Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.annis; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.common.DOCUMENT_STATUS; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.impl.PepperMapperImpl; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.exceptions.PepperModuleException; import org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.annis.resolver.DomStatistics; import org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.annis.resolver.PointingStatistics; import org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.annis.resolver.SpanStatistics; import org.corpus_tools.peppermodules.annis.resolver.VirtualTokenStatistics; import org.corpus_tools.salt.SALT_TYPE; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpus; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocument; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocumentGraph; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS; import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SToken; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.GraphTraverseHandler; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotationContainer; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SGraph.GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SMetaAnnotation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import org.corpus_tools.salt.util.SaltUtil; public class Salt2ANNISMapper extends PepperMapperImpl implements GraphTraverseHandler { private final AtomicInteger numberOfMappedNodes = new AtomicInteger(); private int numberOfDocumentNodes; private File outputDir; private final DomStatistics localDomStats = new DomStatistics(); private final SpanStatistics localSpanStats = new SpanStatistics(); private final PointingStatistics localPointingStats = new PointingStatistics(); private final VirtualTokenStatistics localVirtualTokenStats = new VirtualTokenStatistics(); private DomStatistics globalDomStats; private SpanStatistics globalSpanStats; private PointingStatistics globalPointingStats; private VirtualTokenStatistics globalVirtualTokenStats; public Salt2ANNISMapper() { this.init(); } private void init() { } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Salt2ANNISMapper.class); private IdManager idManager = null; public IdManager getIdManager() { return idManager; } public void setIdManager(IdManager idManager) { this.idManager = idManager; } public File getOutputDir() { return outputDir; } public void setOutputDir(File outputDir) { this.outputDir = outputDir; } /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_TEXT} * */ public TupleWriter tw_text = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_NODE} * */ public TupleWriter tw_node = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_NODE_ANNO} * */ public TupleWriter tw_nodeAnno = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_RANK} * */ public TupleWriter tw_rank = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_EDGE_ANNO} * */ public TupleWriter tw_edgeAnno = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_COMPONENT} * */ public TupleWriter tw_component = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_CORPUS} * */ public TupleWriter tw_corpus = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_CORPUS_META} * */ public TupleWriter tw_corpusMeta = null; /** * tuple writer to write {@link ANNIS#FILE_VISUALIZATION} * */ public TupleWriter tw_visualization = null; /** * the individual name for the top-level corpus * */ public String individualCorpusName = null; private Pair<String, String> individualCorpusNameReplacement = null; public boolean isTestMode = false; private boolean mergeTextsWithTimeline = true; // -------------------------start: SCorpusGraph private SCorpusGraph sCorpusGraph = null; /** * Sets the corpus graph to map from. * * @param sCorpusGraph corpus graph to map from */ public void setCorpusGraph(SCorpusGraph sCorpusGraph) { this.sCorpusGraph = sCorpusGraph; } /** * Returns the corpus graph to map from. * * @return corpus graph to map from */ public SCorpusGraph getCorpusGraph() { return sCorpusGraph; } // -------------------------end: SCorpusGraph public enum TRAVERSION_TYPE { CORPUS_STRUCTURE, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_TOKEN, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_CR, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR_SUB, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_PR, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_PR_SUB, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_AUDIO }; /** * stores the current type of traversion */ private TRAVERSION_TYPE currTraversionType = null; // ================================================ start: mapping corpus structure @Override public DOCUMENT_STATUS mapSCorpus() { //this.setCorpusGraph(sCorpusGraph); if (this.getCorpusGraph() == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot map sCorpusGraph, because sCorpusGraph is null."); } { //start traversion of corpus structure /// initialize preOrder and postOrder: this.preorderTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.postorderTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); prePostOrder = 0l; try { List<SNode> roots = this.getCorpusGraph().getRoots(); if ((roots == null) || (roots.size() == 0)) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot traverse through corpus structure, because there is no Corpus-object as root."); } if (roots.size() > 1) { // throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Only one root corpus is allowed for ANNIS export"); logger.warn("Only one root corpus is allowed for ANNIS export"); } // check if we are called for the root corpus if (getCorpus() != null && roots.contains(getCorpus())) { // set the SName of the corpus graph root to the individual one if (this.individualCorpusName != null) { this.individualCorpusNameReplacement = new ImmutablePair<>(roots.get(0).getName(), this.individualCorpusName); //roots.get(0).setName(this.individualCorpusName); } //set traversion type to corpus structure this.currTraversionType = TRAVERSION_TYPE.CORPUS_STRUCTURE; sCorpusGraph.traverse(roots, GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE.TOP_DOWN_DEPTH_FIRST, "compute_corpus_structure", this); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Some error occurs while traversing corpus structure graph.", e); } } //start traversion of corpus structure return DOCUMENT_STATUS.COMPLETED; } // ================================================ end: mapping corpus structure // ================================================ end: mapping document structure /** * counter for pre and post order */ private Long prePostOrder = null; private boolean mapRelationsInParallel = true; public void mapRelationsInParallel(boolean parallel) { this.mapRelationsInParallel = parallel; } /** * returns a new and unique ppOrder * * @return */ private synchronized Long getNewPPOrder() { if (prePostOrder == null) { prePostOrder = 0l; } Long currPrePost = prePostOrder; prePostOrder++; return (currPrePost); } @Override public DOCUMENT_STATUS mapSDocument() { this.preorderTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.postorderTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); prePostOrder = 0l; numberOfMappedNodes.set(0); if (this.getDocument() == null || this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph() == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Cannot map sDocumentGraph, because sDocumentGraph is null."); } {//start traversion of documentStructure try { if (this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getNodes() != null) { this.numberOfDocumentNodes = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getNodes().size(); } /** * traverse by SpanningRelations: DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_CR * DominanceRelations: DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR PointingRelations: * DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_PR * * DominanceRelations Subcomponents: DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR_SUB * PointingRelations Subcomponents: DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_PR_SUB * * Dominance relations may consist of different subcomponents since * there are "edge" and "secedge" types * * Since every root node has it's own component, the pre and post order * needs to be 0 for the root node. You need to handle this. */ List<? extends SNode> sRelationRoots; Multimap<String, SNode> subComponentRoots; // Map<String, List<SNode>> subComponentRoots; Map<SToken, Long> token2Index = calculateToken2Index(getDocument().getDocumentGraph()); // START Step 1: map SOrderRelation subComponentRoots = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getRootsByRelationType(SALT_TYPE.SORDER_RELATION); if (subComponentRoots != null) { if (subComponentRoots.size() > 0) { for (Entry<String, SNode> entry : subComponentRoots.entries()) { SRelation2ANNISMapper sOrderRelationMapper = new SOrderRelation2ANNISMapper( getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); String traversionType = entry.getKey(); if (SaltUtil.SALT_NULL_VALUE.equals(traversionType)) { traversionType = "default_seg"; } sOrderRelationMapper.setTraversionSType(traversionType); sOrderRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(subComponentRoots.get(entry.getKey()), SALT_TYPE.SORDER_RELATION, null); } } } // END Step 1: map SOrderRelation // also map the timeline (by creating a virtual tokenization if necessary) STimelineRelation2ANNISMapper timelineMapper = new STimelineRelation2ANNISMapper(getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this, mergeTextsWithTimeline);; // START Step 2: map SText if (idManager.hasVirtualTokenization()) { Long sDocID; Long textId = 0l; String sDocumentElementId = this.getDocument().getId(); if (sDocumentElementId == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "SId Id of the document '" + this.getDocument().getName() + "' is NULL!"); } sDocID = this.idManager.getNewCorpusTabId(sDocumentElementId); String textName = "sText0"; String textContent = Strings.repeat(" ", idManager.getNumberOfVirtualToken()); ArrayList<String> tuple = new ArrayList<>(); tuple.add(sDocID.toString()); tuple.add(textId.toString()); tuple.add(textName); tuple.add(textContent); long transactionId = tw_text.beginTA(); try { tw_text.addTuple(transactionId, tuple); tw_text.commitTA(transactionId); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { tw_text.abortTA(transactionId); throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Could not write to the, exception was" + e.getMessage()); } } else { this.mapSText(); } ExecutorService exec = null; if (mapRelationsInParallel) { exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); } subComponentRoots = getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getRootsByRelationType(SALT_TYPE.SPOINTING_RELATION); if (subComponentRoots != null) { //System.out.println("The Pointing relation graphs have "+ subComponentRoots.size() + " STypes."); if (subComponentRoots.size() > 0) { for (String key : subComponentRoots.keySet()) { //System.out.println("Count of PR roots for key "+key+" : "+subComponentRoots.get(key).size()); //System.out.println("Mapping PointingRelation subcomponents with sType: "+key); SRelation2ANNISMapper sPointingSubRelationMapper = new SPointingRelation2ANNISMapper( getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); sPointingSubRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(subComponentRoots.get(key), SALT_TYPE.SPOINTING_RELATION, TRAVERSION_TYPE.DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_PR); sPointingSubRelationMapper.setTraversionSType(key); if (exec != null) { exec.execute(sPointingSubRelationMapper); } else {; } } } else { //System.out.println("No PointingRelation components found (null map)"); } } else { //System.out.println("No PointingRelation components found (empty map)"); } // END Step 2: map SPointingRelations // START Step 3: map SDominanceRelations sRelationRoots = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getRootsByRelation(SALT_TYPE.SDOMINANCE_RELATION); if (sRelationRoots != null) { if (sRelationRoots.size() > 0) { SRelation2ANNISMapper sDominanceRelationMapper = new SDominanceRelation2ANNISMapper( getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); sDominanceRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(sRelationRoots, SALT_TYPE.SDOMINANCE_RELATION, TRAVERSION_TYPE.DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR); if (exec != null) { exec.execute(sDominanceRelationMapper); } else {; } } } // END Step 3: map SDominanceRelations // START Step 3.1 : map the subComponents of the SDominanceRelations subComponentRoots = getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getRootsByRelationType(SALT_TYPE.SDOMINANCE_RELATION); if (subComponentRoots != null) { //System.out.println("The Dominance relation graphs have "+ subComponentRoots.size() + " STypes."); if (subComponentRoots.size() > 0) { Set<String> domComponentTypeNames = subComponentRoots.keySet(); // only output the named relation types if there the user has not choosen // to include them or if there are more than 1 named types if (!((ANNISExporterProperties) this.getProperties()).getExcludeSingleDomType() || domComponentTypeNames.size() >= 2) { for (String key : domComponentTypeNames) { if (!SaltUtil.SALT_NULL_VALUE.equals(key)) { SRelation2ANNISMapper sDominanceSubRelationMapper = new SDominanceRelation2ANNISMapper( getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); sDominanceSubRelationMapper.setTraversionSType(key); sDominanceSubRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(subComponentRoots.get(key), SALT_TYPE.SDOMINANCE_RELATION, TRAVERSION_TYPE.DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_DR); if (exec != null) { exec.execute(sDominanceSubRelationMapper); } else {; } } } } } else { //System.out.println("No DominanceRelation subcomponents found (null map)"); } } else { //System.out.println("No DominanceRelation subcomponents found (empty map)"); } // END Step 3.1 : map the subComponents of the SDominanceRelations // START Step 4: map SSpanningrelations sRelationRoots = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph() .getRootsByRelation(SALT_TYPE.SSPANNING_RELATION); if (sRelationRoots != null) { if (sRelationRoots.size() > 0) { SRelation2ANNISMapper spanningRelationMapper = new SSpanningRelation2ANNISMapper( getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); spanningRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(sRelationRoots, SALT_TYPE.SSPANNING_RELATION, TRAVERSION_TYPE.DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_CR); if (exec != null) { exec.execute(spanningRelationMapper); } else {; } } } // END Step 4: map SSpanningrelations // START Step 5: map SMedialRelations sRelationRoots = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTokens(); if (sRelationRoots != null) { if (sRelationRoots.size() > 0) { SRelation2ANNISMapper audioRelationMapper = new Audio2ANNISMapper(getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); audioRelationMapper.mapSRelations2ANNIS(sRelationRoots, SALT_TYPE.STIME_OVERLAPPING_RELATION, TRAVERSION_TYPE.DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_AUDIO); if (exec != null) { exec.execute(audioRelationMapper); } else {; } } } // END Step 5: map SMedialRelations if (exec != null) { exec.shutdown(); while (!exec.