Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudfoundry.reactor.util; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpContent; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames; import reactor.ipc.netty.http.client.HttpClientResponse; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class MultipartDecoderChannelHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { public static final String CLOSE_DELIMITER = "CLOSE_DELIMITER"; public static final String DELIMITER = "DELIMITER"; private static final Pattern BOUNDARY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("multipart/.+; boundary=(.*)"); private static final char[] CRLF = new char[] { '\r', '\n' }; private static final char[] DOUBLE_DASH = new char[] { '-', '-' }; private final char[] boundary; private int bodyPosition; private int boundaryPosition; private ByteBuf byteBuf; private int crlfPosition; private int delimiterPosition; private int doubleDashPosition; private int position; private Stage stage; public MultipartDecoderChannelHandler(HttpClientResponse response) { this.boundary = extractMultipartBoundary(response); reset(); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext context, Object message) throws Exception { if (!(message instanceof DefaultHttpContent)) { super.channelRead(context, message); return; } ByteBuf byteBuf = ((DefaultHttpContent) message).content(); this.byteBuf = this.byteBuf != null ? Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(this.byteBuf, byteBuf) : byteBuf; while (this.position < this.byteBuf.readableBytes()) { char c = getChar(); switch (this.stage) { case BODY: body(c); break; case BOUNDARY: boundary(c); break; case END_CRLF: endCrLf(context, c); break; case END_DOUBLE_DASH: endDoubleDash(context, c); break; case START_CRLF: startCrLf(c); break; case START_DOUBLE_DASH: startDoubleDash(c); break; case TRAILING_CRLF: trailingCrLf(context, c); break; } } if (Stage.BODY == this.stage) { sendTrailingBody(context); reset(); } } private static char[] extractMultipartBoundary(HttpClientResponse response) { String contentType = response.responseHeaders().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE); Matcher matcher = BOUNDARY_PATTERN.matcher(contentType); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Content-Type %s does not contain a valid multipart boundary", contentType)); } } private void body(char c) { if (CRLF[0] == c) { this.delimiterPosition = this.position; this.stage = Stage.START_CRLF; this.crlfPosition = 1; this.position++; } else if (DOUBLE_DASH[0] == c) { this.delimiterPosition = this.position; this.stage = Stage.START_DOUBLE_DASH; this.doubleDashPosition = 1; this.position++; } else { this.position++; } } private void boundary(char c) { if (this.boundaryPosition < this.boundary.length) { if (this.boundary[this.boundaryPosition] == c) { this.boundaryPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { if (CRLF[0] == c) { this.stage = Stage.END_CRLF; this.crlfPosition = 1; this.position++; } else if (DOUBLE_DASH[0] == c) { this.stage = Stage.END_DOUBLE_DASH; this.doubleDashPosition = 1; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } } private void endCrLf(ChannelHandlerContext context, char c) { if (this.crlfPosition < CRLF.length) { if (CRLF[this.crlfPosition] == c) { this.crlfPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { if (CRLF[0] == c) { this.stage = Stage.TRAILING_CRLF; this.crlfPosition = 1; this.position++; } else { sendBody(context); sendDelimiter(context); } } } private void endDoubleDash(ChannelHandlerContext context, char c) { if (this.doubleDashPosition < DOUBLE_DASH.length) { if (DOUBLE_DASH[this.doubleDashPosition] == c) { this.doubleDashPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { sendBody(context); sendCloseDelimiter(context); } } private char getChar() { return (char) (this.byteBuf.getByte(this.position) & 0xFF); } private void reset() { if (this.byteBuf != null) { this.byteBuf.release(); this.byteBuf = null; } this.bodyPosition = 0; this.position = 0; this.stage = Stage.BODY; } private void sendBody(ChannelHandlerContext context) { sendBody(context, this.bodyPosition, this.delimiterPosition); this.bodyPosition = this.position; } private void sendBody(ChannelHandlerContext context, int start, int end) { int length = end - start; if (length > 0) { context.fireChannelRead(this.byteBuf.slice(start, length).retain()); } } private void sendCloseDelimiter(ChannelHandlerContext context) { context.fireChannelRead(CLOSE_DELIMITER); this.stage = Stage.BODY; } private void sendDelimiter(ChannelHandlerContext context) { context.fireChannelRead(DELIMITER); this.stage = Stage.BODY; } private void sendTrailingBody(ChannelHandlerContext context) { sendBody(context, this.bodyPosition, this.position); } private void startCrLf(char c) { if (this.crlfPosition < CRLF.length) { if (CRLF[this.crlfPosition] == c) { this.crlfPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { if (DOUBLE_DASH[0] == c) { this.stage = Stage.START_DOUBLE_DASH; this.doubleDashPosition = 1; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } } private void startDoubleDash(char c) { if (this.doubleDashPosition < DOUBLE_DASH.length) { if (DOUBLE_DASH[this.doubleDashPosition] == c) { this.doubleDashPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { if (this.boundary[0] == c) { this.stage = Stage.BOUNDARY; this.boundaryPosition = 1; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } } private void trailingCrLf(ChannelHandlerContext context, char c) { if (this.crlfPosition < CRLF.length) { if (CRLF[this.crlfPosition] == c) { this.crlfPosition++; this.position++; } else { this.stage = Stage.BODY; } } else { sendBody(context); sendDelimiter(context); } } private enum Stage { BODY, BOUNDARY, END_CRLF, END_DOUBLE_DASH, START_CRLF, START_DOUBLE_DASH, TRAILING_CRLF } }