnmarshallingAspect. if (unmarshalled instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { unmarshalled = ((JAXBElement<?>) unmarshalled).getValue(); } ByteArrayOutputStream bstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(65536); try { ObjectOutputStream ostream = new ObjectOutputStream(bstream); ostream.writeObject(unmarshalled); ostream.close(); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { fail(e.getMessage() + " is not serializable."); } ObjectInputStream istream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bstream.toByteArray())); Object deserialized = istream.readObject(); compareObjects(unmarshalled, deserialized); } private void compareObjects(Object original, Object serialized) throws Throwable { assertNotNull("Original object is null", original); assertNotNull("Serialized object is null", serialized); assertEquals("Object classes are not the same class", original.getClass(), serialized.getClass()); Class<?> objClass = original.getClass(); List<java.lang.reflect.Field> fields = new ArrayList<java.lang.reflect.Field>(100); Class<?> current = objClass; while (!current.equals(Object.class)) { for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : current.getDeclaredFields()) { if ((f.getModifiers() & modifierMask) == 0) { f.setAccessible(true); fields.add(f); } } current = current.getSuperclass(); } for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : fields) { String className = ClassUtils.getShortClassName(f.getDeclaringClass()); Object ovalue = f.get(original); Object svalue = f.get(serialized); if (ovalue == null) { assertNull("Field " + f.getName() + " in " + className + " is null in the original but is not null in the deserialised.", svalue); } else { assertNotNull("Field " + f.getName() + " in " + className + " is not null in the original but is null in the deserialised.", svalue); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { if (ovalue != null) { Collection<?> ocoll = (Collection<?>) ovalue; Collection<?> scoll = (Collection<?>) svalue; assertEquals("Collection field " + f.getName() + " has different content size", ocoll.size(), scoll.size()); Iterator<?> oiter = ocoll.iterator(); Iterator<?> siter = scoll.iterator(); int index = 0; while (oiter.hasNext()) { Object o =; Object s =; if (o.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.genologics.ri")) { compareObjects(o, s); } else { assertEquals("Object[" + index + "] in collection " + f.getName() + " in " + className + " are not the same", o, s); } ++index; } } } else { if (ovalue != null) { if (f.getType().getName().startsWith("com.genologics.ri") && !Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { compareObjects(ovalue, svalue); } else { assertEquals("Objects in field " + f.getName() + " in " + className + " are not the same", ovalue, svalue); } } } } } }