Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 TerraMeta Software, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudgraph.hbase.graph; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterList; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.cloudgraph.common.CloudGraphConstants; import org.cloudgraph.hbase.filter.GraphFetchColumnFilterAssembler; import; import; import; import; import; import org.cloudgraph.hbase.key.CompositeColumnKeyFactory; import org.cloudgraph.hbase.service.HBaseDataConverter; import org.cloudgraph.hbase.util.FilterUtil; import org.cloudgraph.state.GraphRow; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.plasma.query.collector.Selection; import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaDataGraph; import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaDataObject; import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaProperty; import org.plasma.sdo.PlasmaType; import org.plasma.sdo.core.CoreConstants; import org.plasma.sdo.core.CoreNode; import org.plasma.sdo.helper.PlasmaDataFactory; import org.plasma.sdo.helper.PlasmaTypeHelper; import commonj.sdo.DataObject; import commonj.sdo.Property; /** * Supports both distributed and non-distributed graph assemblers by providing * default functionality. * * @author Scott Cinnamond * @since 0.5.1 */ public abstract class DefaultAssembler { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultAssembler.class); protected PlasmaType rootType; protected Map<PlasmaType, GraphColumnKeyFactory> keyFactories; protected PlasmaDataObject root; protected TableReader rootTableReader; // FIXME: table context obj? // FIXME can this go in RowReader ? protected DataGraphMapping graph; protected Charset charset; protected Selection selection; protected Timestamp snapshotDate; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private DefaultAssembler() { } /** * Constructor. * * @param rootType * the SDO root type for the result data graph * @param selection * the selection properties for the graph to assemble. * @param snapshotDate * the query snapshot date which is populated into every data object * in the result data graph. */ public DefaultAssembler(PlasmaType rootType, Selection selection, TableReader rootTableReader, Timestamp snapshotDate) { this.rootType = rootType; this.selection = selection; this.rootTableReader = rootTableReader; this.snapshotDate = snapshotDate; if (this.snapshotDate == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected snapshotDate"); // FIXME: table context obj? QName rootTypeQname = this.rootType.getQualifiedName(); Config config = StoreMapping.getInstance(); this.graph = config.getDataGraph(rootTypeQname); this.charset = config.getCharset(); this.keyFactories = new HashMap<>(); this.keyFactories.put(this.rootType, new CompositeColumnKeyFactory(this.rootType)); } /** * Returns the assembled data graph. */ public PlasmaDataGraph getDataGraph() { return (PlasmaDataGraph) this.root.getDataGraph(); } protected GraphColumnKeyFactory getKeyFactory(PlasmaType type) { GraphColumnKeyFactory result = this.keyFactories.get(type); if (result == null) { result = new CompositeColumnKeyFactory(type); this.keyFactories.put(type, result); } return result; } protected PlasmaDataObject createRoot(GraphColumnKeyFactory keyFactory, CellValues resultRow) { // build the graph PlasmaDataGraph dataGraph = PlasmaDataFactory.INSTANCE.createDataGraph(); dataGraph.setId(resultRow.getRowKey()); PlasmaDataObject rootObject = (PlasmaDataObject) dataGraph.createRootObject(this.rootType); CoreNode rootNode = (CoreNode) rootObject; // add concurrency fields rootNode.setValue(CoreConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP, snapshotDate); rootNode.getValueObject().put(CloudGraphConstants.GRAPH_NODE_THREAD_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getName()); byte[] uuidQual = keyFactory.createColumnKey(this.rootType, EntityMetaKey.UUID); byte[] rootUuid = resultRow.getColumnValue( Bytes.toBytes(this.rootTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyName()), uuidQual); if (rootUuid == null) throw new GraphServiceException("expected column: " + this.rootTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyName() + ":" + EntityMetaKey.UUID); // need to reconstruct the original graph, so need original UUID String uuidStr = null; uuidStr = new String(rootUuid, this.rootTableReader.getTableConfig().getCharset()); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr); rootObject.resetUUID(uuid); return rootObject; } /** * Creates contained child data object with the same type as the given * containment property or of a specific given sub-type as determined by * querying the entity state. * * @param source * the container data object * @param prop * the containment property * @param uuid * the uuid for the new child * @param subType * the specific (sub) type for the new child which may differ from * the type for the containment property * @return the new child data object * @throws IOException */ protected PlasmaDataObject createChild(PlasmaDataObject source, PlasmaProperty prop, UUID uuid, PlasmaType subType) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating data object (" + uuid + ") type: " + subType.toString()); PlasmaDataObject child = (PlasmaDataObject) source.createDataObject(prop, subType); child.resetUUID(uuid); CoreNode childNode = ((CoreNode) child); childNode.setValue(CoreConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP, snapshotDate); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.GRAPH_NODE_THREAD_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getName()); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.SEQUENCE, CloudGraphConstants.ROOT_SEQUENCE); return child; } protected PlasmaDataObject createChild(long targetSequence, EdgeOperation collection, DataObject source, PlasmaProperty sourceProperty, RowReader rowReader, DataGraphMapping graphConfig) throws IOException { PlasmaType subType = collection.getSubType(); if (subType == null) subType = collection.getBaseType(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating data object type: " + subType.toString()); PlasmaDataObject child = (PlasmaDataObject) source.createDataObject(sourceProperty, subType); CoreNode childNode = ((CoreNode) child); childNode.setValue(CoreConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP, snapshotDate); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.GRAPH_NODE_THREAD_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getName()); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.SEQUENCE, targetSequence); return child; } protected PlasmaDataObject createChild(UUID uuid, PlasmaType childType, long targetSequence, DataObject source, PlasmaProperty sourceProperty) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating data object type: " + childType.toString()); PlasmaDataObject child = (PlasmaDataObject) source.createDataObject(sourceProperty, childType); CoreNode childNode = ((CoreNode) child); childNode.setValue(CoreConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP, snapshotDate); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.GRAPH_NODE_THREAD_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getName()); childNode.setValue(CloudGraphConstants.SEQUENCE, targetSequence); child.resetUUID(uuid); return child; } protected void assembleUUID(PlasmaDataObject target, long targetSequence, EdgeReader edgeReader, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] uuidValue = this.getMetaDataColumnValue((PlasmaType) target.getType(), targetSequence, EntityMetaKey.UUID, rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig(), rowReader); String uuidStr = null; uuidStr = new String(uuidValue, rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig().getCharset()); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr); target.resetUUID(uuid); } protected UUID fetchUUID(PlasmaType type, long targetSequence, EdgeReader edgeReader, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] uuidValue = this.getMetaDataColumnValue(type, targetSequence, EntityMetaKey.UUID, rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig(), rowReader); String uuidStr = null; uuidStr = new String(uuidValue, rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig().getCharset()); UUID uuid = null; if (uuidStr.length() == 22) { byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(uuidStr); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); uuid = new UUID(bb.getLong(), bb.getLong()); } else { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr); } return uuid; } protected UUID findRootUUID(TableReader childTableReader, GraphColumnKeyFactory keyFactory, PlasmaType subType, CellValues childResult) { byte[] uuidQual = keyFactory.createColumnKey(subType, EntityMetaKey.UUID); byte[] rootUuid = childResult .getColumnValue(childTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(), uuidQual); if (rootUuid != null) { String uuidStr = null; uuidStr = new String(rootUuid, childTableReader.getTableConfig().getCharset()); UUID uuid = null; if (uuidStr.length() == 22) { byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(uuidStr); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); uuid = new UUID(bb.getLong(), bb.getLong()); } else { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr); } return uuid; } return null; } protected UUID fetchRootUUID(TableReader childTableReader, GraphColumnKeyFactory keyFactory, PlasmaType subType, CellValues childResult) { byte[] uuidQual = keyFactory.createColumnKey(subType, EntityMetaKey.UUID); byte[] rootUuid = childResult .getColumnValue(childTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(), uuidQual); if (rootUuid == null) throw new GraphServiceException("expected column: " + Bytes.toString(uuidQual) + " for row '" + childResult.getRowKey() + "' in table: " + childTableReader.getTableConfig().getName()); String uuidStr = new String(rootUuid, childTableReader.getTableConfig().getCharset()); UUID uuid = null; if (uuidStr.length() == 22) { byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(uuidStr); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); uuid = new UUID(bb.getLong(), bb.getLong()); } else { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr); } return uuid; } protected PlasmaType fetchRootType(TableReader childTableReader, GraphColumnKeyFactory keyFactory, PlasmaType subType, CellValues childResult) throws IOException { byte[] typeQual = keyFactory.createColumnKey(subType, EntityMetaKey.TYPE); byte[] rootType = childResult .getColumnValue(childTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(), typeQual); if (rootType == null) throw new GraphServiceException("expected column: " + Bytes.toString(typeQual) + " for row '" + childResult.getRowKey() + "' in table: " + childTableReader.getTableConfig().getName()); String[] tokens = Bytes.toString(rootType).split(GraphRow.ROOT_TYPE_DELIM); PlasmaType result = (PlasmaType) PlasmaTypeHelper.INSTANCE.findTypeByPhysicalName(tokens[0], tokens[1]); if (result == null) throw new GraphServiceException("no type found for '" + Bytes.toString(rootType) + "'"); return result; } protected PlasmaType findRootType(TableReader childTableReader, GraphColumnKeyFactory keyFactory, PlasmaType subType, CellValues childResult) throws IOException { byte[] typeQual = keyFactory.createColumnKey(subType, EntityMetaKey.TYPE); byte[] rootType = childResult .getColumnValue(childTableReader.getTableConfig().getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(), typeQual); if (rootType != null) { String[] tokens = Bytes.toString(rootType).split(GraphRow.ROOT_TYPE_DELIM); PlasmaType result = (PlasmaType) PlasmaTypeHelper.INSTANCE.findTypeByPhysicalName(tokens[0], tokens[1]); if (result == null) throw new GraphServiceException("no type found for '" + Bytes.toString(rootType) + "'"); return result; } return null; } protected PlasmaType fetchType(PlasmaType type, long targetSequence, EdgeReader edgeReader, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] typeValue = this.getMetaDataColumnValue(type, targetSequence, EntityMetaKey.TYPE, rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig(), rowReader); PlasmaType result = rowReader.decodeType(typeValue); if (result == null) throw new GraphServiceException("no type found for '" + Bytes.toString(typeValue) + "' in table: " + rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig().getName()); return result; } protected void assembleData(PlasmaDataObject target, long targetSequence, Set<Property> props, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { CoreNode targetDataNode = (CoreNode) target; PlasmaType targetType = (PlasmaType) target.getType(); // add concurrency fields targetDataNode.setValue(CoreConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP, snapshotDate); TableMapping tableConfig = rowReader.getTableReader().getTableConfig(); // data props for (Property p : props) { PlasmaProperty prop = (PlasmaProperty) p; if (!prop.getType().isDataType()) continue; byte[] keyValue = getDataColumnValue(targetType, prop, targetSequence, tableConfig, rowReader); if (keyValue == null || keyValue.length == 0) { continue; // zero length can happen on modification or delete as // we keep cell history } Object value = HBaseDataConverter.INSTANCE.fromBytes(prop, keyValue); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("set: (" + prop.getName() + ") " + String.valueOf(value)); if (!prop.isReadOnly()) { target.set(prop, value); } else { targetDataNode.setValue(prop.getName(), value); } } } protected byte[] getMetaDataColumnValue(PlasmaType type, long sequence, EntityMetaKey keyField, TableMapping tableConfig, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, sequence, keyField); if (!rowReader.getRow().containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected value for qualifier, " + Bytes.toString(qualifier)); } return rowReader.getRow().getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } protected byte[] getMetaDataColumnValue(PlasmaType type, EntityMetaKey keyField, TableMapping tableConfig, CellValues result, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, keyField); if (!result.containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected value for qualifier, " + Bytes.toString(qualifier)); } return result.getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } protected byte[] findMetaDataColumnValue(PlasmaType type, PlasmaProperty property, long sequence, EntityMetaKey keyField, TableMapping tableConfig, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, sequence, property, keyField); if (!rowReader.getRow().containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String qualifierStr = Bytes.toString(qualifier); log.debug("qualifier not found: " + qualifierStr + " - continuing..."); } return null; } return rowReader.getRow().getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } protected byte[] findMetaDataColumnValue(PlasmaType type, long sequence, EntityMetaKey keyField, TableMapping tableConfig, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, sequence, keyField); if (!rowReader.getRow().containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String qualifierStr = Bytes.toString(qualifier); log.debug("qualifier not found: " + qualifierStr + " - continuing..."); } return null; } return rowReader.getRow().getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } /** * Returns a value for the given property from the given row reader by * generating a column qualifier based on column key model configurations * settings, graph state information and other factors. Returns null if the * qualifier does not exist. * * @param target * the data object * @param prop * the property * @param typeSequenceNum * the graph row specific sequence number for the given type for a * data object * @param tableConfig * the table configuration * @param rowReader * the row reader * @return a value for the given property from the given row reader by * generating a column qualifier based on column key model * configurations settings, graph state information and other factors. * @throws IOException * if a remote or network exception occurs. */ protected byte[] getDataColumnValue(PlasmaType type, PlasmaProperty prop, long typeSequenceNum, TableMapping tableConfig, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = null; if (typeSequenceNum > 0) qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, typeSequenceNum, prop); else qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey(type, prop); if (!rowReader.getRow().containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String qualifierStr = Bytes.toString(qualifier); log.debug("qualifier not found: " + qualifierStr + " - continuing..."); } return null; } return rowReader.getRow().getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } protected byte[] getDataColumnValue(PlasmaDataObject target, PlasmaProperty prop, TableMapping tableConfig, RowReader rowReader) throws IOException { byte[] family = tableConfig.getDataColumnFamilyNameBytes(); byte[] qualifier = rowReader.getColumnKeyFactory().createColumnKey((PlasmaType) target.getType(), prop); if (!rowReader.getRow().containsColumn(family, qualifier)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String qualifierStr = Bytes.toString(qualifier); log.debug("qualifier not found: " + qualifierStr + " - continuing..."); } return null; } return rowReader.getRow().getColumnValue(family, qualifier); } protected Set<Property> getProperties(PlasmaDataObject target, PlasmaDataObject source, PlasmaProperty sourceProperty, int level) { return getProperties((PlasmaType) target.getType(), source, sourceProperty, level); } protected Set<Property> getProperties(PlasmaType type, PlasmaDataObject source, PlasmaProperty sourceProperty, int level) { Set<Property> props; if (sourceProperty != null) { // props = this.selection.getInheritedProperties(target.getType(), // sourceProperty, level); props = this.selection.getInheritedProperties(type, level); if (props.size() == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("no properties for " + type + " at level: " + level + " for source edge, " + sourceProperty.toString() + " - aborting traversal"); } } else { props = this.selection.getInheritedProperties(type, level); if (props.size() == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("no properties for " + type + " at level: " + level + " - aborting traversal"); } } return props; } /** * Associates the source data object with the target as a non-containment * reference. * * @param target * the data object target * @param source * the data object source * @param sourceProperty * the reference property * @throws IllegalStateException * if the target data object does not have a container */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void link(PlasmaDataObject target, PlasmaDataObject source, Property sourceProperty) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("linking source/target (" + source.toString() + "->(" + target.toString()); if (sourceProperty.isMany()) { PlasmaProperty opposite = (PlasmaProperty) sourceProperty.getOpposite(); if (opposite != null && !opposite.isMany() && target.isSet(opposite)) { PlasmaDataObject existingOpposite = (PlasmaDataObject) target.get(opposite); if (existingOpposite != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found existing opposite value (" + existingOpposite.toString() + ") for source/target " + sourceProperty.toString() + "->" + target.toString() + " - no link created"); return; } } List<DataObject> list = source.getList(sourceProperty); if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<DataObject>(); if (!list.contains(target)) { // check if any existing list members already have the opposite // property set for (DataObject existing : list) { if (opposite != null && !opposite.isMany() && existing.isSet(opposite)) { PlasmaDataObject existingOpposite = (PlasmaDataObject) existing.get(opposite); if (existingOpposite != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("(2)found existing opposite value (" + existingOpposite.toString() + ") for source/target " + sourceProperty.toString() + "->" + target.toString() + " - no link created"); return; } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("adding target " + source.toString() + "." + sourceProperty.getName() + "->" + target.toString()); if (target.getContainer() == null) { if (source.getDataGraph().getRootObject().equals(target)) { log.warn("linking root object, " + target.toString() + " to source, " + source.toString()); } else throw new IllegalStateException("the given target has no container: " + target.toString()); } list.add(target); source.setList(sourceProperty, list); } } else { PlasmaDataObject existing = (PlasmaDataObject) source.get(sourceProperty); if (existing == null) { if (target.getContainer() == null) { if (source.getDataGraph().getRootObject().equals(target)) { log.warn("linking root object, " + target.toString() + " to source, " + source.toString()); } else throw new IllegalStateException("the given target has no container: " + target.toString()); } source.set(sourceProperty, target); } else if (!existing.equals(target)) if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found existing value (" + existing.toString() + ") while creating source/target link " + source.toString() + "." + sourceProperty.toString() + "->" + target.toString()); } } /** * Returns the selection graph as a single result. * * @param rowKey * the row key * @param tableReader * the table reader * @param dataObject * the * @return the selection graph as a single result. * @throws IOException * if a remote or network exception occurs. * @see GraphFetchColumnFilterAssembler */ protected CellValues fetchGraph(byte[] rowKey, TableReader tableReader, PlasmaType type) throws IOException { Get row = new Get(rowKey); FilterList rootFilter = new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL); row.setFilter(rootFilter); GraphFetchColumnFilterAssembler columnFilterAssembler = new GraphFetchColumnFilterAssembler(this.selection, type); rootFilter.addFilter(columnFilterAssembler.getFilter()); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("filter: " + FilterUtil.printFilterTree(rootFilter)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("executing get..."); Result result = tableReader.getTable().get(row); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) throw new GraphServiceException("expected result from table " + tableReader.getTableConfig().getName() + " for row '" + new String(rowKey) + "'"); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("assembled 1 results (" + String.valueOf(after - before) + ")"); return new CellValues(result); } }