Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006-2008 Web Cohesion * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.xml; import freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import org.apache.commons.digester.RuleSet; import org.codehaus.enunciate.EnunciateException; import org.codehaus.enunciate.apt.EnunciateFreemarkerModel; import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.EnunciateConfiguration; import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.SchemaInfo; import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.WsdlInfo; import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.jaxrs.ResourceMethod; import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.jaxrs.RootResource; import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.jaxws.EndpointInterface; import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.validation.Validator; import org.codehaus.enunciate.main.Enunciate; import org.codehaus.enunciate.main.FileArtifact; import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.FacetAware; import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.FreemarkerDeploymentModule; import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.xml.config.SchemaConfig; import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.xml.config.WsdlConfig; import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.xml.config.XMLRuleSet; import org.codehaus.enunciate.template.freemarker.AccessorOverridesAnotherMethod; import org.codehaus.enunciate.template.freemarker.IsDefinedGloballyMethod; import org.codehaus.enunciate.template.freemarker.UniqueContentTypesMethod; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * <h1>XML Module</h1> * * <p>The XML deployment module generates the consolidated WSDLs, WADL and schemas for the API.</a>. * * <ul> * <li><a href="#steps">steps</a></li> * <li><a href="#config">configuration</a></li> * <li><a href="#artifacts">artifacts</a></li> * </ul> * * <h1><a name="steps">Steps</a></h1> * * <h3>generate</h3> * * <p>The only significant step in the XML deployment module is the "generate" step. This step generates the * WSDLs, WADL and schemas for the API.</p> * * <h1><a name="config">Configuration</a></h1> * * <p>The configuration for the XML deployment module is specified by the "xml" child element of the "modules" * element of the enunciate configuration file. It supports the following attributes:</p> * * <ul> * <li>The "<b>prettyPrint</b>" attribute specifies that the generated XML files should be pretty printed. Default is "true".</li> * </ul> * * <h3>The "schema" element(s)</h3> * * <p>The "xml" element supports an arbitrary number of "schema" child elements that are used to configure the schema for * a specified namespace. It supports the following attributes:</p> * * <ul> * <li>The "<b>namespace</b>" attribute specifies the namespace of the schema that is to be configured.</li> * <li>The "<b>useFile</b>" attribute specifies the (already existing) file to use for this schema. * <li>The "<b>file</b>" attribute specifies name of the schema file. The default is the prefix appended with ".xsd".</li> * <li>The "<b>location</b>" attribute specifies name of the schema location (i.e. how the schema is to be located by other schemas). * The default is the name of the file.</li> * <li>The "<b>jaxbBindingVersion</b>" attribute specifies the JAXB binding version for this schema. (Advanced, usually not needed.)</li> * </ul> * * <p>The "schema" element also supports a nested subelement, "appinfo" whose contents will be inlined into the schema "appinfo" annotation.</p> * * <h3>The "wsdl" element(s)</h3> * * <p>The "xml" element supports an arbitrary number of "wsdl" child elements that are used to configure the wsdl for * a specified namespace. It supports the following attributes:</p> * * <ul> * <li>The "<b>namespace</b>" attribute specifies the namespace of the wsdl that is to be configured.