Source code

Java tutorial


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/* Copyright 2010 University of Cambridge
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License (ECL), Version 2.0. You may not use this file except in 
 * compliance with this License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the ECL 2.0 License at

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.util.List;
import org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.ExistException;
import org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.Storage;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class TestServiceThroughAPI extends ServicesBaseClass {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestServiceThroughAPI.class);

    public void checkServicesRunning() throws ConnectionException {

    //XXX add more tests for other record types
    public void testGetPostDelete() throws Exception {

        getPostDelete("collection-object/", "objectsJSON.json", "objectsJSON.json", "distinguishingFeatures");
        getPostDelete("acquisition/", "acquisitionJSON.json", "acquisitionJSON.json", "acquisitionReason");
        getPostDelete("loanin/", "LoaninJSON.json", "LoaninJSON.json", "loanInNumber");
        getPostDelete("movement/", "movement.json", "movement.json", "movementReferenceNumber");
        getPostDelete("objectexit/", "objectexit.json", "objectexit.json", "exitNote");
        getPostDelete("group/", "group.json", "group.json", "title");

        //   getPostDelete("role/","role.json","role.json","roleName");
        //   getPostDelete("permrole","rolepermissions.xml","rolepermissions.json");
        //   getPostDelete("userrole","accountrole.xml","accountrole.json");

        //getPostDelete("permission/","permissionsJSON.json","permissionsJSON.json","resourceName");//technically can't update permissions


    private void getPostDelete(String objtype, String jsoncreate, String jsonupdate, String testfield)
            throws Exception {
        getPostDelete(objtype, getJSON(jsoncreate), getJSON(jsonupdate), testfield, true);

    private void getPostDelete(String objtype, JSONObject jsoncreate, JSONObject jsonupdate, String testfield,
            Boolean testDelete) throws Exception {
        Storage ss = makeServicesStorage();
        String path = doCreate(ss, objtype, jsoncreate);
        //GET and test
        JSONObject jsc = doRetrieve(ss, objtype, path);

        assertEquals(jsc.get(testfield), jsoncreate.get(testfield));
        //UPDATE & Test
        ss.updateJSON(objtype + path, jsonupdate, new JSONObject());
        JSONObject js = ss.retrieveJSON(objtype + path, new JSONObject());
        assertEquals(js.get(testfield), jsonupdate.get(testfield));
        if (testDelete) {
            doDelete(ss, objtype, path);

    private JSONObject doRetrieve(Storage ss, String objtype, String path) throws Exception {
        return ss.retrieveJSON(objtype + path, new JSONObject());

    private String doCreate(Storage ss, String objtype, JSONObject jsoncreate) throws Exception {
        return ss.autocreateJSON(objtype, jsoncreate, null);

    private void doDelete(Storage ss, String objtype, String path) throws Exception {

        //DELETE & Test
        ss.deleteJSON(objtype + path);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON(objtype + path, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation


    // XXX factor out
    private static void assertArrayContainsString(String[] a, String b) {
        for (String x : a) {
            if (x.equals(b))

    // XXX factor out
    private static void assertArrayDoesNotContainString(String[] a, String b) {
        for (String x : a) {
            if (x.equals(b))

    public static String getCurrentYear() {
        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
        int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        return Integer.toString(year);

    public void testGetId() throws Exception {
        Storage ss = makeServicesStorage();
        JSONObject jo = ss.retrieveJSON("id/intake", new JSONObject());
        assertTrue(jo.getString("next").startsWith("IN" + getCurrentYear() + "."));
        jo = ss.retrieveJSON("id/accession", new JSONObject());
        assertTrue(jo.getString("next").startsWith(getCurrentYear() + ".1."));

    public static <T> T[] concat(T[] first, T[] second) {
        T[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, first.length + second.length);
        System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, first.length, second.length);
        return result;

    // XXX use autocreate not create when create dies
    public void testObjectsList() throws Exception {
        Storage ss = makeServicesStorage();
        String p1 = ss.autocreateJSON("collection-object/", getJSON("obj3.json"), null);
        String p2 = ss.autocreateJSON("collection-object/", getJSON("obj4.json"), null);
        String p3 = ss.autocreateJSON("collection-object/", getJSON("obj4.json"), null);
        int num = 0;
        Boolean keeptrying = true;
        String[] names = null;
        String tester = "";
        JSONObject rest = new JSONObject();
        while (keeptrying) {
            rest.put("pageNum", num);
            JSONObject data = ss.getPathsJSON("collection-object", rest);
            String[] names_temp = (String[]) data.get("listItems");
            if (names_temp.length > 0) {
                if (tester.equals(names_temp[0])) {
                    keeptrying = false;
                } else {
                    tester = names_temp[0];
                    if (names == null) {
                        names = names_temp;
                    } else {
                        names = concat(names, names_temp);
            } else {
                keeptrying = false;

        assertArrayContainsString(names, p1);
        assertArrayContainsString(names, p2);
        assertArrayContainsString(names, p3);

        ss.deleteJSON("collection-object/" + p1);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON("collection-object/" + p1, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        ss.deleteJSON("collection-object/" + p2);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON("collection-object/" + p2, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        ss.deleteJSON("collection-object/" + p3);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON("collection-object/" + p3, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation


    public void testSearch() throws Exception {
        Storage ss = makeServicesStorage();
        String p1 = ss.autocreateJSON("collection-object/", getJSON("obj3.json"), null);
        String p2 = ss.autocreateJSON("collection-object/", getJSON("obj-search.json"), null);
        JSONObject restriction = new JSONObject();
        restriction.put("keywords", "aardvark");
        JSONObject data = ss.getPathsJSON("collection-object", restriction);
        String[] names = (String[]) data.get("listItems");
        //XXX add pagination support CSPACE-1836
        assertArrayContainsString(names, p2);
        assertArrayDoesNotContainString(names, p1);
        ss.deleteJSON("collection-object/" + p1);
        ss.deleteJSON("collection-object/" + p2);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON("collection-object/" + p2, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation

    public void testMini() throws Exception {
        Storage ss = makeServicesStorage();
        String p1 = ss.autocreateJSON("intake/", getJSON("intake.json"), null);
        JSONObject mini = ss.retrieveJSON("intake/" + p1 + "/view", new JSONObject());
        assertEquals("TEST4", mini.getString("summary"));
        assertEquals("IN2010.337", mini.getString("number"));
        ss.deleteJSON("intake/" + p1);
        try {
            ss.retrieveJSON("intake/" + p1, new JSONObject());
            assertFalse(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assertTrue(true); // XXX use JUnit exception annotation
