Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Red Hat, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.commonjava.indy.client.core; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpRequest; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.client.protocol.HttpClientContext; import org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.auth.IndyClientAuthenticator; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.helper.HttpResources; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.ArtifactStore; import; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.HttpFactory; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.JHttpCException; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.auth.PasswordManager; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.model.SiteConfig; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.model.SiteConfigBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Supplier; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.commonjava.indy.IndyContentConstants.CHECK_CACHE_ONLY; import static org.commonjava.indy.client.core.helper.HttpResources.cleanupResources; import static org.commonjava.indy.client.core.helper.HttpResources.entityToString; import static org.commonjava.indy.client.core.util.UrlUtils.buildUrl; import static org.commonjava.indy.stats.IndyVersioning.HEADER_INDY_API_VERSION; public class IndyClientHttp implements Closeable { public static final int GLOBAL_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 20; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final IndyObjectMapper objectMapper; private final SiteConfig location; private final HttpFactory factory; private final String baseUrl; private List<Header> defaultHeaders; public IndyClientHttp(final IndyClientAuthenticator authenticator, final IndyObjectMapper mapper, SiteConfig location, String apiVersion) throws IndyClientException { this.objectMapper = mapper; this.location = location; baseUrl = location.getUri(); checkBaseUrl(baseUrl); addApiVersionHeader(apiVersion); factory = new HttpFactory(authenticator); } public IndyClientHttp(final PasswordManager passwordManager, final IndyObjectMapper mapper, SiteConfig location, String apiVersion) throws IndyClientException { this.objectMapper = mapper; this.location = location; baseUrl = location.getUri(); checkBaseUrl(baseUrl); addApiVersionHeader(apiVersion); factory = new HttpFactory(passwordManager); } private void addApiVersionHeader(String apiVersion) { if (isNotBlank(apiVersion)) { addDefaultHeader(HEADER_INDY_API_VERSION, apiVersion); } } private void checkBaseUrl(String baseUrl) throws IndyClientException { try { new URL(baseUrl); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Invalid base-url: {}", e, baseUrl); } } /** * Not used since migration to jHTTPc library */ @Deprecated public void connect(final HttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager) throws IndyClientException { // NOP, now that we've moved to HttpFactory. } /** * Not used since migration to jHTTPc library */ @Deprecated public synchronized void connect() { // NOP, now that we've moved to HttpFactory. } public Map<String, String> head(final String path) throws IndyClientException { return head(path, HttpStatus.SC_OK); } public Map<String, String> head(final String path, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpHead request = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { request = newJsonHead(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); client = newClient(); response = client.execute(request, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { if (sl.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { return null; } throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error executing HEAD: %s. Status was: %d %s (%s)", path, sl.getStatusCode(), sl.getReasonPhrase(), sl.getProtocolVersion()); } final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); for (final Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) { final String name = header.getName().toLowerCase(); if (!headers.containsKey(name)) { headers.put(name, header.getValue()); } } return headers; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(request, response, client); } } public <T> T get(final String path, final Class<T> type) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpGet request = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); request = newJsonGet(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); response = client.execute(request, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (sl.getStatusCode() != 200) { if (sl.getStatusCode() == 404) { return null; } throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error retrieving %s from: %s.\n%s", type.getSimpleName(), path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } final String json = entityToString(response); logger.debug("Got JSON:\n\n{}\n\n", json); final T value = objectMapper.readValue(json, type); logger.debug("Got result object: {}", value); return value; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(request, response, client); } } public <T> T get(final String path, final TypeReference<T> typeRef) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpGet request = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); request = newJsonGet(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); response = client.execute(request, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (sl.getStatusCode() != 200) { if (sl.getStatusCode() == 404) { return null; } throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error retrieving %s from: %s.