</li> * <li>The "<b>useFile</b>" attribute specifies the (already existing) file to use for this schema. * <li>The "<b>file</b>" attribute specifies name of the wsdl file. The default is the prefix appended with ".wsdl".</li> * </ul> * * <h3>The "facets" element</h3> * * <p>The "facets" element is applicable to the XML module to configure which facets are to be included/excluded from the XML artifacts. For * more information, see <a href="">API Facets</a></p> * * <h1><a name="artifacts">Artifacts</a></h1> * * <p>The XML deployment module exports artifacts for each WSDL and schema produced. The id of the artifact is the name of the prefix for the namespace of hte * file appended with ".wsdl" (for wsdls), ".wadl" (for the wadl), and ".xsd" (for schemas).</p> * * @author Ryan Heaton * @docFileName module_xml.html */ public class XMLDeploymentModule extends FreemarkerDeploymentModule implements FacetAware { private boolean prettyPrint = true; private boolean validateSchemas = true; private boolean inlineWSDLSchemas = true; private boolean disableWadl = false; private String wadlStylesheetUri = null; private final XMLAPIObjectWrapper xmlWrapper = new XMLAPIObjectWrapper(); private final XMLRuleSet rules = new XMLRuleSet(); private final ArrayList<SchemaConfig> schemaConfigs = new ArrayList<SchemaConfig>(); private final ArrayList<WsdlConfig> wsdlConfigs = new ArrayList<WsdlConfig>(); private Set<String> facetIncludes = new TreeSet<String>(); private Set<String> facetExcludes = new TreeSet<String>(); /** * @return "xml" */ @Override public String getName() { return "xml"; } /** * The URL to "xml.fmt". * * @return The URL to "xml.fmt". */ protected URL getTemplateURL() { return XMLDeploymentModule.class.getResource("xml.fmt"); } /** * Add a custom schema configuration. * * @param config The configuration to add. */ public void addSchemaConfig(SchemaConfig config) { this.schemaConfigs.add(config); } /** * Add a custom wsdl configuration. * * @param config The configuration to add. */ public void addWsdlConfig(WsdlConfig config) { this.wsdlConfigs.add(config); } @Override public void init(Enunciate enunciate) throws EnunciateException { super.init(enunciate); for (SchemaConfig schemaConfig : this.schemaConfigs) { if (schemaConfig.getUseFile() != null) { File useFile = enunciate.resolvePath(schemaConfig.getUseFile()); if (!useFile.exists()) { throw new EnunciateException("File " + useFile + " does not exist."); } } } for (WsdlConfig wsdlConfig : this.wsdlConfigs) { if (wsdlConfig.getUseFile() != null) { File useFile = enunciate.resolvePath(wsdlConfig.getUseFile()); if (!useFile.exists()) { throw new EnunciateException("File " + useFile + " does not exist."); } } } } // Inherited. @Override public void initModel(EnunciateFreemarkerModel model) { super.initModel(model); if (!isDisabled()) { Map<String, SchemaInfo> ns2schema = model.getNamespacesToSchemas(); Map<String, String> ns2prefix = model.getNamespacesToPrefixes(); Map<String, WsdlInfo> ns2wsdl = model.getNamespacesToWSDLs(); for (SchemaInfo schemaInfo : ns2schema.values()) { //make sure each schema has a "file" and a "location" property. String prefix = ns2prefix.get(schemaInfo.getNamespace()); if (prefix != null) { String file = prefix + ".xsd"; schemaInfo.setProperty("filename", file); schemaInfo.setProperty("location", file); } } for (WsdlInfo wsdlInfo : ns2wsdl.values()) { //make sure each wsdl has a "file" property. String prefix = ns2prefix.get(wsdlInfo.getTargetNamespace()); if (prefix != null) { String file = prefix + ".wsdl"; wsdlInfo.setProperty("filename", file); wsdlInfo.setProperty("inlineSchema", inlineWSDLSchemas); } } for (SchemaConfig customConfig : this.schemaConfigs) { SchemaInfo schemaInfo = ns2schema.get(customConfig.getNamespace()); if (schemaInfo != null) { if (customConfig.getUseFile() != null) { File useFile = getEnunciate().resolvePath(customConfig.getUseFile()); if (!useFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("File " + useFile + " does not exist."); } schemaInfo.setProperty("filename", useFile.getName()); schemaInfo.setProperty("location", useFile.getName()); schemaInfo.setProperty("file", useFile); } if (customConfig.getFile() != null) { schemaInfo.setProperty("filename", customConfig.getFile()); schemaInfo.setProperty("location", customConfig.getFile()); } if (customConfig.getLocation() != null) { schemaInfo.setProperty("location", customConfig.getLocation()); } if (customConfig.getJaxbBindingVersion() != null) { schemaInfo.setProperty("jaxbBindingVersion", customConfig.getJaxbBindingVersion()); } if (customConfig.getAppinfo() != null) { schemaInfo.setProperty("appinfo", customConfig.getAppinfo()); } } } for (WsdlConfig customConfig : this.wsdlConfigs) { WsdlInfo wsdlInfo = ns2wsdl.get(customConfig.getNamespace()); if (wsdlInfo != null) { if (customConfig.getUseFile() != null) { File useFile = getEnunciate().resolvePath(customConfig.getUseFile()); if (!useFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("File " + useFile + " does not exist."); } wsdlInfo.setProperty("filename", useFile.getName()); wsdlInfo.setProperty("file", useFile); } if (customConfig.getFile() != null) { wsdlInfo.setProperty("filename", customConfig.getFile()); } wsdlInfo.setProperty("inlineSchema", customConfig.isInlineSchema()); } } EnunciateConfiguration config = model.getEnunciateConfig(); for (WsdlInfo wsdlInfo : model.getNamespacesToWSDLs().values()) { for (EndpointInterface ei : wsdlInfo.getEndpointInterfaces()) { if (!ei.getMetaData().containsKey("soapPath")) { //if we don't have the soap path set by some other jax-ws implementation provider module //then we need to set it ourselves. String path = "/soap/" + ei.getServiceName(); if (config != null) { path = config.getDefaultSoapSubcontext() + '/' + ei.getServiceName(); if (config.getSoapServices2Paths().containsKey(ei.getServiceName())) { path = config.getSoapServices2Paths().get(ei.getServiceName()); } } ei.putMetaData("soapPath", path); } } } for (RootResource resource : model.getRootResources()) { for (ResourceMethod resourceMethod : resource.getResourceMethods(true)) { if (!resourceMethod.getMetaData().containsKey("defaultSubcontext")) { //if we don't have the defaultSubcontext set by some other jax-rs implementation provider module //then we need to set it ourselves. resourceMethod.putMetaData("defaultSubcontext", config == null ? "/rest" : config.getDefaultRestSubcontext()); } } } } } @Override public void doFreemarkerGenerate() throws IOException, TemplateException { EnunciateFreemarkerModel model = getModel(); Map<String, SchemaInfo> ns2schema = model.getNamespacesToSchemas(); Map<String, WsdlInfo> ns2wsdl = model.getNamespacesToWSDLs(); model.put("prefix", new PrefixMethod()); model.put("isDefinedGlobally", new IsDefinedGloballyMethod()); model.setVariable("uniqueContentTypes", new UniqueContentTypesMethod()); model.put("wadlStylesheetUri", this.wadlStylesheetUri); model.put("accessorOverridesAnother", new AccessorOverridesAnotherMethod()); model.put("qnameForType", new QNameForTypeMethod()); File artifactDir = getGenerateDir(); model.setFileOutputDirectory(artifactDir); boolean upToDate = isUpToDate(artifactDir); if (!upToDate) { processTemplate(getTemplateURL(), model); } else { info("Skipping generation of XML files since everything appears up-to-date..."); } for (WsdlInfo wsdl : ns2wsdl.values()) { File wsdlFile = (File) wsdl.getProperty("file"); if (wsdlFile == null) { String file = (String) wsdl.getProperty("filename"); wsdlFile = new File(artifactDir, file); wsdl.setProperty("file", wsdlFile); if (!upToDate && prettyPrint) { prettyPrint(wsdlFile); } } FileArtifact wsdlArtifact = new FileArtifact(getName(), wsdl.getId() + ".wsdl", wsdlFile); wsdlArtifact.setDescription("WSDL file for namespace " + wsdl.getTargetNamespace()); getEnunciate().addArtifact(wsdlArtifact); } for (SchemaInfo schemaInfo : ns2schema.values()) { File schemaFile = (File) schemaInfo.getProperty("file"); if (schemaFile == null) { String file = (String) schemaInfo.getProperty("filename"); schemaFile = new File(artifactDir, file); schemaInfo.setProperty("file", schemaFile); if (!upToDate && prettyPrint) { prettyPrint(schemaFile); } if (!upToDate && validateSchemas) { //todo: write some logic to validate the schemas. } } FileArtifact schemaArtifact = new FileArtifact(getName(), schemaInfo.getId() + ".xsd", schemaFile); schemaArtifact.setDescription("Schema file for namespace " + schemaInfo.getNamespace()); getEnunciate().addArtifact(schemaArtifact); } if (!isDisableWadl()) { File wadl = new File(artifactDir, "application.wadl"); if (wadl.exists()) { FileArtifact wadlArtifact = new FileArtifact(getName(), "application.wadl", wadl); wadlArtifact.setDescription("WADL document"); getEnunciate().addArtifact(wadlArtifact); prettyPrint(wadl); model.setWadlFile(wadl); } } } /** * Whether the artifact directory is up-to-date. * * @param artifactDir The artifact directory. * @return Whether the artifact directory is up-to-date. */ protected boolean isUpToDate(File artifactDir) { return enunciate.isUpToDateWithSources(artifactDir); } /** * Pretty-prints the specified xml file. * * @param file The file to pretty-print. */ protected void prettyPrint(File file) { try { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(false); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); File prettyFile = enunciate.createTempFile("enunciate", file.getName()); parser.parse(file, new PrettyPrinter(prettyFile)); if (file.delete()) { enunciate.copyFile(prettyFile, file); } else { warn("Unable to delete %s. Skipping pretty-print transformation....", file); } } catch (Exception e) { //fall through... skip pretty printing. warn("Unable to pretty-print %s (%s).", file, e.getMessage()); if (enunciate.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } @Override protected ObjectWrapper getObjectWrapper() { return xmlWrapper; } @Override public RuleSet getConfigurationRules() { return this.rules; } @Override public Validator getValidator() { return new XMLValidator(); } /** * Whether to pretty-print the xml. * * @param prettyPrint Whether to pretty-print the xml. */ public void setPrettyPrint(boolean prettyPrint) { this.prettyPrint = prettyPrint; } /** * Whether to validate the generated schemas in an attempt to catch possible errors that enunciate might have missed. * * @param validateSchemas Whether to validate the generated schemas in an attempt to catch possible errors that enunciate might have missed. */ public void setValidateSchemas(boolean validateSchemas) { this.validateSchemas = validateSchemas; } /** * Whether to inline the WSDL schemas. * * @param inlineWSDLSchemas Whether to inline the WSDL schemas. */ public void setInlineWSDLSchemas(boolean inlineWSDLSchemas) { this.inlineWSDLSchemas = inlineWSDLSchemas; } /** * Whether to disable the WADL. * * @return Whether to disable the WADL. */ public boolean isDisableWadl() { return disableWadl; } /** * Whether to disable the WADL. * * @param disableWadl Whether to disable the WADL. */ public void setDisableWadl(boolean disableWadl) { this.disableWadl = disableWadl; } /** * The set of facets to include. * * @return The set of facets to include. */ public Set<String> getFacetIncludes() { return facetIncludes; } /** * Add a facet include. * * @param name The name. */ public void addFacetInclude(String name) { if (name != null) { this.facetIncludes.add(name); } } /** * The set of facets to exclude. * * @return The set of facets to exclude. */ public Set<String> getFacetExcludes() { return facetExcludes; } /** * Add a facet exclude. * * @param name The name. */ public void addFacetExclude(String name) { if (name != null) { this.facetExcludes.add(name); } } }