Java tutorial
/* * Crafter Studio Web-content authoring solution * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Crafter Software Corporation. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.craftercms.core.service.CacheService; import org.craftercms.core.util.cache.CacheTemplate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dom4j.Document; import java.util.*; public class DmRenameServiceImpl extends AbstractRegistrableService implements DmRenameService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DmRenameServiceImpl.class); @Override public void register() { getServicesManager().registerService(DmRenameService.class, this); } protected String getIndexFilePath(String path) { if (!path.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN)) { path = path + "/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE; } return path; } /** * Is provided node renamed? * */ @Override public boolean isItemRenamed(String site, DmDependencyTO item) { if (item.getUri().endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN) || !item.getUri().contains(".")) { return isItemRenamed(site, item.getUri()); } else { // if not xml or a folder, skip checking if renamed return false; } } /** * Is provided node renamed? * we always look into index.xml for node properties * */ @Override public boolean isItemRenamed(String site, String uri) { return objectMetadataManager.isRenamed(site, uri); } /** * GoLive on the renamed node */ @Override public void goLive(String site, List<DmDependencyTO> submittedItems, String approver, MultiChannelPublishingContext mcpContext) throws ServiceException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Date now = new Date(); Map<Date, List<DmDependencyTO>> groupedPackages = workflowService.groupByDate(submittedItems, now); for (Date scheduledDate : groupedPackages.keySet()) { submitWorkflow(site, groupedPackages.get(scheduledDate), now, scheduledDate, approver, mcpContext); } } catch (ContentNotFoundException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error during go live", e); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error during go live", e); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Total go live time on rename item = " + (end - start)); } /** * * Prepares and starts workflow * * Reverts any child nodes which are not in the same version as staging since only URL changes has to be pushed to staging. * A copy of the new version is placed in a temp location and recovered once we push things to workflow * */ protected void submitWorkflow(final String site, final List<DmDependencyTO> submittedItems, Date now, Date scheduledDate, final String approver, MultiChannelPublishingContext mcpContext) throws ServiceException { final String assignee = "";//DmUtils.getAssignee(site, sub); final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> dependenices = new ArrayList<>(); Date launchDate = scheduledDate.equals(now) ? null : scheduledDate; final boolean isScheduled = launchDate == null ? false : true; String pathPrefix = "/wem-projects/" + site + "/" + site + "/work-area"; //label will keep track of all nodes that has been reverted to staging version and used during postStagingSubmission final StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(); label.append( isScheduled ? DmConstants.SCHEDULE_RENAME_WORKFLOW_PREFIX : DmConstants.RENAME_WORKFLOW_PREFIX); label.append(":"); final Set<String> rescheduledUris = new HashSet<String>(); for (DmDependencyTO submittedItem : submittedItems) { String workflowLabel = getWorkflowPaths(site, submittedItem, pathPrefix, paths, dependenices, isScheduled, rescheduledUris); label.append(workflowLabel); label.append(","); } Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, String> submittedBy = new HashMap<>(); for (String path : paths) { String uri = path.substring(pathPrefix.length()); uris.add(uri); dmPublishService.cancelScheduledItem(site, uri); } GoLiveContext context = new GoLiveContext(approver, site); SubmitLifeCycleOperation operation = null; if (launchDate == null) { operation = new PreGoLiveOperation(workflowService, uris, context, rescheduledUris); } else { //uri will not be have dependencies for (String dependency : dependenices) { String uri = dependency.substring(pathPrefix.length()); uris.add(uri); } operation = new PreScheduleOperation(workflowService, uris, launchDate, context, rescheduledUris); } workflowProcessor.addToWorkflow(site, paths, launchDate, label.toString(), operation, approver, mcpContext); logger.debug("Go live rename: paths posted " + paths + "for workflow scheduled at : " + launchDate); } /** * * Compute the paths to be moved and paths to be deleted from Staging * * @throws org.craftercms.cstudio.alfresco.service.exception.ContentNotFoundException */ protected String getWorkflowPaths(final String site, DmDependencyTO submittedItem, final String pathPrefix, final List<String> paths, List<String> dependenices, boolean isScheduled, Set<String> rescheduledUris) throws ContentNotFoundException, ServiceException { logger.debug("GoLive on renamed node " + submittedItem.getUri()); List<String> childUris = new ArrayList<>(); String submittedUri = submittedItem.getUri(); List<String> submittedChildUris = getSubmittedChildUri(submittedItem); // handles the file content submission if (submittedUri.