Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 TerraMeta Software, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudgraph.hbase.scan; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FuzzyRowFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair; import org.cloudgraph.hbase.filter.HBaseFilterAssembler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.plasma.query.Wildcard; import org.plasma.query.model.Where; import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaType; /** * Assembles a composite fuzzy row key bytes / fuzzy info bytes pair where each * field within the composite row keys are constructed based a set of query * predicates. * * @see * @see * @see * @see * @see * @author Scott Cinnamond * @since 0.5.3 */ public class FuzzyRowKeyScanAssembler implements RowKeyScanAssembler, FuzzyRowKey, HBaseFilterAssembler { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FuzzyRowKeyScanAssembler.class); protected int bufsize = 4000; protected ByteBuffer keyBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufsize); protected ByteBuffer infoBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufsize); protected PlasmaType rootType; protected DataGraphMapping graph; protected TableMapping table; protected ScanLiterals scanLiterals; protected int fieldCount; protected String rootUUID; protected byte fixedMaskByte = 0; protected byte variableMaskByte = 1; protected byte[] delimMask; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private FuzzyRowKeyScanAssembler() { } /** * Constructor * * @param rootType * the root type */ public FuzzyRowKeyScanAssembler(PlasmaType rootType) { this.rootType = rootType; QName rootTypeQname = this.rootType.getQualifiedName(); this.graph = StoreMapping.getInstance().getDataGraph(rootTypeQname); this.table = StoreMapping.getInstance().getTable(rootTypeQname); this.delimMask = new byte[graph.getRowKeyFieldDelimiterBytes().length]; for (int i = 0; i < delimMask.length; i++) delimMask[i] = fixedMaskByte; } /** * Constructor which enables the use of data object UUID as a pre-defined row * key field. * * @param rootType * the root type * @param rootUUID * the root UUID. */ public FuzzyRowKeyScanAssembler(PlasmaType rootType, String rootUUID) { this(rootType); this.rootUUID = rootUUID; } /** * Assemble row key scan information based only on any pre-defined row-key * fields such as the data graph root type or URI. * * @see * @see */ @Override public void assemble() { assembleMetaFields(); } /** * Assemble row key scan information based on the given scan literals as well * as pre-defined row-key fields such as the data graph root type or URI. * * @param literalList * the scan literals * @see * @see */ @Override public void assemble(ScanLiterals literals) { this.scanLiterals = literals; assembleLiterals(); } /** * Assemble row key scan information based on one or more given query * predicates. * * @param where * the row predicate hierarchy * @param contextType * the context type which may be the root type or another type linked * by one or more relations to the root */ @Override public void assemble(Where where, PlasmaType contextType) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("begin traverse"); ScanLiteralAssembler literalAssembler = new ScanLiteralAssembler(this.rootType); where.accept(literalAssembler); // traverse this.scanLiterals = literalAssembler.getPartialKeyScanResult(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("end traverse"); assembleLiterals(); } private void assembleMetaFields() { List<MetaKeyFieldMapping> metaFields = this.graph.getPreDefinedRowKeyFields(); int fieldCount = metaFields.