Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.jclouds;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.BaseProvisioningDriver;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.CloudProvisioningException;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.CustomServiceDataAware;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.MachineDetails;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.ManagementLocator;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.ProvisioningDriver;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.context.ProvisioningDriverClassContextAware;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.context.ValidationContext;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.validation.ValidationMessageType;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.validation.ValidationResultType;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.installer.InstallerException;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.jclouds.JCloudsDeployer;
import org.cloudifysource.esc.util.JCloudsUtils;
import org.jclouds.apis.ApiMetadata;
import org.jclouds.apis.Apis;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ComputeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials;
import org.jclouds.ec2.EC2AsyncClient;
import org.jclouds.ec2.EC2Client;
import org.jclouds.ec2.domain.KeyPair;
import org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.NovaApi;
import org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.NovaAsyncApi;
import org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.KeyPairApi;
import org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.SecurityGroupApi;
import org.jclouds.providers.ProviderMetadata;
import org.jclouds.providers.Providers;

import com.j_spaces.kernel.Environment;

 * A jclouds-based CloudifyProvisioning implementation. Uses the JClouds Compute Context API to provision an image with
 * linux installed and ssh available. If GigaSpaces is not already installed on the new machine, this class will install
 * gigaspaces and run the agent.
 * @author barakme, noak
 * @since 2.0.0
public class DefaultProvisioningDriver extends BaseProvisioningDriver implements ProvisioningDriver,
        ProvisioningDriverClassContextAware, CustomServiceDataAware, ManagementLocator {

    private static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    private static final String PUBLIC_IP_REGEX = "org.cloudifysource.default-cloud-driver.public-ip-regex";
    private static final String PUBLIC_IP_CIDR = "org.cloudifysource.default-cloud-driver.public-ip-cidr";
    private static final String PRIVATE_IP_REGEX = "org.cloudifysource.default-cloud-driver.private-ip-regex";
    private static final String PRIVATE_IP_CIDR = "org.cloudifysource.default-cloud-driver.private-ip-cidr";
    private static final int CLOUD_NODE_STATE_POLLING_INTERVAL = 2000;
    private static final String DEFAULT_EC2_WINDOWS_USERNAME = "Administrator";
    private static final String EC2_API = "aws-ec2";
    private static final String VCLOUD = "vcloud";
    private static final String OPENSTACK_API = "openstack-nova";
    private static final String CLOUDSTACK = "cloudstack";
    private static final String ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE = "jclouds.endpoint";
    private static final String CLOUDS_FOLDER_PATH = Environment.getHomeDirectory() + "clouds";

    // TODO: should it be volatile?
    private static ResourceBundle defaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle;

    private String cloudFolder;
    private String groovyFile;
    private String propertiesFile;

    private JCloudsDeployer deployer;
    private SubnetInfo privateSubnetInfo;
    private Pattern privateIpPattern;
    private SubnetInfo publicSubnetInfo;
    private Pattern publicIpPattern;

    protected void initDeployer(final Cloud cloud) {
        if (this.deployer != null) {

        try {
            // TODO - jcloudsUniqueId should be unique per cloud configuration.
            // TODO - The deployer object should be reusable across templates.
            // The current API is not appropriate.
            // TODO - key should be based on entire cloud configuraion!
            // TODO - this shared context only works if we have reference
            // counting, to check when this item is
            // no longer there. Otherwise, either this context will leak, or it
            // will be shutdown by the first
            // service to by undeployed.
            this.deployer = createDeployer(cloud);
            // (JCloudsDeployer)
            // context.getOrCreate("UNIQUE_JCLOUDS_DEPLOYER_ID_" +
            // this.cloudTemplateName,
            // new Callable<Object>() {
            // @Override
            // public Object call()
            // throws Exception {
            // return createDeplyer(cloud);
            // }
            // });