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN) && !submittedUri.endsWith(DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { childUris.add(submittedUri); } else { getChildrenUri(site, ContentUtils.getParentUrl(submittedItem.getUri()), childUris); } StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(); label.append(ContentUtils.getParentUrl(submittedUri)); for (String uri : childUris) { //find all child items that are already live and revert the sandbox to staging version String oldStagingUri = objectMetadataManager.getOldPath(site, uri); if (submittedChildUris.contains(uri) || submittedItem.getUri().equals(uri)) { //if child is one of the submitted item then add itself and references paths.add(pathPrefix + uri); List<String> refPaths = getReferencePaths(site, uri, submittedItem, pathPrefix, rescheduledUris); dependenices.addAll(refPaths); if (!isScheduled && refPaths != null && refPaths.size() > 0) { //Update dependencies during prestaging submission for dependenices paths.addAll(refPaths); } } } return label.toString(); } protected List<String> getSubmittedChildUri(DmDependencyTO submittedItem) { List<String> childUri = new ArrayList<>(); if (submittedItem.getChildren() != null) { for (DmDependencyTO child : submittedItem.getChildren()) { childUri.add(child.getUri()); } } return childUri; } protected List<String> getChildrenUri(String site, String path, List<String> paths) { ContentItemTO itemTree = contentService.getContentItemTree(site, path, 1); if (itemTree.getNumOfChildren() > 0) { for (ContentItemTO child : itemTree.getChildren()) { getChildrenUri(site, child.getUri(), paths); } } paths.add(itemTree.getUri()); return paths; } /** * Cut/paste a tree. Cut any child in this hirarchy and paste it somewhere outside. * There is a limitation that we cannot push a deleted child to staging wiothout pushing the deleted parent. * In such scenario we need to push the deleted parent as well. This api returns false in such case * @param site * @param uri * @return false if we push the renamed child without pushing the renamed parent. */ protected boolean isRenameDeleteTag(String site, String uri) { ObjectMetadata metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, uri); return StringUtils.isEmpty(metadata.getDeleteUrl()); } /** * Get depedency for a given uri * */ protected List<String> getReferencePaths(final String site, String uri, DmDependencyTO submittedItem, String pathPrefix, Set<String> rescheduledUris) throws ServiceException { //TODO figure out a better way to do this DmDependencyTO to = null; List<String> depedencyPaths = new ArrayList<>(); if (uri.equals(submittedItem.getUri())) { to = submittedItem; } else { if (submittedItem.getChildren() == null) return null; for (DmDependencyTO depedencyTo : submittedItem.getChildren()) { if (uri.equals(depedencyTo.getUri())) { to = depedencyTo; break; } } } if (workflowService.isRescheduleRequest(to, site)) { rescheduledUris.add(to.getUri()); } dmWorkflowListener.postGolive(site, to); DependencyRules rule = new DependencyRules(site); rule.setContentService(contentService); rule.setObjectStateService(objectStateService); Set<DmDependencyTO> dependencyTOSet; dependencyTOSet = rule.applySubmitRule(to); for (DmDependencyTO dependencyTO : dependencyTOSet) { depedencyPaths.add(pathPrefix + dependencyTO.getUri()); dmWorkflowListener.postGolive(site, dependencyTO); } return depedencyPaths; } /** * Move the node and all its descendant to the target path. Status of the descendant node will be maintained * * Adds two node property * PROP_RENAMED_OLDURL - for the node and all its descendant with the staging url * PROP_RENAMED_DELETEFLAG - to indicate if the url has to be submitted for delete during golive * * @param sourcePath - source uri * @param targetPath - destination uri * @param createFolder - not used * * @throws ContentNotFoundException */ @Override public void rename(String site, String sourcePath, String targetPath, boolean createFolder) throws ServiceException, ContentNotFoundException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // get index path if (!sourcePath.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN)) { sourcePath = (sourcePath.endsWith("/")) ? sourcePath + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE : sourcePath + "/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE; } // get index path if (!targetPath.