Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TerraMeta Software, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.cloudgraph.hbase.key.StatefullColumnKeyFactory;
import org.cloudgraph.hbase.mutation.Mutations;
import org.cloudgraph.hbase.mutation.Qualifiers;
import org.cloudgraph.hbase.service.HBaseDataConverter;
import org.cloudgraph.state.ProtoSequenceGenerator;
import org.cloudgraph.state.SequenceGenerator;
import org.plasma.sdo.Concurrent;
import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaDataObject;
import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaProperty;
import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaType;
import org.plasma.sdo.helper.DataConverter;
import org.plasma.sdo.profile.ConcurrencyType;

import commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary;
import commonj.sdo.DataObject;

 * The operational, configuration and other state information required for write
 * operations on a single graph row.
 * <p>
 * Acts as a single component within a {@link TableWriter} container and
 * encapsulates the HBase client <a target="#" href=
 * ""
 * >Put</a> and <a target="#" href=
 * ""
 * >Put</a> operations for use in write operations across multiple logical
 * entities within a graph row.
 * </p>
 * @see
 * @author Scott Cinnamond
 * @since 0.5.1
public class GraphRowWriter extends DefaultRowOperation implements RowWriter {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GraphRowWriter.class);
    private TableWriter tableWriter;

    private Put row;
    private Delete delete;
    private Increment increment;

    private Map<Integer, EdgeWriter> edgeWriterMap = new HashMap<Integer, EdgeWriter>();
    private Qualifiers qualifierMap = new Qualifiers();
    private Map<DataObject, Long> dataObjectSequenceMap = new HashMap<>();

    public GraphRowWriter(byte[] rowKey, DataObject rootDataObject, TableWriter tableWriter) {
        super(rowKey, rootDataObject);
        this.tableWriter = tableWriter;
        this.row = new Put(rowKey);

    public SequenceGenerator getSequenceMapping() throws IOException {
        if (this.sequenceMapping == null) {
            this.sequenceMapping = createSequenceMapping(this.rowKey, this.rootDataObject,
        return this.sequenceMapping;

    public GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory getColumnKeyFactory() throws IOException {
        if (this.columnKeyFactory == null) {
            this.columnKeyFactory = new StatefullColumnKeyFactory(this);
        return this.columnKeyFactory;

    // @Override
    private Put getPut() {
        return this.row;

    public void deleteRow() {
        if (this.delete == null) {
            this.delete = new Delete(this.getRowKey());

     * Returns the existing (or creates a new) row delete mutation.
     * @return the existing (or creates a new) row delete mutation.
    // @Override
    private Delete getDelete() {
        if (this.delete == null) {
            this.delete = new Delete(this.getRowKey());
        return this.delete;

     * Returns whether there is an existing row delete mutation.
     * @return whether there is an existing row delete mutation.
    public boolean hasRowDelete() {
        return this.delete != null;

    // @Override
    private Increment getIncrement() {
        if (this.increment == null) {
            this.increment = new Increment(this.getRowKey());
        return this.increment;

     * Returns a single column value for this row given a context data object and
     * property. Uses a statefull column key factory to generate a column key
     * based on the given context data object and property.
     * @param dataObject
     *          the context data object
     * @param property
     *          the context property
     * @return the column value bytes
     * @throws IOException
     * @see StatefullColumnKeyFactory
    public byte[] fetchColumnValue(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, PlasmaProperty property) throws IOException {
        byte[] qualifier = this.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey((PlasmaType) dataObject.getType(), property);

        Get existing = new Get(this.rowKey);

        byte[] family = tableWriter.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        existing.addColumn(family, qualifier);

        Result result = this.getTableWriter().getTable().get(existing);
        return result.getValue(family, qualifier);

    public TableWriter getTableWriter() {
        return this.tableWriter;

     * Returns whether the root data object for this writer is created.
     * @return whether the root data object for this writer is created.
    public boolean isRootCreated() {
        return this.rootDataObject.getDataGraph().getChangeSummary().isCreated(this.rootDataObject);

