Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Crafter Software Corporation. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.WriteResult; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.craftercms.commons.i10n.I10nLogger; import org.craftercms.commons.mongo.AbstractJongoRepository; import org.craftercms.commons.mongo.MongoDataException; import; import; import; import; /** * */ public class ContextPreferencesRepositoryImpl extends AbstractJongoRepository<ContextPreferences> implements ContextPreferencesRepository { private I10nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContextPreferencesRepositoryImpl.class); @Override public Map<String, String> getEmailPreference(final String contextId) throws SocialException { try { String query = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); final HashMap tmp = getCollection().findOne(query, contextId).projection("{email:1,_id:0}") .as(HashMap.class); if (tmp == null || !tmp.containsKey("email")) { throw new SocialException("Current context " + contextId + "is missing email configuration"); } return (Map) tmp.get("email"); } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException("Unable to read email preferences for " + contextId); } } @Override public Map<String, Object> saveEmailConfig(final String contextId, Map<String, Object> emailPref) throws SocialException { try { String fQuery = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); String uQuery = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.updateContextEmailPref"); getCollection().update(fQuery, contextId).with(uQuery, emailPref.get("host"), emailPref.get("encoding"), emailPref.get("port"), emailPref.get("auth"), emailPref.get("username"), emailPref.get("password"), emailPref.get("tls"), emailPref.get("replyTo"), emailPref.get("from"), emailPref.get("priority"), emailPref.get("subject")); return emailPref; } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException("Unable to read email preferences for " + contextId); } } @Override public String findNotificationTemplate(final String contextId, final String notificationType) throws SocialException { try { String query = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.notificationEmailByType"); Map qResult = getCollection().findOne(query, contextId, notificationType.toUpperCase()) .projection("{\"templates.$\":1,_id:0}").as(Map.class); if (qResult == null) { return null; } final List templates = (List) qResult.get("templates"); if (templates == null) { return null; } if (templates.isEmpty()) { throw new SocialException("No template for type" + notificationType + " has been define for context " + "" + contextId); } else { if (templates.size() > 1) { logger.warn("logging.system.notification.multipleTemplatesForType", notificationType, contextId); } return ((Map) templates.get(0)).get("template").toString(); } } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException( "Unable to get Notification Template for " + contextId + " of type" + notificationType); } } @Override public Map<String, Object> getContextPreferences(final String contextId) { try { final String byId = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); return getCollection().findOne(byId, contextId).projection("{preferences:1,_id:0}").as(HashMap.class); } catch (MongoException ex) { return new HashMap<>(); } } @Override public Map<String, Object> getContextAllPreferences(final String contextId) { try { final String byId = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); return getCollection().findOne(byId, contextId).as(HashMap.class); } catch (MongoException ex) { return new HashMap<>(); } } @Override public boolean setContextPreferences(final Map<String, Object> preferences, final String contextId) { try { final String preferencesString = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(preferences); final String byId = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); getCollection().update(byId, contextId).with("{$set: " + preferencesString + "}"); return true; } catch (MongoException | JsonProcessingException e) { logger.error("Unable to delete context Preferences", e); return false; } } @Override public boolean deleteContextPreferences(final String context, final List<String> preferences) { try { final String byId = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); String toUnset = ""; final Iterator<String> iter = preferences.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final String key =; toUnset += "preferences." + key + ":1"; if (iter.hasNext()) { toUnset += ","; } } getCollection().update(byId, context).with("{$unset:{" + toUnset + "}}"); return true; } catch (MongoException e) { logger.error("Unable to delete context Preferences", e); return false; } } public void saveEmailPreference(final String contextId, Map<String, Object> emailPreferences) throws SocialException { try { String query = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.savePreferencesByContextId"); String findQ = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.emailPreferencesByContextId"); getCollection().update(findQ, contextId).upsert().with(query, emailPreferences.get("host"), emailPreferences.get("encoding"), emailPreferences.get("port"), emailPreferences.get("auth"), emailPreferences.get("username"), emailPreferences.get("password"), emailPreferences.get("tls"), emailPreferences.get("replyTo"), emailPreferences.get("from"), emailPreferences.get("priority"), emailPreferences.get("subject")); } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException("Unable to read email preferences for " + contextId); } } @Override public void saveAllContextPreferences(final String contextId, final Map<String, Object> newPreferences) throws SocialException { try { getCollection().save(newPreferences); } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException("Unable to save email Preferences"); } } @Override public boolean saveEmailTemplate(final String context, final String type, final String template) throws SocialException { try { String findQ = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.byContextAndTemplateType"); String updateQ = getQueryFor("social.system.preferences.updateContextTemplateType"); WriteResult r = getCollection().update(findQ, context, type.toUpperCase()).with(updateQ, template); return r.getN() == 1; } catch (MongoException ex) { throw new SocialException("Unable to update Email template", ex); } } }