            // Initialize IP CIDR blocks and Regex

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            publishEvent("connection_to_cloud_api_failed", cloud.getProvider().getProvider());
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create cloud Deployer", e);

    private void initIPFilters(final Cloud cloud) {
        final ComputeTemplate template = cloud.getCloudCompute().getTemplates().get(cloudTemplateName);

        final String privateCidr = (String) template.getCustom().get(PRIVATE_IP_CIDR);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(privateCidr)) {
            this.privateSubnetInfo = new SubnetUtils(privateCidr).getInfo();

        final String privateRegex = (String) template.getCustom().get(PRIVATE_IP_REGEX);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(privateRegex)) {
            this.privateIpPattern = Pattern.compile(privateRegex);

        final String publicCidr = (String) template.getCustom().get(PUBLIC_IP_CIDR);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(publicCidr)) {
            this.publicSubnetInfo = new SubnetUtils(publicCidr).getInfo();

        final String publicRegex = (String) template.getCustom().get(PUBLIC_IP_REGEX);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(publicRegex)) {
            this.publicIpPattern = Pattern.compile(publicRegex);


    public MachineDetails startMachine(final String locationId, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit)
            throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {

        logger.fine(this.getClass().getName() + ": startMachine, management mode: " + management);
        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + unit.toMillis(timeout);

        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > end) {
            throw new TimeoutException("Starting a new machine timed out");

        try {
            final String groupName = createNewServerName();
            logger.fine("Starting a new cloud server with group: " + groupName);
            final MachineDetails md = createServer(end, groupName, locationId);
            return md;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to start cloud machine", e);

    protected MachineDetails createServer(final String serverName, final long endTime,
            final ComputeTemplate template) throws CloudProvisioningException, TimeoutException {
        return createServer(endTime, serverName, null);

    private MachineDetails createServer(final long end, final String groupName, final String locationIdOverride)
            throws CloudProvisioningException {

        final ComputeTemplate cloudTemplate =
        String locationId;
        if (locationIdOverride == null) {
            locationId = cloudTemplate.getLocationId();
        } else {
            locationId = locationIdOverride;

        NodeMetadata node;
        final MachineDetails machineDetails;

        try {
            logger.fine("Cloudify Deployer is creating a new server with tag: " + groupName
                    + ". This may take a few minutes");
            node = deployer.createServer(groupName, locationId);
        } catch (final InstallerException e) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to create cloud server", e);
        logger.fine("New node is allocated, group name: " + groupName);

        final String nodeId = node.getId();

        // At this point the machine is starting. Any error beyond this point
        // must clean up the machine

        try {
            // wait for node to reach RUNNING state
            node = waitForNodeToBecomeReady(nodeId, end);

            // Create MachineDetails for the node metadata.
            machineDetails = createMachineDetailsFromNode(node);

            final FileTransferModes fileTransfer = cloudTemplate.getFileTransfer();

            if ("aws-ec2")
                    && fileTransfer == FileTransferModes.CIFS) {
                // Special password handling for windows on EC2
                if (machineDetails.getRemotePassword() == null) {
                    // The template did not specify a password, so we must be
                    // using the aws windows password mechanism.
                    handleEC2WindowsCredentials(end, node, machineDetails, cloudTemplate);

            } else {
                // Credentials required special handling.
                handleServerCredentials(machineDetails, cloudTemplate);

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            // catch any exception - to prevent a cloud machine leaking.
                    "Cloud machine was started but an error occured during initialization. Shutting down machine",
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(e);

        return machineDetails;

    private void handleEC2WindowsCredentials(final long end, final NodeMetadata node,
            final MachineDetails machineDetails, final ComputeTemplate cloudTemplate)
            throws FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {
        File pemFile = null;

        if ( {
            final File localDirectory = new File(cloudTemplate.getAbsoluteUploadDir());

            pemFile = new File(localDirectory, cloudTemplate.getKeyFile());
        } else {
            final String localDirectoryName = cloudTemplate.getLocalDirectory();
            logger.fine("local dir name is: " + localDirectoryName);
            final File localDirectory = new File(localDirectoryName);

            pemFile = new File(localDirectory, cloudTemplate.getKeyFile());

        if (!pemFile.exists()) {
            logger.severe("Could not find pem file: " + pemFile);
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find key file: " + pemFile);