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { // wait to finish } } // START Step 6: map all SToken which were not mapped, yet SRelation2ANNISMapper mapper = new SSpanningRelation2ANNISMapper(getIdManager(), getDocument().getDocumentGraph(), token2Index, tw_node, tw_nodeAnno, tw_rank, tw_edgeAnno, tw_component, this); mapper.beginTransaction(); for (SNode node : getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTokens()) { if (this.idManager.getVirtualisedSpanId(node.getId()) == null) { mapper.mapSNode(node); } } mapper.commitTransaction(); // END Step 6: map all SToken which were not mapped, yet } catch (PepperModuleException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Some error occurs while traversing document structure graph.", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Some error occurs while traversing document structure graph.", e); } } //start traversion of corpus structure mergeLocalStatsIntoGlobal(); setProgress(1.0); return DOCUMENT_STATUS.COMPLETED; } private Map<SToken, Long> calculateToken2Index(SDocumentGraph documentGraph) { List<SToken> tokenSortedByLeft = documentGraph.getSortedTokenByText(); // calculate the index of each token Map<SToken, Long> token2Index = new HashMap<>(); if (tokenSortedByLeft != null) { long i = 0; for (SToken tok : tokenSortedByLeft) { token2Index.put(tok, i); i++; } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(token2Index); } private void mergeLocalStatsIntoGlobal() { if (globalDomStats != null) { globalDomStats.merge(localDomStats); } if (globalPointingStats != null) { globalPointingStats.merge(localPointingStats); } if (globalSpanStats != null) { globalSpanStats.merge(localSpanStats); } if (globalVirtualTokenStats != null) { globalVirtualTokenStats.merge(localVirtualTokenStats); } } /** * <pre> corpus_ref integer X foreign key to id integer X restart * from 0 for every corpus_ref name text name of the text text text content * of the text </pre> */ protected void mapSText() { //System.out.println("MAPPING TEXT ****************************************"); SDocumentGraph sDoc = this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph(); Long sDocID; Long textId = 0l; //System.out.println("Count of textual DS: "+sDoc.getTextualDSs().size()); for (STextualDS text : sDoc.getTextualDSs()) { String sDocumentElementId = this.getDocument().getId(); //System.out.println("Found text \""+text.getText()+"\""); //System.out.println("The text has a length of "+text.getText().length()); //for (STextualRelation sTextRel : this.getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualRelations()){ // System.out.println("TextRelation: start "+sTextRel.getStart()+" , end "+sTextRel.getEnd()); //} if (sDocumentElementId == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "SElement Id of the document '" + sDoc.getName() + "' is NULL!"); } IdManager manager = getIdManager(); if (manager == null) { throw new PepperModuleException(this, "No IdManager was found, this might be a bug.!"); } sDocID = manager.getNewCorpusTabId(sDocumentElementId); String textName = text.getName(); String textContent = text.getText(); ArrayList<String> tuple = new ArrayList<>(); tuple.add(sDocID.toString()); tuple.add(manager.getNewTextId(text.getId()).toString()); tuple.add(textName); tuple.add(textContent); long transactionId = tw_text.beginTA(); try { tw_text.addTuple(transactionId, tuple); tw_text.commitTA(transactionId); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { tw_text.abortTA(transactionId); throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Could not write to the, exception was" + e.getMessage()); } textId++; } } // ================================================ end: mapping document structure /** * These tables contain the SNodes as key and the preorder/postorder as value. */ private ConcurrentMap<SNode, Long> preorderTable; private ConcurrentMap<SNode, Long> postorderTable; /** * This method maps a SDocument or SCorpus to a entry and all meta * annotations to the * * id integer X X primary key name text X X unique name (per corpus) type text * X CORPUS, DOCUMENT version text version number (not used) pre integer X pre * order of the corpus tree post integer X post order of the corpus tree * * @param sNode * @param id * @param preOrder * @param postOrder */ private void mapToCorpusTab(SNode sNode, Long id, Long preOrder, Long postOrder) { TupleWriter corpusTabWriter = tw_corpus; String idString = id.toString(); CorpusType corpusType = CorpusType.createFromNode(sNode); String name = sNode.getName(); if (name == null) { name = "untitled"; } if (corpusType == CorpusType.DOCUMENT) { // make sure the document name is globally unique (not just for a sub-corpus) name = idManager.getUniqueDocumentName(name); } else if (corpusType == CorpusType.TOPLEVEL && this.individualCorpusNameReplacement != null) { if (name.equals(this.individualCorpusNameReplacement.getLeft())) { name = this.individualCorpusNameReplacement.getRight(); } } String type = corpusType.getCorpusTabType(); String version = "NULL"; String pre = preOrder.toString(); String post = postOrder.toString(); String toplevel = corpusType == CorpusType.TOPLEVEL ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; // set