Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudfoundry.client.lib; /* * Copyright 2009-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; //import; //import; import org.cloudfoundry.client.compat.OAuth2AccessToken; import org.cloudfoundry.client.compat.ResponseObject; import org.cloudfoundry.client.compat.util.Assert; import org.cloudfoundry.client.compat.util.Utils; //import org.cloudfoundry.client.ibmlib.util.Assert; //import org.cloudfoundry.client.ibmlib.ResponseErrorHandler; //import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.archive.ApplicationArchive; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.ApplicationStats; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudApplication; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudApplication.DebugMode; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudDomain; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudEntity.Meta; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudInfo; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudOrganization; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudRoute; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudService; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudServiceOffering; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudServicePlan; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudSpace; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudStack; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CrashInfo; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CrashesInfo; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.InstanceStats; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.InstancesInfo; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.Staging; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.util.CloudEntityResourceMapper; import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.util.JsonUtil; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * A Java client to exercise the Cloud Foundry API. * * @author Ramnivas Laddad * @author A.B.Srinivasan * @author Jennifer Hickey * @author Dave Syer * @author Thomas Risberg * @author Stephen Kruger */ public class CloudFoundryClient implements CloudFoundryOperations { public static final String METADATA = "metadata"; public static final String ENTITY = "entity"; private static Logger log = Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); private static final String NYI = "NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"; private static final String API_BASE = "/v2"; private CloudInfo info; private CloudCredentials credentials; private URL cloudControllerUrl; private OAuth2AccessToken token; private CloudSpace sessionSpace; private List<CloudApplication> applications; private List<CloudService> services; /** * Construct client for anonymous user. Useful only to get to the '/info' endpoint. */ // public CloudFoundryClient(URL cloudControllerUrl) { //// this(null, cloudControllerUrl, null, (HttpProxyConfiguration) null, false); // } // // public CloudFoundryClient(URL cloudControllerUrl, boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { //// this(null, cloudControllerUrl, null, (HttpProxyConfiguration) null, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(URL cloudControllerUrl, HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration) { // this(null, cloudControllerUrl, null, httpProxyConfiguration, false); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(URL cloudControllerUrl, HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration, // boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { // this(null, cloudControllerUrl, null, httpProxyConfiguration, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } /** * Construct client without a default org and space. */ public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl) { // this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, null, (HttpProxyConfiguration) null, false); Assert.notNull(credentials, "Credentials were not set"); this.credentials = credentials; this.token = credentials.getToken(); Assert.notNull(credentials, "Cloud controller cannot be null"); this.cloudControllerUrl = cloudControllerUrl; } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, // boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { //// this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, null, (HttpProxyConfiguration) null, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration) { // this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, null, httpProxyConfiguration, false); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration, boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { // this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, null, httpProxyConfiguration, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } /** * Construct a client with a default CloudSpace. */ // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, CloudSpace sessionSpace) { //// this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, sessionSpace, null, false); // } // // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, CloudSpace sessionSpace, // boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { //// this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, sessionSpace, null, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, CloudSpace sessionSpace, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration) { // this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, sessionSpace, httpProxyConfiguration, false); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, CloudSpace sessionSpace, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration, boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { // Assert.notNull(cloudControllerUrl, "URL for cloud controller cannot be null"); // CloudControllerClientFactory cloudControllerClientFactory = // new CloudControllerClientFactory(httpProxyConfiguration, trustSelfSignedCerts); // = cloudControllerClientFactory.newCloudController(cloudControllerUrl, credentials, sessionSpace); // } /** * Construct a client with a default space name and org name. */ // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, String orgName, String spaceName) { //// this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, orgName, spaceName, null, false); // } // // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, String orgName, String spaceName, // boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { //// this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, orgName, spaceName, null, trustSelfSignedCerts); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, String orgName, String spaceName, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration) { // this(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, orgName, spaceName, httpProxyConfiguration, false); // } // public CloudFoundryClient(CloudCredentials credentials, URL cloudControllerUrl, String orgName, String spaceName, // HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration, boolean trustSelfSignedCerts) { // Assert.notNull(cloudControllerUrl, "URL for cloud controller cannot be null"); // CloudControllerClientFactory cloudControllerClientFactory = // new CloudControllerClientFactory(httpProxyConfiguration, trustSelfSignedCerts); // = cloudControllerClientFactory.newCloudController(cloudControllerUrl, credentials, orgName, spaceName); // } // public void setResponseErrorHandler(ResponseErrorHandler errorHandler) { // cc.setResponseErrorHandler(errorHandler); // } // private CloudSpace validateSpaceAndOrg(String spaceName, String orgName) { // List<CloudSpace> spaces = getSpaces(); // // for (CloudSpace space : spaces) { // if (space.getName().equals(spaceName)) { // CloudOrganization org = space.getOrganization(); // if (orgName == null || org.getName().equals(orgName)) { // return space; // } // } // } // // throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching organization and space found for org: " + orgName + " space: " + spaceName); // } public URL getCloudControllerUrl() { return cloudControllerUrl;//cc.getCloudControllerUrl(); } public CloudInfo getCloudInfo() throws CloudFoundryException { if (info == null) { if (token == null) {"Not logged in"); token = new OAuth2AccessToken("", cloudControllerUrl.toString()); JSONObject v2_info = ResponseObject.getResponsObject("/info", token); info = new CloudInfo(v2_info); } else { JSONObject v1_info = ResponseObject.getResponsObject("/info", token); JSONObject v2_info = ResponseObject.getResponsObject(API_BASE + "/info", token); info = new CloudInfo(v1_info, v2_info); } } return info; } public List<CloudSpace> getSpaces() { List<CloudSpace> spaces = new ArrayList<CloudSpace>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + "/spaces?inline-relations-depth=1"; try { List<JSONObject> jspaces = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject jspace : jspaces) { JSONObject entity = jspace.getJSONObject(ENTITY); Meta meta = new Meta(jspace.getJSONObject(METADATA)); JSONObject orgEntity = entity.getJSONObject("organization"); CloudOrganization org = new CloudOrganization(orgEntity.getJSONObject(METADATA), orgEntity.getJSONObject(ENTITY)); CloudSpace space = new CloudSpace(meta, entity.getString("name"), org); spaces.add(space); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return spaces; } public List<CloudOrganization> getOrganizations() { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/organizations?inline-relations-depth=0"; List<CloudOrganization> orgs = new ArrayList<CloudOrganization>(); try { List<JSONObject> entities = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject entity : entities) { orgs.add(new CloudOrganization(entity.getJSONObject(METADATA), entity.getJSONObject(ENTITY))); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return orgs; } public void register(String email, String password) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Feature is not yet implemented."); } public void updatePassword(String newPassword) { updatePassword(credentials, newPassword); } public void updatePassword(CloudCredentials credentials, String newPassword) { ResponseObject.changePassword(token, credentials.getPassword(), newPassword); CloudCredentials newCloudCredentials = new CloudCredentials(credentials.getEmail(), newPassword); if (this.credentials.getProxyUser() != null) { this.credentials = newCloudCredentials.proxyForUser(this.credentials.getProxyUser()); } else { this.credentials = newCloudCredentials; } } public void unregister() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Feature is not yet implemented."); } public OAuth2AccessToken login() throws CloudFoundryException { token = OAuth2AccessToken.getLoginResponse(cloudControllerUrl.toString(), getCloudInfo(), credentials);//cc.login(); // force regeneration of CloudInfo so it contains additional neded info info = null; getCloudInfo(); //sessionSpace = validateSpaceAndOrg(spaceName, orgName); return token; } public OAuth2AccessToken getToken() { return token; } public void logout() { token = null; } public List<CloudApplication> getApplications() throws CloudFoundryException { if (applications == null) { applications = new ArrayList<CloudApplication>(); List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(API_BASE + "/apps?inline-relations-depth=1", token); for (JSONObject resource : ja) { CloudApplication app = new CloudApplication(token, resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY), resource.getJSONObject(METADATA)); applications.add(app); } for (CloudApplication app : applications) { app.setUris(findApplicationUris(app.getMeta().getGuid())); } } return applications; } private List<String> findApplicationUris(UUID appGuid) { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/apps/" + appGuid.toString() + "/routes?inline-relations-depth=1"; List<String> uris = new ArrayList<String>(); try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject entity : ja) { String host = entity.getJSONObject(ENTITY).getString("host"); String domain = entity.getJSONObject(ENTITY).getJSONObject("domain").getJSONObject(ENTITY) .getString("name"); uris.add(host + "." + domain); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return uris; } public CloudApplication getApplication(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { List<CloudApplication> apps = getApplications(); for (CloudApplication app : apps) { if (app.getName().equals(appName)) { return app; } } throw new CloudFoundryException(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Not Found", "Application not found"); } public CloudApplication getApplication(UUID appGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { for (CloudApplication app : getApplications()) { if (app.getMeta().getGuid().equals(appGuid)) return app; } return null; } public ApplicationStats getApplicationStats(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); return doGetApplicationStats(app.getMeta().getGuid(), app.getState()); } private ApplicationStats doGetApplicationStats(UUID appId, CloudApplication.AppState appState) { List<InstanceStats> instanceList = new ArrayList<InstanceStats>(); if (appState.equals(CloudApplication.AppState.STARTED)) { try { JSONObject iinfo = getInstanceInfoForApp(appId, "stats"); for (Object instanceId : JsonUtil.keys(iinfo)) { InstanceStats instanceStats = new InstanceStats(instanceId.toString(), iinfo.getJSONObject(instanceId.toString())); instanceList.add(instanceStats); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } return new ApplicationStats(instanceList); } private JSONObject getInstanceInfoForApp(UUID appId, String path) throws CloudFoundryException { String urlOffset = API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString() + "/" + path; return ResponseObject.getResponsObject(urlOffset, token); } public void createApplication(String appName, Staging staging, Integer memory, List<String> uris, List<String> serviceNames) throws CloudFoundryException { createApplication(appName, staging, memory, 1204, uris, serviceNames); } public void createApplication(String appName, Staging staging, Integer disk, Integer memory, List<String> uris, List<String> serviceNames) throws CloudFoundryException { HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (sessionSpace != null) { appRequest.put("space_guid", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); } appRequest.put("name", appName); appRequest.put("memory", memory.toString()); if (disk != null) { appRequest.put("disk_quota", disk); } appRequest.put("instances", "1"); addStagingToRequest(staging, appRequest); appRequest.put("state",; String appResp = postForObject(API_BASE + "/apps", appRequest); try { Map<String, Object> appEntity = JsonUtil.convertJsonToMap(appResp); UUID newAppGuid = CloudEntityResourceMapper.getMeta(appEntity).getGuid(); if (serviceNames != null && serviceNames.size() > 0) { updateApplicationServices(appName, serviceNames); } if (uris != null && uris.size() > 0) { addUris(uris, newAppGuid); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } private void addUris(List<String> uris, UUID appGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { Map<String, UUID> domains = getDomainGuids(); for (String uri : uris) { Map<String, String> uriInfo = new HashMap<String, String>(2); extractUriInfo(domains, uri, uriInfo); UUID domainGuid = domains.get(uriInfo.get("domainName")); bindRoute(uriInfo.get("host"), domainGuid, appGuid); } } private UUID getRouteGuid(String host, UUID domainGuid) { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/routes?inline-relations-depth=0&q=host:" + host; UUID routeGuid = null; try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject resource : ja) { JSONObject entity = resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); JSONObject metadata = resource.getJSONObject(METADATA); UUID routeSpace = UUID.fromString(entity.getString("space_guid")); UUID routeDomain = UUID.fromString(entity.getString("domain_guid")); if (sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid().equals(routeSpace) && domainGuid.equals(routeDomain)) { routeGuid = new Meta(metadata).getGuid(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return routeGuid; } // private List<Map<String, Object>> getAllResources(String urlPath, Map<String, Object> urlVars) { // List<Map<String, Object>> allResources = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // try { // JSONArray resources = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); // } catch (Throwable e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // TODO - figure out how these guys convert a rich json object to a Map // return allResources; // } // private String getForObject(String url, Class<String> class1, // Map<String, Object> urlVars) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } private void bindRoute(String host, UUID domainGuid, UUID appGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID routeGuid = getRouteGuid(host, domainGuid); if (routeGuid == null) { routeGuid = doAddRoute(host, domainGuid); } String bindPath = API_BASE + "/apps/" + appGuid + "/routes/" + routeGuid; HashMap<String, Object> bindRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); putForObject(bindPath, bindRequest); } private UUID doAddRoute(String host, UUID domainGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { assertSpaceProvided("add route"); HashMap<String, Object> routeRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); routeRequest.put("host", host); routeRequest.put("domain_guid", domainGuid); routeRequest.put("space_guid", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); String routeResp = postForObject(API_BASE + "/routes", routeRequest); try { Map<String, Object> routeEntity = JsonUtil.convertJsonToMap(routeResp); return CloudEntityResourceMapper.getMeta(routeEntity).getGuid(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private String putForObject(String urlOffset, HashMap<String, Object> routeRequest) { try { return ResponseObject.putResponsObject(urlOffset, token, null, routeRequest).toString(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private Map<String, String> headForObject(String urlOffset, Map<String, String> headers, int expect) throws CloudFoundryException { return ResponseObject.headResponsObject(urlOffset, token, headers, expect); } private void deleteForObject(String urlOffset) throws CloudFoundryException { ResponseObject.deleteResponsObject(urlOffset, token); } private String postForObject(String urlOffset, HashMap<String, Object> routeRequest) throws CloudFoundryException { return ResponseObject.postResponsObject(urlOffset, token, null, routeRequest).toString(); } private void assertSpaceProvided(String operation) { Assert.notNull(sessionSpace, "Unable to " + operation + " without specifying organization and space to use."); } protected void extractUriInfo(Map<String, UUID> domains, String uri, Map<String, String> uriInfo) { URI newUri = URI.create(uri); String authority = newUri.getScheme() != null ? newUri.getAuthority() : newUri.getPath(); for (String domain : domains.keySet()) { if (authority != null && authority.endsWith(domain)) { String previousDomain = uriInfo.get("domainName"); if (previousDomain == null || domain.length() > previousDomain.length()) { //Favor most specific subdomains uriInfo.put("domainName", domain); if (domain.length() < authority.length()) { uriInfo.put("host", authority.substring(0, authority.indexOf(domain) - 1)); } else if (domain.length() == authority.length()) { uriInfo.put("host", ""); } } } } if (uriInfo.get("domainName") == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain not found for URI " + uri); } if (uriInfo.get("host") == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid URI " + uri + " -- host not specified for domain " + uriInfo.get("domainName")); } } private Map<String, UUID> getDomainGuids() { Map<String, Object> urlVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + ""; if (sessionSpace != null) { urlVars.put("space", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); urlPath = urlPath + "/spaces/{space}"; } String domainPath = urlPath + "/domains?inline-relations-depth=1"; Map<String, UUID> domains = new HashMap<String, UUID>(); try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(domainPath, token); for (JSONObject resource : ja) { JSONObject entity = resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); JSONObject metadata = resource.getJSONObject(METADATA); domains.put(entity.getString("name"), new Meta(metadata).getGuid()); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return domains; } private void addStagingToRequest(Staging staging, HashMap<String, Object> appRequest) throws CloudFoundryException { if (staging.getBuildpackUrl() != null) { appRequest.put("buildpack", staging.getBuildpackUrl()); } if (staging.getCommand() != null) { appRequest.put("command", staging.getCommand()); } if (staging.getStack() != null) { // getStack(staging.getStack()).getMeta().getGuid().toString() appRequest.put("stack_guid", staging.getStack().getMeta().getGuid()); } if (staging.getHealthCheckTimeout() != null) { appRequest.put("health_check_timeout", staging.getHealthCheckTimeout().toString()); } } public void createService(CloudService service) throws CloudFoundryException { assertSpaceProvided("create service"); Assert.notNull(service, "Service must not be null"); Assert.notNull(service.getName(), "Service name must not be null"); Assert.notNull(service.getLabel(), "Service label must not be null"); Assert.notNull(service.getPlan(), "Service plan must not be null"); CloudServicePlan cloudServicePlan = findPlanForService(service); HashMap<String, Object> serviceRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); serviceRequest.put("space_guid", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); serviceRequest.put("name", service.getName()); serviceRequest.put("service_plan_guid", cloudServicePlan.getMeta().getGuid()); postForObject(API_BASE + "/service_instances", serviceRequest); } private List<CloudServiceOffering> getServiceOfferings(String label) throws CloudFoundryException { Assert.notNull(label, "Service label must not be null"); List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject.getResources(API_BASE + "/services?inline-relations-depth=1", token); List<CloudServiceOffering> results = new ArrayList<CloudServiceOffering>(); for (JSONObject resource : resourceList) { CloudServiceOffering cloudServiceOffering = new CloudServiceOffering(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA), resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY)); if (cloudServiceOffering.getLabel() != null && label.equals(cloudServiceOffering.getLabel())) { results.add(cloudServiceOffering); } } return results; } private CloudServicePlan findPlanForService(CloudService service) throws CloudFoundryException { List<CloudServiceOffering> offerings = getServiceOfferings(service.getLabel()); for (CloudServiceOffering offering : offerings) { if (service.getVersion() == null || service.getVersion().equals(offering.getVersion())) { for (CloudServicePlan plan : offering.getCloudServicePlans()) { if (service.getPlan() != null && service.getPlan().equals(plan.getName())) { return plan; } } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service plan " + service.getPlan() + " not found"); } public void createUserProvidedService(CloudService service, Map<String, Object> credentials) { log.severe(NYI); //cc.createUserProvidedService(service, credentials); } public void uploadApplication(String appName, String file) throws IOException { log.severe(NYI); //cc.uploadApplication(appName, new File(file), null); } public void uploadApplication(String appName, File file) throws IOException { log.severe(NYI); //cc.uploadApplication(appName, file, null); } // public void uploadApplication(String appName, File file, UploadStatusCallback callback) throws IOException { //cc.uploadApplication(appName, file, callback); // } // public void uploadApplication(String appName, ApplicationArchive archive) throws IOException { // cc.uploadApplication(appName, archive, null); // } // public void uploadApplication(String appName, ApplicationArchive archive, UploadStatusCallback callback) throws IOException { // cc.uploadApplication(appName, archive, callback); // } public StartingInfo startApplication(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); if (app.getState() != CloudApplication.AppState.STARTED) {"Starting application " + appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("state", CloudApplication.AppState.STARTED); try { ResponseObject ro = ResponseObject.putResponsObject( API_BASE + "/apps/" + app.getMeta().getGuid() + "?stage_async=true", token, null, appRequest); // now update cached services object with new values // CloudApplication newApp = new CloudApplication(token,ro.getJSONObject(ENTITY),ro.getJSONObject(METADATA)); // updateCachedApps(newApp); // force reload of apps applications = null; // Return a starting info, even with a null staging log value, as a non-null starting info // indicates that the response entity did have headers. The API contract is to return starting info // if there are headers in the response, null otherwise. JSONObject headers = ro.getJSONObject("headers"); if (headers.has("x-app-staging-log")) { return new StartingInfo(Utils.safeDecode(headers.getString("x-app-staging-log"))); } else { return new StartingInfo(null); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } // Return the starting info even if decoding failed or staging file is null // return new StartingInfo(stagingFile); return null; // } }"App was already started"); return null; } public void debugApplication(String appName, DebugMode mode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Feature is not yet implemented."); } public void stopApplication(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); if (app.getState() != CloudApplication.AppState.STOPPED) { HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("state", CloudApplication.AppState.STOPPED); String urlOffset = API_BASE + "/apps/" + app.getMeta().getGuid().toString(); try { ResponseObject ro = ResponseObject.putResponsObject(urlOffset, token, null, appRequest); // now update cached services object with new values new CloudApplication(token, ro.getJSONObject(ENTITY), ro.getJSONObject(METADATA)); // force reload of apps applications = null; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } else {"Application already stopped :" + appName); } } public StartingInfo restartApplication(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { stopApplication(appName); return startApplication(appName); } public void deleteApplication(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); doDeleteApplication(appId); } private void doDeleteApplication(UUID appId) throws CloudFoundryException { deleteForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString() + "?recursive=true"); } public void deleteAllApplications() throws CloudFoundryException { List<CloudApplication> cloudApps = getApplications(); for (CloudApplication cloudApp : cloudApps) { deleteApplication(cloudApp.getName()); } } public void deleteAllServices() throws CloudFoundryException { List<CloudService> cloudServices = getServices(); for (CloudService cloudService : cloudServices) { doDeleteService(cloudService); } } private void doDeleteService(CloudService cloudService) throws CloudFoundryException { List<UUID> appIds = getAppsBoundToService(cloudService); if (appIds.size() > 0) { for (UUID appId : appIds) { doUnbindService(appId, cloudService.getMeta().getGuid()); } } deleteForObject(API_BASE + "/service_instances/" + cloudService.getMeta().getGuid().toString()); } private List<UUID> getAppsBoundToService(CloudService cloudService) throws CloudFoundryException { List<UUID> appGuids = new ArrayList<UUID>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + ""; // if (sessionSpace != null) { // urlVars.put("space", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); // urlPath = urlPath + "/spaces/{space}"; // } urlPath = urlPath + "/service_instances?q=" + Utils.safeEncode("name:" + cloudService.getName()); List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject resource : resourceList) { List<JSONObject> service_bindings = ResponseObject .getResources(resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY).getString("service_bindings_url"), token); for (JSONObject sresource : service_bindings) { JSONObject entity = sresource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); if (entity.has("app_guid")) appGuids.add(UUID.fromString(entity.getString("app_guid"))); } } return appGuids; } private UUID getAppId(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { // no idea why the original code does all this pain. I will just scroll through my local list // Map<String, Object> resource = findApplicationResource(appName, false); // UUID guid = null; // if (resource != null) { // Map<String, Object> appMeta = (Map<String, Object>) resource.get(METADATA); // guid = UUID.fromString(String.valueOf(appMeta.get("guid"))); // } // return guid; for (CloudApplication app : getApplications()) { if (app.getName().equals(appName)) return app.getMeta().getGuid(); } return null; } public void updateApplicationDiskQuota(String appName, int disk) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("disk_quota", disk); String result = putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest);; } public void updateApplicationMemory(String appName, int memory) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("memory", memory); String result = putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest);; } public void updateApplicationInstances(String appName, int instances) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("instances", instances); String result = putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest);; } public void updateApplicationServices(String appName, List<String> services) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); List<UUID> addServices = new ArrayList<UUID>(); List<UUID> deleteServices = new ArrayList<UUID>(); // services to add for (String serviceName : services) { if (!app.getServices().contains(serviceName)) { CloudService cloudService = getService(serviceName); if (cloudService != null) { addServices.add(cloudService.getMeta().getGuid()); } else { throw new CloudFoundryException(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Service with name " + serviceName + " not found in current space " + sessionSpace.getName()); } } } // services to delete for (String serviceName : app.getServices()) { if (!services.contains(serviceName)) { CloudService cloudService = getService(serviceName); if (cloudService != null) { deleteServices.add(cloudService.getMeta().getGuid()); } } } for (UUID serviceId : addServices) { doBindService(app.getMeta().getGuid(), serviceId); } for (UUID serviceId : deleteServices) { doUnbindService(app.getMeta().getGuid(), serviceId); } } private void doBindService(UUID appId, UUID serviceId) throws CloudFoundryException { HashMap<String, Object> serviceRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); serviceRequest.put("service_instance_guid", serviceId); serviceRequest.put("app_guid", appId); postForObject(API_BASE + "/service_bindings", serviceRequest); } private void doUnbindService(UUID appId, UUID serviceId) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID serviceBindingId = getServiceBindingId(appId, serviceId); deleteForObject(API_BASE + "/service_bindings/" + serviceBindingId.toString()); } private UUID getServiceBindingId(UUID appId, UUID serviceId) throws CloudFoundryException { List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject .getResources(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString() + "/service_bindings", token); UUID serviceBindingId = null; for (JSONObject resource : resourceList) { JSONObject bindingMeta = resource.getJSONObject(METADATA); JSONObject bindingEntity = resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); String serviceInstanceGuid = bindingEntity.getString("service_instance_guid"); if (serviceInstanceGuid != null && serviceInstanceGuid.equals(serviceId.toString())) { String bindingGuid = (String) bindingMeta.get("guid"); serviceBindingId = UUID.fromString(bindingGuid); break; } } return serviceBindingId; } public void updateApplicationStaging(String appName, Staging staging) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addStagingToRequest(staging, appRequest); putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest); } public void updateApplicationUris(String appName, List<String> uris) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); List<String> newUris = new ArrayList<String>(uris); newUris.removeAll(app.getUris()); List<String> removeUris = app.getUris(); removeUris.removeAll(uris); removeUris(removeUris, app.getMeta().getGuid()); addUris(newUris, app.getMeta().getGuid()); } private void removeUris(List<String> uris, UUID appGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { Map<String, UUID> domains = getDomainGuids(); for (String uri : uris) { Map<String, String> uriInfo = new HashMap<String, String>(2); extractUriInfo(domains, uri, uriInfo); UUID domainGuid = domains.get(uriInfo.get("domainName")); unbindRoute(uriInfo.get("host"), domainGuid, appGuid); } } private void unbindRoute(String host, UUID domainGuid, UUID appGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID routeGuid = getRouteGuid(host, domainGuid); if (routeGuid != null) { String bindPath = API_BASE + "/apps/" + appGuid + "/routes/" + routeGuid.toString(); deleteForObject(bindPath); } } public void updateApplicationEnv(String appName, Map<String, String> env) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("environment_json", env); putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest); } public void updateApplicationEnv(String appName, List<String> env) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("environment_json", env); putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest); } public Map<String, String> getLogs(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/apps/" + getAppId(appName) + "/instances/0/files"; String instance = String.valueOf(0); return doGetLogs(urlPath, appName, instance); } public StreamingLogToken streamLogs(String appName, ApplicationLogListener listener) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); CloudInfo cloudInfo = getCloudInfo();"Streamlogs :" + cloudInfo.getLoggregatorEndpoint() + " " + appId); // String mode = recent ? "dump" : "tail"; // URI loggregatorUri = loggregatorUriTemplate.expand(cloudInfo.getLoggregatorEndpoint(), mode, appId); // try { // WebSocketContainer container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer(); // ClientEndpointConfig config = ClientEndpointConfig.Builder.create().configurator(configurator).build(); // Session session = container.connectToServer(new LoggregatorEndpoint(listener), config, loggregatorUri); // return new StreamingLogTokenImpl(session); // } // catch (DeploymentException e) { // throw new CloudOperationException(e); // } // catch (IOException e) { // throw new CloudOperationException(e); // } return null; } // public StreamingLogToken streamRecentLogs(String appName, ApplicationLogListener listener) { // return null;//cc.streamRecentLogs(appName, listener); // } public Map<String, String> getCrashLogs(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { String filePath = "";// TODO - where am I supposed to get this value? int index = 0;// TODO - where am I supposed to get this value? String urlPath = getFileUrlPath(index, filePath); CrashesInfo crashes = getCrashes(appName); if (crashes.getCrashes().isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } TreeMap<Date, String> crashInstances = new TreeMap<Date, String>(); for (CrashInfo crash : crashes.getCrashes()) { crashInstances.put(crash.getSince(), crash.getInstance()); } String instance = crashInstances.get(crashInstances.lastKey()); return doGetLogs(urlPath, appName, instance); } protected Map<String, String> doGetLogs(String urlPath, String appName, String instance) throws CloudFoundryException { Object appId = getFileAppId(appName); String logFiles = doGetFile(urlPath, appId, instance, "logs", -1, -1); String[] lines = logFiles.split("\n"); List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : lines) { String[] parts = line.split("\\s"); if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0] != null) { fileNames.add(parts[0]); } } Map<String, String> logs = new HashMap<String, String>(fileNames.size()); for (String fileName : fileNames) { String logFile = "logs" + "/" + fileName; logs.put(logFile, doGetFile(urlPath, appId, instance, logFile, -1, -1)); } return logs; } public String getStagingLogs(StartingInfo info, int offset) throws CloudFoundryException { String stagingFile = info.getStagingFile(); if (stagingFile != null) { try { HashMap<String, Object> logsRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); logsRequest.put("offset", offset); String ro = ResponseObject.getResponsObjectAsString(stagingFile + "&tail&tail_offset=" + offset, token); return ro; } catch (CloudFoundryException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { // Content is no longer available return null; } else { throw e; } } catch (Throwable e) { // Likely read timeout, the directory server won't serve // the content again log.severe("Caught exception while fetching staging logs. Aborting. Caught:" + e.getMessage()); } } return null; } protected String getFileUrlPath(int instanceIndex, String filePath) { return API_BASE + "/apps/{appId}/instances/" + instanceIndex + "/files/" + filePath; } protected String doGetFile(String urlPath, Object app, int instanceIndex, String filePath, int startPosition, int endPosition) throws CloudFoundryException { return doGetFile(urlPath, app, String.valueOf(instanceIndex), filePath, startPosition, endPosition); } protected String doGetFile(String urlPath, Object app, String instance, String filePath, int startPosition, int endPosition) throws CloudFoundryException { Assert.isTrue(startPosition >= -1, "Invalid start position value: " + startPosition); Assert.isTrue(endPosition >= -1, "Invalid end position value: " + endPosition); Assert.isTrue(startPosition < 0 || endPosition < 0 || endPosition >= startPosition, "The end position (" + endPosition + ") can't be less than the start position (" + startPosition + ")"); int start, end; if (startPosition == -1 && endPosition == -1) { start = 0; end = -1; } else { start = startPosition; end = endPosition; } final String range = "bytes=" + (start == -1 ? "" : start) + "-" + (end == -1 ? "" : end); return doGetFileByRange(urlPath, app, instance, filePath, start, end, range); } private String doGetFileByRange(String urlPath, Object app, String instance, String filePath, int start, int end, String range) throws CloudFoundryException { boolean supportsRanges; Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); headers.put("Range", "bytes=0-"); try { headForObject(urlPath + "/" + filePath, headers, HttpStatus.SC_OK); supportsRanges = true; } catch (CloudFoundryException e) { supportsRanges = false; } headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (supportsRanges) { headers.put("Range", range); } try { String response = ResponseObject.getResponsObjectAsString(urlPath + "/" + filePath, token, headers); boolean partialFile = false; // if (response.getInt("status")!=HttpStatus.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT) { partialFile = true; // } if (!partialFile && response != null) { if (start == -1) { return response.toString().substring(response.length() - end); } else { if (start >= response.length()) { if (response.length() == 0) { return ""; } throw new CloudFoundryException(HttpStatus.SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, "The starting position " + start + " is past the end of the file content."); } if (end != -1) { if (end >= response.length()) { end = response.length() - 1; } return response.toString().substring(start, end + 1); } else { return response.toString().substring(start); } } } return response.toString(); } catch (CloudFoundryException cfe) { //cfe.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } protected Object getFileAppId(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { return getAppId(appName); } public String getFile(String appName, int instanceIndex, String filePath) throws CloudFoundryException { return getFile(appName, instanceIndex, filePath, 0, -1); } public String getFile(String appName, int instanceIndex, String filePath, int startPosition) throws CloudFoundryException { Assert.isTrue(startPosition >= 0, startPosition + " is not a valid value for start position, it should be 0 or greater."); String urlPath = getFileUrlPath(instanceIndex, filePath); Object appId = getFileAppId(appName); return doGetFile(urlPath, appId, instanceIndex, filePath, startPosition, -1); } public String getFile(String appName, int instanceIndex, String filePath, int startPosition, int endPosition) throws CloudFoundryException { Assert.isTrue(startPosition >= 0, startPosition + " is not a valid value for start position, it should be 0 or greater."); Assert.isTrue(endPosition > startPosition, endPosition + " is not a valid value for end position, it should be greater than startPosition " + "which is " + startPosition + "."); Object appId = getFileAppId(appName); return doGetFile(appName, appId, instanceIndex, filePath, startPosition, endPosition - 1); } public String getFileTail(String appName, int instanceIndex, String filePath, int length) throws CloudFoundryException { Assert.isTrue(length > 0, length + " is not a valid value for length, it should be 1 or greater."); return getFile(appName, instanceIndex, filePath, -1, length); } // list services, un/provision services, modify instance public List<CloudService> getServices() { if (services == null) { services = new ArrayList<CloudService>(); // Map<String, Object> urlVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + ""; // if (sessionSpace != null) { // urlVars.put("space", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); // urlPath = urlPath + "/spaces/{space}"; // } urlPath = urlPath + "/service_instances?inline-relations-depth=1&return_user_provided_service_instances=true"; try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject resource : ja) { JSONObject entity = resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); JSONObject metadata = resource.getJSONObject(METADATA); services.add(new CloudService(new Meta(metadata), entity, token)); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // List<Map<String, Object>> resourceList = getAllResources(urlPath, urlVars); // for (Map<String, Object> resource : resourceList) { // if (hasEmbeddedResource(resource, "service_plan")) { // fillInEmbeddedResource(resource, "service_plan", "service"); // } // services.add(resourceMapper.mapResource(resource, CloudService.class)); // } } return services; } public CloudService getService(String serviceName) { for (CloudService service : getServices()) { if (service.getName().equals(serviceName)) return service; } // if (sessionSpace != null) { // urlVars.put("space", sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid()); // urlPath = urlPath + "/spaces/{space}"; // } // try { // String urlPath = API_BASE+"/service_instances?q="+"name:" + URLEncoder.encode(serviceName,"UTF-9")+"&return_user_provided_service_instances=true"; // JSONArray resources = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); // for (int i=0; i < resources.length();i++) { // CloudService service = new CloudService(new Meta(resources.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject(METADATA)), // resources.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject(ENTITY), // token); // if (serviceName.equals(service.getName())) // return service; // } // // return new CloudService(new Meta(metadata),entity) // } // catch (Throwable t) { // t.printStackTrace(); // } return null; } public void deleteService(String serviceName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudService cloudService = getService(serviceName); doDeleteService(cloudService); } public List<CloudServiceOffering> getServiceOfferings() throws CloudFoundryException { String urlOffset = API_BASE + "/services?inline-relations-depth=1"; List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject.getResources(urlOffset, token); List<CloudServiceOffering> serviceOfferings = new ArrayList<CloudServiceOffering>(); for (JSONObject resource : resourceList) { // System.out.println("meta"); // System.out.println(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA).toString(3)); // System.out.println("entity"); // System.out.println(resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY).toString(3)); CloudServiceOffering serviceOffering = new CloudServiceOffering(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA), resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY)); serviceOfferings.add(serviceOffering); } return serviceOfferings; } public void bindService(String appName, String serviceName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudService cloudService = getService(serviceName); UUID appId = getAppId(appName); doBindService(appId, cloudService.getMeta().getGuid()); } public void unbindService(String appName, String serviceName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudService cloudService = getService(serviceName); UUID appId = getAppId(appName); doUnbindService(appId, cloudService.getMeta().getGuid()); } public InstancesInfo getApplicationInstances(String appName) throws CloudFoundryException { CloudApplication app = getApplication(appName); return getApplicationInstances(app); } public InstancesInfo getApplicationInstances(CloudApplication app) throws CloudFoundryException { if (app.getState().equals(CloudApplication.AppState.STARTED)) { return doGetApplicationInstances(app.getMeta().getGuid()); } return null; } private InstancesInfo doGetApplicationInstances(UUID appId) throws CloudFoundryException { try { List<JSONObject> instanceList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); JSONObject respMap = getInstanceInfoForApp(appId, "instances"); // List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(respMap.keySet()); for (Object instanceId : JsonUtil.keys(respMap)) { Integer index; try { index = Integer.valueOf(instanceId.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { index = -1; } JSONObject instanceMap = respMap.getJSONObject(instanceId.toString()); instanceMap.put("index", index); instanceList.add(instanceMap); } return new InstancesInfo(instanceList); } catch (CloudFoundryException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST) { return null; } else { throw e; } } } public CrashesInfo getCrashes(String appName) { log.severe(NYI); return null;//cc.getCrashes(appName); } public List<CloudStack> getStacks() throws CloudFoundryException { String urlOffset = API_BASE + "/stacks"; List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject.getResources(urlOffset, token); List<CloudStack> stacks = new ArrayList<CloudStack>(); for (JSONObject resource : resourceList) { stacks.add(new CloudStack(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA), resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY))); } return stacks; } public CloudStack getStack(String name) throws CloudFoundryException { String urlOffset = API_BASE + "/stacks?q=" + Utils.safeEncode("name:" + name); List<JSONObject> resourceList = ResponseObject.getResources(urlOffset, token); if (resourceList.size() > 0) { JSONObject resource = resourceList.get(0); return new CloudStack(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA), resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY)); } return null; } public void rename(String appName, String newName) throws CloudFoundryException { UUID appId = getAppId(appName); HashMap<String, Object> appRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appRequest.put("name", newName); putForObject(API_BASE + "/apps/" + appId.toString(), appRequest); } public List<CloudDomain> getPrivateDomains() throws CloudFoundryException { return doGetDomains(API_BASE + "/private_domains"); } public List<CloudDomain> getSharedDomains() throws CloudFoundryException { return doGetDomains(API_BASE + "/shared_domains"); } public List<CloudDomain> doGetDomains(CloudOrganization org) throws CloudFoundryException { Map<String, Object> urlVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + ""; if (org != null) { urlVars.put("org", org.getMeta().getGuid()); urlPath = urlPath + "/organizations/{org}"; } urlPath = urlPath + "/domains"; return doGetDomains(urlPath, urlVars); } private List<CloudDomain> doGetDomains(String urlPath) throws CloudFoundryException { return doGetDomains(urlPath, null); } private List<CloudDomain> doGetDomains(String urlPath, Map<String, Object> urlVars) throws CloudFoundryException { List<JSONObject> domainResources = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); List<CloudDomain> domains = new ArrayList<CloudDomain>(); for (JSONObject resource : domainResources) { domains.add(new CloudDomain(new Meta(resource.getJSONObject(METADATA)), resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY).getString("name"), null)); } return domains; } public List<CloudDomain> getDomains() { List<CloudOrganization> orgs = getOrganizations(); List<CloudDomain> domains = new ArrayList<CloudDomain>(); for (CloudOrganization org : orgs) { List<CloudDomain> orgd = getDomainsForOrg(org); domains.addAll(orgd); } return domains; } public List<CloudDomain> getDomainsForOrg(CloudOrganization org) { List<CloudDomain> domains = new ArrayList<CloudDomain>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + "/organizations/" + org.getMeta().getGuid().toString() + "/domains"; try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); for (JSONObject resource : ja) { JSONObject meta = resource.getJSONObject(METADATA); JSONObject entity = resource.getJSONObject(ENTITY); domains.add(new CloudDomain(new Meta(meta), entity.getString("name"), org)); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return domains; } public List<CloudDomain> getDomainsForOrg() { assertSpaceProvided("access organization domains"); return getDomainsForOrg(sessionSpace.getOrganization()); } public void addDomain(String domainName) throws CloudFoundryException { if (sessionSpace == null) sessionSpace = getSpaces().get(0); assertSpaceProvided("add domain"); UUID domainGuid = getDomainGuid(domainName, false); if (domainGuid == null) { doCreateDomain(domainName); } } private UUID doCreateDomain(String domainName) throws CloudFoundryException { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/private_domains"; HashMap<String, Object> domainRequest = new HashMap<String, Object>(); domainRequest.put("owning_organization_guid", sessionSpace.getOrganization().getMeta().getGuid()); domainRequest.put("name", domainName); domainRequest.put("wildcard", true); String resp = postForObject(urlPath, domainRequest);; try { // Map<String, Object> respMap = JsonUtil.convertJsonToMap(resp); // return resourceMapper.getGuidOfResource(respMap); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void deleteDomain(String domainName) throws CloudFoundryException { assertSpaceProvided("delete domain"); UUID domainGuid = getDomainGuid(domainName, true); List<CloudRoute> routes = getRoutes(domainName); if (routes.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to remove domain that is in use --" + " it has " + routes.size() + " routes."); } doDeleteDomain(domainGuid); } private void doDeleteDomain(UUID domainGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { Map<String, Object> urlVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String urlPath = API_BASE + "/private_domains/" + domainGuid.toString(); urlVars.put("domain", domainGuid); deleteForObject(urlPath); } public void removeDomain(String domainName) { log.severe(NYI); // cc.removeDomain(domainName); } public List<CloudRoute> getRoutes(String domainName) { UUID domainGuid = getDomainGuid(domainName, true); String urlPath = API_BASE + "/routes?inline-relations-depth=1"; List<CloudRoute> routes = new ArrayList<CloudRoute>(); // tbd // for (Map<String, Object> route : allRoutes) { //// TODO: move space_guid to path once implemented (see above): // UUID space = CloudEntityResourceMapper.getEntityAttribute(route, "space_guid", UUID.class); // UUID domain = CloudEntityResourceMapper.getEntityAttribute(route, "domain_guid", UUID.class); // if (sessionSpace.getMeta().getGuid().equals(space) && domainGuid.equals(domain)) { // //routes.add(CloudEntityResourceMapper.getEntityAttribute(route, "host", String.class)); // routes.add(resourceMapper.mapResource(route, CloudRoute.class)); // } // } log.severe(NYI + " " + urlPath + " " + domainGuid); return routes; } private UUID getDomainGuid(String domainName, boolean required) { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/domains?inline-relations-depth=1&q=name:" + Utils.safeEncode(domainName); UUID domainGuid = null; try { List<JSONObject> ja = ResponseObject.getResources(urlPath, token); if (ja.size() > 0) { return new Meta(ja.get(0).getJSONObject(METADATA)).getGuid(); } // if we got here, no domains set if (required) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain '" + domainName + "' not found."); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return domainGuid; } public void addRoute(String host, String domainName) throws CloudFoundryException { assertSpaceProvided("add route for domain"); UUID domainGuid = getDomainGuid(domainName, true); doAddRoute(host, domainGuid); } public void deleteRoute(String host, String domainName) throws CloudFoundryException { assertSpaceProvided("delete route for domain"); UUID domainGuid = getDomainGuid(domainName, true); UUID routeGuid = getRouteGuid(host, domainGuid); if (routeGuid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Host '" + host + "' not found for domain '" + domainName + "'."); } doDeleteRoute(routeGuid); } private void doDeleteRoute(UUID routeGuid) throws CloudFoundryException { String urlPath = API_BASE + "/routes/" + routeGuid.toString(); deleteForObject(urlPath); } // public void registerRestLogListener(RestLogCallback callBack) { // cc.registerRestLogListener(callBack); // } // // public void unRegisterRestLogListener(RestLogCallback callBack) { // cc.unRegisterRestLogListener(callBack); // } }