        String password;
        if (cloudTemplate.getPassword() == null) {
            // get the password using Amazon API
            this.publishEvent("waiting_for_ec2_windows_password", node.getId());

            final LoginCredentials credentials = new EC2WindowsPasswordHandler().getPassword(node,
                    this.deployer.getContext(), end, pemFile);
            password = credentials.getPassword();

            this.publishEvent("ec2_windows_password_retrieved", node.getId());

        } else {
            password = cloudTemplate.getPassword();

        String username = cloudTemplate.getUsername();

        if (username == null) {
            username = DEFAULT_EC2_WINDOWS_USERNAME;

    private NodeMetadata waitForNodeToBecomeReady(final String id, final long end)
            throws CloudProvisioningException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
        NodeMetadata node = null;
        while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) {
            node = deployer.getServerByID(id);

            if (node == null) {
                logger.fine("Server Status (" + id + ") Not Found, please wait...");
            } else {
                switch (node.getStatus()) {
                case RUNNING:
                    return node;
                case PENDING:
                    logger.fine("Server Status (" + id + ") still PENDING, please wait...");
                case TERMINATED:
                case ERROR:
                case UNRECOGNIZED:
                case SUSPENDED:
                    throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to allocate server - Cloud reported node in "
                            + node.getStatus().toString() + " state. Node details: " + node);

        throw new TimeoutException("Node failed to reach RUNNING mode in time");

     * Looks for a free server name by appending a counter to the pre-calculated server name prefix. If the max counter
     * value is reached, code will loop back to 0, so that previously used server names will be reused.
     * @return the server name.
     * @throws CloudProvisioningException
     *             if no free server name could be found.
    private String createNewServerName() throws CloudProvisioningException {

        String serverName = null;
        int attempts = 0;
        boolean foundFreeName = false;

        while (attempts < MAX_SERVERS_LIMIT) {
            // counter = (counter + 1) % MAX_SERVERS_LIMIT;
            serverName = serverNamePrefix + counter.incrementAndGet();
            // verifying this server name is not already used
            final NodeMetadata existingNode = deployer.getServerByID(serverName);
            if (existingNode == null) {
                foundFreeName = true;

        if (!foundFreeName) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    "Number of servers has exceeded allowed server limit (" + MAX_SERVERS_LIMIT + ")");

        return serverName;

    public MachineDetails[] startManagementMachines(final long duration, final TimeUnit unit)
            throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {

        if (duration < 0) {
            throw new TimeoutException("Starting a new machine timed out");
        final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + unit.toMillis(duration);

        logger.fine("DefaultCloudProvisioning: startMachine - management == " + management);

        final String managementMachinePrefix =;
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(managementMachinePrefix)) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    "The management group name is missing - can't locate existing servers!");

        // first check if management already exists
        final MachineDetails[] existingManagementServers = getExistingManagementServers();
        if (existingManagementServers.length > 0) {
            final String serverDescriptions = createExistingServersDescription(managementMachinePrefix,
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    "Found existing servers matching group " + managementMachinePrefix + ": " + serverDescriptions);


