Java tutorial
/* * Created on Feb 23, 2007 Copyright (C) 2001-6, Anthony Harrison * ( This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have * received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.commonreality.reality.impl.handler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession; import org.commonreality.identifier.IIdentifier; import org.commonreality.message.credentials.ICredentials; import org.commonreality.participant.addressing.IAddressingInformation; import org.commonreality.reality.IReality; import org.commonreality.reality.impl.StateAndConnectionManager; import org.commonreality.time.IClock; import org.commonreality.time.impl.OwnedClock.OwnedAuthoritativeClock; /** * class that tracks which connection credentials we will accept as well as * assigns, links and accesses IParticipantIdentifiers and * IAddressingInformation </br> </br> This is now deprecated in favor of * {@link StateAndConnectionManager} * * @author developer */ @Deprecated public class ConnectionTracker { /** * logger definition */ static private final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(ConnectionTracker.class); static private final String CREDENTIALS = ConnectionTracker.class.getName() + ".credentials"; static private final String IDENTIFIER = ConnectionTracker.class.getName() + ".identifier"; private boolean _promiscuous = true; private Set<ICredentials> _validCredentials; private Map<ICredentials, IoSession> _acceptedConnections; private Map<ICredentials, IoSession> _pendingConnections; private Map<IIdentifier, IAddressingInformation> _addressInfo; private Map<IIdentifier, IAddressingInformation> _pendingAddressInfo; private Map<IIdentifier, IoSession> _sessionMap; private Map<IIdentifier, IoSession> _pendingSessionMap; private IReality _reality; private ICredentials _clockOwnerCredentials = null; public ConnectionTracker(IReality reality) { _reality = reality; _validCredentials = new HashSet<ICredentials>(); _acceptedConnections = new HashMap<ICredentials, IoSession>(); _addressInfo = new HashMap<IIdentifier, IAddressingInformation>(); _sessionMap = new HashMap<IIdentifier, IoSession>(); _pendingAddressInfo = new HashMap<IIdentifier, IAddressingInformation>(); _pendingConnections = new HashMap<ICredentials, IoSession>(); _pendingSessionMap = new HashMap<IIdentifier, IoSession>(); } public IReality getReality() { return _reality; } synchronized public void grantCredentials(ICredentials credentials, boolean wantsClockOwnership) { if (!_validCredentials.contains(credentials)) _validCredentials.add(credentials); else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Credentials are already recognized"); if (wantsClockOwnership) _clockOwnerCredentials = credentials; } synchronized public void revokeCredentials(ICredentials credentials) { _validCredentials.remove(credentials); IoSession session = _acceptedConnections.get(credentials); if (session != null) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Session for revoked credentials is active, closing"); session.close(); } } synchronized public IIdentifier connectionClosed(IoSession session) { IIdentifier identifier = (IIdentifier) session.getAttribute(IDENTIFIER); _addressInfo.remove(identifier); _sessionMap.remove(identifier); ICredentials credentials = (ICredentials) session.getAttribute(CREDENTIALS); if (_acceptedConnections.containsKey(credentials)) _acceptedConnections.put(credentials, null); if (_clockOwnerCredentials == null) { IClock clock = _reality.getClock(); OwnedAuthoritativeClock auth = (OwnedAuthoritativeClock) clock.getAuthority().get(); auth.removeOwner(identifier); // _reality.getClock().removeOwner(identifier); } else if (_clockOwnerCredentials.equals(credentials)) { LOGGER.warn("Clock owner has dropped out of simulation"); IClock clock = _reality.getClock(); OwnedAuthoritativeClock auth = (OwnedAuthoritativeClock) clock.getAuthority().get(); auth.removeOwner(identifier); // MasterClock clock = _reality.getClock(); // clock.removeOwner(identifier); _clockOwnerCredentials = null; /* * here's a sticky situation, if there are still participants, they are * now without a clock owner.. so, we add everyone and then force the * clock. */ if (_sessionMap.isEmpty()) auth.requestAndWaitForTime(clock.getTime(), null); else { for (IIdentifier id : _sessionMap.keySet()) // clock.addOwner(id); auth.addOwner(id); // clock.setTime(clock.getTime()); for (IIdentifier id : _sessionMap.keySet()) auth.requestAndWaitForTime(clock.getTime(), auth); } } return identifier; } synchronized public void validateAddressing(IoSession session, IAddressingInformation address) { } synchronized public void rejectConnection(IIdentifier identifier, ICredentials credentials) { _pendingAddressInfo.remove(identifier); _pendingConnections.remove(credentials); _pendingSessionMap.remove(identifier); } synchronized public void authorizeConnection(IIdentifier identifier, ICredentials credentials) { _addressInfo.put(identifier, _pendingAddressInfo.remove(identifier)); _acceptedConnections.put(credentials, _pendingConnections.remove(identifier)); _sessionMap.put(identifier, _pendingSessionMap.remove(identifier)); /** * if there is no clock owner specified, everyone shares in the ownership. * if there is a clock owner, it is set. */ if (_clockOwnerCredentials == null || _clockOwnerCredentials.equals(credentials)) { IClock clock = _reality.getClock(); OwnedAuthoritativeClock auth = (OwnedAuthoritativeClock) clock.getAuthority().get(); auth.addOwner(identifier); } } /** * check to see if the connection should be accepted based on the credentials. * If it is to be accepted, the connection will be accepted provisionally and * an {@link IIdentifier} will be assigned to the participant. The connection * is not officially connected, however, until * {@link #authorizeConnection(IIdentifier, ICredentials)} is called. * * @param credentials * @param session * @param addressInfo * @param template * @return */ synchronized public IIdentifier acceptConnection(ICredentials credentials, IoSession session, IAddressingInformation addressInfo, IIdentifier template) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Connection request from " + session); if (_validCredentials.contains(credentials) || _promiscuous) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Credentials passed"); if (_acceptedConnections.get(credentials) == null) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Not already connected"); validateAddressing(session, addressInfo); IIdentifier identifier = _reality.newIdentifier(_reality.getIdentifier(), template); session.setAttribute(CREDENTIALS, credentials); session.setAttribute(IDENTIFIER, identifier); _pendingAddressInfo.put(identifier, addressInfo); _pendingConnections.put(credentials, session); _pendingSessionMap.put(identifier, session); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("We can accept the connection from " + session + " with " + credentials); LOGGER.debug("Granting " + identifier); } return identifier; } throw new SecurityException("Cannot accept connection because credentials are already in use"); } throw new SecurityException("Cannot accept connection because credentials are invalid"); } synchronized public IAddressingInformation getAddressingInformation(IIdentifier identifier) { return _addressInfo.get(identifier); } synchronized public Collection<IoSession> getActiveConnections() { return new ArrayList<IoSession>(_sessionMap.values()); } synchronized public IoSession getSession(IIdentifier identifier) { return _sessionMap.get(identifier); } static public IIdentifier getIdentifier(IoSession session) { return (IIdentifier) session.getAttribute(IDENTIFIER); } }