Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Red Hat, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.commonjava.indy.folo.ctl; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.DrainingExecutorCompletionService; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.ExecutorConfig; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.SingleThreadedExecutorService; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.WeftExecutorService; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.WeftManaged; import org.commonjava.indy.IndyWorkflowException; import org.commonjava.indy.content.ContentDigester; import org.commonjava.indy.content.ContentManager; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.conf.FoloConfig; import; import; import; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.dto.TrackedContentDTO; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.dto.TrackedContentEntryDTO; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.dto.TrackingIdsDTO; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.StoreEffect; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackedContent; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackedContentEntry; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.AccessChannel; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey; import org.commonjava.indy.util.ApplicationStatus; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata; import; import; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.TransferOperation; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.util.UrlUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; import static; import static; import static org.commonjava.indy.core.ctl.PoolUtils.detectOverloadVoid; import static org.commonjava.indy.folo.FoloUtils.backupTrackedContent; import static org.commonjava.indy.folo.FoloUtils.readZipInputStreamAnd; import static org.commonjava.indy.folo.FoloUtils.toInputStream; import static org.commonjava.indy.folo.FoloUtils.zipTrackedContent; import static org.commonjava.indy.folo.ctl.FoloConstants.TRACKING_TYPE.SEALED; @ApplicationScoped public class FoloAdminController { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); @Inject private FoloConfig config; @Inject private FoloRecordCache recordManager; @Inject private FoloFiler filer; @Inject private ContentManager contentManager; @Inject private ContentDigester contentDigester; @Inject @WeftManaged @ExecutorConfig(threads = 50, priority = 4, named = "folo-recalculator", maxLoadFactor = 100, loadSensitive = ExecutorConfig.BooleanLiteral.TRUE) private WeftExecutorService recalculationExecutor; protected FoloAdminController() { } public FoloAdminController(final FoloConfig config, final FoloRecordCache recordManager, final FoloFiler filer, final ContentManager contentManager, final ContentDigester contentDigester) { this.config = config; this.recordManager = recordManager; this.filer = filer; this.contentManager = contentManager; this.contentDigester = contentDigester; this.recalculationExecutor = new SingleThreadedExecutorService("folo-recalculator"); } public TrackedContentDTO seal(final String id, final String baseUrl) { TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id); return constructContentDTO(recordManager.seal(tk), baseUrl); } public void importRecordZip(InputStream stream) throws IndyWorkflowException { try { int count = readZipInputStreamAnd(stream, (record) -> recordManager.addSealedRecord(record)); logger.debug("Import records done, size: {}", count); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndyWorkflowException("Failed to import zip file", e); } } public File renderReportZip() throws IndyWorkflowException { Set<TrackedContent> sealed = recordManager.getSealed(); // only care about sealed records try { File file = filer.getSealedZipFile().getDetachedFile(); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // make dirs if not exist zipTrackedContent(file, sealed); return file; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndyWorkflowException("Failed to create zip file", e); } } public void doInitialBackUpForSealed() throws IndyWorkflowException { Set<TrackedContent> sealed = recordManager.getSealed(); File dir = filer.getBackupDir(SEALED.getValue()).getDetachedFile(); // data/folo/bak/sealed try { backupTrackedContent(dir, sealed); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndyWorkflowException("Failed