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN)) { targetPath = (targetPath.endsWith("/")) ? targetPath + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE : targetPath + "/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE; } logger.debug( "Rename - starting to move contents from source:" + sourcePath + " to destination: " + targetPath); String user = securityService.getCurrentUser(); //source paths String srcOrgFullPath = contentService.expandRelativeSitePath(site, sourcePath); String dstOrgFullPath = contentService.expandRelativeSitePath(site, targetPath); String srcFullPath = srcOrgFullPath; if (srcFullPath.endsWith(DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { srcFullPath = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(srcFullPath); } String srcNodeName = ContentUtils.getPageName(srcFullPath); String srcNodeParentUrl = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(srcFullPath); //destination paths String dstFullPath = dstOrgFullPath; if (dstFullPath.endsWith("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { dstFullPath = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstFullPath); } if (dstFullPath == null) { throw new ServiceException("Error while moving content. " + targetPath + " is not valid."); } String dstNodeName = ContentUtils.getPageName(dstFullPath); String dstNodeParentUrl = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstFullPath); preRenameCleanWorkFlow(site, sourcePath); String dstNodeParentPath = contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, dstNodeParentUrl); String dstPath = contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, dstFullPath); if (srcNodeParentUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(dstNodeParentUrl)) { ContentItemTO srcItem = contentService.getContentItem(srcFullPath); if (srcItem != null && srcItem.isFolder() && dstFullPath.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN)) { contentService.moveContent(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, srcFullPath), targetPath); } else if (srcItem != null && !srcItem.isFolder() && !dstFullPath.endsWith(DmConstants.XML_PATTERN)) { contentService.createFolder(site, dstNodeParentPath, dstNodeName); contentService.moveContent(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, srcFullPath), dstPath); } else { contentService.moveContent(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, srcFullPath), ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstPath), ContentUtils.getPageName(dstPath)); } } else { if (dstPath.endsWith("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { dstPath = dstPath.replace("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE, ""); dstNodeParentPath = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstPath); dstNodeName = ContentUtils.getPageName(dstPath); if (!contentService.contentExists(site, dstPath)) { contentService.createFolder(site, dstNodeParentPath, dstNodeName); } contentService.moveContent(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, srcFullPath), dstPath, DmConstants.INDEX_FILE); } else { dstNodeParentPath = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstPath); dstNodeName = ContentUtils.getPageName(dstPath); if (!contentService.contentExists(site, dstNodeParentPath)) { contentService.createFolder(site, ContentUtils.getParentUrl(dstNodeParentPath), ContentUtils.getPageName(dstNodeParentPath)); } contentService.moveContent(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, srcFullPath), dstNodeParentPath, dstNodeName); } } removeItemFromCache(site, sourcePath); removeItemFromCache(site, targetPath); if (sourcePath.endsWith("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { removeItemFromCache(site, sourcePath.replaceAll("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE, "")); } ContentItemTO item = contentService.getContentItem(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, dstFullPath)); if (item == null) { throw new ContentNotFoundException("Error while moving content " + dstFullPath + " does not exist."); } String renamedUri = targetPath; String storedStagingUri = objectMetadataManager.getOldPath(site, sourcePath); objectStateService.updateObjectPath(site, sourcePath, renamedUri); if (!objectMetadataManager.isRenamed(site, sourcePath)) { ObjectMetadata metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, sourcePath); if (metadata == null) { objectMetadataManager.insertNewObjectMetadata(site, sourcePath); metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, sourcePath); } Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_RENAMED, 1); properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_OLD_URL, sourcePath); objectMetadataManager.setObjectMetadata(site, sourcePath, properties); } objectMetadataManager.updateObjectPath(site, sourcePath, renamedUri); updateActivity(site, sourcePath, renamedUri); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(storedStagingUri)) { addRenameUriDeleteProperty(site, renamedUri); } //update cache and add node property to all children with oldurl if required logger.error("Post rename update status: source - " + sourcePath + " ; target - " + targetPath); postRenameUpdateStatus(user, site, targetPath, sourcePath, true); // run through the lifecycle service Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_SOURCE_PATH, sourcePath); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_TARGET_PATH, targetPath); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_SOURCE_FULL_PATH, srcOrgFullPath); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_TARGET_FULL_PATH, dstOrgFullPath); String contentTypeClass = contentService.getContentTypeClass(site, contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, dstOrgFullPath)); dmContentLifeCycleService.process(site, user, targetPath, contentTypeClass, DmContentLifeCycleService.ContentLifeCycleOperation.RENAME, params); objectStateService.setSystemProcessing(site, renamedUri, false); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Total