Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.codehaus.groovy.control; import groovy.lang.Tuple2; import; import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotatedNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeExpressionTransformer; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.CompileUnit; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.CompileUnit.ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.DynamicVariable; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.FieldNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.GenericsType; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.GenericsType.GenericsTypeName; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ImportNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.InnerClassNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Parameter; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.PropertyNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Variable; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.VariableScope; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.AnnotationConstantExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ArgumentListExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.CastExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClassExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClosureExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstantExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstructorCallExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.DeclarationExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MapEntryExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MapExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MethodCallExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PropertyExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.SpreadMapExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.VariableExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CatchStatement; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ForStatement; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ClassNodeResolver.LookupResult; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.EvictableCache; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.UnlimitedConcurrentCache; import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Types; import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.trait.Traits; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import static groovy.lang.Tuple.tuple; import static; /** * Visitor to resolve Types and convert VariableExpression to * ClassExpressions if needed. The ResolveVisitor will try to * find the Class for a ClassExpression and prints an error if * it fails to do so. Constructions like C[], foo as C, (C) foo * will force creation of a ClassExpression for C * <p> * Note: the method to start the resolving is startResolving(ClassNode, SourceUnit). */ public class ResolveVisitor extends ClassCodeExpressionTransformer { // note: BigInteger and BigDecimal are also imported by default // `java.util` is used much frequently than other two java packages(`` and ``), so place java.util before the two packages public static final String[] DEFAULT_IMPORTS = { "java.lang.", "java.util.", "", "", "groovy.lang.", "groovy.util." }; private static final String BIGINTEGER_STR = "BigInteger"; private static final String BIGDECIMAL_STR = "BigDecimal"; public static final String QUESTION_MARK = "?"; public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; private ClassNode currentClass; private final CompilationUnit compilationUnit; private SourceUnit source; private VariableScope currentScope; private boolean isTopLevelProperty = true; private boolean inPropertyExpression = false; private boolean inClosure = false; private final Map<ClassNode, ClassNode> possibleOuterClassNodeMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<GenericsTypeName, GenericsType> genericParameterNames = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<FieldNode> fieldTypesChecked = new HashSet<>(); private boolean checkingVariableTypeInDeclaration; private ImportNode currImportNode; private MethodNode currentMethod; private ClassNodeResolver classNodeResolver; /** * A ConstructedNestedClass consists of an outer class and a name part, denoting a * nested class with an unknown number of levels down. This allows resolve tests to * skip this node for further inner class searches and combinations with imports, since * the outer class we know is already resolved. */ private static class ConstructedNestedClass extends ClassNode { final ClassNode knownEnclosingType; public ConstructedNestedClass(final ClassNode outer, final String inner) { super(outer.getName() + "$" + inner.replace('.', '$'), Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE); this.knownEnclosingType = outer; this.isPrimaryNode = false; } @Override public String getUnresolvedName() { // outer class (aka knownEnclosingType) may have aliased name that should be reflected here too return super.getUnresolvedName().replace(knownEnclosingType.getName(), knownEnclosingType.getUnresolvedName()); } @Override public boolean hasPackageName() { if (redirect() != this) return super.hasPackageName(); return knownEnclosingType.hasPackageName(); } @Override public String setName(final String name) { if (redirect() != this) { return super.setName(name); } else { throw new GroovyBugError("ConstructedNestedClass#setName should not be called"); } } } /** * we use ConstructedClassWithPackage to limit the resolving the compiler * does when combining package names and class names. The idea * that if we use a package, then we do not want to replace the * '.' with a '$' for the package part, only for the class name * part. There is also the case of a imported class, so this logic * can't be done in these cases... */ private static class ConstructedClassWithPackage extends ClassNode { final String prefix; String className; public ConstructedClassWithPackage(final String pkg, final String name) { super(pkg + name, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE); isPrimaryNode = false; this.prefix = pkg; this.className = name; } @Override public String getName() { if (redirect() != this) return super.getName(); return prefix + className; } @Override public boolean hasPackageName() { if (redirect() != this) return super.hasPackageName(); return className.indexOf('.') != -1; } @Override public String setName(final String name) { if (redirect() != this) { return super.setName(name); } else { throw new GroovyBugError("ConstructedClassWithPackage#setName should not be called"); } } } /** * we use LowerCaseClass to limit the resolving the compiler * does for vanilla names starting with a lower case letter. The idea * that if we use a vanilla name with a lower case letter, that this * is in most cases no class. If it is a class the class needs to be * imported explicitly. The effect is that in an expression like * "def foo = bar" we do not have to use a loadClass call to check the * name foo and bar for being classes. Instead we will ask the module * for an alias for this name which is much faster. */ private static class LowerCaseClass extends ClassNode { final String className; public LowerCaseClass(final String name) { super(name, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE); isPrimaryNode = false; this.className = name; } @Override public String getName() { if (redirect() != this) return super.getName(); return className; } @Override public boolean hasPackageName() { if (redirect() != this) return super.hasPackageName(); return false; } @Override public String setName(final String name) { if (redirect() != this) { return super.setName(name); } else { throw new GroovyBugError("LowerCaseClass#setName should not be called"); } } } public ResolveVisitor(final CompilationUnit compilationUnit) { this.compilationUnit = compilationUnit; setClassNodeResolver(new ClassNodeResolver()); } public void setClassNodeResolver(final ClassNodeResolver classNodeResolver) { this.classNodeResolver = classNodeResolver; } public void startResolving(final ClassNode node, final SourceUnit source) { this.source = source; visitClass(node); } @Override protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() { return source; } @Override protected void visitConstructorOrMethod(final MethodNode node, final boolean isConstructor) { VariableScope oldScope = currentScope; currentScope = node.getVariableScope(); Map<GenericsTypeName, GenericsType> oldPNames = genericParameterNames; genericParameterNames = node.isStatic() && !Traits.isTrait(node.getDeclaringClass()) ? new HashMap<>() : new HashMap<>(genericParameterNames); resolveGenericsHeader(node.getGenericsTypes()); Parameter[] paras = node.getParameters(); for (Parameter p : paras) { p.setInitialExpression(transform(p.getInitialExpression())); resolveOrFail(p.getType(), p.getType()); visitAnnotations(p); } ClassNode[] exceptions = node.getExceptions(); for (ClassNode t : exceptions) { resolveOrFail(t, node); } resolveOrFail(node.getReturnType(), node); MethodNode oldCurrentMethod = currentMethod; currentMethod = node; super.visitConstructorOrMethod(node, isConstructor); currentMethod = oldCurrentMethod; genericParameterNames = oldPNames; currentScope = oldScope; } @Override public void visitField(final FieldNode node) { ClassNode t = node.getType(); if (!fieldTypesChecked.contains(node)) { resolveOrFail(t, node); } super.visitField(node); } @Override public void visitProperty(final PropertyNode node) { Map<GenericsTypeName, GenericsType> oldPNames = genericParameterNames; if (node.isStatic() && !Traits.isTrait(node.getDeclaringClass())) { genericParameterNames = new HashMap<>(); } ClassNode t = node.getType(); resolveOrFail(t, node); super.visitProperty(node); fieldTypesChecked.add(node.getField()); genericParameterNames = oldPNames; } private boolean resolveToInner(final ClassNode type) { // we do not do our name mangling to find an inner class // if the type is a ConstructedClassWithPackage, because in this case we // are resolving the name at a different place already if (type instanceof ConstructedClassWithPackage) return false; if (type instanceof ConstructedNestedClass) return false; String name = type.getName(); String saved = name; while (name.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) { name = replaceLastPointWithDollar(name); type.setName(name); if (resolve(type)) { return true; } } type.setName(saved); return false; } private void resolveOrFail(final ClassNode type, final String msg, final ASTNode node) { if (resolve(type)) return; if (resolveToInner(type)) return; if (resolveToOuterNested(type)) return; addError("unable to resolve class " + type.toString(false) + msg, node); } // GROOVY-7812(#1): Static inner classes cannot be accessed from other files when running by 'groovy' command // if the type to resolve is an inner class and it is in an outer class which is not resolved, // we set the resolved type to a placeholder class node, i.e. a ConstructedOuterNestedClass instance // when resolving the outer class later, we set the resolved type of ConstructedOuterNestedClass instance to the actual inner class node(SEE GROOVY-7812(#2)) private boolean resolveToOuterNested(final ClassNode type) { CompileUnit compileUnit = currentClass.getCompileUnit(); String typeName = type.getName(); BiConsumer<ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode, ClassNode> setRedirectListener = (s, c) -> type.setRedirect(s); ModuleNode module = currentClass.getModule(); for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticImports().values()) { String importFieldName = importNode.getFieldName(); String importAlias = importNode.getAlias(); if (!typeName.equals(importAlias)) continue; ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNodeViaStaticImport( compileUnit, importNode, importFieldName, setRedirectListener); if (null != constructedOuterNestedClassNode) { compileUnit.addClassNodeToResolve(constructedOuterNestedClassNode); return true; } } for (Map.Entry<String, ClassNode> entry : compileUnit.getClassesToCompile().entrySet()) { ClassNode outerClassNode = entry.getValue(); ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNode( type, outerClassNode, setRedirectListener); if (null != constructedOuterNestedClassNode) { compileUnit.addClassNodeToResolve(constructedOuterNestedClassNode); return true; } } boolean toResolveFurther = false; for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticStarImports().values()) { ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNodeViaStaticImport( compileUnit, importNode, typeName, setRedirectListener); if (null != constructedOuterNestedClassNode) { compileUnit.addClassNodeToResolve(constructedOuterNestedClassNode); toResolveFurther = true; // do not return here to try all static star imports because currently we do not know which outer class the class to resolve is declared in. } } if (toResolveFurther) return true; // GROOVY-9243 toResolveFurther = false; if (typeName.indexOf('.') == -1) { Map<String, ClassNode> hierClasses = findHierClasses(currentClass); for (ClassNode cn : hierClasses.values()) { ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNodeForBaseType( compileUnit, typeName, cn, setRedirectListener); if (null != constructedOuterNestedClassNode) { compileUnit.addClassNodeToResolve(constructedOuterNestedClassNode); toResolveFurther = true; } } } return toResolveFurther; } private ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNodeViaStaticImport( final CompileUnit compileUnit, final ImportNode importNode, final String typeName, final BiConsumer<ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode, ClassNode> setRedirectListener) { String importClassName = importNode.getClassName(); ClassNode outerClassNode = compileUnit.getClass(importClassName); if (null == outerClassNode) return null; String outerNestedClassName = importClassName + "$" + typeName.replace('.', '$'); ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = new ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode( outerClassNode, outerNestedClassName); constructedOuterNestedClassNode.addSetRedirectListener(setRedirectListener); return constructedOuterNestedClassNode; } private ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNode(final ClassNode type, final ClassNode outerClassNode, final BiConsumer<ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode, ClassNode> setRedirectListener) { String outerClassName = outerClassNode.getName(); for (String typeName = type.getName(), ident = typeName; ident.indexOf('.') != -1;) { ident = ident.substring(0, ident.lastIndexOf('.')); if (outerClassName.endsWith(ident)) { String outerNestedClassName = outerClassName + typeName.substring(ident.length()).replace('.', '$'); ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = new ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode( outerClassNode, outerNestedClassName); constructedOuterNestedClassNode.addSetRedirectListener(setRedirectListener); return constructedOuterNestedClassNode; } } return null; } private ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode tryToConstructOuterNestedClassNodeForBaseType( final CompileUnit compileUnit, final String typeName, final ClassNode cn, final