     * Returns whether the root data object for this writer is deleted.
     * @return whether the root data object for this writer is deleted.
    public boolean isRootDeleted() {
        return this.rootDataObject.getDataGraph().getChangeSummary().isDeleted(this.rootDataObject);

    public Mutations getWriteOperations() {
        List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>(2);
        // if any qualifiers
        if (this.row != null && this.row.size() > 0)
        // for delete , can be just the oper with no qualifiers
        if (this.delete != null)

        if (this.increment != null)

        return new Mutations(rows, this.qualifierMap);

     * Initializes a graph state by querying for a row based on the given row key
     * and either creating a new (empty) graph state for an entirely new graph, or
     * otherwise initializing a graph state based on state or state and management
     * columns in the existing returned row.
     * @param rowKey
     *          the row key
     * @param dataGraph
     *          the data graph
     * @param changeSummary
     *          the change summary
     * @return the graph state
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws DuplicateRowException
     *           for a new graph if a row already exists for the given row key
     * @throws GraphServiceException
     *           where except for a new graph, if no row exists for the given row
     *           key
    protected SequenceGenerator createSequenceMapping(byte[] rowKey, DataObject dataObject,
            ChangeSummary changeSummary) throws IOException {
        SequenceGenerator graphState;
        // --ensure row exists unless a new row/graph
        // --use empty get with only necessary "state" management columns

        // if entirely new graph for the given
        // distributed or sub-graph root
        if (changeSummary.isCreated(dataObject)) {
            TableMapping tableConfig = this.tableWriter.getTableConfig();
            if (tableConfig.uniqueChecks()) {
                Result result = getMinimalRow(rowKey, tableConfig, this.tableWriter.getTable());
                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!result.containsColumn(tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(),
                            GraphMetaKey.TOMBSTONE.codeAsBytes())) {
                        throw new DuplicateRowException("no row for id '" + Bytes.toString(rowKey)
                                + "' expected when creating new row for table '" + tableConfig.getTable().getName()
                                + "'");
                    } else {
                        if (!tableConfig.tombstoneRowsOverwriteable())
                            throw new ToumbstoneRowException("no toumbstone row for id '" + Bytes.toString(rowKey)
                                    + "' expected when creating new row for table '"
                                    + tableConfig.getTable().getName() + "' - cannot overwrite toumbstone row");
            PlasmaDataObject root = (PlasmaDataObject) dataObject;
            // graphState = new BindingSequenceGenerator(root.getUUID(),
            // this.tableWriter.getDistributedOperation().getMarshallingContext());
            graphState = new ProtoSequenceGenerator();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        } else { // modify or delete
            TableMapping tableConfig = this.tableWriter.getTableConfig();
            Result result = getStateRow(rowKey, tableConfig, this.tableWriter.getTable());
            if (result.isEmpty()) {
                throw new MissingRowException(tableConfig.getTable().getName(), Bytes.toString(rowKey));
            if (result.containsColumn(tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(),
                    GraphMetaKey.TOMBSTONE.codeAsBytes())) {
                throw new ToumbstoneRowException(
                        "no row for id '" + Bytes.toString(rowKey) + "' expected when modifying row for table '"
                                + tableConfig.getTable().getName() + "' - cannot overwrite toumbstone row");
            byte[] state = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes(tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyName()),
            if (state != null) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(" state: " + Bytes.toString(state));
                graphState = new ProtoSequenceGenerator(state);
            } else
                graphState = new ProtoSequenceGenerator();

            // graphState = new BindingSequenceGenerator(Bytes.toString(state),
            // this.tableWriter.getDistributedOperation().getMarshallingContext());
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