corpus version SMetaAnnotation versionMetaAnno = sNode.getMetaAnnotation("version"); if (versionMetaAnno != null) { if (versionMetaAnno.getValue_STEXT() != null) { version = versionMetaAnno.getValue_STEXT(); } } ArrayList<String> tuple = new ArrayList<>(); tuple.add(idString); tuple.add(name); tuple.add(type); tuple.add(version); tuple.add(pre); tuple.add(post); tuple.add(toplevel); long transactionId = corpusTabWriter.beginTA(); try { corpusTabWriter.addTuple(transactionId, tuple); corpusTabWriter.commitTA(transactionId); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { corpusTabWriter.abortTA(transactionId); throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Could not write to the " + ANNIS.FILE_CORPUS + ", exception was" + e.getMessage()); } if (tw_corpusMeta != null) { SAnnotationContainer metaOwner = (SAnnotationContainer) sNode; if (metaOwner.getMetaAnnotations() != null) { transactionId = tw_corpusMeta.beginTA(); try { for (SMetaAnnotation meta : metaOwner.getMetaAnnotations()) { String namespace = meta.getNamespace(); if (namespace == null) { namespace = "NULL"; } tw_corpusMeta.addTuple(transactionId, Arrays.asList(idString, idManager.getEscapedIdentifier(namespace), idManager.getEscapedIdentifier(meta.getName()), (meta.getValue() == null) ? "NULL" : meta.getValue_STEXT())); } tw_corpusMeta.commitTA(transactionId); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { tw_corpusMeta.abortTA(transactionId); throw new PepperModuleException(this, "Could not write to the " + ANNIS.FILE_CORPUS_META + ", exception was" + ex.getMessage()); } } } } // ==================================================== Traversion =============================================== @Override public boolean checkConstraint(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SRelation relation, SNode currNode, long order) { Boolean returnValue = false; if (this.currTraversionType == TRAVERSION_TYPE.CORPUS_STRUCTURE) {//traversing corpus structure if ((currNode instanceof SCorpus) || (currNode instanceof SDocument)) { returnValue = true; } } //traversing corpus structure return returnValue; } @Override public void nodeReached(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation relation, SNode fromNode, long order) { /** * First part: This traversal concerns the Corpus structure Save the * pre-order in the CorpusStructure table. */ if (this.currTraversionType == TRAVERSION_TYPE.CORPUS_STRUCTURE) {//traversing corpus structure if (currNode instanceof SCorpus || currNode instanceof SDocument) { this.idManager.getNewCorpusTabId(currNode.getId()); /** * Initialize a new entry for this node in the preorder table, if it was * not reached, yet. */ if (!this.preorderTable.containsKey(currNode)) { this.preorderTable.put(currNode, getNewPPOrder()); } } } //traversing corpus structure } @Override public void nodeLeft(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation relation, SNode fromNode, long order) { /** * We just left a node we had reached. */ if (this.currTraversionType == TRAVERSION_TYPE.CORPUS_STRUCTURE) {//traversing corpus structure /** * This node is a leaf. Set the postorder for it. * */ if (currNode instanceof SDocument || currNode instanceof SCorpus) { if (this.preorderTable.containsKey(currNode)) { if (!this.postorderTable.containsKey(currNode)) { this.postorderTable.put(currNode, getNewPPOrder()); Long iD = null; if (currNode instanceof SDocument) { SDocument sd = (SDocument) currNode; iD = getIdManager().getNewCorpusTabId(sd.getId()); } if (currNode instanceof SCorpus) { SCorpus sc = (SCorpus) currNode; iD = getIdManager().getNewCorpusTabId(sc.getId()); } // map the the node to the corpus tab this.mapToCorpusTab(currNode, iD, this.preorderTable.get(currNode), this.postorderTable.get(currNode)); } } } } //traversing corpus structure } public void notifiyNewNodeMapped() { int newValue = numberOfMappedNodes.incrementAndGet(); // only set status for each 100th node if (newValue % 100 == 0) { double percent = (double) (newValue) / (double) numberOfDocumentNodes; // stretch the value so that we report 90% when all nodes are done setProgress(percent * 0.9); } } public DomStatistics getLocalDomStats() { return localDomStats; } public SpanStatistics getLocalSpanStats() { return localSpanStats; } public PointingStatistics getLocalPointingStats() { return localPointingStats; } public VirtualTokenStatistics getLocalVirtualTokenStats() { return localVirtualTokenStats; } public void setGlobalDomStats(DomStatistics globalDomStats) { this.globalDomStats = globalDomStats; } public void setGlobalSpanStats(SpanStatistics globalSpanStats) { this.globalSpanStats = globalSpanStats; } public void setGlobalPointingStats(PointingStatistics globalPointingStats) { this.globalPointingStats = globalPointingStats; } public VirtualTokenStatistics getGlobalVirtualTokenStats() { return globalVirtualTokenStats; } public void setGlobalVirtualTokenStats(VirtualTokenStatistics globalVirtualTokenStats) { this.globalVirtualTokenStats = globalVirtualTokenStats; } public void setMergeTextsWithTimeline(boolean mergeTextsWithTimeline) { this.mergeTextsWithTimeline = mergeTextsWithTimeline; } }