\n%s", typeRef.getType(), path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } final String json = entityToString(response); final T value = objectMapper.readValue(json, typeRef); return value; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(request, response, client); } } public HttpResources getRaw(final HttpGet req) throws IndyClientException { connect(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { final CloseableHttpClient client = newClient(); response = client.execute(req, newContext()); return new HttpResources(req, response, client); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { // DO NOT CLOSE!!!! We're handing off control of the response to the caller! // closeQuietly( response ); } } public HttpResources getRaw(final String path) throws IndyClientException { return getRaw(path, Collections.singletonMap("Accept", "*")); } public HttpResources getRaw(final String path, final Map<String, String> headers) throws IndyClientException { connect(); CloseableHttpResponse response; try { final HttpGet req = newRawGet(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); if (headers != null) { headers.forEach((k, v) -> { req.setHeader(k, v); }); } final CloseableHttpClient client = newClient(); response = client.execute(req, newContext()); return new HttpResources(req, response, client); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { // DO NOT CLOSE!!!! We're handing off control of the response to the caller! // closeQuietly( response ); } } public void putWithStream(final String path, final InputStream stream) throws IndyClientException { putWithStream(path, stream, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); } public void putWithStream(final String path, final InputStream stream, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { connect(); final HttpPut put = newRawPut(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); final CloseableHttpClient client = newClient(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { put.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(stream)); response = client.execute(put, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new ClientProtocolException(new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error in response from: %s.\n%s", path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response))); } } catch (final ClientProtocolException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null && (cause instanceof IndyClientException)) { throw (IndyClientException) cause; } throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(put, response, client); } } public boolean put(final String path, final Object value) throws IndyClientException { return put(path, value, HttpStatus.SC_OK, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); } public boolean put(final String path, final Object value, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { checkRequestValue(value); connect(); HttpPut put = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); put = newJsonPut(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); put.setEntity(new StringEntity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value))); response = client.execute(put, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error in response from: %s.\n%s", path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(put, response, client); } return true; } public HttpResources execute(HttpRequestBase request) throws IndyClientException { connect(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { final CloseableHttpClient client = newClient(); response = client.execute(request, newContext()); return new HttpResources(request, response, client); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { // DO NOT CLOSE!!!! We're handing off control of the response to the caller! // closeQuietly( response ); } } public HttpResources postRaw(final String path, Object value) throws IndyClientException { return postRaw(path, value, Collections.singletonMap("Accept", "*")); } public HttpResources postRaw(final String path, Object value, final Map<String, String> headers) throws IndyClientException { checkRequestValue(value); connect(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { final HttpPost req = newRawPost(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); if (headers != null) { for (String key : headers.keySet()) { req.setHeader(key, headers.get(key)); } } req.setEntity(new StringEntity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value))); final CloseableHttpClient client = newClient(); response = client.execute(req, newContext()); return new HttpResources(req, response, client); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { // DO NOT CLOSE!!!! We're handing off control of the response to the caller! // closeQuietly( response ); } } private void checkRequestValue(Object value) throws IndyClientException { if (value == null) { throw new IndyClientException("Cannot use null request value!"); } } public <T> T postWithResponse(final String path, final Object value, final Class<T> type) throws IndyClientException { return postWithResponse(path, value, type, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED, HttpStatus.SC_OK); } public <T> T postWithResponse(final String path, final Object value, final Class<T> type, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { checkRequestValue(value); connect(); HttpPost post = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); post = newJsonPost(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); post.setEntity(new StringEntity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value))); response = client.execute(post, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error POSTING with %s result from: %s.\n%s", type.getSimpleName(), path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } final String json = entityToString(response); return objectMapper.readValue(json, type); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(post, response, client); } } public boolean validResponseCode(final int statusCode, final int[] responseCodes) { for (final int code : responseCodes) { if (code == statusCode) { return true; } } return false; } public <T> T postWithResponse(final String path, final Object value, final TypeReference<T> typeRef) throws IndyClientException { return postWithResponse(path, value, typeRef, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); } public <T> T postWithResponse(final String path, final Object value, final TypeReference<T> typeRef, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { checkRequestValue(value); connect(); HttpPost post = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); post = newJsonPost(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); post.setEntity(new StringEntity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value))); response = client.execute(post, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error retrieving %s from: %s.