Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Felix Mller * * This file is part of CodeQ Invest. * * CodeQ Invest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CodeQ Invest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CodeQ Invest. If not, see <>. */ package org.codeqinvest.investment; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.codeqinvest.investment.profit.ProfitCalculator; import org.codeqinvest.quality.QualityRequirement; import org.codeqinvest.quality.QualityViolation; import org.codeqinvest.quality.analysis.QualityAnalysis; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * @author fmueller */ @Slf4j @Service public class QualityInvestmentPlanService { private final ProfitCalculator profitCalculator; @Autowired public QualityInvestmentPlanService(ProfitCalculator profitCalculator) { this.profitCalculator = profitCalculator; } // TODO clean up this mess public QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes) { Multimap<Double, QualityViolation> violationsByProfit = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (QualityViolation violation : filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(basePackage, analysis.getViolations())) { double profit = profitCalculator.calculateProfit(violation); if (Math.round(profit) > 0) { violationsByProfit.put(profit, violation); } } List<Double> allProfits = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Double profit : violationsByProfit.keySet()) { int numberOfViolations = violationsByProfit.get(profit).size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViolations; i++) { allProfits.add(profit); } } Collections.sort(allProfits, new DescendingComparator<Double>()); Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries = Sets.newTreeSet(); int toInvest = investmentInMinutes; int invested = 0; for (double profit : allProfits) { List<QualityViolation> violations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(violationsByProfit.get(profit)); Collections.sort(violations, new ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator()); for (QualityViolation violation : violations) { int remediationCost = violation.getRemediationCosts(); if (remediationCost <= toInvest) { invested += remediationCost; toInvest -= remediationCost; QualityRequirement requirement = violation.getRequirement(); investmentPlanEntries.add(new QualityInvestmentPlanEntry(requirement.getMetricIdentifier(), requirement.getOperator() + " " + requirement.getThreshold(), violation.getArtefact().getName(), violation.getArtefact().getShortClassName(), (int) Math.round(profit), remediationCost)); } } } final int overallProfit = calculateOverallProfit(investmentPlanEntries); return new QualityInvestmentPlan(basePackage, invested, overallProfit, calculateRoi(investmentPlanEntries, overallProfit), investmentPlanEntries); } private int calculateOverallProfit(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries) { int overallProfit = 0; for (QualityInvestmentPlanEntry investmentPlanEntry : investmentPlanEntries) { overallProfit += investmentPlanEntry.getProfitInMinutes(); } return overallProfit; } private Collection<QualityViolation> filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(String basePackage, List<QualityViolation> violations) { Collection<QualityViolation> filteredViolations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(); for (QualityViolation violation : violations) { String artefactName = violation.getArtefact().getName(); if (artefactName.startsWith(basePackage)) { String artefactPartWithoutBasePackage = artefactName.substring(basePackage.length()); if (artefactPartWithoutBasePackage.isEmpty() || artefactName.substring(basePackage.length()).contains(".") || basePackage.isEmpty()) { filteredViolations.add(violation); } } } return filteredViolations; } private int calculateRoi(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries, int overallProfit) { // TODO this method could be refactored into own service class int overallRemediationCosts = 0; for (QualityInvestmentPlanEntry investmentPlanEntry : investmentPlanEntries) { overallRemediationCosts += investmentPlanEntry.getRemediationCostsInMinutes(); } return Math.round(overallProfit / (float) overallRemediationCosts * 100); } private static final class DescendingComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(T thisValue, T other) { return -1 * thisValue.compareTo(other); } } private static final class ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator implements Comparator<QualityViolation> { @Override public int compare(QualityViolation violation, QualityViolation otherViolation) { if (violation.getRemediationCosts() < otherViolation.getRemediationCosts()) { return -1; } else if (violation.getRemediationCosts() > otherViolation.getRemediationCosts()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } }