Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.commonjava.rwx.binding.internal.reflect; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.ArrayPart; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.Contains; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.Converter; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.SkipContainedNull; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.SkipNull; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.StructPart; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.conf.BindingConfiguration; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.error.BindException; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.internal.xbr.XBRBinderInstantiator; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.mapping.ArrayMapping; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.mapping.FieldBinding; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.mapping.Mapping; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.mapping.StructMapping; import org.commonjava.rwx.binding.spi.value.ValueBinder; import org.commonjava.rwx.error.CoercionException; import org.commonjava.rwx.error.XmlRpcException; import org.commonjava.rwx.error.XmlRpcFaultException; import org.commonjava.rwx.spi.XmlRpcGenerator; import org.commonjava.rwx.spi.XmlRpcListener; import org.commonjava.rwx.vocab.ValueType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import static org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.AnnotationUtils.getRequestMethod; import static org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.AnnotationUtils.hasAnnotation; import static org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.AnnotationUtils.isMessage; import static org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.AnnotationUtils.isRequest; import static org.commonjava.rwx.binding.anno.AnnotationUtils.isResponse; import static org.commonjava.rwx.vocab.ValueType.NIL; public class ReflectionUnbinder implements XmlRpcGenerator { private final Map<Class<?>, ValueType> typeCache = new HashMap<Class<?>, ValueType>(); private final Map<Class<?>, Mapping<?>> recipesByClass; private BindingConfiguration configuration; private final Object message; public ReflectionUnbinder(final Object message, final Map<Class<?>, Mapping<?>> recipes, BindingConfiguration configuration) throws BindException { this.message = message; recipesByClass = recipes; this.configuration = configuration; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ReflectionUnbinder generate(final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { if (message instanceof XmlRpcFaultException) { final XmlRpcFaultException error = (XmlRpcFaultException) message; listener.startResponse(); listener.fault(error.getCode(), error.getReason()); listener.endResponse(); return this; } final String method = getRequestMethod(message); if (method != null) { listener.startRequest(); listener.requestMethod(method); } else if (isResponse(message)) { listener.startResponse(); } if (isMessage(message)) { fireMessageEvents(listener); } else if (hasAnnotation(message, StructPart.class)) { FieldBinding binding = new FieldBinding("NONE; TOP-LEVEL RENDER", message.getClass(), Void.class); fireStructEvents(binding, message, listener); } else if (hasAnnotation(message, ArrayPart.class)) { FieldBinding binding = new FieldBinding("NONE; TOP-LEVEL RENDER", message.getClass(), Void.class); fireArrayEvents(binding, message, listener); } if (isRequest(message)) { listener.endRequest(); } else if (isResponse(message)) { listener.endResponse(); } return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void fireMessageEvents(final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { final Class<?> messageCls = message.getClass(); final Mapping<Integer> recipe = (Mapping<Integer>) recipesByClass.get(messageCls); if (recipe == null) { throw new BindException("Cannot find recipe for message: " + messageCls.getName()); } final Map<Integer, FieldBinding> bindings = new TreeMap<Integer, FieldBinding>(recipe.getFieldBindings()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, FieldBinding> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { int index = entry.getKey(); FieldBinding fieldBinding = entry.getValue(); fireValueEvents(fieldBinding, message, listener, true, (val, t) -> { listener.startParameter(index); return true; }, (val, t) -> { listener.parameter(index, val, t); listener.endParameter(); return true; }); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Object> fireArrayEvents(final FieldBinding binding, final Object part, final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { Class<?> fieldType = binding.getFieldType(); Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); logger.trace("Getting mapping recipe for: {}", fieldType.getSimpleName()); final Mapping<Integer> recipe = (Mapping<Integer>) recipesByClass.get(binding.getFieldType()); if (recipe == null) { throw new BindException("Cannot find recipe for array field: " + binding.getFieldName() + " in: " + binding.getOwningType().getName() + " with field type: " + fieldType.getName()); } final Map<Integer, FieldBinding> bindings = new TreeMap<Integer, FieldBinding>(recipe.getFieldBindings()); listener.startArray(); final List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, FieldBinding> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { int index = entry.getKey(); FieldBinding fieldBinding = entry.getValue(); Object arrayEntry = fireValueEvents(fieldBinding, part, listener, false, (val, t) -> { listener.startArrayElement(index); return true; }, (val, t) -> { while (result.size() < index) { result.add(null); } result.add(val); listener.arrayElement(index, val, t); listener.endArrayElement(); return true; }); } listener.endArray(); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, Object> fireStructEvents(final FieldBinding binding, final Object part, final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { Class<?