Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Codice Foundation * * <p>This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or any later version. * * <p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License is distributed along with this program and can be found at * <>. */ package org.codice.ddf.admin.core.impl; import static org.codice.gsonsupport.GsonTypeAdapters.MAP_STRING_TO_OBJECT_TYPE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codice.ddf.admin.core.api.SystemPropertyDetails; import org.codice.ddf.admin.core.api.jmx.SystemPropertiesAdminInterceptor; import org.codice.ddf.admin.core.api.jmx.SystemPropertiesAdminMBean; import org.codice.ddf.configuration.SystemBaseUrl; import org.codice.ddf.configuration.SystemInfo; import org.codice.gsonsupport.GsonTypeAdapters.LongDoubleTypeAdapter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SystemPropertiesAdmin extends StandardMBean implements SystemPropertiesAdminMBean { public static final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "http://"; public static final String HTTPS_PROTOCOL = "https://"; private static final String DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_DN = "localhost.local"; private static final String KARAF_ETC = "karaf.etc"; private static final String LOCAL_HOST = "localhost"; private static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_FILE = ""; private static final String USERS_PROPERTIES_FILE = ""; private static final String USERS_ATTRIBUTES_FILE = "users.attributes"; private static final String EXTERNAL_HOST_TITLE = "External Host"; private static final String INTERNAL_HOST_TITLE = "Internal Host"; private static final String INTERNAL_HOST_DESCRIPTION = "The hostname or IP address this system runs on. NOTE: This setting will take effect after a system restart."; private static final String EXTERNAL_HOST_DESCRIPTION = "The host name or IP address used to advertise the system. Possibilities include the address of a single node of that of a load balancer in a multi-node deployment. NOTE: This setting will take effect after a system restart."; private static final ArrayList<String> PROTOCOL_OPTIONS = new ArrayList<>(); private static final String EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_TITLE = "External HTTP Port"; private static final String INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_TITLE = "Internal HTTP Port"; private static final String EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_DESCRIPTION = "The port used to advertise the system. Possibilities include the port of a single node of that of a load balancer in a multi-node deployment. NOTE: This setting will take effect after a system restart."; private static final String INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_DESCRIPTION = "The http port that the system uses. NOTE: This *DOES* change the port the system runs on."; private static final String EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_TITLE = "External HTTPS Port"; private static final String INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_TITLE = "Internal HTTPS Port"; private static final String EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_DESCRIPTION = "The secure port used to advertise the system. Possibilities include the port of a single node of that of a load balancer in a multi-node deployment. NOTE: This setting will take effect after a system restart."; private static final String INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_DESCRIPTION = "The https port that the system uses. NOTE: This *DOES* change the port the system runs on."; private static final String ORGANIZATION_TITLE = "Organization"; private static final String ORGANIZATION_DESCRIPTION = "The name of the organization that runs this instance."; private static final String SITE_CONTACT_TITLE = "Site Contact"; private static final String SITE_CONTACT_DESCRIPTION = "The email address of the site contact."; private static final String SITE_NAME_TITLE = "Site Name"; private static final String SITE_NAME_DESCRIPTION = "The unique name of this instance. This name will be provided via web services that ask for the name."; private static final String VERSION_TITLE = "Version"; private static final String VERSION_DESCRIPTION = "The version of this instance."; private static final String LOCALHOST_DATA_MANAGER = "localhost-data-manager"; private static final String DATA_MANAGER = "data-manager"; private String etcDir = System.getProperty(KARAF_ETC); private String systemPropertyFilename = etcDir + File.separator + SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_FILE; private String userPropertiesFilename = etcDir + File.separator + USERS_PROPERTIES_FILE; private String userAttributesFilename = etcDir + File.separator + USERS_ATTRIBUTES_FILE; private File systemPropertiesFile = new File(systemPropertyFilename); private File userPropertiesFile = new File(userPropertiesFilename); private File userAttributesFile = new File(userAttributesFilename); private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().setPrettyPrinting() .registerTypeAdapterFactory(LongDoubleTypeAdapter.FACTORY).create(); private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemPropertiesAdmin.class); static { PROTOCOL_OPTIONS.add(HTTPS_PROTOCOL); PROTOCOL_OPTIONS.add(HTTP_PROTOCOL); } public List<SystemPropertiesAdminInterceptor> getSystemPropertiesAdminInterceptors() { return systemPropertiesAdminInterceptors; } public void setSystemPropertiesAdminInterceptors( List<SystemPropertiesAdminInterceptor> systemPropertiesAdminInterceptors) { this.systemPropertiesAdminInterceptors = systemPropertiesAdminInterceptors; } private List<SystemPropertiesAdminInterceptor> systemPropertiesAdminInterceptors; private MBeanServer mbeanServer; private ObjectName objectName; private String oldHostName = SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL.getHost(); private GuestClaimsHandlerExt guestClaimsHandlerExt; public SystemPropertiesAdmin(GuestClaimsHandlerExt guestClaimsHandlerExt) throws NotCompliantMBeanException { super(SystemPropertiesAdminMBean.class); this.guestClaimsHandlerExt = guestClaimsHandlerExt; configureMBean(); } @Override public List<SystemPropertyDetails> readSystemProperties() { LOGGER.debug("get system properties"); ArrayList<SystemPropertyDetails> properties = new ArrayList<>(); Properties systemDotProperties = null; try { systemDotProperties = new Properties(systemPropertiesFile); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.EXTERNAL_HOST, EXTERNAL_HOST_TITLE, EXTERNAL_HOST_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT, EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_TITLE, EXTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT, EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_TITLE, EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HOST, INTERNAL_HOST_TITLE, INTERNAL_HOST_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT, INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_TITLE, INTERNAL_HTTP_PORT_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT, INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_TITLE, INTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemInfo.ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_TITLE, ORGANIZATION_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemInfo.SITE_CONTACT, SITE_CONTACT_TITLE, SITE_CONTACT_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemInfo.SITE_NAME, SITE_NAME_TITLE, SITE_NAME_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); properties.add(getSystemPropertyDetails(SystemInfo.VERSION, VERSION_TITLE, VERSION_DESCRIPTION, null, systemDotProperties)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception while reading the file.", e); } return properties; } @Override public void writeSystemProperties(Map<String, String> updatedSystemProperties) { if (updatedSystemProperties == null) { return; } Properties systemDotProperties; try { systemDotProperties = new Properties(systemPropertiesFile); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception reading file.", e); return; } // save off the current/old hostname before we make any changes oldHostName = systemDotProperties.getProperty(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HOST); updatedSystemProperties.forEach((key, value) -> { // Clears out the property value before setting it // // We have to do this because when we read in the properties, the values are // expanded which can lead to a state where the value is erroneously not updated // after being checked. systemDotProperties.put(key, ""); systemDotProperties.put(key, value); }); callInterceptors(systemDotProperties); try {; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception writing to file.", e); } writeOutUsersDotPropertiesFile(userPropertiesFile); writeOutUsersDotAttributesFile(userAttributesFile); } private void callInterceptors(Properties systemPropertiesFile) { if (getSystemPropertiesAdminInterceptors() != null) { for (SystemPropertiesAdminInterceptor each : getSystemPropertiesAdminInterceptors()) { if (each != null) { each.updateSystemProperties(systemPropertiesFile); } } } } /* * Writes user property data to the relevant file after replacing the default hostname where * necessary. */ private void writeOutUsersDotPropertiesFile(File userPropertiesFile) { try { Properties usersDotProperties = new Properties(userPropertiesFile); if (!usersDotProperties.isEmpty()) { String oldHostValue = usersDotProperties.getProperty(oldHostName); if (oldHostValue != null) { Properties systemDotProperties = new Properties(systemPropertiesFile); String newInternalHost = systemDotProperties.getProperty(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HOST); String newHostValue = oldHostValue.replaceAll(LOCALHOST_DATA_MANAGER, String.format("%s-%s", newInternalHost, DATA_MANAGER)); usersDotProperties.remove(oldHostName); usersDotProperties.setProperty(newInternalHost, newHostValue);; } } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception while writing to file.", e); } } /* * Writes security and claims data for the system-level user and default admin. */ private void writeOutUsersDotAttributesFile(File userAttributesFile) { Map<String, Object> json = null; try (BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(userAttributesFile.toURI()))) { json = GSON.fromJson(br, MAP_STRING_TO_OBJECT_TYPE); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to read system user attribute file for hostname update.", e); return; } addGuestClaimsProfileAttributes(json); if (json.containsKey(oldHostName)) { Properties systemDotProperties = null; try { systemDotProperties = new Properties(systemPropertiesFile); json.put(systemDotProperties.get(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HOST), json.remove(oldHostName)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception while reading the file.", e); } } try { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : json.entrySet()) { json.put(entry.getKey(), replaceLocalhost(entry.getValue())); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(userAttributesFile, GSON.toJson(json), Charset.defaultCharset()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to write user attribute file for system update.", e); } } /** Overwrite attributes with those from GuestClaimsHandlerExt so system high is set. */ private void addGuestClaimsProfileAttributes(Map<String, Object> json) { Map<String, Object> selectedProfileAttributes = guestClaimsHandlerExt.getProfileSystemClaims(); if (selectedProfileAttributes != null) { Map<String, Object> localhost = (Map<String, Object>) json.get(LOCAL_HOST); if (localhost != null) { localhost.putAll(selectedProfileAttributes); } } } /* * Replace any instances of SystemPropertiesAdmin#DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_DN with the actual * hostname. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object replaceLocalhost(Object hostMap) throws IOException { Properties systemDotProperties = new Properties(systemPropertiesFile); if (!(hostMap instanceof Map)) { return hostMap; } Map<String, Object> map; try { map = (Map<String, Object>) hostMap; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return hostMap; } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof String)) { continue; } String val = (String) entry.getValue(); if (val.contains(DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_DN)) { map.put(entry.getKey(), val.replace(DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_DN, systemDotProperties.getProperty(SystemBaseUrl.INTERNAL_HOST))); } } return map; } private SystemPropertyDetails getSystemPropertyDetails(String key, String title, String description, List<String> options, Properties properties) { String property = properties.getProperty(key); return new SystemPropertyDetailsImpl(title, description, options, key, property); } private void configureMBean() { mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); try { objectName = new ObjectName(SystemPropertiesAdminMBean.OBJECT_NAME); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { LOGGER.debug("Exception while creating object name: " + SystemPropertiesAdminMBean.OBJECT_NAME, e); } try { registerSystemPropertiesAdminMBean(); } catch (Exception e) {"Could not register mbean.", e); } } private void registerSystemPropertiesAdminMBean() throws MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException { try { mbeanServer.registerMBean(new StandardMBean(this, SystemPropertiesAdminMBean.class), objectName); } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException e) { mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(objectName); mbeanServer.registerMBean(new StandardMBean(this, SystemPropertiesAdminMBean.class), objectName); } } public void shutdown() throws MBeanRegistrationException { try { if (objectName != null && mbeanServer != null) { mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(objectName); } } catch (InstanceNotFoundException | MBeanRegistrationException e) { throw new MBeanRegistrationException(e, "Exception unregistering mbean"); } } }