            // Even though we found a row, the user could have committed a data object
            // which was copied and has a different UUID than the original data object
            // which generated the graph state. Subsequent update or delete operations
            // using
            // this mismatched UUID can cause havoc, as the UUID is a key used to look
            // up
            // sequence values from the state and create column keys and modify or
            // delete
            // associated values.
            byte[] uuidQual = getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(this.getRootType(), EntityMetaKey.UUID);
            byte[] rootUuid = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes(tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyName()), uuidQual);
            if (rootUuid == null)
                throw new OperationException(
                        "expected column '" + EntityMetaKey.UUID + " for row " + Bytes.toString(rowKey) + "'");
            UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(new String(rootUuid, tableConfig.getCharset()));

            PlasmaDataObject root = (PlasmaDataObject) dataObject;
            if (!uuid.equals(root.getUUID()))
                throw new UUIDMismatchException("Graph state root UUID '" + uuid + "' "
                        + "does not match writer sub-root, " + root
                        + " - can be caused by data object copy operations, "
                        + "where only properties are copied not the UUID, then the copied object is modified and comitted");
        return graphState;

    private Result getMinimalRow(byte[] rowKey, TableMapping tableConfig, Table table) throws IOException {
        Get existing = new Get(rowKey);
        byte[] fam = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        byte[] uuidQual = getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(this.getRootType(), EntityMetaKey.UUID);
        existing.addColumn(fam, uuidQual);
        byte[] rootTypeQual = getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(this.getRootType(), EntityMetaKey.UUID);
        existing.addColumn(fam, rootTypeQual);
        existing.addColumn(fam, GraphMetaKey.TOMBSTONE.codeAsBytes());
        return table.get(existing);

    private Result getStateRow(byte[] rowKey, TableMapping tableConfig, Table table) throws IOException {
        Get existing = new Get(rowKey);
        byte[] fam = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        byte[] uuidQual = getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(this.getRootType(), EntityMetaKey.UUID);
        existing.addColumn(fam, uuidQual);
        byte[] rootTypeQual = getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(this.getRootType(), EntityMetaKey.UUID);
        existing.addColumn(fam, rootTypeQual);
        for (GraphMetaKey field : GraphMetaKey.values()) {
            existing.addColumn(fam, field.codeAsBytes());
        return table.get(existing);

    public EdgeWriter getEdgeWriter(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, PlasmaProperty property, long sequence)
            throws IOException {
        int hashCode = getHashCode(dataObject, property);
        EdgeWriter edgeWriter = edgeWriterMap.get(hashCode);
        if (edgeWriter == null) {
            if (sequence > 0) {
                edgeWriter = new GraphEdgeWriter(dataObject, property, sequence,
                        this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig(), this.graphConfig, this);
            } else { // its the root data object
                edgeWriter = new GraphEdgeWriter(dataObject, property, this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig(),
                        this.graphConfig, this);
            edgeWriterMap.put(hashCode, edgeWriter);
        return edgeWriter;

    public long newSequence(PlasmaDataObject dataObject) throws IOException {
        Long sequence = getSequenceMapping().nextSequence(dataObject);
        return sequence;

    public void writeRowEntityMetaData(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, long sequence) throws IOException {
        byte[] fam = this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();

        PlasmaType plasmaType = (PlasmaType) dataObject.getType();
        byte[] uuidQual = null;
        byte[] typeQual = null;
        if (sequence > 0) {
            uuidQual = this.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, EntityMetaKey.UUID);
            typeQual = this.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, EntityMetaKey.TYPE);
        } else {
            uuidQual = this.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(plasmaType, EntityMetaKey.UUID);
            typeQual = this.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(plasmaType, EntityMetaKey.TYPE);
        this.getPut().addColumn(fam, uuidQual, Bytes.toBytes(dataObject.getUUIDAsString()));
        this.getPut().addColumn(fam, typeQual, encodeType(plasmaType));