        // launch the management machines
        final int numberOfManagementMachines =;
        final MachineDetails[] createdMachines = doStartManagementMachines(endTime, numberOfManagementMachines);
        return createdMachines;

    private String createExistingServersDescription(final String managementMachinePrefix,
            final MachineDetails[] existingManagementServers) {"Found existing servers matching the name: " + managementMachinePrefix);
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (final MachineDetails machineDetails : existingManagementServers) {
            final String existingManagementServerDescription = createManagementServerDescription(machineDetails);
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
                sb.append(", ");
        final String serverDescriptions = sb.toString();
        return serverDescriptions;

    private String createManagementServerDescription(final MachineDetails machineDetails) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Machine ID: ").append(machineDetails.getMachineId());
        if (machineDetails.getPublicAddress() != null) {
            sb.append(", Public IP: ").append(machineDetails.getPublicAddress());

        if (machineDetails.getPrivateAddress() != null) {
            sb.append(", Private IP: ").append(machineDetails.getPrivateAddress());

        return sb.toString();

    public boolean stopMachine(final String serverIp, final long duration, final TimeUnit unit)
            throws CloudProvisioningException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException {

        boolean stopResult = false;"Stop Machine - machineIp: " + serverIp);"Looking up cloud server with IP: " + serverIp);
        final NodeMetadata server = deployer.getServerWithIP(serverIp);
        if (server != null) {
                    "Found server: " + server.getId() + ". Shutting it down and waiting for shutdown to complete");
            deployer.shutdownMachineAndWait(server.getId(), unit, duration);
  "Server: " + server.getId() + " shutdown has finished.");
            stopResult = true;
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Recieved scale in request for machine with ip " + serverIp
                    + " but this IP could not be found in the Cloud server list");
            stopResult = false;

        return stopResult;

    public void stopManagementMachines() throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {

        final MachineDetails[] managementServers = getExistingManagementServers();

        if (managementServers.length == 0) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    "Could not find any management machines for this cloud (management machine prefix is: "
                            + this.serverNamePrefix + ")");

        final Set<String> machineIps = new HashSet<String>();
        for (final MachineDetails machineDetails : managementServers) {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.jclouds.ManagementLocator#getExistingManagementServers()
    public MachineDetails[] getExistingManagementServers() throws CloudProvisioningException {
        final String managementMachinePrefix = this.serverNamePrefix;
        Set<? extends NodeMetadata> existingManagementServers = null;
        try {
            existingManagementServers = this.deployer.getServers(new Predicate<ComputeMetadata>() {

                public boolean apply(final ComputeMetadata input) {
                    final NodeMetadata node = (NodeMetadata) input;
                    if (node.getGroup() == null) {
                        return false;
                    // only running or pending nodes are interesting
                    if (node.getStatus() == NodeMetadata.Status.RUNNING
                            || node.getStatus() == NodeMetadata.Status.PENDING) {
                        return node.getGroup().toLowerCase().startsWith(managementMachinePrefix.toLowerCase());
                    return false;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to read existing management servers: " + e.getMessage(),

        final MachineDetails[] result = new MachineDetails[existingManagementServers.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (final NodeMetadata node : existingManagementServers) {
            result[i] = createMachineDetailsFromNode(node);
            // result[i].setAgentRunning(true);
            // result[i].setCloudifyInstalled(true);

        return result;

    protected void handleProvisioningFailure(final int numberOfManagementMachines, final int numberOfErrors,
            final Exception firstCreationException, final MachineDetails[] createdManagementMachines)
            throws CloudProvisioningException {
        logger.severe("Of the required " + numberOfManagementMachines + " management machines, " + numberOfErrors
                + " failed to start.");
        if (numberOfManagementMachines > numberOfErrors) {
            logger.severe("Shutting down the other managememnt machines");

            for (final MachineDetails machineDetails : createdManagementMachines) {
                if (machineDetails != null) {
                    logger.severe("Shutting down machine: " + machineDetails);

        throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                "One or more managememnt machines failed. The first encountered error was: "
                        + firstCreationException.getMessage(),

    private void populateIPs(final NodeMetadata node, final MachineDetails md, final ComputeTemplate template) {