BiConsumer<ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode, ClassNode> setRedirectListener) { if (!compileUnit.getClassesToCompile().containsValue(cn)) return null; String outerNestedClassName = cn.getName() + "$" + typeName; ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClassNode = new ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode(cn, outerNestedClassName); constructedOuterNestedClassNode.addSetRedirectListener(setRedirectListener); return constructedOuterNestedClassNode; } private void resolveOrFail(final ClassNode type, final ASTNode node, final boolean prefereImports) { resolveGenericsTypes(type.getGenericsTypes()); if (prefereImports && resolveAliasFromModule(type)) return; resolveOrFail(type, node); } private void resolveOrFail(final ClassNode type, final ASTNode node) { resolveOrFail(type, "", node); } protected boolean resolve(final ClassNode type) { return resolve(type, true, true, true); } protected boolean resolve(final ClassNode type, final boolean testModuleImports, final boolean testDefaultImports, final boolean testStaticInnerClasses) { resolveGenericsTypes(type.getGenericsTypes()); if (type.isResolved() || type.isPrimaryClassNode()) return true; if (type.isArray()) { ClassNode element = type.getComponentType(); boolean resolved = resolve(element, testModuleImports, testDefaultImports, testStaticInnerClasses); if (resolved) { ClassNode cn = element.makeArray(); type.setRedirect(cn); } return resolved; } // test if vanilla name is current class name if (currentClass == type) return true; String typeName = type.getName(); GenericsType genericsType = genericParameterNames.get(new GenericsTypeName(typeName)); if (genericsType != null) { type.setRedirect(genericsType.getType()); type.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[] { genericsType }); type.setGenericsPlaceHolder(true); return true; } if (currentClass.getNameWithoutPackage().equals(typeName)) { type.setRedirect(currentClass); return true; } return (!type.hasPackageName() && resolveNestedClass(type)) || resolveFromModule(type, testModuleImports) || resolveFromCompileUnit(type) || (testDefaultImports && !type.hasPackageName() && resolveFromDefaultImports(type)) || resolveToOuter(type) || (testStaticInnerClasses && type.hasPackageName() && resolveFromStaticInnerClasses(type)); } protected boolean resolveNestedClass(final ClassNode type) { if (type instanceof ConstructedNestedClass || type instanceof ConstructedClassWithPackage) return false; // We have for example a class name A, are in class X // and there is a nested class A$X. we want to be able // to access that class directly, so A becomes a valid // name in X. // GROOVY-4043: Do this check up the hierarchy, if needed. for (ClassNode classToCheck : findHierClasses(currentClass).values()) { if (setRedirect(type, classToCheck)) return true; } // GROOVY-8947: Resolve non-static inner class outside of outer class. ClassNode possibleOuterClassNode = possibleOuterClassNodeMap.get(type); if (possibleOuterClassNode != null) { if (setRedirect(type, possibleOuterClassNode)) return true; } // Another case we want to check here is if we are in a // nested class A$B$C and want to access B without // qualifying it by A.B. A alone will work, since that // is the qualified (minus package) name of that class // anyway. List<ClassNode> outerClasses = currentClass.getOuterClasses(); if (!outerClasses.isEmpty()) { // Since we have B and want to get A we start with the most // outer class, put them together and then see if that does // already exist. In case of B from within A$B we are done // after the first step already. In case of for example // A.B.C.D.E.F and accessing E from F we test A$E=failed, // A$B$E=failed, A$B$C$E=fail, A$B$C$D$E=success. for (ListIterator<ClassNode> it = outerClasses.listIterator(outerClasses.size()); it.hasPrevious();) { ClassNode outerClass = it.previous(); if (setRedirect(type, outerClass)) return true; } } return false; } private boolean setRedirect(final ClassNode type, final ClassNode classToCheck) { String typeName = type.getName(); Predicate<ClassNode> resolver = (ClassNode maybeOuter) -> { if (!typeName.equals(maybeOuter.getName())) { ClassNode maybeNested = new ConstructedNestedClass(maybeOuter, typeName); if (resolveFromCompileUnit(maybeNested) || resolveToOuter(maybeNested)) { type.setRedirect(maybeNested); return true; } } return false; }; if (resolver.test(classToCheck)) { if (currentClass != classToCheck && !currentClass.getOuterClasses().contains(classToCheck) && !isVisibleNestedClass(type.redirect(), currentClass)) { type.setRedirect(null); } else { return true; } } for (ClassNode face : classToCheck.getAllInterfaces()) { if (resolver.test(face)) { return true; } } return false; } private static String replaceLastPointWithDollar(final String name) { int lastPointIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.'); return name.substring(0, lastPointIndex) + "$" + name.substring(lastPointIndex + 1); } protected boolean resolveFromStaticInnerClasses(final ClassNode type) { // a class consisting of a vanilla name can never be // a static inner class, because at least one dot is // required for this. Example: -> foo$bar if (!(type instanceof LowerCaseClass || type instanceof ConstructedNestedClass)) { if (type instanceof ConstructedClassWithPackage) { // we replace '.' only in the className part // with '$' to find an inner class. The case that // the package is really a class is handled elsewhere ConstructedClassWithPackage tmp = (ConstructedClassWithPackage) type; String savedName = tmp.className; tmp.className = replaceLastPointWithDollar(savedName); if (resolve(tmp, false, true, true)) { type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } tmp.className = savedName; } else { String savedName = type.getName(); String replacedPointType = replaceLastPointWithDollar(savedName); type.setName(replacedPointType); if (resolve(type, false, true, true)) return true; type.setName(savedName); } } return false; } protected boolean resolveFromDefaultImports(final ClassNode type) { // we do not resolve a vanilla name starting with a lower case letter // try to resolve against a default import, because we know that the // default packages do not contain classes like these if (!(type instanceof LowerCaseClass)) { String typeName = type.getName(); Set<String> packagePrefixSet = DEFAULT_IMPORT_CLASS_AND_PACKAGES_CACHE.get(typeName); if (packagePrefixSet != null) { // if the type name was resolved before, we can try the successfully resolved packages first, which are much less and very likely successful to resolve. // As a result, we can avoid trying other default import packages and further resolving, which can improve the resolving performance to some extent. if (resolveFromDefaultImports(type, packagePrefixSet.