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { MetaKeyFieldMapping metaField = metaFields.get(i); if (fieldCount > 0) { this.keyBytes.put(graph.getRowKeyFieldDelimiterBytes()); this.infoBytes.put(delimMask); } Object keyValue = metaField.getKey(this.rootType); byte[] encodedKeyValue = metaField.getCodec().encode(keyValue); this.keyBytes.put(encodedKeyValue); byte[] tokenMask = new byte[encodedKeyValue.length]; for (int j = 0; j < tokenMask.length; j++) tokenMask[j] = fixedMaskByte; this.infoBytes.put(tokenMask); fieldCount++; } } private void assembleLiterals() { for (KeyFieldMapping fieldMapping : this.graph.getRowKeyFields()) { if (fieldCount > 0) { this.keyBytes.put(graph.getRowKeyFieldDelimiterBytes()); this.infoBytes.put(delimMask); } if (!(fieldMapping instanceof DataRowKeyFieldMapping)) { byte[] encodedValue = getEncodedKeyField(fieldMapping); this.keyBytes.put(encodedValue); byte[] tokenMask = getKeyFieldMask(fieldMapping, encodedValue.length); this.infoBytes.put(tokenMask); this.fieldCount++; } else { DataRowKeyFieldMapping dataFieldConfig = (DataRowKeyFieldMapping) fieldMapping; List<ScanLiteral> scanLiterals = this.scanLiterals.getLiterals(dataFieldConfig); // if no literal present, create a fuzzy wildcard // as per the field length if (scanLiterals == null || scanLiterals.size() == 0) { byte[] wildcard = new byte[dataFieldConfig.getMaxLength()]; Arrays.fill(wildcard, (byte) Character.valueOf('*').charValue()); this.keyBytes.put(wildcard); // no need for padding, we are // at max len byte[] fieldMask = new byte[dataFieldConfig.getMaxLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldMask.length; i++) fieldMask[i] = this.variableMaskByte; this.infoBytes.put(fieldMask); } else { if (scanLiterals.size() > 1) log.warn("expected single literal for data field - ignoring"); FuzzyRowKeyLiteral fuzzyLiteral = (FuzzyRowKeyLiteral) scanLiterals.get(0); if (WildcardStringLiteral.class.isAssignableFrom(fuzzyLiteral.getClass())) { WildcardStringLiteral wc = (WildcardStringLiteral) fuzzyLiteral; String literal = wc.getContent(); if (literal.length() != wc.getFieldConfig().getMaxLength()) { if (literal.startsWith(Wildcard.WILDCARD_CHAR) && literal.endsWith(Wildcard.WILDCARD_CHAR)) { throw new InvalidFuzzyRowKeyWildcardException( "wildcard expression length does not equal field max length (" + wc.getFieldConfig().getMaxLength() + ") for field '" + wc.getFieldConfig().getEndpointProperty().getName() + "' - fuzzy row key scan wildcard expressions, starting" + " and ending with a wildcard character, must exactly match (typically by padding with wildcards) the length of the target (composite)" + " row key field, as HBase fuzzy row key filters use fixed length masking."); } } } this.keyBytes.put(fuzzyLiteral.getFuzzyKeyBytes()); this.infoBytes.put(fuzzyLiteral.getFuzzyInfoBytes()); } this.fieldCount++; } } } private byte[] getEncodedKeyField(KeyFieldMapping metaField) { Object keyValue = metaField.getKey(this.rootType); byte[] tokenValue = metaField.getCodec().encode(keyValue); return tokenValue; } private byte[] getKeyFieldMask(KeyFieldMapping metaField, int paddedTokenValueLength) { byte[] tokenMask = new byte[paddedTokenValueLength]; Arrays.fill(tokenMask, fixedMaskByte); return tokenMask; } @Override public byte[] getFuzzyKeyBytes() { if (this.keyBytes == null) throw new IllegalStateException("row keys not assembled - first call assemble(...)"); byte[] result = new byte[this.keyBytes.position()]; System.arraycopy(this.keyBytes.array(), this.keyBytes.arrayOffset(), result, 0, this.keyBytes.position()); return result; } @Override public byte[] getFuzzyInfoBytes() { if (this.infoBytes == null) throw new IllegalStateException("row keys not assembled - first call assemble(...)"); byte[] result = new byte[this.infoBytes.position()]; System.arraycopy(this.infoBytes.array(), this.infoBytes.arrayOffset(), result, 0, this.infoBytes.position()); return result; } @Override public void clear() { this.scanLiterals = null; } @Override public Filter getFilter() { Pair<byte[], byte[]> pair = new Pair<byte[], byte[]>(this.getFuzzyKeyBytes(), getFuzzyInfoBytes()); List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>>(); list.add(pair); return new FuzzyRowFilter(list); } }