Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2013 John Casey. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join; import static org.apache.maven.graph.effective.util.RelationshipUtils.POM_ROOT_URI; import static org.apache.maven.graph.effective.util.RelationshipUtils.UNKNOWN_SOURCE_URI; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.maven.graph.common.DependencyScope; import org.apache.maven.graph.common.ref.ArtifactRef; import org.apache.maven.graph.common.ref.ProjectRef; import org.apache.maven.graph.common.ref.ProjectVersionRef; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.DependencyRelationship; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.ExtensionRelationship; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.ParentRelationship; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.PluginDependencyRelationship; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.PluginRelationship; import org.apache.maven.graph.effective.rel.ProjectRelationship; import org.commonjava.maven.atlas.spi.neo4j.effective.GraphRelType; import org.commonjava.maven.atlas.spi.neo4j.effective.NodeType; import org.commonjava.util.logging.Logger; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Path; import org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; public final class Conversions { private static final Logger LOGGER = new Logger(Conversions.class); public static final String RELATIONSHIP_ID = "relationship_id"; public static final String GROUP_ID = "groupId"; public static final String ARTIFACT_ID = "artifactId"; public static final String VERSION = "version"; public static final String GAV = "gav"; public static final String INDEX = "index"; public static final String IS_REPORTING_PLUGIN = "reporting"; public static final String IS_MANAGED = "managed"; public static final String PLUGIN_GROUP_ID = "plugin_groupId"; public static final String PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID = "plugin_artifactId"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String CLASSIFIER = "classifier"; public static final String SCOPE = "scope"; public static final String OPTIONAL = "optional"; public static final String EXCLUDES = "excludes"; public static final String CYCLE_ID = "cycle_id"; public static final String CYCLE_RELATIONSHIPS = "relationship_participants"; public static final String CYCLE_PROJECTS = "project_participants"; private static final String METADATA_PREFIX = "_metadata_"; public static final String NODE_TYPE = "_node_type"; public static final String CYCLE_MEMBERSHIP = "cycle_membership"; public static final String VARIABLE = "_variable"; public static final String CONNECTED = "_connected"; public static final String SELECTED_FOR = "_selected_for"; public static final String DESELECTED_FOR = "_deselected_for"; public static final String CLONE_OF = "_clone_of"; public static final String CYCLE_INJECTION = "_cycle_injection"; public static final String CYCLES_INJECTED = "_cycles"; public static final String SOURCE_URI = "source_uri"; public static final String POM_LOCATION_URI = "pom_location_uri"; private Conversions() { } public static List<ProjectVersionRef> convertToProjects(final Iterable<Node> nodes) { final List<ProjectVersionRef> refs = new ArrayList<ProjectVersionRef>(); for (final Node node : nodes) { if (node.getId() == 0) { continue; } if (!Conversions.isType(node, NodeType.PROJECT)) { continue; } refs.add(Conversions.toProjectVersionRef(node)); } return refs; } public static List<ProjectRelationship<?>> convertToRelationships(final Iterable<Relationship> relationships) { final List<ProjectRelationship<?>> rels = new ArrayList<ProjectRelationship<?>>(); for (final Relationship relationship : relationships) { final ProjectRelationship<?> rel = Conversions.toProjectRelationship(relationship); if (rel != null) { rels.add(rel); } } return rels; } public static void toNodeProperties(final ProjectVersionRef ref, final Node node, final boolean connected) { final String g = ref.getGroupId(); final String a = ref.getArtifactId(); final String v = ref.getVersionString(); if (empty(g) || empty(a) || empty(v)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("GAV cannot contain nulls: %s:%s:%s", g, a, v)); } node.setProperty(NODE_TYPE,; node.setProperty(ARTIFACT_ID, a); node.setProperty(GROUP_ID, g); node.setProperty(VERSION, v); node.setProperty(GAV, ref.toString()); if (ref.isVariableVersion()) { LOGGER.debug("Marking: %s as variable.", ref); node.setProperty(VARIABLE, true); } markConnected(node, connected); } public static boolean isAtlasType(final Relationship rel) { return GraphRelType.valueOf(rel.getType().name()).isAtlasRelationship(); } public static boolean isType(final Node node, final NodeType type) { final String nt = getStringProperty(NODE_TYPE, node); return nt != null && type == NodeType.valueOf(nt); } public static ProjectVersionRef toProjectVersionRef(final Node node) { if (node == null) { return null; } if (!isType(node, NodeType.PROJECT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node " + node.getId() + " is not a project reference."); } final String g = getStringProperty(GROUP_ID, node); final String a = getStringProperty(ARTIFACT_ID, node); final String v = getStringProperty(VERSION, node); if (empty(g) || empty(a) || empty(v)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("GAV cannot contain nulls: %s:%s:%s", g, a, v)); } return new ProjectVersionRef(g, a, v); } private static boolean empty(final String val) { return val == null || val.trim().length() < 1; } @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public static void toRelationshipProperties(final ProjectRelationship<?> rel, final Relationship relationship) { relationship.setProperty(INDEX, rel.getIndex()); relationship.setProperty(SOURCE_URI, rel.getSource().toString()); relationship.setProperty(POM_LOCATION_URI, rel.getPomLocation().toString()); switch (rel.getType()) { case DEPENDENCY: { final DependencyRelationship specificRel = (DependencyRelationship) rel; toRelationshipProperties((ArtifactRef) rel.getTarget(), relationship); relationship.setProperty(IS_MANAGED, specificRel.isManaged()); relationship.setProperty(SCOPE, specificRel.getScope().realName()); final Set<ProjectRef> excludes = specificRel.getExcludes(); if (excludes != null && !excludes.isEmpty()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final ProjectRef exclude : excludes) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(exclude.getGroupId()).append(":").append(exclude.getArtifactId()); } relationship.setProperty(EXCLUDES, sb.toString()); } break; } case PLUGIN_DEP: { toRelationshipProperties((ArtifactRef) rel.getTarget(), relationship); final PluginDependencyRelationship specificRel = (PluginDependencyRelationship) rel; final ProjectRef plugin = specificRel.getPlugin(); relationship.setProperty(PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID, plugin.getArtifactId()); relationship.setProperty(PLUGIN_GROUP_ID, plugin.getGroupId()); relationship.setProperty(IS_MANAGED, specificRel.isManaged()); break; } case PLUGIN: { final PluginRelationship specificRel = (PluginRelationship) rel; relationship.setProperty(IS_MANAGED, specificRel.isManaged()); relationship.setProperty(IS_REPORTING_PLUGIN, specificRel.isReporting()); break; } } } public static ProjectRelationship<?> toProjectRelationship(final Relationship rel) { if (rel == null) { return null; } final GraphRelType mapper = GraphRelType.valueOf(rel.getType().name()); // LOGGER.debug( "Converting relationship of type: %s (atlas type: %s)", mapper, // mapper.atlasType() ); if (!mapper.isAtlasRelationship()) { return null; } if (rel.getStartNode() == null || rel.getEndNode() == null || !isType(rel.getStartNode(), NodeType.PROJECT) || !isType(rel.getEndNode(), NodeType.PROJECT)) { return null; } final ProjectVersionRef from = toProjectVersionRef(rel.getStartNode()); final ProjectVersionRef to = toProjectVersionRef(rel.getEndNode()); final int index = getIntegerProperty(INDEX, rel); String uri = getStringProperty(SOURCE_URI, rel); URI source; try { source = new URI(uri); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { source = UNKNOWN_SOURCE_URI; } uri = getStringProperty(POM_LOCATION_URI, rel); URI pomLocation; try { pomLocation = new URI(uri); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { pomLocation = POM_ROOT_URI; } ProjectRelationship<?> result = null; switch (mapper.atlasType()) { case DEPENDENCY: { final ArtifactRef artifact = toArtifactRef(to, rel); final boolean managed = getBooleanProperty(IS_MANAGED, rel); final String scopeStr = getStringProperty(SCOPE, rel); final DependencyScope scope = DependencyScope.getScope(scopeStr); final String excludeStr = getStringProperty(EXCLUDES, rel); final Set<ProjectRef> excludes = new HashSet<ProjectRef>(); if (excludeStr != null) { final String[] e = excludeStr.split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (final String ex : e) { final String[] parts = ex.split(":"); if (parts.length != 2) { LOGGER.error("In: %s -> %s skipping invalid exclude specification: '%s'", from, artifact, ex); } else { excludes.add(new ProjectRef(parts[0], parts[1])); } } } result = new DependencyRelationship(source, pomLocation, from, artifact, scope, index, managed, excludes.toArray(new ProjectRef[] {})); break; } case PLUGIN_DEP: { final ArtifactRef artifact = toArtifactRef(to, rel); final String pa = getStringProperty(PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID, rel); final String pg = getStringProperty(PLUGIN_GROUP_ID, rel); final boolean managed = getBooleanProperty(IS_MANAGED, rel); result = new PluginDependencyRelationship(source, pomLocation, from, new ProjectRef(pg, pa), artifact, index, managed); break; } case PLUGIN: { final boolean managed = getBooleanProperty(IS_MANAGED, rel); final boolean reporting = getBooleanProperty(IS_REPORTING_PLUGIN, rel); result = new PluginRelationship(source, pomLocation, from, to, index, managed, reporting); break; } case EXTENSION: { result = new ExtensionRelationship(source, from, to, index); break; } case PARENT: { result = new ParentRelationship(source, from, to); break; } default: { } } // LOGGER.debug( "Returning project relationship: %s", result ); return result; } public static String id(final ProjectRelationship<?