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY))) { return true; } } if (resolveFromDefaultImports(type, DEFAULT_IMPORTS)) { return true; } if (BIGINTEGER_STR.equals(typeName)) { type.setRedirect(ClassHelper.BigInteger_TYPE); return true; } if (BIGDECIMAL_STR.equals(typeName)) { type.setRedirect(ClassHelper.BigDecimal_TYPE); return true; } } return false; } private static final EvictableCache<String, Set<String>> DEFAULT_IMPORT_CLASS_AND_PACKAGES_CACHE = new UnlimitedConcurrentCache<>(); protected boolean resolveFromDefaultImports(final ClassNode type, final String[] packagePrefixes) { String typeName = type.getName(); for (String packagePrefix : packagePrefixes) { // We limit the inner class lookups here by using ConstructedClassWithPackage. // This way only the name will change, the packagePrefix will // not be included in the lookup. The case where the // packagePrefix is really a class is handled elsewhere. // WARNING: This code does not expect a class that has a static // inner class in DEFAULT_IMPORTS ConstructedClassWithPackage tmp = new ConstructedClassWithPackage(packagePrefix, typeName); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, false)) { type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); if (DEFAULT_IMPORTS == packagePrefixes) { // Only the non-cached type and packages should be cached Set<String> packagePrefixSet = DEFAULT_IMPORT_CLASS_AND_PACKAGES_CACHE.getAndPut(typeName, key -> new HashSet<>(2)); packagePrefixSet.add(packagePrefix); } return true; } } return false; } protected boolean resolveFromCompileUnit(final ClassNode type) { // look into the compile unit if there is a class with that name CompileUnit compileUnit = currentClass.getCompileUnit(); if (compileUnit == null) return false; ClassNode cuClass = compileUnit.getClass(type.getName()); if (cuClass != null) { if (type != cuClass) type.setRedirect(cuClass); return true; } return false; } private void ambiguousClass(final ClassNode type, final ClassNode iType, final String name) { if (type.getName().equals(iType.getName())) { addError("reference to " + name + " is ambiguous, both class " + type.getName() + " and " + iType.getName() + " match", type); } else { type.setRedirect(iType); } } private boolean resolveAliasFromModule(final ClassNode type) { // In case of getting a ConstructedClassWithPackage here we do not do checks for partial // matches with imported classes. The ConstructedClassWithPackage is already a constructed // node and any subclass resolving will then take place elsewhere if (type instanceof ConstructedClassWithPackage) return false; ModuleNode module = currentClass.getModule(); if (module == null) return false; String name = type.getName(); // check module node imports aliases // the while loop enables a check for inner classes which are not fully imported, // but visible as the surrounding class is imported and the inner class is public/protected static String pname = name; int index = name.length(); /* * we have a name and an import This means is possibly * rather than This means to cut at the dot in and * foo for import */ do { pname = name.substring(0, index); ClassNode aliasedNode = null; ImportNode importNode = module.getImport(pname); if (importNode != null && importNode != currImportNode) { aliasedNode = importNode.getType(); } if (aliasedNode == null) { importNode = module.getStaticImports().get(pname); if (importNode != null && importNode != currImportNode) { // static alias only for inner classes and must be at end of chain ClassNode tmp = new ConstructedNestedClass(importNode.getType(), importNode.getFieldName()); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, true)) { if ((tmp.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) { type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } } } if (aliasedNode != null) { if (pname.length() == name.length()) { // full match // We can compare here by length, because pname is always // a substring of name, so same length means they are equal. type.setRedirect(aliasedNode); return true; } else { //partial match // At this point we know that we have a match for pname. This may // mean, that name[pname.length()..<-1] is a static inner class. // For this the rest of the name does not need any dots in its name. // It is either completely a inner static class or it is not. // Since we do not want to have useless lookups we create the name // completely and use a ConstructedClassWithPackage to prevent lookups against the package. String className = aliasedNode.getNameWithoutPackage() + "$" + name.substring(pname.length() + 1).replace('.', '$'); ConstructedClassWithPackage tmp = new ConstructedClassWithPackage( aliasedNode.getPackageName() + ".", className); if (resolve(tmp, true, true, false)) { type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } } index = pname.lastIndexOf('.'); } while (index != -1); return false; } protected boolean resolveFromModule(final ClassNode type, final boolean testModuleImports) { if (type instanceof ConstructedNestedClass) return false; // we decided if we have a vanilla name starting with a lower case // letter that we will not try to resolve this name against .* // imports. Instead a full import is needed for these. // resolveAliasFromModule will do this check for us. This method // does also check the module contains a class in the same package // of this name. This check is not done for vanilla names starting // with a lower case letter anymore if (type instanceof LowerCaseClass) { return resolveAliasFromModule(type); } String name = type.getName(); ModuleNode module = currentClass.getModule(); if (module == null) return false; boolean newNameUsed = false; // we add a package if there is none yet and the module has one. But we // do not add that if the type is a ConstructedClassWithPackage. The code in ConstructedClassWithPackage // hasPackageName() will return true if ConstructedClassWithPackage#className has no dots. // but since the prefix may have them and the code there does ignore that // fact. We check here for ConstructedClassWithPackage. if (!type.hasPackageName() && module.hasPackageName() && !(type instanceof ConstructedClassWithPackage)) { type.setName(module.getPackageName() + name); newNameUsed = true; } // look into the module node if there is a class with that name List<ClassNode> moduleClasses = module.getClasses(); for (ClassNode mClass : moduleClasses) { if (mClass.getName().equals(type.getName())) { if (mClass != type) type.setRedirect(mClass); return true; } } if (newNameUsed) type.setName(name); if (testModuleImports) { if (resolveAliasFromModule(type)) return true; if (module.hasPackageName()) { // check package this class is defined in. The usage of ConstructedClassWithPackage here // means, that the module package will not be involved when the // compiler tries to find an inner class. ConstructedClassWithPackage tmp = new ConstructedClassWithPackage(module.getPackageName(), name); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, false)) { ambiguousClass(type, tmp, name); type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } // check module static imports (for static inner classes) for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticImports().values()) { if (importNode.getFieldName().equals(name)) { ClassNode tmp = new ConstructedNestedClass(importNode.getType(), name); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, true)) { if ((tmp.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) { type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } } } // check module node import packages for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStarImports()) { String packagePrefix = importNode.getPackageName(); // We limit the inner class lookups here by using ConstructedClassWithPackage. // This way only the name will change, the packagePrefix will // not be included in the lookup. The case where the // packagePrefix is really a class is handled elsewhere. ConstructedClassWithPackage tmp = new ConstructedClassWithPackage(packagePrefix, name); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, true)) { ambiguousClass(type, tmp, name); type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } // check for star imports (import static pkg.Outer.*) matching static inner classes for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticStarImports().values()) { ClassNode tmp = new ConstructedNestedClass(importNode.getType(), name); if (resolve(tmp, false, false, true)) { if ((tmp.