\n%s", typeRef.getType(), path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } final String json = entityToString(response); return objectMapper.readValue(json, typeRef); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(post, response, client); } } @Override public void close() { logger.debug("Shutting down indy client HTTP manager"); try { factory.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Shutting down indy client HTTP factory error", e); // log and return quietly } } /** * clean just the cached file (storage of groups and remote repos) */ public void deleteCache(final String path) throws IndyClientException { delete(path + "?" + CHECK_CACHE_ONLY + "=true"); } public void delete(final String path) throws IndyClientException { delete(path, HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, HttpStatus.SC_OK); } public void delete(final String path, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpDelete delete = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); delete = newDelete(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); response = client.execute(delete, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error deleting: %s.\n%s", path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(delete, response, client); } } public void deleteWithChangelog(final String path, final String changelog) throws IndyClientException { deleteWithChangelog(path, changelog, HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); } public void deleteWithChangelog(final String path, final String changelog, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpDelete delete = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); delete = newDelete(buildUrl(baseUrl, path)); delete.setHeader(ArtifactStore.METADATA_CHANGELOG, changelog); response = client.execute(delete, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (!validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error deleting: %s.\n%s", path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(delete, response, client); } } public boolean exists(final String path) throws IndyClientException { return exists(path, null, HttpStatus.SC_OK); } public boolean exists(final String path, Supplier<Map<String, String>> querySupplier) throws IndyClientException { return exists(path, querySupplier, HttpStatus.SC_OK); } public boolean exists(final String path, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { return exists(path, null, responseCodes); } public boolean exists(final String path, Supplier<Map<String, String>> querySupplier, final int... responseCodes) throws IndyClientException { connect(); HttpHead request = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { client = newClient(); request = newJsonHead(buildUrl(baseUrl, querySupplier, path)); response = client.execute(request, newContext()); final StatusLine sl = response.getStatusLine(); if (validResponseCode(sl.getStatusCode(), responseCodes)) { return true; } else if (sl.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { return false; } throw new IndyClientException(sl.getStatusCode(), "Error checking existence of: %s.\n%s", path, new IndyResponseErrorDetails(response)); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } finally { cleanupResources(request, response, client); } } public void cleanup(final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response, final CloseableHttpClient client) { cleanupResources(request, response, client); } public String toIndyUrl(final String... path) { return buildUrl(baseUrl, path); } public String getBaseUrl() { return baseUrl; } public CloseableHttpClient newClient() throws IndyClientException { try { return factory.createClient(location, defaultHeaders); } catch (JHttpCException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } } public HttpClientContext newContext() throws IndyClientException { try { return factory.createContext(location); } catch (JHttpCException e) { throw new IndyClientException("Indy request failed: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } } public HttpGet newRawGet(final String url) { final HttpGet req = new HttpGet(url); return req; } public HttpGet newJsonGet(final String url) { final HttpGet req = new HttpGet(url); addJsonHeaders(req); return req; } public HttpHead newJsonHead(final String url) { final HttpHead req = new HttpHead(url); addJsonHeaders(req); return req; } public HttpDelete newDelete(final String url) { final HttpDelete req = new HttpDelete(url); return req; } public HttpPut newJsonPut(final String url) { final HttpPut req = new HttpPut(url); addJsonHeaders(req); return req; } public HttpPut newRawPut(final String url) { final HttpPut req = new HttpPut(url); return req; } public HttpPost newJsonPost(final String url) { final HttpPost req = new HttpPost(url); addJsonHeaders(req); return req; } public HttpPost newRawPost(final String url) { final HttpPost req = new HttpPost(url); req.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return req; } protected void addJsonHeaders(final HttpUriRequest req) { req.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); req.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); } public IndyObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { return objectMapper; } public static SiteConfig defaultSiteConfig(String baseUrl) { return new SiteConfigBuilder("indy", baseUrl).withRequestTimeoutSeconds(30) .withMaxConnections(IndyClientHttp.GLOBAL_MAX_CONNECTIONS).build(); } public void addDefaultHeader(String key, String value) { if (defaultHeaders == null) { defaultHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); } defaultHeaders.add(new BasicHeader(key, value)); } }