Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudata.core.tabletserver; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException; import org.cloudata.core.client.CTable; import org.cloudata.core.client.Cell; import org.cloudata.core.client.Row; import org.cloudata.core.client.RowFilter; import org.cloudata.core.common.Constants; import org.cloudata.core.common.LeaseHolder; import org.cloudata.core.common.LeaseListener; import org.cloudata.core.common.conf.CloudataConf; import org.cloudata.core.common.exception.TestCaseTabletServerKillException; import; import org.cloudata.core.common.ipc.AclManager; import org.cloudata.core.common.ipc.CRPC; import org.cloudata.core.common.ipc.CRPC.Server; import org.cloudata.core.common.lock.LockUtil; import org.cloudata.core.common.util.Daemon; import org.cloudata.core.common.util.NetworkUtil; import org.cloudata.core.common.util.SizeOf; import org.cloudata.core.common.util.StringUtils; import org.cloudata.core.fs.CloudataFileSystem; import org.cloudata.core.fs.GPath; import org.cloudata.core.fs.PipeBasedCommitLogFileSystem; import org.cloudata.core.master.CloudataMaster; import org.cloudata.core.master.TabletMasterProtocol; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.ColumnValue; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.RowColumnValues; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.TableSchema; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.TableSchemaMap; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.TabletInfo; import org.cloudata.core.tablet.TabletReport; import org.cloudata.core.tabletserver.action.ActionFinalizer; import org.cloudata.core.tabletserver.action.BatchUploadAction; import org.cloudata.core.tabletserver.action.TabletAction; import org.cloudata.core.tabletserver.metrics.TabletServerMetrics; /** * Tablet? ? <br> * Cloudata? ?(CloudataMaster, TabletServer, CommitLogServer) ?.<p> * ? ? ? .<br> * <li>1. Tablet? ?? (get, put)</li> * * @author babokim * */ public class TabletServer implements TabletManagerProtocol, DataServiceProtocol, Constants, Runnable, Watcher { //FIXME TabletDrop ? ?? ? ??? public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TabletServer.class.getName()); private static final int MAX_TABLET_LOAD_THREAD = 20; private int maxTabletCount = 400; protected CloudataConf conf; private String hostName; private Server server; private CloudataFileSystem fs; // tabletName, tablet private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Tablet> tablets = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Tablet>(); //private Set<TabletInfo> stopedTablets = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<TabletInfo>(100)); // scannerId, tabletName private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> tabletScanners = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(10); private boolean stopRequested = false; private TabletMasterProtocol masterServer; protected LeaseHolder leaseHolder; // tableName, Table protected TableSchemaMap schemaMap; protected boolean daemonMode = false; //TestCase //Scan, Bulk upload ? ? ?? Stream private Daemon dataXceiveServer; private HeartbeatThread heartbeatThread; private MinorCompactionCheckThread minorCompactionThread; private MajorCompactionSplitCheckThread majorCompactionThread; private Count scanCount = new Count(0); private Count uploaderCount = new Count(0); private String tabletServerLockPath; protected ThreadGroup threadGroup; private boolean testMode; private ExecutorService loadThreadExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_TABLET_LOAD_THREAD); protected ThreadPoolExecutor compactionExecutor; protected ThreadPoolExecutor splitExecutor; protected ThreadPoolExecutor actionExecutor; protected AsyncTaskManager asyncTaskManager = new AsyncTaskManager(); //0: path, 1:lockKey //protected LinkedList <String[]> acquiredScLockPath = new LinkedList <String[]>(); //0: path, 1:lockKey protected LinkedHashSet<String[]> acquiredMinorCompactionLockPath = new LinkedHashSet<String[]>(); protected Date serverStartTime; //TabletName -> BatchUploadAction private Map<String, Map<String, BatchUploadAction>> batchUploadActions = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Map<String, BatchUploadAction>>(10)); //TabletServer? ? apply delay . private AtomicInteger heavyMemory = new AtomicInteger(0); //private AtomicBoolean heavyThread = new AtomicBoolean(false); public TabletServerMetrics tabletServerMetrics; private ZooKeeper zk; private int maxMajorCompactionThread; private int maxSplitThread; private Random applyRandom = new Random(); private AtomicLong lastMinorCompactionSpeed = new AtomicLong(0); private AtomicLong lastMinorCompactionTime = new AtomicLong(0); private ReentrantLock lastMinorCompactionSpeedLock = new ReentrantLock(); private long minSpeed = 0; private AtomicBoolean intensivePut = new AtomicBoolean(false); private AtomicBoolean tabletDistributionMode = new AtomicBoolean(true); private int maxResultRecord; //private Set<String> liveCommitLogServers = new HashSet<String>(); protected CommitLogErrorMonitor commitLogErrorMonitor; protected long maxMemoryCacheCapacity; protected AtomicLong currentMemoryCacheSize = new AtomicLong(0); public TabletServer() { } public void init(CloudataConf conf) throws IOException { this.serverStartTime = new Date(); this.testMode = conf.getBoolean("testmode", false); this.conf = conf; this.maxMajorCompactionThread = this.conf.getInt("tabletServer.maxMajorCompactionThread", 5); this.maxSplitThread = this.conf.getInt("tabletServer.maxSplitThread", 5); this.compactionExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxMajorCompactionThread); this.splitExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxSplitThread); this.actionExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors .newFixedThreadPool(this.conf.getInt("tabletServer.maxMinorCompactionThread", 10)); this.maxTabletCount = conf.getInt("tabletServer.max.tablet.count", 2000); this.maxResultRecord = conf.getInt("client.max.resultRecord", 5000); this.maxMemoryCacheCapacity = conf.getLong("memory.maxColumnCacheCapacity", 200) * 1024 * 1024; this.fs = CloudataFileSystem.get(conf); if (fs == null || !fs.isReady()) { LOG.fatal("FileSystem is not ready. TabletServer shutdown"); shutdown(); } InetSocketAddress serverAddress = NetworkUtil.getAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() + ":" + conf.getInt("tabletServer.port", 7001)); this.hostName = serverAddress.getHostName() + ":" + serverAddress.getPort(); this.threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("TabletServer_" + hostName); this.leaseHolder = new LeaseHolder(threadGroup); this.tabletServerLockPath = Constants.SERVER + "/" + hostName; this.zk = LockUtil.getZooKeeper(conf, hostName, this); //<Split Lock > try { LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.TABLETSERVER_SPLIT + "/" + hostName), true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } //</Split Lock > schemaMap = new TableSchemaMap(conf, zk); tabletServerMetrics = new TabletServerMetrics(conf, this); this.server = CRPC.getServer(zk, this, serverAddress.getHostName(), serverAddress.getPort(), conf.getInt("tabletServer.handler.count", 10), false, conf, tabletServerMetrics); ServerSocket ss = null; int port = conf.getInt("tabletServer.scanner.port", 50100); String bindAddress = ""; try { //"Opened Scanner Handler at " + hostName + ", port=" + port); ss = new ServerSocket(port, 0, InetAddress.getByName(bindAddress)); ss.setReuseAddress(true); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Could not open scanner server at " + port + ", stop server and Stop tablet server", ie); exit(); } this.dataXceiveServer = new Daemon(new DataXceiveServer(ss)); try { LockUtil.createNodes(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, tabletServerLockPath), hostName.getBytes(), CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);"TableServer lock created:" + LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, tabletServerLockPath)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal("TabletServer stopped. Can't server lock:" + tabletServerLockPath, e); exit(); } if (tabletDistributionMode.get()) {"Turn on tablet distribution mode"); } heartbeatThread = new HeartbeatThread(); heartbeatThread.setDaemon(true); heartbeatThread.start(); } public void run() { try { daemonMode = true; this.server.start(); minorCompactionThread = new MinorCompactionCheckThread(); minorCompactionThread.setDaemon(true); minorCompactionThread.start(); majorCompactionThread = new MajorCompactionSplitCheckThread(); majorCompactionThread.setDaemon(true); majorCompactionThread.start(); dataXceiveServer.