    public void deleteRowEntityMetaData(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, long sequence) throws IOException {
        byte[] fam = this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory keyFac = this.getColumnKeyFactory();
        PlasmaType plasmaType = (PlasmaType) dataObject.getType();
        byte[] qual = null;
        for (EntityMetaKey metaField : EntityMetaKey.values()) {
            if (sequence > 0)
                qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, metaField);
                qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, metaField);
            this.getDelete().addColumns(fam, qual); // deletes all cell versions

    public void writeRowData(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, long sequence, PlasmaProperty property, byte[] value)
            throws IOException {
        byte[] fam = this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        PlasmaType plasmaType = (PlasmaType) dataObject.getType();
        GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory keyFac = this.getColumnKeyFactory();

        byte[] qual = null;
        if (sequence > 0)
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, property);
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, property);
        this.getPut().addColumn(fam, qual, value);
        this.qualifierMap.add(fam, qual, dataObject, property);

        if (tableWriter.getTableConfig().optimisticConcurrency())
            checkAndSetConcurrencyAttribs(dataObject, plasmaType, sequence, property, fam, keyFac, this.getPut());

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("writing " + Bytes.toString(qual) + " / " + Bytes.toString(value));

    public void writeRowData(byte[] fam, byte[] qualifier, byte[] value) throws IOException {
        this.getPut().addColumn(fam, qualifier, value);

    public void writeRowAttribute(String name, byte[] value) throws IOException {
        this.getPut().setAttribute(name, value);

    public byte[] readRowAttribute(String name) throws IOException {
        return this.getPut().getAttribute(name);

    public void deleteRowData(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, long sequence, PlasmaProperty property)
            throws IOException {
        byte[] fam = this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        PlasmaType plasmaType = (PlasmaType) dataObject.getType();
        GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory keyFac = this.getColumnKeyFactory();

        byte[] qual = null;
        if (sequence > 0)
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, property);
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, property);
        this.getDelete().addColumns(fam, qual); // deletes all cell versions
        this.qualifierMap.add(fam, qual, dataObject, property);

        if (tableWriter.getTableConfig().optimisticConcurrency())
            checkAndSetConcurrencyAttribs(dataObject, plasmaType, sequence, property, fam, keyFac,

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("deleting " + Bytes.toString(qual));

    public void deleteRowData(byte[] fam, byte[] qualifier) throws IOException {
        getDelete().addColumns(fam, qualifier); // deletes all cell version

    public void incrementRowData(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, long sequence, PlasmaProperty property, long value)
            throws IOException {
        byte[] fam = this.getTableWriter().getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes();
        PlasmaType plasmaType = (PlasmaType) dataObject.getType();
        GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory keyFac = this.getColumnKeyFactory();

        byte[] qual = null;
        if (sequence > 0)
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, property);
            qual = keyFac.createColumnKey(plasmaType, property);

        this.getIncrement().addColumn(fam, qual, value);
        this.qualifierMap.add(fam, qual, dataObject, property);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("incrementing " + Bytes.toString(qual) + " / " + value);

    public void addSequence(DataObject dataObject, long sequence) {
        Long existing = this.dataObjectSequenceMap.get(dataObject);
        if (existing != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "sequence (" + existing + ") already mapped for data object, " + dataObject);
        this.dataObjectSequenceMap.put(dataObject, sequence);

    public boolean containsSequence(DataObject dataObject) {
        return this.dataObjectSequenceMap.containsKey(dataObject);

    public long getSequence(DataObject dataObject) {
        Long result = this.dataObjectSequenceMap.get(dataObject);
        if (result == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sequence not found for data object, " + dataObject);
        return result;

    public byte[] encodeRootType() {
        return encodeType(this.getRootType());

    public byte[] encodeType(PlasmaType type) {
        return encode(type);

    public static byte[] encode(PlasmaType type) {
        byte[] uriPhysicalName = type.getURIPhysicalNameBytes();
        byte[] uri = type.getURIBytes();
        byte[] physicalName = type.getPhysicalNameBytes();
        byte[] name = type.getNameBytes();
        if (uriPhysicalName != null && physicalName != null) {
            return org.cloudgraph.common.Bytes.concat(uriPhysicalName, Bytes.toBytes(ROOT_TYPE_DELIM),
        } else {
            log.warn("no qualified physical name available for type, " + type
                    + ", encoding qualified logical name - please annotate your model with physical name aliases to facilitate logical/physical name isolation");
            return org.cloudgraph.common.Bytes.concat(uri, Bytes.toBytes(ROOT_TYPE_DELIM), name);