time to rename = " + (end - start)); } protected void removeItemFromCache(String site, String path) { CacheService cacheService = cacheTemplate.getCacheService(); StudioCacheContext cacheContext = new StudioCacheContext(site, false); Object cacheKey = cacheTemplate.getKey(site, path); if (!cacheService.hasScope(cacheContext)) { cacheService.addScope(cacheContext); } cacheService.remove(cacheContext, cacheKey); } /** * Remove any old uri from the workflow and puts it them to in progress * * @param site * @param path */ protected void preRenameCleanWorkFlow(String site, String path) throws ServiceException { if (path.endsWith(DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { path = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(path); } ContentItemTO item = contentService.getContentItem(site, path); List<String> childUris = new ArrayList<>(); if (item != null) { getChildrenUri(site, item.getUri(), childUris); } try { List<String> transitionNodes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String childUri : childUris) { workflowService.removeFromWorkflow(site, childUri, true); ContentItemTO childItem = contentService.getContentItem(site, getIndexFilePath(childUri)); if (childItem != null) { transitionNodes.add(childUri); } } if (!transitionNodes.isEmpty()) { objectStateService.transitionBulk(site, transitionNodes,,; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during clean workflow", e); throw new ServiceException("Error during clean workflow", e); } } protected void addRenameUriDeleteProperty(String site, String relativePath) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_DELETE_URL, true); objectMetadataManager.setObjectMetadata(site, relativePath, properties); } /** * * Updates acitivity dashboard, invalidates cache and adds node properties * * @param site * @param path * @throws ContentNotFoundException */ protected void postRenameUpdateStatus(String user, String site, String path, String oldPath, boolean addNodeProperty) throws ContentNotFoundException { //we'll need to work with index.xml path = getIndexFilePath(path); oldPath = getIndexFilePath(oldPath); String srcFullPath = contentService.expandRelativeSitePath(site, path); ContentItemTO itemTO = contentService.getContentItem(site, path); List<String> transitionItems = new ArrayList<String>(); if (itemTO == null) { srcFullPath = srcFullPath.replace("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE, ""); oldPath = oldPath.replace("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE, ""); itemTO = contentService.getContentItem(srcFullPath); } //change last modified property to the current user if (srcFullPath.endsWith(DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { // if the file is index.xml, update child contnets String parentNodePath = ContentUtils.getParentUrl(srcFullPath); String parentRelativePath = contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, parentNodePath); ContentItemTO parentItem = contentService.getContentItem(site, parentRelativePath); updateChildItems(site, parentItem, oldPath, path, addNodeProperty, user, false); } else { // for the file content, update the file itself ContentItemTO parentItem = contentService.getContentItem(srcFullPath); updateChildItems(site, parentItem, oldPath, path, addNodeProperty, user, true); } List<String> childUris = new ArrayList<>(); if (itemTO != null) { transitionItems.add(itemTO.getUri()); getChildrenUri(site, itemTO.getUri(), childUris); } for (String childUri : childUris) { ContentItemTO childItem = contentService.getContentItem(site, childUri); if (childItem != null) { transitionItems.add(childItem.getUri()); } } if (!transitionItems.isEmpty()) { objectStateService.transitionBulk(site, transitionItems,,; } } /** * update child node with olduri property and invalidate cache for the old uri * * @param node * @param parentOldPath * @param parentNewPath */ protected void updateChildItems(String site, ContentItemTO node, String parentOldPath, String parentNewPath, boolean addNodeProperty, String user, boolean fileContent) { ContentItemTO itemTree = contentService.getContentItemTree(site, node.getUri(), 1); if (itemTree.getNumOfChildren() > 0) { for (ContentItemTO child : itemTree.getChildren()) { updateChildItems(site, child, parentOldPath, parentNewPath, addNodeProperty, user, fileContent); } } else { Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<String, String>(); String relativePath = contentService.getRelativeSitePath(site, node.getUri()); addItemPropertyToChildren(site, relativePath, parentNewPath, parentOldPath, addNodeProperty, user, fileContent); extraInfo.put(DmConstants.KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, contentService.getContentTypeClass(site, getIndexFilePath(relativePath))); activityService.postActivity(site, user, getIndexFilePath(relativePath), ActivityService.ActivityType.UPDATED, extraInfo); } } protected void addItemPropertyToChildren(String site, String relativePath, String renamedPath, String oldPath, boolean addNodeProperty, String user, boolean fileContent) { String oldUri = (fileContent) ? oldPath : relativePath.replace(ContentUtils.getParentUrl(renamedPath), ContentUtils.getParentUrl(oldPath)); objectStateService.updateObjectPath(site, oldUri, relativePath); objectMetadataManager.updateObjectPath(site, oldUri, relativePath); ObjectMetadata metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, relativePath); if (metadata == null) { metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); } Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (addNodeProperty && StringUtils.isEmpty(metadata.getOldUrl()) && fileContent) { properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_RENAMED, 1); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(metadata.getOldUrl())) { properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_OLD_URL, oldUri); } } else { String indexRelativePath = getIndexFilePath(relativePath); metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, indexRelativePath); if (metadata == null) { objectMetadataManager.insertNewObjectMetadata(site, indexRelativePath); metadata = objectMetadataManager.getProperties(site, indexRelativePath); } properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_RENAMED, 1); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(metadata.getOldUrl())) { properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_OLD_URL, oldUri); } } properties.put(ObjectMetadata.PROP_MODIFIER, user); objectMetadataManager.setObjectMetadata(site, relativePath, properties); //dependencies also has to be moved post rename try { Document document = contentService .getContentAsDocument(contentService.expandRelativeSitePath(site, relativePath)); Map<String, Set<String>> globalDeps = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); dmDependencyService.extractDependencies(site, relativePath, document, globalDeps); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during extracting dependency of " + relativePath, e); } updateActivity(site, oldUri, relativePath); removeItemFromCache(site, oldUri); if (oldUri.endsWith("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE)) { removeItemFromCache(site, oldUri.replaceAll("/" + DmConstants.INDEX_FILE, "")); } } protected void updateActivity(String site, String oldUrl, String newUrl) { logger.debug("Updating activity url post rename:" + newUrl); activityService.renameContentId(site, oldUrl, newUrl); } public SecurityService getSecurityService() { return securityService; } public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) { this.securityService = securityService; } public ContentService getContentService() { return contentService; } public void setContentService(ContentService contentService) { this.contentService = contentService; } public ObjectStateService getObjectStateService() { return objectStateService; } public void setObjectStateService(ObjectStateService objectStateService) { this.objectStateService = objectStateService; } public WorkflowService getWorkflowService() { return workflowService; } public void setWorkflowService(WorkflowService workflowService) { this.workflowService = workflowService; } public ActivityService getActivityService() { return activityService; } public void setActivityService(ActivityService activityService) { this.activityService = activityService; } public DmContentLifeCycleService getDmContentLifeCycleService() { return dmContentLifeCycleService; } public void setDmContentLifeCycleService(DmContentLifeCycleService dmContentLifeCycleService) { this.dmContentLifeCycleService = dmContentLifeCycleService; } public DmWorkflowListener getDmWorkflowListener() { return dmWorkflowListener; } public void setDmWorkflowListener(DmWorkflowListener dmWorkflowListener) { this.dmWorkflowListener = dmWorkflowListener; } public DmPublishService getDmPublishService() { return dmPublishService; } public void setDmPublishService(DmPublishService dmPublishService) { this.dmPublishService = dmPublishService; } public WorkflowProcessor getWorkflowProcessor() { return workflowProcessor; } public void setWorkflowProcessor(WorkflowProcessor workflowProcessor) { this.workflowProcessor = workflowProcessor; } public ObjectMetadataManager getObjectMetadataManager() { return objectMetadataManager; } public void setObjectMetadataManager(ObjectMetadataManager objectMetadataManager) { this.objectMetadataManager = objectMetadataManager; } public DmDependencyService getDmDependencyService() { return dmDependencyService; } public void setDmDependencyService(DmDependencyService dmDependencyService) { this.dmDependencyService = dmDependencyService; } public CacheTemplate getCacheTemplate() { return cacheTemplate; } public void setCacheTemplate(CacheTemplate cacheTemplate) { this.cacheTemplate = cacheTemplate; } protected SecurityService securityService; protected ContentService contentService; protected ObjectStateService objectStateService; protected WorkflowService workflowService; protected ActivityService activityService; protected DmContentLifeCycleService dmContentLifeCycleService; protected DmWorkflowListener dmWorkflowListener; protected DmPublishService dmPublishService; protected WorkflowProcessor workflowProcessor; protected ObjectMetadataManager objectMetadataManager; protected DmDependencyService dmDependencyService; protected CacheTemplate cacheTemplate; }