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); exit(); }"TabletServer[" + hostName + "] started"); try { this.server.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return; } } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.None) { switch (event.getState()) { case SyncConnected: break; case Disconnected: LOG.warn("Disconnected:" + event); break; case Expired: LOG.fatal("Shutdown cause lock expired:" + event); shutdown(); break; } } } public String getTabletServerConf(String key) throws IOException { return conf.get(key); } public String getHostName() { return this.hostName; } public void printTabletInfo(String tabletName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); System.out.println("====================================="); System.out.println(" " + tabletName); System.out.println("-------------------------------------"); if (tablet == null) { System.out.println("No tablet"); } else { tablet.print(); } System.out.println("====================================="); } public String[] getAllActions(String tabletName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } return tablet.getAllActions(); } public void assignTablet(TabletInfo tabletInfo) throws IOException { LOG.debug("assigned tablet: on " + hostName + ", tablet=" + tabletInfo); try { if (tablets.size() >= maxTabletCount) { LOG.warn("Can't load table[" + tabletInfo.getTabletName() + "] cause by tablets.size()[" + tablets.size() + "] exceeds MAX_TABLET_COUNT[" + maxTabletCount + "]"); connectMasterServer().errorTabletAssignment(hostName, tabletInfo); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Can't load table[" + tabletInfo.getTabletName() + "]", e); return; } loadThreadExecutor.execute(new TabletLoadTask(tabletInfo)); } public int getTabletCount() { return tablets.size(); } public TabletInfo[] reportTablets() { ArrayList<TabletInfo> tabletInfoList = new ArrayList<TabletInfo>(); Enumeration<Tablet> en = tablets.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Tablet eachTablet = en.nextElement(); tabletInfoList.add(eachTablet.getTabletInfo()); } return tabletInfoList.toArray(new TabletInfo[0]); } private void fillTimestamp(CommitLog[] commitLogList) { // by sangchul // timestamp? ? ?? ? ?? for (CommitLog log : commitLogList) { if (log.timestamp == CommitLog.USE_SERVER_TIMESTAMP) { log.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } public long apply(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey, TxId txId, CommitLog[] commitLogList, boolean saveLog) throws IOException { if (tabletName == null) { throw new IOException("tabletName parameter is null"); } if (rowKey == null) { throw new IOException("rowKey parameter is null"); } if (txId == null) { throw new IOException("txId parameter is null"); } if (commitLogList == null || commitLogList.length == 0) { throw new IOException("commitLogList parameter is null"); } fillTimestamp(commitLogList); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); Tablet tablet = getTabletByName(tabletName); if (heavyMemory.get() == 2) { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT_SKIP, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); return conf.getLong("tabletServer.heavyMemoryPutSleep", 200) * 2; } //Heavy memory status(%) if ((heavyMemory.get() == 1 || tablet.getMemtableSize() > 200 * 1024 * 1024) && !electApplyAccept(conf.getFloat("tabletServer.put.heavyMemoryAcceptRate", 0.3f))) { if (!isMeta(tablet)) { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT_SKIP, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); return conf.getLong("tabletServer.heavyMemoryPutSleep", 200); } } //data file size check if (tablet.getDiskSSTable().sumMapFileSize() > tablet.maxTabletSizeByte * 2.0f && !electApplyAccept(conf.getFloat("tabletServer.put.heavyMemoryAcceptRate", 0.5f))) { if (!isMeta(tablet)) { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT_SKIP, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); return 100; } } //tablet split status(%) if (tablet.isSplitting() && !electApplyAccept(conf.getFloat("tabletServer.put.splitingAcceptRate", 0.4f))) { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT_SKIP, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); return conf.getLong("tabletServer.tabletSplitPutSleep", 100); } boolean success = tablet.apply(rowKey, txId, commitLogList, saveLog); if (success) { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } else { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_PUT_FAIL, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } return success ? 0 : conf.getInt("tx.retry.sleeptime.msec", 100); } private boolean isMeta(Tablet tablet) { return Constants.TABLE_NAME_META.equals(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName()) || Constants.TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName()); } private boolean electApplyAccept(float acceptRate) { int min = (int) (10.0 * acceptRate); int randNum = applyRandom.nextInt(10); return randNum < min; } public boolean startFlush(String tabletName, TxId txId) throws IOException { boolean success = getTabletByName(tabletName).startFlush(txId); if (success) { leaseHolder.createLease(txId, new FlushListener(tabletName, txId), 30 * 1000); } return success; } public void endFlush(String tabletName, TxId txId) throws IOException { try { getTabletByName(tabletName).endFlush(txId); leaseHolder.removeLease(txId); } catch (IOException e) { return; } } class FlushListener implements LeaseListener { String tabletName; TxId txId; public FlushListener(String tabletName, TxId txId) { this.tabletName = tabletName; this.txId = txId; } public void expire() { try { getTabletByName(tabletName).endFlush(txId); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // end of TxListener class private Tablet getTabletByName(String tabletName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = tablets.get(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException( "no tablet[" + tabletName + "] in tablet server@" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } return tablet; } public ColumnValue get(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey, String columnName, Cell.Key columnKey) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } //NStopWatch watch = new NStopWatch(); //watch.start("TabletServer.get0, AclManager.checkPermission", 10); AclManager.checkPermission(conf, zk, schemaMap, tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(), "r"); //watch.stopAndReportIfExceed(LOG); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { return tablet.get(rowKey, columnName, columnKey); } finally { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_GET, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } } public RowColumnValues[][] gets(String tabletName, Row.Key startRowKey, RowFilter rowFilter) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } rowFilter.setStartRowKey(startRowKey); String[] columnNames = rowFilter.getColumns(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); TabletScanner[] scanners = new TabletScanner[columnNames.length]; ServerSideMultiColumnScanner multiColumnScanner = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { scanners[i] = tablet.openScanner(columnNames[i], rowFilter, false); if (scanners[i] == null) { throw new IOException("Can't open scanner:" + tabletName); } String scannerId = scanners[i].getScannerId(); tabletScanners.put(scannerId, tabletName); int scannerExpireTime = conf.getInt("client.tx.timeout", 30) * 2 * 1000; leaseHolder.createLease(scannerId, new TabletScannerListener(tabletName, scannerId), scannerExpireTime); } List<RowColumnValues[]> result = new ArrayList<RowColumnValues[]>(); multiColumnScanner = new