> fieldType = binding.getFieldType(); final Mapping<String> recipe = (Mapping<String>) recipesByClass.get(binding.getFieldType()); if (recipe == null) { throw new BindException("Cannot find recipe for struct field: " + binding.getFieldName() + " in: " + binding.getOwningType().getName() + " with field type: " + fieldType.getName()); } listener.startStruct(); Map<String, FieldBinding> bindings = recipe.getFieldBindings(); final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<String, FieldBinding> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { String memberName = entry.getKey(); FieldBinding fieldBinding = entry.getValue(); Object arrayEntry = fireValueEvents(fieldBinding, part, listener, false, (val, t) -> { listener.startStructMember(memberName); return true; }, (val, t) -> { result.put(memberName, val); listener.structMember(memberName, val, t); listener.endStructMember(); return true; }); } listener.endStruct(); return result; } private ValueType typeOf(final Contains contains) { ValueType vt = null; if (contains != null) { final Mapping<?> recipe = recipesByClass.get(contains.value()); if (recipe != null) { if (recipe instanceof ArrayMapping) { vt = ValueType.ARRAY; } else if (recipe instanceof StructMapping) { vt = ValueType.STRUCT; } else { vt = ValueType.typeFor(contains.value()); } } } return vt; } private ValueType typeOf(final Object value, final FieldBinding binding) throws BindException { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); logger.debug("Looking for ValueType of: {} (of class: {}) for field binding: {}", value, (value == null ? "NONE" : value.getClass().getName()), binding); if (value == null) { logger.debug("Value is null, returning NIL"); return NIL; } if (value == null && binding == null) { throw new BindException("Cannot find ValueType. Both value and FieldBinding are null!"); } final Class<?> cls = value.getClass(); logger.debug("Looking for ValueType of: {}", cls); ValueType type = typeCache.get(cls); if (type == null) { logger.debug("Lookup recipe for: {}", cls); if (binding != null && recipesByClass.containsKey(cls)) { final Mapping<?> recipe = recipesByClass.get(cls); if (recipe instanceof ArrayMapping) { type = ValueType.ARRAY; } else if (recipe instanceof StructMapping) { type = ValueType.STRUCT; } else { throw new BindException("Unknown recipe reference type: " + binding.getFieldType() + "\nField: " + binding.getFieldName() + "\nClass: " + cls.getName()); } } else { logger.debug("Falling back to ValueType.typeFor({})", value); type = ValueType.typeFor(value); } if (type != null) { typeCache.put(cls, type); } } return type == null ? NIL : type; } public interface EventCallback { boolean call(Object val, ValueType type) throws XmlRpcException; } private Object fireValueEvents(final FieldBinding binding, final Object parent, final XmlRpcListener listener, boolean ignoreSkipNulls, EventCallback before, EventCallback after) throws XmlRpcException { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); final Class<?> parentCls = parent.getClass(); try { final Field field = findField(binding, parentCls); field.setAccessible(true); Object value = field.get(parent); if (!ignoreSkipNulls && isNullSuppressed(field, parentCls, value)) { logger.debug("Skipping null value for: {}", field); return null; } // else if ( value == null ) // { // listener.value( null, ValueType.NIL ); // return null; // } ValueType type = typeOf(value, binding); logger.debug("ValueType for {} in binding: {} is: {}.", value, binding, type); if (before != null) { if (!, type)) { return null; } } Converter converter = field.getAnnotation(Converter.class); if (converter == null) { Class<?> fieldType = field.getType(); converter = fieldType.getAnnotation(Converter.class); } if (converter != null) { final ValueBinder vc = XBRBinderInstantiator.newValueUnbinder(converter); logger.debug("Calling: {}.generate(..)", vc.getClass().getName()); vc.generate(listener, value, recipesByClass); } else if (recipesByClass.containsKey(binding.getFieldType())) { logger.debug( "Finding appropriate event-firing mechanism for field: {} with value-type: {} (value is: {})", binding, type, value); if (type == ValueType.ARRAY) { logger.debug("Firing array events for: {}", binding); value = fireArrayEvents(binding, value, listener); } else if (type == ValueType.STRUCT) { logger.debug("Firing struct events for: {}", binding); value = fireStructEvents(binding, value, listener); } else if (type != NIL) { throw new BindException("Unknown recipe reference type: " + binding.getFieldType() + "\nValue: " + value + "\nField: " + binding.getFieldName() + "\nClass: " + parentCls.getName() + "\nAll recipe classes:\n\n " + StringUtils.join(recipesByClass.keySet(), "\n ")); } logger.debug("Firing value event for: {} on binding: {} with ValueType: {}", value, binding, type); listener.value(value, type); } else { logger.debug( "No recipe found for field: {} with value-type: {} (value is: {}). Trying to fire raw map/collection events...", binding, type, value); final Contains contains = field.getAnnotation(Contains.class); final SkipContainedNull skipContainedNull = field.getAnnotation(SkipContainedNull.class); if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(binding.getFieldType())) { logger.debug("Firing map events for: {}", binding); type = ValueType.STRUCT; fireMapEvents(value, binding, contains, skipContainedNull, listener); } else if (binding.getFieldType().isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(binding.getFieldType())) { logger.debug("Firing collection events for: {}", binding); type = ValueType.ARRAY; fireCollectionEvents(value, binding, contains, skipContainedNull, listener); } logger.debug("Firing value event for: {} on binding: {} with ValueType: {}", value, binding, type); listener.value(value, type); } if (after != null) { if (!, type)) { return null; } } return value; } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new BindException("Cannot retrieve field: " + binding.getFieldName() + " in class: " + parentCls.getName() + "\nError: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private boolean isNullSuppressed(Field field, Class<?> cls, Object value) { if (value == null) { SkipNull fieldSkipNull = field.getAnnotation(SkipNull.class); if (fieldSkipNull != null) { return fieldSkipNull.value(); } SkipNull clsSkipNull = cls.getAnnotation(SkipNull.class); if (clsSkipNull != null) { return clsSkipNull.value(); } return configuration.isSkipNulls(); } return false; } private boolean isNullSuppressed(SkipContainedNull fieldSkipContained, Class<?> cls, Object value) { if (value == null) { if (fieldSkipContained != null) { return fieldSkipContained.value(); } SkipContainedNull clsSkipContained = cls.getAnnotation(SkipContainedNull.class); if (clsSkipContained != null) { return clsSkipContained.value(); } return configuration.isSkipNulls(); } return false; } private Field findField(final FieldBinding binding, final Class<?> parentCls) throws BindException { Field field = null; Class<?> fieldOwner = parentCls; while (field == null && fieldOwner != null) { try { field = fieldOwner.getDeclaredField(binding.getFieldName()); } catch (final NoSuchFieldException e) { // TODO: log this to debug log-level. field = null; fieldOwner = fieldOwner.getSuperclass(); } } if (field == null) { throw new BindException("Cannot find field: " + binding.getFieldName() + " in class (or parent classes of): " + parentCls.getName()); } return field; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void fireMapEvents(final Object values, FieldBinding binding, final Contains contains, final SkipContainedNull skipContainedNull, final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { if (values == null) { return; } ValueType vt = typeOf(contains); boolean structStarted = false; Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); logger.debug("Firing events for map entries in: {}", binding); for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : ((Map<Object, Object>) values).entrySet()) { final String key = String.valueOf(entry.getKey()); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (isNullSuppressed(skipContainedNull, binding.getOwningType(), value)) { continue; } final Class<?> type = value.getClass(); binding = new FieldBinding(binding.getFieldName() + "<Map-Value>", type, binding.getOwningType()); if (vt == null) { vt = typeOf(value, binding); } if (!structStarted) { listener.startStruct(); structStarted = true; } listener.startStructMember(key); if (ValueType.ARRAY == vt) { fireArrayEvents(binding, value, listener); } else if (ValueType.STRUCT == vt) { fireStructEvents(binding, value, listener); } else { value = vt.coercion().toString(value); } listener.value(value, vt); listener.structMember(key, entry.getValue(), vt); listener.endStructMember(); } if (structStarted) { listener.endStruct(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void fireCollectionEvents(final Object values, FieldBinding binding, final Contains contains, SkipContainedNull skipContainedNull, final XmlRpcListener listener) throws XmlRpcException { if (values == null) { return; } ValueType vt = typeOf(contains); listener.startArray(); Collection<Object> vals; if (values != null && values.getClass().isArray()) { vals = Arrays.asList((Object[]) values); } else { vals = (Collection<Object>) values; } int i = 0; for (Object entry : vals) { if (isNullSuppressed(skipContainedNull, binding.getOwningType(), entry)) { continue; } final Class<?> type = entry.getClass(); binding = new FieldBinding(binding.getFieldName() + "<Collection-Value>", type, binding.getOwningType()); if (vt == null) { vt = typeOf(entry, binding); } if (vt == null) { throw new CoercionException("Cannot find suitable coercion for field: " + binding.getFieldName() + " in: " + type.getName() + ", with collection type: " + (contains == null ? "Un-annotated collection" : contains.value())); } listener.startArrayElement(i); if (ValueType.ARRAY == vt) { fireArrayEvents(binding, entry, listener); } else if (ValueType.STRUCT == vt) { fireStructEvents(binding, entry, listener); } else { entry = vt.coercion().toString(entry); } listener.value(entry, vt); listener.arrayElement(i, entry, vt); listener.endArrayElement(); i++; } listener.endArray(); } }