        CloudAddressResolver resolver = new CloudAddressResolver();
        final String privateAddress = resolver.getAddress(node.getPrivateAddresses(), node.getPublicAddresses(),
                privateSubnetInfo, this.privateIpPattern);
        final String publicAddress = resolver.getAddress(node.getPublicAddresses(), node.getPrivateAddresses(),
                publicSubnetInfo, this.publicIpPattern);



    private MachineDetails createMachineDetailsFromNode(final NodeMetadata node) {
        final ComputeTemplate template =;

        final MachineDetails md = createMachineDetailsForTemplate(template);


        populateIPs(node, md, template);

        final String username = createMachineUsername(node, template);
        final String password = createMachinePassword(node, template);


        // this will ensure that the availability zone is added to GSA that
        // starts on this machine.
        final String locationId = node.getLocation().getId();

        return md;

    private String createMachineUsername(final NodeMetadata node, final ComputeTemplate template) {

        // Template configuration takes precedence.
        if (template.getUsername() != null) {
            return template.getUsername();

        // Check if node returned a username
        if (node.getCredentials() != null) {
            final String serverIdentity = node.getCredentials().identity;
            if (serverIdentity != null) {
                return serverIdentity;

        return null;

    private String createMachinePassword(final NodeMetadata node, final ComputeTemplate template) {

        // Template configuration takes precedence.
        if (template.getPassword() != null) {
            return template.getPassword();

        // Check if node returned a username - some clouds support this
        // (Rackspace, for instance)
        if (node.getCredentials() != null && node.getCredentials().getOptionalPassword() != null) {
            if (node.getCredentials().getOptionalPassword().isPresent()) {
                return node.getCredentials().getPassword();

        return null;

    public void close() {
        if (deployer != null) {

    private JCloudsDeployer createDeployer(final Cloud cloud) throws IOException {
        logger.fine("Creating JClouds context deployer with user: " + cloud.getUser().getUser());
        final ComputeTemplate cloudTemplate = cloud.getCloudCompute().getTemplates().get(cloudTemplateName);

        logger.fine("Cloud Template: " + cloudTemplateName + ". Details: " + cloudTemplate);
        final Properties props = new Properties();

        deployer = new JCloudsDeployer(cloud.getProvider().getProvider(), cloud.getUser().getUser(),
                cloud.getUser().getApiKey(), props);

        return deployer;

    public void setCustomDataFile(final File customDataFile) {"Received custom data file: " + customDataFile);

    public MachineDetails[] getExistingManagementServers(final ControllerDetails[] controllers)
            throws CloudProvisioningException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Locating management servers from file information is not supported in this cloud driver");

    public Object getComputeContext() {
        ComputeServiceContext computeContext = null;
        if (deployer != null) {
            computeContext = deployer.getContext();

        return computeContext;

    public void validateCloudConfiguration(final ValidationContext validationContext)
            throws CloudProvisioningException {
        // 1. Provider/API name
        // 2. Authentication to the cloud
        // 3. Image IDs
        // 4. Hardware IDs
        // 5. Location IDs
        // 6. Security groups
        // 7. Key-pair names (TODO: finger-print check)
        // TODO : move the security groups to the Template section (instead of custom map),
        // it is now supported by jclouds.

        String providerName = cloud.getProvider().getProvider();
        cloudFolder = CLOUDS_FOLDER_PATH + FILE_SEPARATOR + cloud.getName();
        groovyFile = cloudFolder + FILE_SEPARATOR + cloud.getName() + "-cloud.groovy";
        propertiesFile = cloudFolder + FILE_SEPARATOR + cloud.getName() + "";

        String apiId;
        boolean endpointRequired = false;

        try {
                    getFormattedMessage("validating_provider_or_api_name", providerName));
            ProviderMetadata providerMetadata = Providers.withId(providerName);
            ApiMetadata apiMetadata = providerMetadata.getApiMetadata();
            apiId = apiMetadata.getId();
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            // there is no jclouds Provider by that name, this could be the name of an API used in a private cloud
            try {
                ApiMetadata apiMetadata = Apis.withId(providerName);
                apiId = apiMetadata.getId();
                endpointRequired = true;
            } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
                throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                        getFormattedMessage("error_provider_or_api_name_validation", providerName, cloudFolder),
        validateComputeTemplates(endpointRequired, apiId, validationContext);

    private void validateComputeTemplates(final boolean endpointRequired, final String apiId,
            final ValidationContext validationContext) throws CloudProvisioningException {

        JCloudsDeployer deployer = null;
        String templateName = "";
        String imageId = "";
        String hardwareId = "";
        String locationId = "";

        try {
            for (Entry<String, ComputeTemplate> entry : cloud.getCloudCompute().getTemplates().entrySet()) {
                templateName = entry.getKey();
                        getFormattedMessage("validating_template", templateName));
                ComputeTemplate template = entry.getValue();
                String endpoint = getEndpoint(template);
                if (endpointRequired && StringUtils.isBlank(endpoint)) {
                    throw new CloudProvisioningException("Endpoint not defined. Please add a \"jclouds.endpoint\""
                            + " entry in the template's overrides section");

                try {
                    final Properties templateProps = new Properties();
                    Map<String, Object> templateOverrides = template.getOverrides();
                    logger.fine("Creating a new cloud deployer");
                    deployer = new JCloudsDeployer(cloud.getProvider().getProvider(), cloud.getUser().getUser(),
                            cloud.getUser().getApiKey(), templateProps);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                            getFormattedMessage("error_cloud_credentials_validation", groovyFile, propertiesFile));

                imageId = template.getImageId();
                hardwareId = template.getHardwareId();
                locationId = template.getLocationId();

                // TODO: check this memory validation
                // deployer.setMinRamMegabytes(template.getMachineMemoryMB());
                try {

                                    imageId == null ? "" : imageId, hardwareId == null ? "" : hardwareId,
                                    locationId == null ? "" : locationId));
                    // calling JCloudsDeployer.getTemplate effectively tests the above configuration through jclouds
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                                    imageId == null ? "" : imageId, hardwareId == null ? "" : hardwareId,
                                    locationId == null ? "" : locationId, groovyFile, propertiesFile),

                if (isKnownAPI(apiId)) {
                    validateSecurityGroupsForTemplate(template, apiId, deployer.getContext(), validationContext);
                    validateKeyPairForTemplate(template, apiId, deployer.getContext(), validationContext);
                        getFormattedMessage("template_validated", templateName));
        } finally {

    private void validateSecurityGroupsForTemplate(final ComputeTemplate template, final String apiId,
            final ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext, final ValidationContext validationContext)
            throws CloudProvisioningException {

        String locationId = template.getLocationId();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(locationId) && apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(OPENSTACK_API)) {
            locationId = getOpenstackLocationByHardwareId(template.getHardwareId());

        if (locationId == null) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException("locationId is missing");

        Object securityGroupsObj = template.getOptions().get("securityGroupNames");
        if (securityGroupsObj == null) {
            securityGroupsObj = template.getOptions().get("securityGroups");

        if (securityGroupsObj != null) {
            if (securityGroupsObj instanceof String[]) {
                String[] securityGroupsArr = (String[]) securityGroupsObj;

                if (securityGroupsArr.length > 0) {
                    try {

                        if (securityGroupsArr.length == 1) {
                                    getFormattedMessage("validating_security_group", securityGroupsArr[0]));
                        } else {
                                                    ", ")));

                        if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(EC2_API)) {
                            RestContext<EC2Client, EC2AsyncClient> unwrapped = computeServiceContext.unwrap();
                            validateEc2SecurityGroups(unwrapped.getApi(), locationId, securityGroupsArr);
                        } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(OPENSTACK_API)) {
                            RestContext<NovaApi, NovaAsyncApi> unwrapped = computeServiceContext.unwrap();
                            validateOpenstackSecurityGroups(unwrapped.getApi(), locationId, securityGroupsArr);
                        } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(CLOUDSTACK)) {
                             * RestContext<CloudStackClient, CloudStackAsyncClient> unwrapped =
                             * computeServiceContext.unwrap();
                             * validateCloudstackSecurityGroups(unwrapped.getApi().getSecurityGroupClient(),
                             * aggregateAllValues(securityGroupsByRegions));

                        } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(VCLOUD)) {
                            // security groups not supported
                        } else {
                            // api validations not supported yet

                    } catch (CloudProvisioningException ex) {
                        throw ex;
            } else {
                // TODO : Validation not supported

    private void validateKeyPairForTemplate(final ComputeTemplate template, final String apiId,
            final ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext, final ValidationContext validationContext)
            throws CloudProvisioningException {

        String locationId = template.getLocationId();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(locationId) && apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(OPENSTACK_API)) {
            locationId = getOpenstackLocationByHardwareId(template.getHardwareId());

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(locationId)) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException("locationId is missing");

        Object keyPairObj = template.getOptions().get("keyPairName");
        if (keyPairObj == null) {
            keyPairObj = template.getOptions().get("keyPair");

        if (keyPairObj != null) {
            if (!(keyPairObj instanceof String)) {
                throw new CloudProvisioningException("Invalid configuration: keyPair must be of type String");

            String keyPairString = (String) keyPairObj;
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyPairString)) {
                try {
                            getFormattedMessage("validating_key_pair", keyPairString));

                    if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(EC2_API)) {
                        validateEC2KeyPair(computeServiceContext, locationId, keyPairString);
                    } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(OPENSTACK_API)) {
                        validateOpenstackKeyPair(computeServiceContext, locationId, keyPairString);
                    } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(CLOUDSTACK)) {
                         * RestContext<CloudStackClient, CloudStackAsyncClient> unwrapped =
                         * computeServiceContext.unwrap();
                         * validateCloudstackKeyPairs(unwrapped.getApi().getSSHKeyPairClient(),
                         * aggregateAllValues(keyPairsByRegions));
                    } else if (apiId.equalsIgnoreCase(VCLOUD)) {
                        // security groups not supported
                    } else {
                        // api validations not supported yet


                } catch (CloudProvisioningException ex) {
                    throw ex;

    private void validateEC2KeyPair(final ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext, final String locationId,
            final String keyPairName) throws CloudProvisioningException {
        RestContext<EC2Client, EC2AsyncClient> unwrapped = computeServiceContext.unwrap();
        EC2Client ec2Client = unwrapped.getApi();
        KeyPairClient ec2KeyPairClient = ec2Client.getKeyPairServices();
        String region = JCloudsUtils.getEC2region(ec2Client, locationId);
        Set<KeyPair> foundKeyPairs = ec2KeyPairClient.describeKeyPairsInRegion(region, keyPairName);
        if (foundKeyPairs == null || foundKeyPairs.size() == 0 || foundKeyPairs.iterator().next() == null) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    getFormattedMessage("error_key_pair_validation", keyPairName, groovyFile, propertiesFile));

    private void validateOpenstackKeyPair(final ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext,
            final String locationId, final String keyPairName) throws CloudProvisioningException {
        RestContext<NovaApi, NovaAsyncApi> unwrapped = computeServiceContext.unwrap();
        KeyPairApi keyPairApi = unwrapped.getApi().getKeyPairExtensionForZone(locationId).get();
        Predicate<org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain.KeyPair> keyPairNamePredicate = org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.predicates.KeyPairPredicates
        if (!keyPairApi.list().anyMatch(keyPairNamePredicate)) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(
                    getFormattedMessage("error_key_pair_validation", keyPairName, groovyFile, propertiesFile));

    private boolean isKnownAPI(final String apiName) {
        boolean supported = false;

        if (apiName.equalsIgnoreCase(EC2_API) || apiName.equalsIgnoreCase(OPENSTACK_API)) {
            // || apiName.equalsIgnoreCase(VCLOUD)
            // || apiName.equalsIgnoreCase(CLOUDSTACK)) {
            supported = true;

        return supported;

    private void validateEc2SecurityGroups(final EC2Client ec2Client, final String locationId,
            final String[] securityGroupsInRegion) throws CloudProvisioningException {

        String region = JCloudsUtils.getEC2region(ec2Client, locationId); ec2SecurityGroupsClient = ec2Client.getSecurityGroupServices();
        Set<String> missingSecurityGroups = new HashSet<String>();

        for (String securityGroupName : securityGroupsInRegion) {
            Set<org.jclouds.ec2.domain.SecurityGroup> foundGroups = ec2SecurityGroupsClient
                    .describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(region, securityGroupName);
            if (foundGroups == null || foundGroups.size() == 0 || foundGroups.iterator().next() == null) {

        if (missingSecurityGroups.size() == 1) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(getFormattedMessage("error_security_group_validation",
                    missingSecurityGroups.iterator().next(), groovyFile, propertiesFile));
        } else if (missingSecurityGroups.size() > 1) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(getFormattedMessage("error_security_groups_validation",
                    Arrays.toString(missingSecurityGroups.toArray()), groovyFile, propertiesFile));

    private void validateOpenstackSecurityGroups(final NovaApi novaApi, final String region,
            final String[] securityGroupsInRegion) throws CloudProvisioningException {

        Set<String> missingSecurityGroups = new HashSet<String>();
        SecurityGroupApi securityGroupApi = novaApi.getSecurityGroupExtensionForZone(region).get();

        for (String securityGroupName : securityGroupsInRegion) {
            Predicate<org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain.SecurityGroup> securityGroupNamePredicate = org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.predicates.SecurityGroupPredicates
            if (!securityGroupApi.list().anyMatch(securityGroupNamePredicate)) {

        if (missingSecurityGroups.size() == 1) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(getFormattedMessage("error_security_group_validation",
                    missingSecurityGroups.iterator().next(), groovyFile, propertiesFile));
        } else if (missingSecurityGroups.size() > 1) {
            throw new CloudProvisioningException(getFormattedMessage("error_security_groups_validation",
                    Arrays.toString(missingSecurityGroups.toArray()), groovyFile, propertiesFile));

    private String getEndpoint(final ComputeTemplate template) {
        String endpoint = null;

        Map<String, Object> templateOverrides = template.getOverrides();
        if (templateOverrides != null && templateOverrides.size() > 0) {
            endpoint = (String) templateOverrides.get(ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE);

        return endpoint;

    private void closeDeployer(final JCloudsDeployer jcloudsDeployer) {
        if (jcloudsDeployer != null) {
            logger.fine("Attempting to close cloud deployer");
            logger.fine("Cloud deployer closed");

    private String getOpenstackLocationByHardwareId(final String hardwareId) {
        String region = "";
        if (hardwareId.indexOf("/") == -1) {
  "HardwareId is: " + hardwareId + ". It must be formatted " + "as region / profile id");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "HardwareId is: " + hardwareId + ". It must be formatted " + "as region / profile id");

        region = StringUtils.substringBefore(hardwareId, "/");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(region)) {
  "HardwareId " + hardwareId + " is missing the region name. It must be formatted "
                    + "as region / profile id");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "HardwareId is: " + hardwareId + ". It must be formatted " + "as region / profile id");

        logger.fine("region: " + region);
        return region;

     * returns the message as it appears in the DefaultProvisioningDriver message bundle.
     * @param msgName
     *            the message key as it is defined in the message bundle.
     * @param arguments
     *            the message arguments
     * @return the formatted message according to the message key.
    protected String getFormattedMessage(final String msgName, final Object... arguments) {
        return getFormattedMessage(getDefaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle(), msgName, arguments);

     * Returns the message bundle of this cloud driver.
     * @return the message bundle of this cloud driver.
    protected static ResourceBundle getDefaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle() {
        if (defaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle == null) {
            defaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("DefaultProvisioningDriverMessages",
        return defaultProvisioningDriverMessageBundle;