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) { ambiguousClass(type, tmp, name); type.setRedirect(tmp.redirect()); return true; } } } } return false; } protected boolean resolveToOuter(final ClassNode type) { String name = type.getName(); // We do not need to check instances of LowerCaseClass // to be a Class, because unless there was an import for // for this we do not lookup these cases. This was a decision // made on the mailing list. To ensure we will not visit this // method again we set a NO_CLASS for this name if (type instanceof LowerCaseClass) { classNodeResolver.cacheClass(name, ClassNodeResolver.NO_CLASS); return false; } if (currentClass.getModule().hasPackageName() && name.indexOf('.') == -1) return false; LookupResult lr = classNodeResolver.resolveName(name, compilationUnit); if (lr != null) { if (lr.isSourceUnit()) { SourceUnit su = lr.getSourceUnit(); currentClass.getCompileUnit().addClassNodeToCompile(type, su); } else { type.setRedirect(lr.getClassNode()); } return true; } return false; } @Override public Expression transform(final Expression exp) { if (exp == null) return null; Expression ret; if (exp instanceof VariableExpression) { ret = transformVariableExpression((VariableExpression) exp); } else if (exp.getClass() == PropertyExpression.class) { ret = transformPropertyExpression((PropertyExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof DeclarationExpression) { ret = transformDeclarationExpression((DeclarationExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof BinaryExpression) { ret = transformBinaryExpression((BinaryExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof MethodCallExpression) { ret = transformMethodCallExpression((MethodCallExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof ClosureExpression) { ret = transformClosureExpression((ClosureExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof ConstructorCallExpression) { ret = transformConstructorCallExpression((ConstructorCallExpression) exp); } else if (exp instanceof AnnotationConstantExpression) { ret = transformAnnotationConstantExpression((AnnotationConstantExpression) exp); } else { resolveOrFail(exp.getType(), exp); ret = exp.transformExpression(this); } if (ret != null && ret != exp) { ret.setSourcePosition(exp); } return ret; } private static String lookupClassName(final PropertyExpression pe) { boolean doInitialClassTest = true; StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(32); // this loop builds a name from right to left each name part // separated by "." for (Expression expr = pe; expr != null; expr = ((PropertyExpression) expr).getObjectExpression()) { if (expr instanceof VariableExpression) { VariableExpression ve = (VariableExpression) expr; // stop at super and this if (ve.isSuperExpression() || ve.isThisExpression()) { return null; } String varName = ve.getName(); Tuple2<StringBuilder, Boolean> classNameInfo = makeClassName(doInitialClassTest, name, varName); name = classNameInfo.getV1(); doInitialClassTest = classNameInfo.getV2(); break; } // anything other than PropertyExpressions or // VariableExpressions will stop resolving if (expr.getClass() != PropertyExpression.class) { return null; } String property = ((PropertyExpression) expr).getPropertyAsString(); // the class property stops resolving, dynamic property names too if (property == null || property.equals("class")) { return null; } Tuple2<StringBuilder, Boolean> classNameInfo = makeClassName(doInitialClassTest, name, property); name = classNameInfo.getV1(); doInitialClassTest = classNameInfo.getV2(); } if (null == name || name.length() == 0) return null; return name.toString(); } private static Tuple2<StringBuilder, Boolean> makeClassName(final boolean doInitialClassTest, final StringBuilder name, final String varName) { if (doInitialClassTest) { // we are at the first name part. This is the right most part. // If this part is in lower case, then we do not need a class // check. other parts of the property expression will be tested // by a different method call to this method, so // can still be resolved to the class foo.Bar and the static // field bar. if (!testVanillaNameForClass(varName)) { return tuple(null, Boolean.TRUE); } else { return tuple(new StringBuilder(varName), Boolean.FALSE); } } name.insert(0, varName + "."); return tuple(name, Boolean.FALSE); } // iterate from the inner most to the outer and check for classes // this check will ignore a .class property, for Example Integer.class will be // a PropertyExpression with the ClassExpression of Integer as objectExpression // and class as property private static Expression correctClassClassChain(final PropertyExpression pe) { LinkedList<Expression> stack = new LinkedList<Expression>(); ClassExpression found = null; for (Expression it = pe; it != null; it = ((PropertyExpression) it).getObjectExpression()) { if (it instanceof ClassExpression) { found = (ClassExpression) it; break; } else if (!(it.getClass() == PropertyExpression.class)) { return pe; } stack.addFirst(it); } if (found == null) return pe; if (stack.isEmpty()) return pe; Object stackElement = stack.removeFirst(); if (!(stackElement.getClass() == PropertyExpression.class)) return pe; PropertyExpression classPropertyExpression = (PropertyExpression) stackElement; String propertyNamePart = classPropertyExpression.getPropertyAsString(); if (propertyNamePart == null || !propertyNamePart.equals("class")) return pe; found.setSourcePosition(classPropertyExpression); if (stack.isEmpty()) return found; stackElement = stack.removeFirst(); if (!(stackElement.getClass() == PropertyExpression.class)) return pe; PropertyExpression classPropertyExpressionContainer = (PropertyExpression) stackElement; classPropertyExpressionContainer.setObjectExpression(found); return pe; } protected Expression transformPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression pe) { boolean itlp = isTopLevelProperty; boolean ipe = inPropertyExpression; Expression objectExpression = pe.getObjectExpression(); inPropertyExpression = true; isTopLevelProperty = (objectExpression.getClass() != PropertyExpression.class); objectExpression = transform(objectExpression); // we handle the property part as if it were not part of the property inPropertyExpression = false; Expression property = transform(pe.getProperty()); isTopLevelProperty = itlp; inPropertyExpression = ipe; boolean spreadSafe = pe.isSpreadSafe(); PropertyExpression old = pe; pe = new PropertyExpression(objectExpression, property, pe.isSafe()); pe.setSpreadSafe(spreadSafe); pe.setSourcePosition(old); String className = lookupClassName(pe); if (className != null) { ClassNode type = ClassHelper.make(className); if (resolve(type)) { return new ClassExpression(type); } } if (objectExpression instanceof ClassExpression && pe.getPropertyAsString() != null) { // possibly an inner class (or inherited inner class) ClassExpression ce = (ClassExpression) objectExpression; ClassNode classNode = ce.getType(); while (classNode != null) { ClassNode type = new ConstructedNestedClass(classNode, pe.getPropertyAsString()); if (resolve(type, false, false, false)) { if (classNode == ce.getType() || isVisibleNestedClass(type, ce.getType())) { return new ClassExpression(type); } } classNode = classNode.getSuperClass(); } } Expression ret = pe; checkThisAndSuperAsPropertyAccess(pe); if (isTopLevelProperty) ret = correctClassClassChain(pe); return ret; } private static boolean isVisibleNestedClass(final ClassNode innerType, final ClassNode outerType) { int modifiers = innerType.getModifiers(); return Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) || (!Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers) && Objects.equals(innerType.getPackageName(), outerType.getPackageName())); } private boolean directlyImplementsTrait(final ClassNode trait) { ClassNode[] interfaces = currentClass.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces == null) { return currentClass.getSuperClass().equals(trait); } for (ClassNode node : interfaces) { if (node.equals(trait)) { return true; } } return currentClass.getSuperClass().equals(trait); } private void checkThisAndSuperAsPropertyAccess(final PropertyExpression expression) { if (expression.isImplicitThis()) return; String prop = expression.getPropertyAsString(); if (prop == null) return; if (!prop.equals("this") && !prop.equals("super")) return; ClassNode type = expression.getObjectExpression().getType(); if (expression.getObjectExpression() instanceof ClassExpression) { if (!(currentClass instanceof InnerClassNode) && !Traits.isTrait(type)) { addError("The usage of 'Class.this' and 'Class.super' is only allowed in nested/inner classes.", expression); return; } if (currentScope != null && !currentScope.isInStaticContext() && Traits.isTrait(type) && "super".equals(prop) && directlyImplementsTrait(type)) { return; } ClassNode iterType = currentClass; while (iterType != null) { if (iterType.equals(type)) break; iterType = iterType.getOuterClass(); } if (iterType == null) { addError("The class '" + type.getName() + "' needs to be an outer class of '" + currentClass.getName() + "' when using '.this' or '.super'.", expression); } if ((currentClass.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0) return; if (currentScope != null && !currentScope.isInStaticContext()) return; addError("The usage of 'Class.this' and 'Class.super' within static nested class '" + currentClass.getName() + "' is not allowed in a static context.", expression); } } protected Expression transformVariableExpression(final VariableExpression ve) { visitAnnotations(ve); Variable v = ve.getAccessedVariable(); if (!(v instanceof DynamicVariable) && !checkingVariableTypeInDeclaration) { /* * GROOVY-4009: when a normal variable is simply being used, there is no need to try to * resolve its type. Variable type resolve should proceed only if the variable is being declared. */ return ve; } if (v instanceof DynamicVariable) { String name = ve.getName(); ClassNode t = ClassHelper.make(name); // asking isResolved here allows to check if a primitive // type name like "int" was used to make t. In such a case // we have nothing left to do. boolean isClass = t.isResolved(); if (!isClass) { // It was no primitive type, so next we see if the name, // which is a vanilla name, starts with a lower case letter. // In that case we change it to a LowerCaseClass to let the // compiler skip the resolving at several places in this class. if (Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(0))) { t = new LowerCaseClass(name); } isClass = resolve(t); } if (isClass) { // the name is a type so remove it from the scoping // as it is only a classvariable, it is only in // referencedClassVariables, but must be removed // for each parentscope too for (VariableScope scope = currentScope; scope != null && !scope.isRoot(); scope = scope.getParent()) { if (scope.removeReferencedClassVariable(ve.getName()) == null) break; } return new ClassExpression(t); } } resolveOrFail(ve.getType(), ve); ClassNode origin = ve.getOriginType(); if (origin != ve.getType()) resolveOrFail(origin, ve); return ve; } private static boolean testVanillaNameForClass(final String name) { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) return false; return !Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(0)); } protected Expression transformBinaryExpression(final BinaryExpression be) { Expression left = transform(be.getLeftExpression()); if (be.getOperation().isA(Types.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR) && left instanceof ClassExpression) { ClassExpression ce = (ClassExpression) left; String error = "you tried to assign a value to the class '" + ce.getType().getName() + "'"; if (ce.getType().isScript()) { error += ". Do you have a script with this name?"; } addError(error, be.getLeftExpression()); return be; } if (left instanceof ClassExpression && be.getOperation() .isOneOf(new int[] { Types.ARRAY_EXPRESSION, Types.SYNTH_LIST, Types.SYNTH_MAP })) { if (be.getRightExpression() instanceof ListExpression) { ListExpression list = (ListExpression) be.getRightExpression(); if (list.getExpressions().isEmpty()) { return new ClassExpression(left.getType().makeArray()); } else { // maybe we have C[k1:v1, k2:v2] -> should become (C)([k1:v1, k2:v2]) boolean map = true; for (Expression expression : list.getExpressions()) { if (!(expression instanceof MapEntryExpression)) { map = false; break; } } if (map) { MapExpression me = new MapExpression(); for (Expression expression : list.getExpressions()) { me.addMapEntryExpression((MapEntryExpression) transform(expression)); } me.setSourcePosition(list); CastExpression ce = new CastExpression(left.getType(), me); ce.setCoerce(true); return ce; } } } else if (be.getRightExpression() instanceof SpreadMapExpression) { // we have C[*:map] -> should become (C) map SpreadMapExpression mapExpression = (SpreadMapExpression) be.getRightExpression(); Expression right = transform(mapExpression.getExpression()); CastExpression ce = new CastExpression(left.getType(), right); ce.setCoerce(true); return ce; } if (be.getRightExpression() instanceof MapEntryExpression) { // may be we have C[k1:v1] -> should become (C)([k1:v1]) MapExpression me = new MapExpression(); me.addMapEntryExpression((MapEntryExpression) transform(be.getRightExpression())); me.setSourcePosition(be.getRightExpression()); return new CastExpression(left.getType(), me); } } Expression right = transform(be.getRightExpression()); be.setLeftExpression(left); be.setRightExpression(right); return be; } protected Expression transformClosureExpression(final ClosureExpression ce) { boolean oldInClosure = inClosure; inClosure = true; for (Parameter para : getParametersSafe(ce)) { ClassNode t = para.getType(); resolveOrFail(t, ce); visitAnnotations(para); if (para.hasInitialExpression()) { para.setInitialExpression(transform(para.getInitialExpression())); } visitAnnotations(para); } Statement code = ce.getCode(); if (code != null) code.visit(this); inClosure = oldInClosure; return ce; } protected Expression transformConstructorCallExpression(final ConstructorCallExpression cce) { findPossibleOuterClassNodeForNonStaticInnerClassInstantiation(cce); ClassNode type = cce.getType(); resolveOrFail(type, cce); if (Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) { addError("You cannot create an instance from the abstract " + getDescription(type) + ".", cce); } return cce.transformExpression(this); } private void findPossibleOuterClassNodeForNonStaticInnerClassInstantiation( final ConstructorCallExpression cce) { // GROOVY-8947: Fail to resolve non-static inner class outside of outer class // `new Computer().new Cpu(4)` will be parsed to `new Cpu(new Computer(), 4)` // so non-static inner class instantiation expression's first argument is a constructor call of outer class // but the first argument is constructor call can not be non-static inner class instantiation expression, e.g. // `new HashSet(new ArrayList())`, so we add "possible" to the variable name Expression argumentExpression = cce.getArguments(); if (argumentExpression instanceof ArgumentListExpression) { ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = (ArgumentListExpression) argumentExpression; List<Expression> expressionList = argumentListExpression.getExpressions(); if (!expressionList.isEmpty()) { Expression firstExpression = expressionList.get(0); if (firstExpression instanceof ConstructorCallExpression) { ConstructorCallExpression constructorCallExpression = (ConstructorCallExpression) firstExpression; ClassNode possibleOuterClassNode = constructorCallExpression.getType(); possibleOuterClassNodeMap.put(cce.getType(), possibleOuterClassNode); } } } } private static String getDescription(final ClassNode node) { return (node.isInterface() ? "interface" : "class") + " '" + node.getName() + "'"; } protected Expression transformMethodCallExpression(final MethodCallExpression mce) { Expression args = transform(mce.getArguments()); Expression method = transform(mce.getMethod()); Expression object = transform(mce.getObjectExpression()); resolveGenericsTypes(mce.getGenericsTypes()); MethodCallExpression ret = new MethodCallExpression(object, method, args); ret.setGenericsTypes(mce.getGenericsTypes()); ret.setMethodTarget(mce.getMethodTarget()); ret.setImplicitThis(mce.isImplicitThis()); ret.setSpreadSafe(mce.isSpreadSafe()); ret.setSafe(mce.isSafe()); return ret; } protected Expression transformDeclarationExpression(final DeclarationExpression de) { visitAnnotations(de); Expression oldLeft = de.getLeftExpression(); checkingVariableTypeInDeclaration = true; Expression left = transform(oldLeft); checkingVariableTypeInDeclaration = false; if (left instanceof ClassExpression) { ClassExpression ce = (ClassExpression) left; addError("you tried to assign a value to the class " + ce.getType().getName(), oldLeft); return de; } Expression right = transform(de.getRightExpression()); if (right == de.getRightExpression()) { fixDeclaringClass(de); return de; } DeclarationExpression newDeclExpr = new DeclarationExpression(left, de.getOperation(), right); newDeclExpr.setDeclaringClass(de.getDeclaringClass()); newDeclExpr.addAnnotations(de.getAnnotations()); newDeclExpr.copyNodeMetaData(de); fixDeclaringClass(newDeclExpr); return newDeclExpr; } // TODO: get normal resolving to set declaring class private void fixDeclaringClass(final DeclarationExpression newDeclExpr) { if (newDeclExpr.getDeclaringClass() == null && currentMethod != null) { newDeclExpr.setDeclaringClass(currentMethod.getDeclaringClass()); } } protected Expression transformAnnotationConstantExpression(final AnnotationConstantExpression ace) { AnnotationNode an = (AnnotationNode) ace.getValue(); ClassNode type = an.getClassNode(); resolveOrFail(type, " for annotation", an); for (Map.Entry<String, Expression> member : an.getMembers().entrySet()) { member.setValue(transform(member.getValue())); } return ace; } @Override public void visitAnnotations(final AnnotatedNode node) { List<AnnotationNode> annotations = node.getAnnotations(); if (annotations.isEmpty()) return; Map<String, AnnotationNode> tmpAnnotations = new HashMap<>(); for (AnnotationNode an : annotations) { // skip built-in properties if (an.isBuiltIn()) continue; ClassNode annType = an.getClassNode(); resolveOrFail(annType, " for annotation", an); for (Map.Entry<String, Expression> member : an.getMembers().entrySet()) { Expression newValue = transform(member.getValue()); Expression adjusted = transformInlineConstants(newValue); member.setValue(adjusted); checkAnnotationMemberValue(adjusted); } if (annType.isResolved()) { Class<?> annTypeClass = annType.getTypeClass(); Retention retAnn = annTypeClass.getAnnotation(Retention.class); if (retAnn != null && !retAnn.value().equals(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) && !isRepeatable(annTypeClass)) { // remember non-source/non-repeatable annos (auto collecting of Repeatable annotations is handled elsewhere) AnnotationNode anyPrevAnnNode = tmpAnnotations.put(annTypeClass.getName(), an); if (anyPrevAnnNode != null) { addError("Cannot specify duplicate annotation on the same member : " + annType.getName(), an); } } } } } private boolean isRepeatable(final Class<?> annTypeClass) { Annotation[] annTypeAnnotations = annTypeClass.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annTypeAnnotation : annTypeAnnotations) { if (annTypeAnnotation.annotationType().getName().equals("java.lang.annotation.Repeatable")) { return true; } } return false; } // resolve constant-looking expressions statically (do here as they get transformed away later) private static Expression transformInlineConstants(final Expression exp) { if (exp instanceof AnnotationConstantExpression) { ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression) exp; if (ce.getValue() instanceof AnnotationNode) { // replicate a little bit of AnnotationVisitor here // because we can't wait until later to do this AnnotationNode an = (AnnotationNode) ce.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, Expression> member : an.getMembers().entrySet()) { member.setValue(transformInlineConstants(member.getValue())); } } } else { return ExpressionUtils.transformInlineConstants(exp); } return exp; } private void checkAnnotationMemberValue(final Expression newValue) { if (newValue instanceof PropertyExpression) { PropertyExpression pe = (PropertyExpression) newValue; if (!(pe.getObjectExpression() instanceof ClassExpression)) { addError("unable to find class '" + pe.getText() + "' for annotation attribute constant", pe.getObjectExpression()); } } else if (newValue instanceof ListExpression) { ListExpression le = (ListExpression) newValue; for (Expression e : le.getExpressions()) { checkAnnotationMemberValue(e); } } } @Override public void visitClass(final ClassNode node) { ClassNode oldNode = currentClass; currentClass = node; if (node instanceof InnerClassNode) { if (Modifier.isStatic(node.getModifiers())) { genericParameterNames = new HashMap<>(); } InnerClassNode innerClassNode = (InnerClassNode) node; if (innerClassNode.isAnonymous()) { MethodNode enclosingMethod = innerClassNode.getEnclosingMethod(); if (null != enclosingMethod) { resolveGenericsHeader(enclosingMethod.getGenericsTypes()); } } } else { genericParameterNames = new HashMap<>(); } resolveGenericsHeader(node.getGenericsTypes()); ModuleNode module = node.getModule(); if (!module.hasImportsResolved()) { for (ImportNode importNode : module.getImports()) { currImportNode = importNode; ClassNode type = importNode.getType(); if (resolve(type, false, false, true)) { currImportNode = null; continue; } currImportNode = null; addError("unable to resolve class " + type.getName(), type); } for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticStarImports().values()) { ClassNode type = importNode.getType(); if (resolve(type, false, false, true)) continue; // Maybe this type belongs in the same package as the node that is doing the // static import. In that case, the package may not have been explicitly specified. // Try with the node's package too. If still not found, revert to original type name. if (type.getPackageName() == null && node.getPackageName() != null) { String oldTypeName = type.getName(); type.setName(node.getPackageName() + "." + oldTypeName); if (resolve(type, false, false, true)) continue; type.setName(oldTypeName); } addError("unable to resolve class " + type.getName(), type); } for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticImports().values()) { ClassNode type = importNode.getType(); if (resolve(type, true, true, true)) continue; addError("unable to resolve class " + type.getName(), type); } for (ImportNode importNode : module.getStaticStarImports().values()) { ClassNode type = importNode.getType(); if (resolve(type, true, true, true)) continue; addError("unable to resolve class " + type.getName(), type); } module.setImportsResolved(true); } ClassNode sn = node.getUnresolvedSuperClass(); if (sn != null) resolveOrFail(sn, node, true); for (ClassNode anInterface : node.getInterfaces()) { resolveOrFail(anInterface, node, true); } checkCyclicInheritance(node, node.getUnresolvedSuperClass(), node.getInterfaces()); super.visitClass(node); resolveOuterNestedClassFurther(node); currentClass = oldNode; } // GROOVY-7812(#2): Static inner classes cannot be accessed from other files when running by 'groovy' command private void resolveOuterNestedClassFurther(final ClassNode node) { CompileUnit compileUnit = currentClass.getCompileUnit(); if (null == compileUnit) return; Map<String, ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode> classesToResolve = compileUnit.getClassesToResolve(); List<String> resolvedInnerClassNameList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode> entry : classesToResolve.entrySet()) { String innerClassName = entry.getKey(); ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode constructedOuterNestedClass = entry.getValue(); // When the outer class is resolved, all inner classes are resolved too if (node.getName().equals(constructedOuterNestedClass.getEnclosingClassNode().getName())) { ClassNode innerClassNode = compileUnit.getClass(innerClassName); // find the resolved inner class if (null == innerClassNode) { return; // "unable to resolve class" error can be thrown already, no need to `addError`, so just return } constructedOuterNestedClass.setRedirect(innerClassNode); resolvedInnerClassNameList.add(innerClassName); } } for (String innerClassName : resolvedInnerClassNameList) { classesToResolve.remove(innerClassName); } } private void checkCyclicInheritance(final ClassNode originalNode, final ClassNode parentToCompare, final ClassNode[] interfacesToCompare) { if (!originalNode.isInterface()) { if (parentToCompare == null) return; if (originalNode == parentToCompare.redirect()) { addError("Cyclic inheritance involving " + parentToCompare.getName() + " in class " + originalNode.getName(), originalNode); return; } if (interfacesToCompare != null && interfacesToCompare.length > 0) { for (ClassNode intfToCompare : interfacesToCompare) { if (originalNode == intfToCompare.redirect()) { addError("Cycle detected: the type " + originalNode.getName() + " cannot implement itself", originalNode); return; } } } if (parentToCompare == ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE) return; checkCyclicInheritance(originalNode, parentToCompare.getUnresolvedSuperClass(), null); } else { if (interfacesToCompare != null && interfacesToCompare.length > 0) { // check interfaces at this level first for (ClassNode intfToCompare : interfacesToCompare) { if (originalNode == intfToCompare.redirect()) { addError("Cyclic inheritance involving " + intfToCompare.getName() + " in interface " + originalNode.getName(), originalNode); return; } } // check next level of interfaces for (ClassNode intf : interfacesToCompare) { checkCyclicInheritance(originalNode, null, intf.getInterfaces()); } } } } @Override public void visitCatchStatement(final CatchStatement cs) { resolveOrFail(cs.getExceptionType(), cs); if (cs.getExceptionType() == ClassHelper.DYNAMIC_TYPE) { cs.getVariable().setType(ClassHelper.make(Exception.class)); } super.visitCatchStatement(cs); } @Override public void visitForLoop(final ForStatement forLoop) { resolveOrFail(forLoop.getVariableType(), forLoop); super.visitForLoop(forLoop); } @Override public void visitBlockStatement(final BlockStatement block) { VariableScope oldScope = currentScope; currentScope = block.getVariableScope(); super.visitBlockStatement(block); currentScope = oldScope; } private boolean resolveGenericsTypes(final GenericsType[] types) { if (types == null) return true; currentClass.setUsingGenerics(true); boolean resolved = true; for (GenericsType type : types) { // attempt resolution on all types, so don't short-circuit and stop if we've previously failed resolved = resolveGenericsType(type) && resolved; } return resolved; } private void resolveGenericsHeader(final GenericsType[] types) { resolveGenericsHeader(types, null, 0); } private void resolveGenericsHeader(final GenericsType[] types, final GenericsType rootType, final int level) { if (types == null) return; currentClass.setUsingGenerics(true); List<Tuple2<ClassNode, GenericsType>> upperBoundsWithGenerics = new LinkedList<>(); List<Tuple2<ClassNode, ClassNode>> upperBoundsToResolve = new LinkedList<>(); for (GenericsType type : types) { if (level > 0 && type.getName().equals(rootType.getName())) { continue; } ClassNode classNode = type.getType(); String name = type.getName(); GenericsTypeName gtn = new GenericsTypeName(name); ClassNode[] bounds = type.getUpperBounds(); boolean isWild = QUESTION_MARK.equals(name); boolean toDealWithGenerics = 0 == level || (level > 0 && null != genericParameterNames.get(gtn)); if (bounds != null) { boolean nameAdded = false; for (ClassNode upperBound : bounds) { if (!isWild) { if (!nameAdded && upperBound != null || !resolve(classNode)) { if (toDealWithGenerics) { genericParameterNames.put(gtn, type); type.setPlaceholder(true); classNode.setRedirect(upperBound); nameAdded = true; } } upperBoundsToResolve.add(tuple(upperBound, classNode)); } if (upperBound != null && upperBound.isUsingGenerics()) { upperBoundsWithGenerics.add(tuple(upperBound, type)); } } } else { if (!isWild) { if (toDealWithGenerics) { GenericsType originalGt = genericParameterNames.get(gtn); genericParameterNames.put(gtn, type); type.setPlaceholder(true); if (null == originalGt) { classNode.setRedirect(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE); } else { classNode.setRedirect(originalGt.getType()); } } } } } for (Tuple2<ClassNode, ClassNode> tp : upperBoundsToResolve) { ClassNode upperBound = tp.getV1(); ClassNode classNode = tp.getV2(); resolveOrFail(upperBound, classNode); } for (Tuple2<ClassNode, GenericsType> tp : upperBoundsWithGenerics) { ClassNode upperBound = tp.getV1(); GenericsType gt = tp.getV2(); resolveGenericsHeader(upperBound.getGenericsTypes(), 0 == level ? gt : rootType, level + 1); } } private boolean resolveGenericsType(final GenericsType genericsType) { if (genericsType.isResolved()) return true; currentClass.setUsingGenerics(true); ClassNode type = genericsType.getType(); // save name before redirect GenericsTypeName name = new GenericsTypeName(type.getName()); ClassNode[] bounds = genericsType.getUpperBounds(); if (!genericParameterNames.containsKey(name)) { if (bounds != null) { for (ClassNode upperBound : bounds) { resolveOrFail(upperBound, genericsType); type.setRedirect(upperBound); resolveGenericsTypes(upperBound.getGenericsTypes()); } } else if (genericsType.isWildcard()) { type.setRedirect(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE); } else { resolveOrFail(type, genericsType); } } else { GenericsType gt = genericParameterNames.get(name); type.setRedirect(gt.getType()); genericsType.setPlaceholder(true); } if (genericsType.getLowerBound() != null) { resolveOrFail(genericsType.getLowerBound(), genericsType); } if (resolveGenericsTypes(type.getGenericsTypes())) { genericsType.setResolved(genericsType.getType().isResolved()); } return genericsType.isResolved(); } private static Map<String, ClassNode> findHierClasses(final ClassNode currentClass) { Map<String, ClassNode> hierClasses = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ClassNode classToCheck = currentClass; classToCheck != ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE; classToCheck = classToCheck .getSuperClass()) { if (classToCheck == null || hierClasses.containsKey(classToCheck.getName())) break; hierClasses.put(classToCheck.getName(), classToCheck); } return hierClasses; } }