to backup sealed", e); } } public File renderRepositoryZip(final String id) throws IndyWorkflowException { final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id); File file = filer.getRepositoryZipFile(tk).getDetachedFile(); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); logger.debug("Retrieving tracking record for: {}", tk); final TrackedContent record = recordManager.get(tk); logger.debug("Got: {}", record); if (record == null) { throw new IndyWorkflowException(ApplicationStatus.NOT_FOUND.code(), "No tracking record available for: %s. Maybe you forgot to seal it?", tk); } final Set<String> seenPaths = new HashSet<>(); final List<Transfer> items = new ArrayList<>(); addTransfers(record.getUploads(), items, id, seenPaths); addTransfers(record.getDownloads(), items, id, seenPaths); logger.debug("Retrieved {} files. Creating zip.", items.size()); Collections.sort(items, (f, s) -> f.getPath().compareTo(s.getPath())); try (ZipOutputStream stream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) { for (final Transfer item : items) { // "Adding: {}", item ); if (item != null) { final String path = item.getPath(); final ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(path); stream.putNextEntry(ze); InputStream itemStream = null; try { itemStream = item.openInputStream(); copy(itemStream, stream); } finally { closeQuietly(itemStream); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyWorkflowException( "Failed to generate repository zip from tracking record: {}. Reason: {}", e, id, e.getMessage()); } return file; } private void addTransfers(final Set<TrackedContentEntry> entries, final List<Transfer> items, final String trackingId, final Set<String> seenPaths) throws IndyWorkflowException { if (entries != null && !entries.isEmpty()) { for (final TrackedContentEntry entry : entries) { final String path = entry.getPath(); if (path == null || seenPaths.contains(path)) { continue; } final StoreKey sk = entry.getStoreKey(); Transfer transfer = contentManager.getTransfer(sk, path, TransferOperation.DOWNLOAD); if (transfer == null) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); logger.warn("While creating Folo repo zip for: {}, cannot find: {} in: {}", trackingId, path, sk); } else { seenPaths.add(path); items.add(transfer); } } } } public TrackedContentDTO renderReport(final String id, final String apiBaseUrl) throws IndyWorkflowException { final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id); logger.debug("Retrieving tracking record for: {}", tk); final TrackedContentDTO record = constructContentDTO(recordManager.get(tk), apiBaseUrl); logger.debug("Got: {}", record); return record; } public TrackedContentDTO getRecord(final String id, String baseUrl) throws IndyWorkflowException { final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id); return constructContentDTO(recordManager.get(tk), baseUrl); } public void clearRecord(final String id) throws FoloContentException { final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id); recordManager.delete(tk); } private TrackedContentDTO constructContentDTO(final TrackedContent content, final String baseUrl) { if (content == null) { return null; } final Set<TrackedContentEntryDTO> uploads = new TreeSet<>(); for (TrackedContentEntry entry : content.getUploads()) { uploads.add(constructContentEntryDTO(entry, baseUrl)); } final Set<TrackedContentEntryDTO> downloads = new TreeSet<>(); for (TrackedContentEntry entry : content.getDownloads()) { downloads.add(constructContentEntryDTO(entry, baseUrl)); } return new TrackedContentDTO(content.getKey(), uploads, downloads); } private TrackedContentEntryDTO constructContentEntryDTO(final TrackedContentEntry entry, String apiBaseUrl) { if (entry == null) { return null; } TrackedContentEntryDTO entryDTO = new TrackedContentEntryDTO(entry.getStoreKey(), entry.getAccessChannel(), entry.getPath()); try { entryDTO.setLocalUrl(UrlUtils.buildUrl(apiBaseUrl, "content", entryDTO.getStoreKey().getPackageType(), entryDTO.getStoreKey().getType().singularEndpointName(), entryDTO.getStoreKey().getName(), entryDTO.getPath())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.warn(String.format( "Cannot formulate local URL!\n Base URL: %s" + "\n Store: %s\n Path: %s\n Record: %s\n Reason: %s", apiBaseUrl, entry.getStoreKey(), entry.getPath(), entry.getTrackingKey(), e.getMessage()), e); } entryDTO.setOriginUrl(entry.getOriginUrl()); entryDTO.setMd5(entry.getMd5()); entryDTO.setSha1(entry.getSha1()); entryDTO.setSha256(entry.getSha256()); entryDTO.setSize(entry.getSize()); return entryDTO; } public boolean hasRecord(final String id) { return recordManager.hasRecord(new TrackingKey(id)); } public TrackingIdsDTO getTrackingIds(final Set<FoloConstants.TRACKING_TYPE> types) { Set<String> inProgress = null; if (types.contains(FoloConstants.TRACKING_TYPE.IN_PROGRESS)) { inProgress = recordManager.getInProgressTrackingKey().stream().map(TrackingKey::getId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } Set<String> sealed = null; if (types.contains(FoloConstants.TRACKING_TYPE.SEALED)) { sealed = recordManager.getSealedTrackingKey().stream().map(TrackingKey::getId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } if ((inProgress != null && !inProgress.isEmpty()) || (sealed != null && !sealed.isEmpty())) { return new TrackingIdsDTO(inProgress, sealed); } return null; } public TrackedContentDTO recalculateRecord(final String id, final String baseUrl) throws IndyWorkflowException { TrackingKey trackingKey = new TrackingKey(id); TrackedContent record = recordManager.get(trackingKey); AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean(false); Set<TrackedContentEntry> recalculatedUploads = recalculateEntrySet(record.getUploads(), id, failed); Set<TrackedContentEntry> recalculatedDownloads = null; if (!failed.get()) { recalculatedDownloads = recalculateEntrySet(record.getDownloads(), id, failed); } if (failed.get()) { throw new IndyWorkflowException( "Failed to recalculate tracking record: %s. See Indy logs for more information", id); } TrackedContent recalculated = new TrackedContent(record.getKey(), recalculatedUploads, recalculatedDownloads); recordManager.replaceTrackingRecord(recalculated); return constructContentDTO(recalculated, baseUrl); } private Set<TrackedContentEntry> recalculateEntrySet(final Set<TrackedContentEntry> entries, final String id, final AtomicBoolean failed) throws IndyWorkflowException { if (entries == null) { return null; } DrainingExecutorCompletionService<TrackedContentEntry> recalculateService = new DrainingExecutorCompletionService<>( recalculationExecutor); detectOverloadVoid(() -> entries.forEach(entry -> recalculateService.submit(() -> { try { return recalculate(entry); } catch (IndyWorkflowException e) { logger.error(String.format("Tracking record: %s : Failed to recalculate: %s/%s (%s). Reason: %s", id, entry.getStoreKey(), entry.getPath(), entry.getEffect(), e.getMessage()), e); failed.set(true); } return null; }))); Set<TrackedContentEntry> result = new HashSet<>(); try { recalculateService.drain(entry -> { if (entry != null) { result.add(entry); } }); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { logger.error("Failed to recalculate metadata for Folo tracked content entries in: " + id, e); failed.set(true); } return result; } private TrackedContentEntry recalculate(final TrackedContentEntry entry) throws IndyWorkflowException { StoreKey affectedStore = entry.getStoreKey(); String path = entry.getPath(); AccessChannel channel = entry.getAccessChannel(); Transfer transfer = contentManager.getTransfer(affectedStore, path, entry.getEffect() == StoreEffect.UPLOAD ? TransferOperation.UPLOAD : TransferOperation.DOWNLOAD); contentDigester.removeMetadata(transfer); TransferMetadata artifactData = contentDigester.digest(affectedStore, path, new EventMetadata(channel.packageType())); Map<ContentDigest, String> digests = artifactData.getDigests(); return new TrackedContentEntry(entry.getTrackingKey(), affectedStore, channel, entry.getOriginUrl(), path, entry.getEffect(), artifactData.getSize(), digests.get(ContentDigest.MD5), digests.get(ContentDigest.SHA_1), digests.get(ContentDigest.SHA_256)); } public void saveToSerialized(TrackingKey key, TrackedContent value) throws IOException { File dir = filer.getBackupDir(SEALED.getValue()).getDetachedFile(); File file = new File(dir, key.getId()); try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) { copy(toInputStream(value), fos); } } public void removeFromSerialized(TrackingKey key) { File dir = filer.getBackupDir(SEALED.getValue()).getDetachedFile(); File file = new File(dir, key.getId()); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } }