Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, INRIA. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.paula; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.common.DOCUMENT_STATUS; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.impl.PepperMapperImpl; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperImporter; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperModule; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.exceptions.PepperModuleException; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.util.XMLStreamWriter; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpus; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDominanceRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SMedialDS; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SMedialRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SPointingRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SSpan; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SStructure; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SToken; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotationContainer; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SLayer; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SMetaAnnotation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SPathElement; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.IdentifiableElement; import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.Label; import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.Relation; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * Maps SCorpusGraph objects to a folder structure and maps a SDocumentStructure * to the necessary files containing the document data in PAULA notation. * * @author Mario Frank * @author Florian Zipser */ public class Salt2PAULAMapper extends PepperMapperImpl implements PAULAXMLDictionary, FilenameFilter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PAULAExporter.MODULE_NAME); private URI resourcePath = null; /** Returns the path to the location of additional resources. **/ public URI getResourcePath() { return resourcePath; } /** * Method for setting a reference to the path where the resources for the * PAULAExporter (e.g. DTD-files) are located. * * @param resources */ public void setResourcePath(URI resources) { resourcePath = resources; } /** * Implementation for FilenameFilter. This is needed for fetching only the * DTD-files from resource path for copying to output folder. */ public boolean accept(File f, String s) { return s.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dtd"); } public static final String PATH_DTD = "dtd_11/"; /** * Maps {@link SMetaAnnotation} obejcts. */ @Override public DOCUMENT_STATUS mapSCorpus() { SCorpus corpus = getCorpus(); if (corpus != null && corpus.getMetaAnnotations() != null && !corpus.getMetaAnnotations().isEmpty()) { // copy DTD-files to output-path when there are meta-annotation we need to map if (getResourcePath() != null) { File dtdDirectory = new File(getResourcePath().toFileString() + "/" + PATH_DTD); if ((dtdDirectory.exists()) && (dtdDirectory.listFiles(this) != null)) { for (File DTDFile : dtdDirectory.listFiles(this)) { copyFile(URI.createFileURI(DTDFile.getAbsolutePath()), this.getResourceURI().toFileString()); } } else { logger.warn("Cannot copy dtds fom resource directory, because resource directory '" + dtdDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist."); } } else { logger.warn("There is no reference to a resource path!"); } mapSMetaAnnotations(getCorpus()); } return (DOCUMENT_STATUS.COMPLETED); } /** * {@inheritDoc PepperMapper#setDocument(SDocument)} * * OVERRIDE THIS METHOD FOR CUSTOMIZED MAPPING. */ @Override public DOCUMENT_STATUS mapSDocument() { if (getDocument() == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot export document structure because sDocument is null"); } if (getDocument().getDocumentGraph() == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot export document structure because sDocumentGraph is null"); } if (this.getResourceURI() == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot export document structure because documentPath is null for '" + getDocument().getIdentifier() + "'."); } // copy DTD-files to output-path if (getResourcePath() != null) { File dtdDirectory = new File(getResourcePath().toFileString() + "/" + PATH_DTD); if ((dtdDirectory.exists()) && (dtdDirectory.listFiles(this) != null)) { for (File DTDFile : dtdDirectory.listFiles(this)) { copyFile(URI.createFileURI(DTDFile.getAbsolutePath()), this.getResourceURI().toFileString()); } } else { logger.warn("Cannot copy dtds fom resource directory, because resource directory '" + dtdDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist."); } } else { logger.warn("There is no reference to a resource path!"); } try { mapTextualDataSources(); mapTokens(); mapSMedialDS(); mapSpans(); mapStructures(); mapPointingRelations(); mapSMetaAnnotations(getDocument()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Could write document " + getDocument().getId() + " to path " + getResourcePath(), ex); } finally { for (PAULAPrinter printer : paulaPrinters.values()) { printer.close(); } } return (DOCUMENT_STATUS.COMPLETED); } /** * A factory to create {@link XMLStreamWriter} objects. */ private final XMLOutputFactory xmlFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory(); /** A set storing all already used paula files. **/ private Map<File, PAULAPrinter> paulaPrinters = new HashMap<File, Salt2PAULAMapper.PAULAPrinter>(); /** * Returns a {@link PAULAPrinter} corresponding to the given file. If no * paulaPrinter exists so far, one is created **/ private PAULAPrinter getPAULAPrinter(File paulaFile) { PAULAPrinter retVal = paulaPrinters.get(paulaFile); if (retVal == null) { retVal = new PAULAPrinter(paulaFile); paulaPrinters.put(paulaFile, retVal); } return (retVal); } /** A helper class to create a {@link XMLStreamWriter} object. **/ class PAULAPrinter implements AutoCloseable { XMLStreamWriter xml = null; private PrintWriter output = null; private File paulaFile = null; private File base = null; public PAULAPrinter(File paulaFile) { this.paulaFile = paulaFile; try { output = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(paulaFile), "UTF8")), false); xml = new XMLStreamWriter(xmlFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(output)); xml.setPrettyPrint(getProps().isHumanReadable()); xml.writeStartDocument(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot open file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' to write to, because of a nested exception. ", e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } /** * Closes the internal streams of this object. Make sure, to call this * method for all {@link PAULAPrinter} objects even in case of * exception. **/ public void close() { try { if (hasPreamble) { // close preamble xml.writeEndDocument(); xml.flush(); } // always close the actual xml writer xml.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } output.flush(); output.close(); } /** returns whether preamble has been written **/ public boolean hasPreamble() { return (hasPreamble); } boolean hasPreamble = false; /** * Prints the preamble to multiple types of paula files. * * @param paulaType * @param paulaID * @param type * @param base * @param xmlwriter * @throws XMLStreamException */ public void printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE paulaType, String type, File base) { if (!hasPreamble) { if (paulaType == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot create '" + paulaType + "' file beginning: This seems to be an internal problem."); } if (type.isEmpty()) { type = paulaType.getFileInfix(); } this.base = base; try { xml.writeDTD(paulaType.getDocTypeTag()); xml.writeStartElement(TAG_PAULA); xml.writeAttribute(ATT_VERSION, VERSION); xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_HEADER); xml.writeAttribute(ATT_PAULA_ID, paulaFile.getName().replace("." + PepperModule.ENDING_XML, "")); xml.writeStartElement(paulaType.getListElementName()); xml.writeNamespace("xlink", XLINK_URI); xml.writeAttribute(ATT_TYPE, type); if (base != null) { xml.writeAttribute(ATT_BASE, base.getName()); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } hasPreamble = true; } } } private void mapSMetaAnnotations(SAnnotationContainer container) { if (container != null) { if ((container.getMetaAnnotations() != null) && (container.getMetaAnnotations().size() > 0)) { // create anno-xml file String pathName = getResourceURI().toFileString(); if (!pathName.endsWith("/")) { pathName = pathName + "/"; } File annoFile = new File(pathName + "anno.xml"); annoFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try (PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(annoFile)) { printer.xml.writeDTD(PAULA_TEXT_DOCTYPE_TAG); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_PAULA); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_VERSION, VERSION); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_HEADER); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_PAULA_ID, "anno.xml"); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_TYPE, PAULA_TYPE.STRUCT.toString()); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_STRUCT_STRUCTLIST); printer.xml.writeNamespace("xlink", XLINK_URI); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_TYPE, "annoSet"); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_STRUCT_STRUCT); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, "anno_1"); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); printer.xml.writeEndDocument(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + annoFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } for (SMetaAnnotation meta : container.getMetaAnnotations()) { // create a file for each meta annotation String type = meta.getQName().replace("::", "."); String paulaID = "anno_" + type; String annoFileName = paulaID + "." + PepperImporter.ENDING_XML; File metaAnnoFile = new File(pathName + annoFileName); metaAnnoFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try (PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(metaAnnoFile)) { if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.FEAT, type, annoFile); } String annoString = meta.getValue_STEXT(); if (annoString != null) { printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_FEAT_FEAT); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, "#anno_1"); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_FEAT_FEAT_VAL, annoString); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + metaAnnoFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } } } } /** * Maps all {@link STextualDS} objects. */ public void mapTextualDataSources() { // Iterate over all Textual Data Sources for (STextualDS sTextualDS : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualDSs()) { File paulaFile = generateFileName(sTextualDS); PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); // Write the Text file content try { printer.xml.writeDTD(PAULA_TEXT_DOCTYPE_TAG); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_PAULA); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_VERSION, VERSION); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_HEADER); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_PAULA_ID, paulaFile.getName().replace("." + PepperImporter.ENDING_XML, "")); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_TYPE, PAULA_TYPE.TEXT.toString()); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); // disable pretty print for the body in order not to generate extra spaces boolean originalPrettyPrintVal = printer.xml.getPrettyPrint(); printer.xml.setPrettyPrint(false); printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_TEXT_BODY); printer.xml.writeCharacters(sTextualDS.getText()); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); // reset to original pretty print policy printer.xml.setPrettyPrint(originalPrettyPrintVal); printer.xml.writeEndElement(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } finally { printer.close(); } } } /** * Maps all {@link SToken} objects. */ public void mapTokens() { PAULAPrinter printer = null; for (STextualRelation sTextRel : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualRelations()) { SToken sToken = sTextRel.getSource(); if (sToken != null) { File paulaFile = generateFileName(sToken); printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.TOK, "tok", generateFileName(sTextRel.getTarget())); } try { if (((PAULAExporterProperties) getProperties()).isHumanReadable()) { printer.xml.writeComment(escapeComment(getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getText(sToken))); } printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_MARK_MARK); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, checkId(sToken.getPath().fragment())); Integer start = sTextRel.getStart() + 1; Integer end = sTextRel.getEnd() - sTextRel.getStart(); String xPointer = "#xpointer(string-range(//body,''," + start + "," + end + "))"; printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, xPointer); } catch (ClassCastException | XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } mapAnnotations(sToken); } if (printer != null) { printer.close(); } } /** * Maps audio data as data source. When audio data are connected to tokens, * a span for each connection is created and annotated with an audio * annotation referencing the audio file. When no Token is connected to the * audio source, a span is created for all tokens and an audio annotation is * added to that span. */ public void mapSMedialDS() { Multimap<SMedialDS, SToken> map = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); if ((getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialRelations() != null) && (getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialRelations().size() > 0)) { /** * Create a markable file which addresses all tokens, which have * references to the SAudioDS */ for (SMedialRelation rel : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialRelations()) { map.put(rel.getTarget(), rel.getSource()); } } else { if ((getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialDSs() != null) && (getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialDSs().size() > 0)) for (SMedialDS audioDS : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialDSs()) { map.putAll(audioDS, getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTokens()); } } if (map.size() > 0) { StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer(); fileName.append(getResourceURI().toFileString()); if (!fileName.toString().endsWith("/")) { fileName.append("/"); } fileName.append(getDocument().getName()); fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PAULA_TYPE.MARK.getFileInfix()); fileName.append("."); fileName.append("audio"); fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PepperModule.ENDING_XML); File audioMarkFile = new File(fileName.toString()); PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(audioMarkFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.MARK, "audio", generateFileName(getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTokens().get(0))); } for (SMedialDS audio : map.keySet()) { try { printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_MARK_MARK); if (audio.getPath().fragment() != null) { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, checkId(audio.getPath().fragment())); } else { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, audio.getId()); } printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, generateXPointer(new ArrayList<SToken>(map.get(audio)), printer.base)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + audioMarkFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } /** * Create a feature file which addresses all tokens, which addresses * the audio markable file */ // copy referenced files File audioFeatFile = new File(audioMarkFile.getAbsolutePath().replace("." + PepperModule.ENDING_XML, "_feat." + PepperModule.ENDING_XML)); printer = getPAULAPrinter(audioFeatFile); printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.FEAT, KW_AUDIO, audioMarkFile); for (SMedialDS audio : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getMedialDSs()) { /** * Copy audio file and */ String target = audioMarkFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParent(); if (!target.endsWith("/")) { target = target + "/"; } target = target + audio.getMediaReference().lastSegment(); File audioFile = new File(target); try { String source = audio.getMediaReference().toFileString(); if (source == null) { source = audio.getMediaReference().toString(); } Files.copy(new File(source).toPath(), audioFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot copy audio file '" + audio.getMediaReference() + "', to +'" + target + "'. ", e); } /** * Create a feature file which addresses all tokens, which * addresses the audio markable file */ try { printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_FEAT_FEAT); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, "#" + audio.getPath().fragment()); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_FEAT_FEAT_VAL, audioFile.getName()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + audioFeatFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } } } /** * Maps all {@link SSpan} objects. */ public void mapSpans() { PAULAPrinter printer = null; for (SSpan sSpan : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getSpans()) { List<SToken> tokens = getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getSortedTokenByText(getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getOverlappedTokens(sSpan)); if (!tokens.isEmpty()) { File paulaFile = generateFileName(sSpan); printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.MARK, generatePaulaType(sSpan), generateFileName(tokens.get(0))); } try { if (((PAULAExporterProperties) getProperties()).isHumanReadable()) { printer.xml.writeComment(escapeComment(getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getText(sSpan))); } printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_MARK_MARK); if (sSpan.getPath().fragment() != null) { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, checkId(sSpan.getPath().fragment())); } else { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, sSpan.getId()); } printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, generateXPointer(tokens, printer.base)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } mapAnnotations(sSpan); } if (printer != null) { printer.close(); } } /** * Maps {@link SStructure} */ private void mapStructures() { for (SStructure struct : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getStructures()) { File paulaFile = generateFileName(struct); PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.STRUCT, generatePaulaType(struct), null); } try { if (((PAULAExporterProperties) getProperties()).isHumanReadable()) { printer.xml.writeComment(escapeComment(getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getText(struct))); } printer.xml.writeStartElement(TAG_STRUCT_STRUCT); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, checkId(struct.getPath().fragment())); for (Relation relation : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getOutRelations(struct.getId())) { if (relation instanceof SDominanceRelation) { SDominanceRelation domRel = (SDominanceRelation) relation; printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_STRUCT_REL); String idVal = checkId(domRel.getPath().fragment()); if (idVal != null) { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, idVal); } if ((domRel.getType() != null) && (!domRel.getType().isEmpty())) { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_STRUCT_REL_TYPE, domRel.getType()); } printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, generateXPointer(domRel.getTarget(), printer.base)); mapAnnotations(domRel); } } printer.xml.writeEndElement(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } mapAnnotations(struct); } } /** * Maps {@link SPointingRelation}s. * * @throws XMLStreamException */ private void mapPointingRelations() { for (SPointingRelation pointRel : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getPointingRelations()) { String type = ""; if (pointRel.getType() == null || pointRel.getType().isEmpty()) { type = "notype"; } else { type = pointRel.getType(); } File paulaFile = generateFileName(pointRel); PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.REL, type, null); } // create rel tag string if ((pointRel.getSource() != null) && (pointRel.getTarget() != null)) { try { printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_REL_REL); String idVal = checkId(pointRel.getPath().fragment()); if (idVal != null) { printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_ID, idVal); } printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, generateXPointer(pointRel.getSource(), printer.base)); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_REL_REL_TARGET, generateXPointer(pointRel.getTarget(), printer.base)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } mapAnnotations(pointRel); } } } /** * Maps annotations of type {@link SAnnotation} and {@link SMetaAnnotation} * * @param annoSource */ private void mapAnnotations(SAnnotationContainer annoSource) { if (annoSource != null) { for (SAnnotation anno : annoSource.getAnnotations()) { String annoString = null; // copy referenced files if (anno.getValue_SURI() != null) { annoString = copyFile(anno.getValue_SURI(), getResourceURI().toFileString()); } else { annoString = anno.getValue_STEXT(); } File paulaFile = generateFileName(anno); PAULAPrinter printer = getPAULAPrinter(paulaFile); if (!printer.hasPreamble) { String type = anno.getQName().replace("::", "."); if (annoSource instanceof SNode) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.FEAT, type, generateFileName((SNode) annoSource)); } else if (annoSource instanceof SRelation) { printer.printPreambel(PAULA_TYPE.FEAT, type, generateFileName((SRelation) annoSource)); } } try { if (annoString != null) { printer.xml.writeEmptyElement(TAG_FEAT_FEAT); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_HREF, generateXPointer((IdentifiableElement) annoSource, printer.base)); printer.xml.writeAttribute(ATT_FEAT_FEAT_VAL, annoString); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(Salt2PAULAMapper.this, "Cannot write in file '" + paulaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', because of a nested exception. ", e); } } } } /** a prefix for ids, which starts with a numeric **/ public static final String ID_PREFIX = "id"; /** * Checks whether an id starts with a numeric, if true, the id will be * prefixed with {@link #ID_PREFIX} **/ public String checkId(String id) { if ((id != null) && (Character.isDigit(id.charAt(0)))) { return (ID_PREFIX + id); } return (id); } /** * Generates an xpointer for a set of {@link SNode}s. * * @param targets * @return */ public String generateXPointer(IdentifiableElement target, File base) { StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); if (target != null) { // write single node #tok_1 File baseFile = null; if (target instanceof SNode) { baseFile = generateFileName((SNode) target); } else if (target instanceof SRelation) { baseFile = generateFileName((SRelation) target); } if (!baseFile.equals(base)) { retVal.append(baseFile.getName()); } retVal.append("#"); String fragment = ((SPathElement) target).getPath().fragment(); if (fragment == null) { // fix to fix a bug in mmaxmodules, where id was created // manually fragment = target.getId(); } retVal.append(checkId(fragment)); } return (retVal.toString()); } /** * Generates an xpointer for a set of {@link SIdentifiableElement}s. * * @param targets * @return */ public String generateXPointer(List<? extends IdentifiableElement> targets, File base) { StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); if ((targets != null) && (targets.size() > 0)) { if (targets.size() == 1) { retVal.append(generateXPointer(targets.get(0), base)); } else { // write all nodes e.g.: (#tok_1 #tok2 ... #tok_n) int i = 0; for (IdentifiableElement target : targets) { if (i != 0) { retVal.append(" "); } retVal.append(generateXPointer(target, base)); i++; } } } return (retVal.toString()); } /** * Generates a Paula type from the layers of passed {@link SNode} object. * * @param sNode * @return */ public String generatePaulaType(IdentifiableElement id) { String layers = getProps().getEmptyNamespace(); if (id != null) { Set<SLayer> sLayers = null; if (id instanceof SNode) { sLayers = ((SNode) id).getLayers(); } else if (id instanceof SRelation) { sLayers = ((SRelation) id).getLayers(); } if (sLayers.size() > 0) { // if node belongs to several layers, sort layers by name if (sLayers.size() == 1) { layers = sLayers.iterator().next().getName(); } else { List<String> layerList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SLayer sLayer : sLayers) { layerList.add(sLayer.getName()); } Collections.sort(layerList, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); int i = 0; for (String layerName : layerList) { if (i == 0) { layers = layerName; } else { layers = layers + "." + layerName; } } } } } return (layers); } private STextualDS getSTextForSToken(SToken tok) { STextualDS textualDS = null; for (SRelation rel : tok.getOutRelations()) { if (rel instanceof STextualRelation) { textualDS = ((STextualRelation) rel).getTarget(); break; } } return textualDS; } /** * Returns a filename, where to store the given SNode. The pattern, which is * used to compute the files name is: <br/> * layers"."documentId"."TYPE_POSTFIX".xml" <br/> * If node belongs to several layers, they are sorted by name. * * @param sNode * {@link SNode} to which a filename has to be generated * @return file name matching to given {@link SNode} */ public File generateFileName(SNode sNode) { File retFile = null; if (sNode != null) { StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); if (sNode instanceof STextualDS) { fileName.append(getDocument().getName()); if (getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualDSs().size() > 1) { fileName.append("."); fileName.append(sNode.getPath().fragment()); } fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PAULA_TYPE.TEXT.getFileInfix()); } else if (sNode instanceof SToken) { fileName.append(getDocument().getName()); STextualDS sText = getSTextForSToken((SToken) sNode); if ((sText != null) && (getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualDSs().size() > 1)) { fileName.append("."); fileName.append(sText.getPath().fragment()); } fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PAULA_TYPE.TOK.getFileInfix()); } else { // prefix file name with layer names String layers = generatePaulaType(sNode); fileName.append(layers); if (!layers.isEmpty()) { fileName.append("."); } fileName.append(getDocument().getName()); fileName.append("."); if (sNode instanceof SSpan) { fileName.append(PAULA_TYPE.MARK.getFileInfix()); } else if (sNode instanceof SStructure) { fileName.append(PAULA_TYPE.STRUCT.getFileInfix()); } } fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PepperModule.ENDING_XML); String pathName = getResourceURI().toFileString(); if (!pathName.endsWith("/")) { pathName = pathName + "/"; } retFile = new File(pathName + fileName.toString()); retFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } return (retFile); } /** * Returns a filename, where to store the given {@link SRelation}. * * @param sNode * {@link SNode} to which a filename has to be generated * @return file name matching to given {@link SNode} */ public File generateFileName(SRelation<? extends SNode, ? extends SNode> sRelation) { if (sRelation instanceof SDominanceRelation) { return (generateFileName(sRelation.getSource())); } else if (sRelation instanceof SPointingRelation) { StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); String layers = generatePaulaType(sRelation); fileName.append(layers); if (!layers.isEmpty()) { fileName.append("."); } fileName.append(getDocument().getName()); fileName.append("."); String type = ""; if (sRelation.getType() == null || sRelation.getType().isEmpty()) { type = "notype"; } else { type = sRelation.getType(); } fileName.append(type); fileName.append("."); fileName.append(PepperModule.ENDING_XML); String pathName = getResourceURI().toFileString(); if (!pathName.endsWith("/")) { pathName = pathName + "/"; } File retFile = new File(pathName + fileName.toString()); retFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return (retFile); } else return (null); } /** * Returns a filename, where to store the given SAnnotation. * * @param sNode * {@link SNode} to which a filename has to be generated * @return file name matching to given {@link SNode} */ public File generateFileName(Label anno) { File baseFileName = null; if (anno.getContainer() instanceof SNode) { baseFileName = generateFileName((SNode) anno.getContainer()); } else if (anno.getContainer() instanceof SRelation) { baseFileName = generateFileName((SRelation) anno.getContainer()); } StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); fileName.append(baseFileName.getName().replace(".xml", "")); fileName.append("_"); fileName.append(anno.getName()); fileName.append(".xml"); return (new File(baseFileName.getParent() + "/" + fileName.toString())); } /** * Method for copying file to outputPath. This is used for copying DTDs and * media files (e.g. mp3-files) * * @param file * the file (URI) to copy * @param outputPath * the target path to copy to * @return the filename in the form " file:/filename " */ private String copyFile(URI file, String outputPath) { File inFile = new File(file.toFileString()); File outFile = new File(outputPath + "/" + inFile.getName()); FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; String outFileString = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file.toFileString()); out = new FileOutputStream(outFile); int c; while ((c = != -1) { out.write(c); } outFileString = "file:/" + outFile.getName(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot copy file '" + file + "' to path '" + outFileString + "'", e); } return outFileString; } /** * In comments the string "--" is not allowed, thus replace it with "<hypen><hypen>". * Since comments are only intended for humans there is no need to have a special * encoding/decoding scheme here. * This also appends a whitespace to the end of the string if ends with "-" * to avoid any possible confusion with constructs like "--->". * @param txt * @return */ private String escapeComment(String txt) { if (txt == null) { return null; } String result = txt.replace("--", "<hyphen><hyphen>"); if (result.endsWith("-")) { result = result + " "; } return result; } public PAULAExporterProperties getProps() { return (PAULAExporterProperties) getProperties(); } }