> rel) { return DigestUtils.shaHex(rel.toString()); } private static ArtifactRef toArtifactRef(final ProjectVersionRef ref, final Relationship rel) { if (ref == null) { return null; } final String type = getStringProperty(TYPE, rel); final String classifier = getStringProperty(CLASSIFIER, rel); final boolean optional = getBooleanProperty(OPTIONAL, rel); return new ArtifactRef(ref, type, classifier, optional); } private static void toRelationshipProperties(final ArtifactRef target, final Relationship relationship) { relationship.setProperty(OPTIONAL, target.isOptional()); relationship.setProperty(TYPE, target.getType()); if (target.getClassifier() != null) { relationship.setProperty(CLASSIFIER, target.getClassifier()); } } public static String getStringProperty(final String prop, final PropertyContainer container) { if (container.hasProperty(prop)) { return (String) container.getProperty(prop); } return null; } public static Boolean getBooleanProperty(final String prop, final PropertyContainer container) { if (container.hasProperty(prop)) { return (Boolean) container.getProperty(prop); } return null; } public static Boolean getBooleanProperty(final String prop, final PropertyContainer container, final Boolean defaultValue) { if (container.hasProperty(prop)) { return (Boolean) container.getProperty(prop); } return defaultValue; } public static Integer getIntegerProperty(final String prop, final PropertyContainer container) { if (container.hasProperty(prop)) { return (Integer) container.getProperty(prop); } return null; } public static void setMetadata(final String key, final String value, final PropertyContainer container) { container.setProperty(METADATA_PREFIX + key, value); } public static void setMetadata(final Map<String, String> metadata, final PropertyContainer container) { for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : metadata.entrySet()) { container.setProperty(METADATA_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } public static Map<String, String> getMetadataMap(final PropertyContainer container) { final Iterable<String> keys = container.getPropertyKeys(); final Map<String, String> md = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final String key : keys) { if (!key.startsWith(METADATA_PREFIX)) { continue; } final String k = key.substring(METADATA_PREFIX.length()); final String value = getStringProperty(key, container); md.put(k, value); } return md.isEmpty() ? null : md; } public static String getMetadata(final String key, final PropertyContainer container) { return getStringProperty(METADATA_PREFIX + key, container); } public static void toNodeProperties(final String cycleId, final String rawCycleId, final Set<ProjectVersionRef> refs, final Node node) { node.setProperty(NODE_TYPE,; node.setProperty(CYCLE_ID, cycleId); node.setProperty(CYCLE_RELATIONSHIPS, rawCycleId); node.setProperty(CYCLE_PROJECTS, join(refs, ",")); } public static boolean isConnected(final Node node) { return getBooleanProperty(CONNECTED, node); } public static void markConnected(final Node node, final boolean connected) { node.setProperty(CONNECTED, connected); } public static void markCycleInjection(final Relationship relationship, final Set<Path> cycles) { relationship.setProperty(CYCLE_INJECTION, true); final List<Long> collapsed = new ArrayList<Long>(); final Set<Set<Long>> existing = getInjectedCycles(relationship); if (existing != null && !existing.isEmpty()) { for (final Set<Long> cycle : existing) { if (!collapsed.isEmpty()) { collapsed.add(-1L); } collapsed.addAll(cycle); } } for (final Path cycle : cycles) { if (existing.contains(cycle)) { continue; } if (!collapsed.isEmpty()) { collapsed.add(-1L); } boolean containsGivenRelationship = false; for (final Relationship r : cycle.relationships()) { collapsed.add(r.getId()); if (r.getId() == relationship.getId()) { containsGivenRelationship = true; } } if (!containsGivenRelationship) { collapsed.add(relationship.getId()); } } final long[] arry = new long[collapsed.size()]; int i = 0; for (final Long l : collapsed) { arry[i] = l; i++; } relationship.setProperty(CYCLES_INJECTED, arry); } public static Set<Set<Long>> getInjectedCycles(final Relationship relationship) { final Set<Set<Long>> cycles = new HashSet<Set<Long>>(); if (relationship.hasProperty(CYCLES_INJECTED)) { final long[] collapsed = (long[]) relationship.getProperty(CYCLES_INJECTED); Set<Long> currentCycle = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); for (final long id : collapsed) { if (id == -1) { if (!currentCycle.isEmpty()) { cycles.add(currentCycle); currentCycle = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); } } else { currentCycle.add(id); } } if (!currentCycle.isEmpty()) { cycles.add(currentCycle); } } return cycles; } public static void cloneRelationshipProperties(final Relationship from, final Relationship to) { final Iterable<String> keys = from.getPropertyKeys(); for (final String key : keys) { to.setProperty(key, from.getProperty(key)); } to.setProperty(CLONE_OF, from.getId()); } public static boolean isCloneFor(final Relationship relationship, final Relationship original) { if (relationship.hasProperty(CLONE_OF)) { final long id = (Long) relationship.getProperty(CLONE_OF); return original.getId() == id; } return false; } public static void markSelectedFor(final Relationship relationship, final Node root) { LOGGER.debug("Marking selected: %s for root: %s", getStringProperty(GAV, relationship.getEndNode()), getStringProperty(GAV, root)); addToIdListing(root.getId(), SELECTED_FOR, relationship); removeFromIdListing(root.getId(), DESELECTED_FOR, relationship); } public static void markDeselectedFor(final Relationship relationship, final Node root) { LOGGER.debug("Marking de-selected: %s for root: %s", getStringProperty(GAV, relationship.getEndNode()), getStringProperty(GAV, root)); removeFromIdListing(root.getId(), SELECTED_FOR, relationship); addToIdListing(root.getId(), DESELECTED_FOR, relationship); } public static void removeSelectionAnnotationsFor(final Relationship relationship, final Node root) { LOGGER.debug("%s: removing ALL selection annotations for: %s", getStringProperty(GAV, relationship.getEndNode()), getStringProperty(GAV, root)); removeFromIdListing(root.getId(), SELECTED_FOR, relationship); removeFromIdListing(root.getId(), DESELECTED_FOR, relationship); } public static boolean idListingContains(final String property, final Relationship relationship, final long... targets) { if (!relationship.hasProperty(property)) { return false; } final long[] ids = (long[]) relationship.getProperty(property, new long[] {}); // "Relationship: %s\nValue of property: %s is: %s", relationship, property, // relationship.getProperty( property ) ); Arrays.sort(ids); for (final long target : targets) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(ids, target) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean idListingContains(final String property, final Relationship relationship, final Collection<Node> targets) { if (!relationship.hasProperty(property)) { return false; } final long[] ids = (long[]) relationship.getProperty(property, new long[] {}); // "Relationship: %s\nValue of property: %s is: %s", relationship, property, // relationship.getProperty( property ) ); Arrays.sort(ids); for (final Node target : targets) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(ids, target.getId()) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } private static void addToIdListing(final long target, final String property, final Relationship relationship) { final Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<Long>(); boolean contains = false; for (final long id : (long[]) relationship.getProperty(property, new long[] {})) { if (id == target) { contains = true; } ids.add(id); } if (!contains) { ids.add(target); relationship.setProperty(property, ids.toArray(new Long[] {})); } } private static void removeFromIdListing(final long target, final String property, final Relationship relationship) { final Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<Long>(); boolean changed = false; for (final long id : (long[]) relationship.getProperty(property, new long[] {})) { if (id == target) { LOGGER.debug("Found id: %d in property: %s.", target, property); changed = true; } else { ids.add(id); } } if (changed) { if (ids.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.debug("Removing empty property: %s from: %s", property, relationship); relationship.removeProperty(property); } else { LOGGER.debug("Modifying property: %s from: %s", property, relationship); relationship.setProperty(property, ids.toArray(new Long[] {})); } } } public static boolean isDeselectedFor(final Relationship relationship, final Node... roots) { final long[] ids = new long[roots.length]; for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { final Node n = roots[i]; ids[i] = n.getId(); } return idListingContains(DESELECTED_FOR, relationship, ids); } public static <T, P> Set<P> toProjectedSet(final Iterable<T> src, final Projector<T, P> projector) { final Set<P> set = new HashSet<P>(); for (final T t : src) { set.add(projector.project(t)); } return set; } public static <T> Set<T> toSet(final Iterable<T> src) { final Set<T> set = new HashSet<T>(); for (final T t : src) { set.add(t); } return set; } public static <T> List<T> toList(final Iterable<T> src) { final List<T> set = new ArrayList<T>(); for (final T t : src) { set.add(t); } return set; } }