     * For concurrent types, annotate the mutation (row) with bytes data from the
     * concurrency property
     * @param dataObject
     *          the data object or row entity
     * @param plasmaType
     *          the type
     * @param sequence
     *          the column sequence number
     * @param property
     *          the column property
     * @param columnFamily
     *          the column familty
     * @param columnKeyFactory
     *          the column key fac
     * @param mutation
     *          the Put or Delete mutation
     * @throws IOException
    private void checkAndSetConcurrencyAttribs(PlasmaDataObject dataObject, PlasmaType plasmaType, long sequence,
            PlasmaProperty property, byte[] columnFamily, GraphStatefullColumnKeyFactory columnKeyFactory,
            Mutation mutation) throws IOException {
        ChangeSummary changeSummary = dataObject.getDataGraph().getChangeSummary();
        if (plasmaType.isConcurrent() && !changeSummary.isCreated(dataObject)) {
            // If we haven't already done this
            if ((this.readRowAttribute(RowWriter.ROW_ATTR_NAME_IS_CONCURRENT_BOOL)) == null) {
                this.writeRowAttribute(RowWriter.ROW_ATTR_NAME_IS_CONCURRENT_BOOL, Bytes.toBytes(Boolean.TRUE));
                PlasmaProperty concurrProp = (PlasmaProperty) plasmaType.findProperty(ConcurrencyType.optimistic);
                Concurrent concurrent = concurrProp.getConcurrent();
                Object dataValue = dataObject.get(concurrProp);
                if (dataValue == null)
                    throw new GraphServiceException("expected data value for concurrent property, " + concurrProp
                            + ", with datatype " + concurrProp.getType() + "");
                switch (concurrent.getDataFlavor()) {
                case version:
                    long longDataValue = DataConverter.INSTANCE.toLong(property.getType(), dataValue);
                    byte[] valueBytes = HBaseDataConverter.INSTANCE.toBytes(property, longDataValue);
                    byte[] concurrQual = null;
                    if (sequence > 0)
                        concurrQual = columnKeyFactory.createColumnKey(plasmaType, sequence, concurrProp);
                        concurrQual = columnKeyFactory.createColumnKey(plasmaType, concurrProp);

                    mutation.setAttribute(RowWriter.ROW_ATTR_NAME_CONCURRENT_FAM_BYTES, columnFamily);
                    mutation.setAttribute(RowWriter.ROW_ATTR_NAME_CONCURRENT_QUAL_BYTES, concurrQual);
                    mutation.setAttribute(RowWriter.ROW_ATTR_NAME_CONCURRENT_VALUE_BYTES, valueBytes);


                    // Increment and set this managed concurrent property
                    // unless entire entity is deleted. Note we can delete
                    // cells using a Delete mutation but unless the entire
                    // entity represented by the given data object is deleted,
                    // we still use the Put mutation to increment the version
                    // property, as you can't change a cell using Delete,
                    // only delete a cell.
                    // if (!changeSummary.isDeleted(dataObject)) {
                    // longDataValue++;
                    // byte[] updatedValueBytes =
                    // HBaseDataConverter.INSTANCE.toBytes(property, longDataValue);
                    // this.getPut().addColumn(columnFamily, concurrQual,
                    // updatedValueBytes);
                    // }

                    throw new GraphServiceException(
                            "unsupported concurrent data flavor (" + concurrent.getDataFlavor() + ") for property, "
                                    + concurrProp + ", with datatype " + concurrProp.getType() + "");