ServerSideMultiColumnScanner(this, rowFilter, scanners); RowColumnValues[] rowColumnValue = null; int rowCount = 0; int maxRowNum = rowFilter.isPaging() ? rowFilter.getPageSize() : maxResultRecord; while ((rowColumnValue = multiColumnScanner.nextRow()) != null) { result.add(rowColumnValue); rowCount++; if (rowCount >= maxRowNum) { break; } } return result.toArray(new RowColumnValues[][] {}); } finally { if (multiColumnScanner != null) { multiColumnScanner.close(false); } else { for (int i = 0; i < scanners.length; i++) { if (scanners[i] != null) { try { closeScanner(scanners[i].getScannerId(), false); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Can't close scanner:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_GET, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } } public RowColumnValues[] get(String tabletName, RowFilter rowFilter) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } AclManager.checkPermission(conf, zk, schemaMap, tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(), "r"); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { RowColumnValues[] row = tablet.get(rowFilter); return row; } finally { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_GET, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } } public ColumnValue[][] get(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null || !tablet.isReady()) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "] on " + hostName); } AclManager.checkPermission(conf, zk, schemaMap, tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(), "r"); List<String> columnList = descTable(tabletName).getColumns(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { return tablet.get(rowKey, columnList.toArray(new String[columnList.size()])); } finally { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_GET, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } } public ColumnValue[][] get(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey, String[] columnNames) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null || !tablet.isReady()) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "] on " + hostName); } AclManager.checkPermission(conf, zk, schemaMap, tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(), "r"); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { return tablet.get(rowKey, columnNames); } finally { tabletServerMetrics.addTx(TabletServerMetrics.TYPE_GET, (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } } public Tablet getTablet(String tabletName) { return tablets.get(tabletName); } private TableSchema descTable(String tableName) throws IOException { return schemaMap.get(tableName); } private ColumnValue[] next(String scannerId) throws IOException { String tabletName = tabletScanners.get(scannerId); if (tabletName == null) { throw new IOException("[" + scannerId + "] not opened"); } Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } leaseHolder.touch(scannerId); return tablet.scanNext(scannerId); } public void touch(String leaseId) throws IOException { leaseHolder.touch(leaseId); } /** * */ private String openScanner(String tabletName, String columnName, RowFilter scanFilter) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server [" + hostName + "]"); } // FIXME Scanner ?? Minor, Major Compaction? ? ? TabletScanner tabletScanner = tablet.openScanner(columnName, scanFilter); if (tabletScanner == null) { return null; } String scannerId = tabletScanner.getScannerId(); tabletScanners.put(scannerId, tabletName); int scannerExpireTime = conf.getInt("client.tx.timeout", 60) * 2 * 1000; leaseHolder.createLease(scannerId, new TabletScannerListener(tabletName, scannerId), scannerExpireTime); tabletServerMetrics.numScannerOpen.incrementAndGet(); return scannerId; } protected void closeScanner(String scannerId) throws IOException { closeScanner(scannerId, true); } protected void closeScanner(String scannerId, boolean checkAction) throws IOException { String tabletName = null; tabletName = tabletScanners.get(scannerId); if (tabletName == null) { throw new IOException("[" + scannerId + "] not opened"); } Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet != null) { tablet.closeScanner(scannerId, checkAction); } tabletScanners.remove(scannerId); leaseHolder.removeLease(scannerId); } public boolean dropTable(final String taskId, final String tableName) throws IOException { //META? Tablet? TabletServer? ? . //?? ?? CloudataMaster? ? . LOG.debug("Drop table:" + hostName + ": " + tableName); final List<Tablet> dropTablets = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); Enumeration<Tablet> e = tablets.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Tablet tablet = e.nextElement(); if (tableName.equals(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName())) { dropTablets.add(tablet); } } schemaMap.remove(tableName); if (dropTablets.isEmpty()) { return false; } Thread dropThread = new Thread(threadGroup, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { CTable ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_META); for (Tablet eachTablet : dropTablets) { TabletInfo tabletInfo = eachTablet.getTabletInfo(); tablets.remove(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); //META? Tablet . LOG.debug("Drop table:delete from META:" + tabletInfo); Row.Key rowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(tabletInfo.getTableName(), tabletInfo.getEndRowKey()); ctable.remove(rowKey, Constants.META_COLUMN_NAME_TABLETINFO, new Cell.Key(tabletInfo.getTabletName())); eachTablet.drop(); eachTablet = null; } connectMasterServer().endTableDrop(taskId, hostName, tableName); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Drop error:" + tableName, e); try { connectMasterServer().errorTableDrop(taskId, hostName, tableName, e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.fatal("Error while report error table drop:" + tableName, e1); } } } }); dropThread.start(); return true; } /** * ROOT, META tablet? tablet? ?. * * @param tabletInfo * @throws IOException */ private void insertTableInfo(TabletInfo tabletInfo, long timestamp) throws IOException { Exception err = null; int retry = 0; CTable ctable = null; while (retry < 50) { try { if (TABLE_NAME_META.equals(tabletInfo.getTableName())) { ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_ROOT); } else { ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_META); } Row row = new Row(Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(tabletInfo.getTableName(), tabletInfo.getEndRowKey())); row.addCell(META_COLUMN_NAME_TABLETINFO, new Cell(new Cell.Key(tabletInfo.getTabletName()), tabletInfo.getWriteBytes(), timestamp)); ctable.put(row); LOG.debug("Success insertTableInfo:" + tabletInfo); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("fail insertTableInfo " + ctable + " but retry.", e); err = e; retry++; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { return; } } } if (retry >= 50) { if (err != null) { LOG.error("fail insertTableInfo after 50 times retry. last error is:", err); throw new IOException("fail insertTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry", err); } else { LOG.error("fail insertTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry"); throw new IOException("fail insertTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry"); } } } /** * * @param tabletInfo * @throws IOException */ protected void modifyTableInfo(TabletInfo tabletInfo) throws IOException { Exception err = null; int retry = 0; CTable ctable = null; while (retry < 50) { try { if (TABLE_NAME_META.equals(tabletInfo.getTableName())) { ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_ROOT); } else { ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_META); } Row.Key rowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(tabletInfo.getTableName(), tabletInfo.getEndRowKey()); Row row = new Row(rowKey); row.addCell(META_COLUMN_NAME_TABLETINFO, new Cell(new Cell.Key(tabletInfo.getTabletName()), tabletInfo.getWriteBytes())); ctable.put(row); LOG.debug("Success modifyTableInfo:" + tabletInfo); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("fail modifyTableInfo " + ctable + " but retry.", e); err = e; retry++; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return; } } } if (retry > 0) { if (err != null) { LOG.error("fail modifyTableInfo after 50 times retry. last error is:", err); throw new IOException("fail modifyTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry", err); } else { LOG.error("fail modifyTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry"); throw new IOException("fail modifyTableInfo " + ctable + " after 50 times retry"); } } } /** * * @param targetTablet * @param splitedTablets * @throws IOException */ public void tabletSplited(Tablet targetTablet, Tablet[] splitedTablets) throws IOException { if (!tablets.containsKey(targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName()) || targetTablet.isDroped()) { //Drop ? split? ?. throw new IOException( "Can't split cause droped tablet:" + targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //META TabletServer kill ? ?? split ? ? String splitLockPath = getSplitLockPath(targetTablet); //tableName + maxRow.Key, maxRow.Key ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(out); CWritableUtils.writeString(dout, targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName()); splitedTablets[0].getTabletInfo().write(dout); splitedTablets[1].getTabletInfo().write(dout); LockUtil.createNodes(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, splitLockPath), out.toByteArray(), CreateMode.PERSISTENT); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Split ? finish ? ? META ?? //? tablet? ? ?? ?? . --> CloudataMaster? modifyMetaDataForSplit(targetTablet, splitedTablets); try { //? Tablet? ?? Tablet? TabletServer . tablets.remove(targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName()); tablets.put(splitedTablets[1].getTabletInfo().getTabletName(), splitedTablets[1]); } catch (Exception e) { // ? ?? ( ? ? 0% ? ? ? ?? kill LOG.fatal("TableServer shuwdowned cause fail to remove/put after split", e); shutdown(); } //NStopWatch watch = new NStopWatch(); //watch.start("tabletSplited, reportTabletSplited", 50); reportTabletSplited(targetTablet, splitedTablets); //watch.stopAndReportIfExceed(LOG); //watch.start("lockService deleteNode", 50); try { LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, splitLockPath)); LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName()), true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private String getSplitLockPath(Tablet targetTablet) { return Constants.TABLETSERVER_SPLIT + "/" + hostName + "/" + targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName(); } public void reportTabletSplited(Tablet targetTablet, Tablet[] splitedTablets) throws IOException { try { TabletInfo[] splitedTabletInfos = new TabletInfo[] { splitedTablets[0].getTabletInfo(), splitedTablets[1].getTabletInfo() }; // ? CloudataMaster ??? ?? //? CloudataMaster ? Split? Tablet? TabletServer ? //TODO drop ? ?? ? connectMasterServer().reportTabletSplited(targetTablet.getTabletInfo(), splitedTabletInfos); } catch (TestCaseTabletServerKillException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) {"Tablet creation report fail", e); } } public void modifyMetaDataForSplit(Tablet targetTablet, Tablet[] splitedTablets) throws IOException { if (targetTablet.isDroped()) { return; } /* * META? ? Table? ? META tablet? ?? split. * (? ? ? ? ?) * ? ? tablet? split ?? ? ? tx(delete old, insert new1, insert new2) * Tablet? ? tx ?? . */ int maxRetry = 100; try { // ? kill ? ? META? ? ? ? ? if (TABLE_NAME_META.equals(targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName())) { //META table? int retry = 0; while (retry < maxRetry) { try { TabletInfo rootTabletInfo = Tablet.getRootTabletInfo(conf, zk); DataServiceProtocol rootTabletServer = (DataServiceProtocol) CRPC.getProxy( DataServiceProtocol.class, DataServiceProtocol.versionID, NetworkUtil.getAddress(rootTabletInfo.getAssignedHostName()), conf); rootTabletServer.saveTabletSplitedInfo(rootTabletInfo.getTabletName(), targetTablet.getTabletInfo(), new TabletInfo[] { splitedTablets[0].getTabletInfo(), splitedTablets[1].getTabletInfo() }); return; } catch (Exception e) { retry++; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { return; } } } if (retry >= maxRetry) { throw new IOException("fail saveTabletSplitedInfo to ROOT"); } } else { //? table? Row.Key rowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(), targetTablet.getTabletInfo().getEndRowKey()); StringBuffer metaTabletName = new StringBuffer(10); int retry = 0; Exception err = null; while (retry < maxRetry) { try { metaTabletName = new StringBuffer(10); DataServiceProtocol metaTabletServer = this .connectMetaTabletServer(targetTablet.getTabletInfo(), metaTabletName, rowKey); metaTabletServer.saveTabletSplitedInfo(metaTabletName.toString(), targetTablet.getTabletInfo(), new TabletInfo[] { splitedTablets[0].getTabletInfo(), splitedTablets[1].getTabletInfo() }); LOG.debug("Success modifyMetaDataForSplit: " + targetTablet.getTabletInfo()); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(targetTablet.getTabletInfo() + ": " + e.getMessage()); retry++; err = e; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return; } } } if (retry >= maxRetry) { throw new IOException("fail saveTabletSplitedInfo to " + metaTabletName + "," + err, err); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); throw new IOException(e); } } private DataServiceProtocol connectMetaTabletServer(TabletInfo tabletInfo, StringBuffer metaTabletNameBuffer, Row.Key rowKey) throws IOException { TabletInfo rootTabletInfo = Tablet.getRootTabletInfo(conf, zk); DataServiceProtocol rootTabletServer = (DataServiceProtocol) CRPC.getProxy(DataServiceProtocol.class, DataServiceProtocol.versionID, NetworkUtil.getAddress(rootTabletInfo.getAssignedHostName()), conf); // find meta tablet from root tablet Row.Key rootTabletSearchRowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(TABLE_NAME_META, rowKey); ColumnValue metaTabletRecord = rootTabletServer.getCloestMetaData(rootTabletInfo.getTabletName(), rootTabletSearchRowKey); if (metaTabletRecord == null) { //LOG.error("meta tablet info is null[" + tabletInfo + ", rowKey=" + rowKey + "]"); return null; } TabletInfo metaTablet = new TabletInfo(); metaTablet.readFields(metaTabletRecord.getValue()); String metatabletName = metaTablet.getTabletName(); String assignedHost = metaTablet.getAssignedHostName(); if (assignedHost == null) { LOG.error("meta tablet [" + metatabletName + "] not assigned"); return null; } DataServiceProtocol metaTabletServer = (DataServiceProtocol) CRPC.getProxy(DataServiceProtocol.class, DataServiceProtocol.versionID, NetworkUtil.getAddress(assignedHost), conf); metaTabletNameBuffer.append(metatabletName); return metaTabletServer; } public void saveTabletSplitedInfo(String tabletName, TabletInfo targetTablet, TabletInfo[] splitedTablets) throws IOException { final Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { LOG.error("saveTabletSplitedInfo: [" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } String tableName = tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName(); if (!TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(tableName) && !TABLE_NAME_META.equals(tableName)) { LOG.error("saveTabletSplitedInfo: [" + tableName + "] is not META or ROOT"); throw new IOException(" [" + tableName + "] is not META or ROOT"); } Row.Key rowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(targetTablet.getTableName(), targetTablet.getEndRowKey()); TxId txId = TxId.generate(tabletName, true); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutput out = new DataOutputStream(bout); targetTablet.write(out); for (int i = 0; i < splitedTablets.length; i++) { splitedTablets[i].write(out); } CommitLog commitLog = new CommitLog(Constants.LOG_OP_MODIFY_META, tabletName, rowKey, META_COLUMN_NAME_TABLETINFO, new Cell.Key(""), System.currentTimeMillis(), bout.toByteArray()); if (!tablet.apply(rowKey, txId, new CommitLog[] { commitLog }, true)) { LOG.debug("Can't saveTabletSplitedInfo cause tablet is busy:" + tabletName); throw new IOException(tabletName + " tablet is busy"); } } public void stopAllTablets() throws IOException { tablets.clear(); } public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { // try { // Thread.sleep(5 * 1000); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // return; // } try { StringUtils.startupShutdownMessage(TabletServer.class, args, LOG); TabletServer tabletServer = new TabletServer(); tabletServer.init(new CloudataConf()); (new Thread(tabletServer)).start(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal("Error while start TabletServer:" + e.getMessage(), e); System.exit(0); } } private TabletMasterProtocol connectMasterServer() throws IOException { return connectMasterServer(3); } private TabletMasterProtocol connectMasterServer(int maxRetry) throws IOException { int retry = 0; while (retry < maxRetry) { try { if (masterServer == null) { String masterHostName = CloudataMaster.getMasterServerHostName(conf, zk); masterServer = (TabletMasterProtocol) CRPC.getProxy(TabletMasterProtocol.class, TabletMasterProtocol.versionID, NetworkUtil.getAddress(masterHostName), conf); } masterServer.checkServer(); break; } catch (Exception e) { masterServer = null; retry++; if (retry >= maxRetry) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { return null; } } } return masterServer; } public TabletInfo getTabletInfo(String tabletName) { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) return null; return tablet.getTabletInfo(); } public boolean isServicedTablet(String tabletName) { return tablets.containsKey(tabletName); } public ColumnValue getCloestMetaData(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey) throws IOException { //long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { LOG.debug("getCloest:[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); return null; } ColumnValue columnValue = tablet.getClosestMeta(rowKey); //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ".getCloestMetaData():" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return columnValue; } public long getProtocolVersion(String protocol, long clientVersion) throws IOException { if (protocol.equals(DataServiceProtocol.class.getName())) { return DataServiceProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(TabletManagerProtocol.class.getName())) { return TabletManagerProtocol.versionID; } else { throw new IOException("Unknown protocol to tablet server: " + protocol); } } public boolean checkServer() { return true; } public void splitForTest(TabletInfo tabletInfo) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); if (tablet == null) { LOG.debug("splitForTest:[" + tabletInfo.getTabletName() + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } if (tablet.isReady()) { tablet.doTabletSplit(); } } public void stopAction(String tableName, String tabletActionClassName) throws IOException { try {"stopAction:" + tableName + "," + tabletActionClassName); for (Tablet eachTablet : tablets.values()) { TabletInfo tabletInfo = eachTablet.getTabletInfo(); if (tabletInfo.getTableName().equals(tableName)) { TabletAction tabletAction = (TabletAction) Class.forName(tabletActionClassName).newInstance(); eachTablet.actionChecker.endActionType(tabletAction); if (BatchUploadAction.class.getName().equals(tabletActionClassName)) { LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + tabletInfo.getTabletName()), true); batchUploadActions.remove(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("endAction:" + tabletActionClassName + ":" + e.getMessage()); } } private void exit() { // try { // final int STACK_DEPTH = 20; // boolean contention = threadBean.isThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled(); // long[] threadIds = threadBean.getAllThreadIds(); //"Process Thread Dump"); // + " active threads"); // for (long tid: threadIds) { // ThreadInfo info = threadBean.getThreadInfo(tid, STACK_DEPTH); // if (info == null) { //" Inactive"); // continue; // } //"Thread " + info.getLockOwnerId() + "," + info.getLockOwnerName()); // Thread.State state = info.getThreadState(); //" State: " + state); //" Blocked count: " + info.getBlockedCount()); //" Waited count: " + info.getWaitedCount()); // if (contention) { //" Blocked time: " + info.getBlockedTime()); //" Waited time: " + info.getWaitedTime()); // } // if (state == Thread.State.WAITING) { //" Waiting on " + info.getLockName()); // } else if (state == Thread.State.BLOCKED) { //" Blocked on " + info.getLockName()); //" Blocked by " + info.getLockOwnerId() + "," + info.getLockOwnerName()); // } //" Stack:"); // for (StackTraceElement frame: info.getStackTrace()) { //" " + frame.toString()); // } // } // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } System.exit(-1);"Called System.exit(-1)"); } public void shutdown() { //LOG.fatal("Kill Tablet Server:" + hostName + ",freeMemory:" + SizeOf.freeMemory() + "/" + SizeOf.totalMemory()); LOG.fatal("Kill Tablet Server:" + hostName + "," + testMode); if (!testMode) { // try { // System.out.println("Kill Tablet Server:" + hostName + ",freeMemory:" + SizeOf.freeMemory() + "/" + SizeOf.totalMemory()); // } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error(e); // } System.exit(-1); } else { //if (!stopRequested) { stopRequested = true; tablets.clear(); try { server.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { ((DataXceiveServer) this.dataXceiveServer.getRunnable()).kill(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { if (minorCompactionThread != null) { minorCompactionThread.interrupt(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { if (majorCompactionThread != null) { majorCompactionThread.interrupt(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { //ThreadGroup threadGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadGroup.activeCount()]; threadGroup.enumerate(threads, true); for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { loadThreadExecutor.shutdownNow(); compactionExecutor.shutdownNow(); splitExecutor.shutdownNow(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } try { zk.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } tabletServerMetrics.shutdown(); LOG.debug("shutdown tabletserver:" + hostName); } } public String startBatchUploader(String tabletName, Row.Key rowKey, boolean touch) throws IOException { //FIXME ?? Tablet? ? batch upload ? ??? Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } if (rowKey.compareTo(tablet.getTabletInfo().getEndRowKey()) > 0) { throw new IOException(rowKey + " is out of range:" + tablet.getTabletInfo()); } //runBatchUpload ? ? split/merge ? //split, merge ? ? close(), ???? ?? BatchUploadAction action = new BatchUploadAction(); synchronized (batchUploadActions) { boolean result = tablet.actionChecker.startAction(action); if (result) { Map<String, BatchUploadAction> actions = batchUploadActions.get(tabletName); if (actions == null) { actions = new HashMap<String, BatchUploadAction>(); batchUploadActions.put(tabletName, actions); } //TabletServer kill ?? ? TabletServer?? ? ?? lock LockUtil.createNodes(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + tabletName + "/" + action.getActionKey()), null, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); actions.put(action.getActionKey(), action); String uploaderActionId = action.getActionKey(); if (touch) { int expireTime = conf.getInt("client.tx.timeout", 60) * 2 * 1000; leaseHolder.createLease(uploaderActionId, new TabletUploaderListener(tabletName, uploaderActionId), expireTime); }"Start BatchUploader:rowKey=" + rowKey + "," + tablet.getTabletInfo()); return uploaderActionId; } else { return null; } } } public void cancelBatchUploader(String actionId, String tabletName) throws IOException {"cancelBatchUploader:" + tabletName + "," + actionId); Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { LOG.warn("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); return; } Map<String, BatchUploadAction> actions = null; synchronized (batchUploadActions) { if (!batchUploadActions.containsKey(tabletName)) { LOG.warn("No opened Uploader: " + tabletName); return; } actions = batchUploadActions.get(tabletName); if (!actions.containsKey(actionId)) { LOG.warn("No opened Uploader: " + tabletName + "," + actionId + ",host=" + hostName); return; } try { LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + tabletName + "/" + actionId), true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } tablet.actionChecker.endAction(actions.get(actionId)); actions.remove(actionId); leaseHolder.removeLease(actionId); } } public String endBatchUploader(String actionId, String tabletName, String[] columnNames, String[] mapFileIds, String[] mapFilePaths) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { LOG.warn("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); return null; } synchronized (batchUploadActions) { if (!batchUploadActions.containsKey(tabletName)) { LOG.warn("No opened Uploader: " + tabletName); return null; } if (!batchUploadActions.get(tabletName).containsKey(actionId)) { LOG.warn("No opened Uploader: " + tabletName + "," + actionId + ",host=" + hostName); return null; } } String taskId = asyncTaskManager .runAsyncTask(new BatchUploadEndTask(actionId, tabletName, columnNames, mapFileIds, mapFilePaths)); return taskId; } class BatchUploadEndTask extends AsyncTask { String actionId; String tabletName; String[] columnNames; String[] mapFileIds; String[] mapFilePaths; public BatchUploadEndTask(String actionId, String tabletName, String[] columnNames, String[] mapFileIds, String[] mapFilePaths) { this.actionId = actionId; this.tabletName = tabletName; this.columnNames = columnNames; this.mapFileIds = mapFileIds; this.mapFilePaths = mapFilePaths; } public void exec() throws Exception {"Start completing batch upload:" + tabletName + ",actionId=" + actionId); Map<String, BatchUploadAction> actions = null; synchronized (batchUploadActions) { actions = batchUploadActions.get(tabletName); } if (actions == null) { throw new IOException("No opened Uploader: " + tabletName); } synchronized (actions) { if (!actions.containsKey(actionId)) { throw new IOException( "No opened Uploader: " + tabletName + "," + actionId + ",host=" + hostName); } Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } long indexSize = 0; List<TabletMapFile> mapFiles = new ArrayList<TabletMapFile>(); try { LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + tabletName + "/" + actionId), true); if (mapFileIds == null || mapFileIds.length == 0) { LOG.warn("BatchUploader.close(): No MapFiles " + tabletName); return; } for (int i = 0; i < mapFileIds.length; i++) { if (mapFileIds[i] == null) { continue; } TabletMapFile tabletMapFile = new TabletMapFile(conf, CloudataFileSystem.get(conf), tablet.getTabletInfo(), columnNames[i], mapFileIds[i], new GPath(mapFilePaths[i]), tablet.getTable().getNumOfVersion()); if (!fs.exists(new GPath(mapFilePaths[i], TabletMapFile.DATA_FILE)) || !fs.exists(new GPath(mapFilePaths[i], TabletMapFile.IDX_FILE))) { //Tablet? ? File? ? ?? ?? ? ?. //FIXME ? TabletServer? data or index ? ??? ? LOG.warn("End batch uploader: No data file or index file in " + mapFilePaths[i]); continue; } mapFiles.add(tabletMapFile); GPath targetPath = new GPath(Tablet.getTabletPath(conf, tablet.getTabletInfo()), columnNames[i] + "/" + tabletMapFile.getFileId() + "/"); tabletMapFile.moveTo(targetPath, true); tabletMapFile.loadIndex(); indexSize += tabletMapFile.getIndexMemorySize(); LOG.debug("add mapfile:" + tabletMapFile.getFilePath() + "," + tabletMapFile.getFileId()); tablet.getDiskSSTable().addTabletMapFile(columnNames[i], tabletMapFile); tablet.getDiskSSTable().printMapFileInfo(); } } catch (Exception e) { //map ? for (TabletMapFile eachMapFile : mapFiles) { try { tablet.getDiskSSTable().removeTabletMapFile(eachMapFile.getColumnName(), eachMapFile); eachMapFile.delete(); } catch (Exception err) { } } LOG.error("endBatchUploader:" + e.getMessage(), e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { LOG.debug("End endBatchUploader:" + actionId); tablet.actionChecker.endAction(actions.get(actionId)); actions.remove(actionId); mapFiles.clear(); leaseHolder.removeLease(actionId); } } } } public AsyncTaskStatus getAsyncTaskStatus(String taskId) throws IOException { return asyncTaskManager.getAsyncTaskStatus(taskId); } public void truncateColumn(String tabletName, String columnName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } tablet.truncateColumn(columnName); } public void addColumn(String tableName, String tabletName, String addedColumnName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("[" + tabletName + "] not serviced on this server(" + hostName + ")"); } tablet.addColumn(addedColumnName); } public boolean isShutdowned() { return stopRequested; } class TabletLoadTask implements Runnable { private TabletInfo tabletInfo; private boolean ready = false; public TabletLoadTask(TabletInfo tabletInfo) { this.tabletInfo = tabletInfo; } public void run() { //Drop ? Table? String tableDropLockPath = Constants.TABLE_DROP + "/" + tabletInfo.getTableName(); try { if (zk.exists(LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, tableDropLockPath), false) != null) { //Drop ? Table? CTable ctable = CTable.openTable(conf, TABLE_NAME_META); tablets.remove(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); //META? Tablet . LOG.debug("Drop table:delete from META:" + tabletInfo); Row.Key rowKey = Tablet.generateMetaRowKey(tabletInfo.getTableName(), tabletInfo.getEndRowKey()); ctable.remove(rowKey, Constants.META_COLUMN_NAME_TABLETINFO, new Cell.Key(tabletInfo.getTabletName())); return; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); }"TabletLoad start:" + tabletInfo); boolean create = false; Tablet tablet = null; try { create = !fs.exists(tabletInfo.getTabletPath()); LOG.debug("tablet create : " + create); if (create) { tablet = createNewTablet(); ready = true; } else { tablet = loadExistedTablet(); } if (tablet == null) { LOG.error("Error while tablet loading: tablet is null: " + tabletInfo); return; } //BatchUploader ? ? checkBatchUploader(tablet); tablet.getReady().compareAndSet(false, ready); //TabletServer? ?? tablets.put(tabletInfo.getTabletName(), tablet); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Tablet assign error tablet[" + tabletInfo.getTabletName() + "]", e); tablets.remove(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); reportLoadError(); return; } // Master end report try { connectMasterServer().endTabletAssignment(tabletInfo, create); if (tabletDistributionMode.get() && tablets.size() > 1) { //"Turn off tablet distribution mode"); tabletDistributionMode.set(false); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while reporting end of tablet load to master", e); } tabletServerMetrics.numLoadedTablet.incrementAndGet(); } private void reportLoadError() { //Master error report try { tabletInfo.setAssignedHostName(hostName); connectMasterServer().errorTabletAssignment(hostName, tabletInfo); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error("Tablet assign error: reportLoadError", e1); } } private void checkBatchUploader(Tablet tablet) throws IOException { List<String> actionIds = null; try { actionIds = zk.getChildren( LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.UPLOADER + "/" + tabletInfo.getTabletName()), false); } catch (NoNodeException e) { } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (actionIds == null || actionIds.size() == 0) { return; } for (String actionId : actionIds) { BatchUploadAction action = new BatchUploadAction(actionId); synchronized (batchUploadActions) { boolean result = tablet.actionChecker.startAction(action); if (result) { Map<String, BatchUploadAction> actions = batchUploadActions.get(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); if (actions == null) { actions = new HashMap<String, BatchUploadAction>(); batchUploadActions.put(tabletInfo.getTabletName(), actions); } actions.put(action.getActionKey(), action); } } } } private boolean lockRootTablet() throws IOException { try { if (zk.exists(LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.ROOT_TABLET_HOST), false) != null) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } LockUtil.createNodes(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.ROOT_TABLET_HOST), hostName.getBytes(), CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); LOG.debug("Save ROOT Host info to " + Constants.ROOT_TABLET_HOST + ", hostName=" + hostName); return true; } private Tablet createNewTablet() throws IOException { // create new tablet if (!fs.mkdirs(tabletInfo.getTabletPath())) { if (!fs.mkdirs(tabletInfo.getTabletPath())) { throw new IOException("Fail make tablet info on filesystem:" + tabletInfo.getTabletPath()); } } tabletInfo.setAssignedHostName(hostName); //Tablet ? Tablet tablet = null; try { TableSchema tableSchema = descTable(tabletInfo.getTableName()); tablet = new Tablet(conf, tableSchema, TabletServer.this, tabletInfo); } catch (IOException e) { try { fs.delete(Tablet.getTabletPath(conf, tabletInfo), true); } catch (Exception e1) { } LOG.error("Error while create new Tablet:" + tabletInfo, e); throw e; } // insert tablet info to META or lock ROOT if (TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(tabletInfo.getTableName())) { if (!lockRootTablet()) { LOG.warn("ROOT Tablet already serviced by other TabletServer"); //? Tablet? return null; } } else { try { insertTableInfo(tabletInfo, System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (IOException e) { // ? ?? ? try { fs.delete(Tablet.getTabletPath(conf, tabletInfo), true); } catch (Exception e1) { } throw e; } } return tablet; } private Tablet loadExistedTablet() throws IOException { // load existed tablet LOG.debug("Start loadExistedTable: " + tabletInfo); tabletInfo.setAssignedHostName(hostName); Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletInfo.getTabletName()); if (tablet != null) { //?"The tablet is already served. return"); return null; } TableSchema tableSchema = descTable(tabletInfo.getTableName()); if (tableSchema == null) { LOG.error("No Table Schema:" + tabletInfo.getTableName()); throw new IOException("No Table Schema:" + tabletInfo.getTableName()); } tablet = new Tablet(conf, tableSchema, TabletServer.this, tabletInfo); if (!tablet.load()) { LOG.warn("Call minor compaction cause fail loading commit log:" + tabletInfo.getTabletName()); ready = false; tablet.doMinorCompaction(true); } else { ready = true; } //delete drop lock String lockPath = Constants.TABLET_DROP + "/" + tabletInfo.getTableName() + "/" + tabletInfo.getTabletName(); LockUtil.delete(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, lockPath), true); // modify tablet service hostname in metadata if (TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(tabletInfo.getTableName())) { if (!lockRootTablet()) { //lock? TabletServer? LOG.warn("ROOT Tablet already serviced by other TabletServer"); return null; } } else { modifyTableInfo(tabletInfo); }"End loadExistedTable: " + tabletInfo); return tablet; } } // end of TabletLoadThread class class MinorCompactionCheckThread extends Thread { private long maxMemorySSTableSize; private long forceCompactionMemory; private long maxMemoryPerTablet; private long maxMemory; private long minMemory; private float flushingRatio; //private int minorCompactionMaxSize; private int sleepTime; public MinorCompactionCheckThread() { super("MinorCompactionThread"); minMemory = conf.getLong("tabletServer.minMemory", 200) * 1024 * 1024; maxMemoryPerTablet = conf.getLong("memory.maxTabletSizePerTablet", 30) * 1024L * 1024L; maxMemorySSTableSize = conf.getLong("memory.maxTabletSize", 400) * 1024L * 1024L; flushingRatio = conf.getFloat("memory.flushing.ratio", 0.4f); maxMemory = SizeOf.maxMemory(); float maxFreeMemoryRate = conf.getFloat("memory.maxFreeMemoryRate", 0.2f); forceCompactionMemory = (long) ((float) maxMemory * maxFreeMemoryRate); //minorCompactionMaxSize = conf.getInt("tabletServer.maxMinorCompactionThread", 2); sleepTime = conf.getInt("tabletServer.minorCompactionTime", 5); } public void run() { while (!stopRequested) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } try { long freeMemory = SizeOf.freeMemory(); long totalMemory = SizeOf.totalMemory(); //TabletServer? Tablet? minor compaction? . long realFree = maxMemory - (totalMemory - freeMemory); if (realFree < forceCompactionMemory) { LOG.warn("Not enough free memory:freeMemory=" + freeMemory + ", maxMemory=" + maxMemory + ", " + "realFree=" + realFree + ", forceCompactionMemory=" + forceCompactionMemory + ", " + "all tablets do minor compaction"); if (realFree < minMemory) { heavyMemory.getAndSet(2);"Set HeavyMemory true.(2)"); } else { heavyMemory.getAndSet(1);"Set HeavyMemory true.(1)"); } tabletServerMetrics.numHeaveMemory.incrementAndGet(); forceMinorCompactionAllTablets(); continue; } else { if (heavyMemory.get() > 0) {"Set HeavyMemory reset to false."); } heavyMemory.getAndSet(0); } //minor compaction ?? ? tablet Tablet? MemorySSTable ? . List<Tablet> compactionTargets = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); int sumSize = 0; int greatestSize = 0; //Tablet greatestTablet = null; Enumeration<Tablet> en = tablets.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Tablet tablet = en.nextElement(); int memTableSize = tablet.getMemtableSize(); // if (memTableSize > greatestSize) { // greatestTablet = tablet; // } if (memTableSize >= maxMemoryPerTablet && !tablet.isSplitting()) { compactionTargets.add(tablet); } sumSize += memTableSize; } if (sumSize > maxMemorySSTableSize) { scheduleMinorCompactionToTopNTablets(); } else if (compactionTargets.size() > 0) { scheduleMinorCompactionToOverburdenTablets(compactionTargets); } // else if (checkMinorCompactionToTablet(greatestTablet)) { // exceed 5MB // scheduleMinorCompactionTo(greatestTablet); // } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("MinorCompactionThread Error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void scheduleMinorCompactionToOverburdenTablets(List<Tablet> compactionTargets) throws IOException, InterruptedException { for (Tablet eachTablet : compactionTargets) { eachTablet.doMinorCompaction(); } } private void scheduleMinorCompactionToTopNTablets() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Tablet[] targetTablets = findMaxMemoryTablet(); if (targetTablets == null || targetTablets.length == 0) { return; } int count = 0; for (Tablet tablet : targetTablets) { if (Constants.TABLE_NAME_META.equals(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName()) || Constants.TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName())) { continue; } try { count++; if (count > TabletServer.this.actionExecutor.getPoolSize() - TabletServer.this.actionExecutor.getActiveCount()) { break; } tablet.doMinorCompaction(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("MinorCompaction Error2:" + tablet.getTabletInfo() + "," + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void forceMinorCompactionAllTablets() { List<Tablet> tabletList = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); tabletList.addAll(tablets.values()); Collections.sort(tabletList, new Comparator<Tablet>() { public int compare(Tablet tablet1, Tablet tablet2) { // DECENDING ORDER return tablet2.getMemtableSize() - tablet1.getMemtableSize(); } }); int count = 0; for (Tablet eachTablet : tabletList) { if (Constants.TABLE_NAME_META.equals(eachTablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName()) || Constants.TABLE_NAME_ROOT.equals(eachTablet.getTabletInfo().getTableName())) { continue; } try { //minor compaction? . eachTablet.doMinorCompaction(); count++; if (count > TabletServer.this.actionExecutor.getPoolSize()) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("MinorCompaction Error:" + eachTablet.getTabletInfo() + "," + e.getMessage(), e); } } } public Tablet[] findMaxMemoryTablet() { List<Tablet> tabletList = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); tabletList.addAll(tablets.values()); Collections.sort(tabletList, new Comparator<Tablet>() { public int compare(Tablet tablet1, Tablet tablet2) { // DECENDING ORDER return tablet2.getMemtableSize() - tablet1.getMemtableSize(); } }); List<Tablet> result = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); long currentSize = 0; long flushingSize = (long) (flushingRatio * maxMemorySSTableSize); for (int i = 0; i < tabletList.size(); i++) { Tablet tablet = tabletList.get(i); if (tablet.isSplitting()) { continue; } long memTabletSize = tablet.getMemtableSize(); currentSize += memTabletSize; if (memTabletSize > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { result.add(tabletList.get(i)); } else { if (memTabletSize == 0) { break; } result.add(tabletList.get(i)); if (currentSize > flushingSize) { break; } if (result.size() > TabletServer.this.actionExecutor.getPoolSize() - TabletServer.this.actionExecutor.getActiveCount()) { break; } } } return result.toArray(new Tablet[0]); } } // end of MinorCompactionThread class class MajorCompactionSplitCheckThread extends Thread { int normalMapFileThreshold; int sleepTime = 5; float splitCompactionRatio; AtomicInteger numRunningLocks = new AtomicInteger(0); public MajorCompactionSplitCheckThread() { super("MajorCompactionThread"); normalMapFileThreshold = conf.getInt("tabletServer.normalMapFileThreshold", 4); splitCompactionRatio = conf.getFloat("split.majorcompaction.ratio", 0.5f); if (splitCompactionRatio >= 1) { splitCompactionRatio = 0.9f; } } public void run() { Map<String, Tablet> tempTablets = new HashMap<String, Tablet>(10); while (!stopRequested) { tempTablets.clear(); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } tempTablets.putAll(tablets); boolean isIntensivePutSituation = TabletServer.this.isInIntensivePut(); Tablet[] splitList = checkSplit(tempTablets); Tablet[] majorCompactionList = null; if (tempTablets.size() > 1) { majorCompactionList = checkMajorCompaction(tempTablets, isIntensivePutSituation); } else { if (tempTablets.size() == 1) { Tablet tablet = tempTablets.values().iterator().next(); if (tablet.getMapFileCount() > 10) { majorCompactionList = new Tablet[] { tablet }; } else { majorCompactionList = new Tablet[0]; } } else { majorCompactionList = new Tablet[0]; } } if (splitList.length + majorCompactionList.length == 0) { continue; } try { List<String[]> acquiredScLockPath = acquireSplitCompactionLocks( splitList.length + majorCompactionList.length); if (acquiredScLockPath.size() == 0) { //LOG.debug("No lock for Major or split."); continue; } schedule(acquiredScLockPath, splitList, majorCompactionList); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Split&Compaction scheduling error", e); } } } private void schedule(List<String[]> acquiredScLockPath, Tablet[] splitList, Tablet[] majorCompactionList) { int numSplit = (int) Math.round(acquiredScLockPath.size() * this.splitCompactionRatio); if (splitList.length == 0) { numSplit = 0; } else if (majorCompactionList.length == 0) { numSplit = acquiredScLockPath.size(); } // LOG.debug("acquiredScLockPath:" + acquiredScLockPath.size() + // ", Split Scheduled:" + splitList.length + ", MajorC: " + majorCompactionList.length + ", numSplit:" + numSplit); int consumedLocks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numSplit && i < splitList.length; i++) { final String[] lockInfo = acquiredScLockPath.get(consumedLocks); numRunningLocks.incrementAndGet(); splitList[i].doTabletSplit(new ActionFinalizer() { public void finalizing() { try { numRunningLocks.decrementAndGet(); LockUtil.releaseLock(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH + "/" + lockInfo[0]), lockInfo[1]); //LOG.debug("Release Split lock2:" + lockInfo[0] + "," + lockInfo[1]); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("fail to release lock path[" + lockInfo[0] + "] due to " + e); } } }); consumedLocks++; } int numMajorCompact = acquiredScLockPath.size() - consumedLocks; for (int i = 0; i < numMajorCompact && i < majorCompactionList.length; i++) { numRunningLocks.incrementAndGet(); final String[] lockInfo = acquiredScLockPath.get(consumedLocks); try { majorCompactionList[i].doMajorCompaction(new ActionFinalizer() { public void finalizing() { try { numRunningLocks.decrementAndGet(); LockUtil.releaseLock(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH + "/" + lockInfo[0]), lockInfo[1]); //LOG.debug("Release Split lock3:" + lockInfo[0] + "," + lockInfo[1]); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("fail to release lock path[" + lockInfo[0] + "] due to " + e); } } }); consumedLocks++; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error in scheduing major compaction of tablet[" + majorCompactionList[i].getTabletInfo() + "]"); } } for (int i = consumedLocks; i < acquiredScLockPath.size(); i++) { String[] lockInfo = acquiredScLockPath.get(i); try { LockUtil.releaseLock(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH + "/" + lockInfo[0]), lockInfo[1]); //LOG.debug("Release Split lock1:" + lockInfo[0] + "," + lockInfo[1]); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("fail to release lock pathv[" + lockInfo[0] + "] due to " + e); } } } private Tablet[] checkMajorCompaction(Map<String, Tablet> tempTablets, boolean inIntensivePut) { Tablet[] targetTablets = findMaxMapFileTablet(tempTablets); ArrayList<Tablet> candidate = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); for (Tablet tablet : targetTablets) { if (!tablet.isReady() || tablet.actionChecker.hasAlreadyScheduled(tablet.tabletSplitAction) || tablet.actionChecker.hasAlreadyScheduled(tablet.majorCompactionAction)) { continue; } if (tablet.needMajorCompaction(inIntensivePut ? normalMapFileThreshold : 1)) { candidate.add(tablet); if (candidate.size() >= TabletServer.this.maxMajorCompactionThread) { break; } } } return candidate.toArray(new Tablet[0]); } private Tablet[] checkSplit(Map<String, Tablet> tempTablets) { Tablet[] targetTablets = findMaxSizeTablet(tempTablets); ArrayList<Tablet> candidate = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); for (Tablet tablet : targetTablets) { if (!tablet.isReady()) { continue; } try { if (tablet.needToBeSplited()) { candidate.add(tablet); if (candidate.size() >= (splitExecutor.getPoolSize() - splitExecutor.getActiveCount())) { break; } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Split checking error", e); } } return candidate.toArray(new Tablet[0]); } // by sangchul // acquire pleiades locks to run split or major compactions. // If there has been already running split or compaction in this tablet server, // the request to acquire lock is not allowed until the split or compaction ends private List<String[]> acquireSplitCompactionLocks(int requiredLocks) throws IOException { int totalRun = numRunningLocks.get() + requiredLocks; if (totalRun > maxMajorCompactionThread || totalRun > maxSplitThread) { requiredLocks = (maxMajorCompactionThread > maxSplitThread ? maxMajorCompactionThread : maxSplitThread) - numRunningLocks.get(); } List<String[]> acquiredScLockPath = new ArrayList<String[]>(); if (requiredLocks <= 0) { return acquiredScLockPath; } List<String> scLocks = null; try { scLocks = zk.getChildren(LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH), false); } catch (NoNodeException e) { } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (scLocks == null || scLocks.size() == 0) { LOG.warn("No nodes at lock path [" + Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH + "]"); return acquiredScLockPath; } for (String path : scLocks) { String lockKey = LockUtil.acquireLock(zk, LockUtil.getZKPath(conf, Constants.SC_LOCK_PATH + "/" + path)); if (lockKey != null) { //LOG.debug("Get Split lock:" + path + "," + lockKey); acquiredScLockPath.add(new String[] { path, lockKey }); if (acquiredScLockPath.size() >= requiredLocks) { return acquiredScLockPath; } } } return acquiredScLockPath; } private Tablet[] findMaxMapFileTablet(Map<String, Tablet> tempTablets) { List<Tablet> tabletList = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); tabletList.addAll(tempTablets.values()); Collections.sort(tabletList, new Comparator<Tablet>() { public int compare(Tablet tablet1, Tablet tablet2) { // ASCENDING ORDER return tablet1.getMapFileCount() - tablet2.getMapFileCount(); } }); int size = maxMajorCompactionThread * 3; //select candidate tablets if (tabletList.size() < size) { return tabletList.toArray(new Tablet[] {}); } else { Tablet[] targetTablets = new Tablet[size]; for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { targetTablets[i - 1] = tabletList.get(tabletList.size() - i); } return targetTablets; } } private Tablet[] findMaxSizeTablet(Map<String, Tablet> tempTablets) { List<Tablet> tabletList = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); tabletList.addAll(tempTablets.values()); Collections.sort(tabletList, new Comparator<Tablet>() { public int compare(Tablet tablet1, Tablet tablet2) { // ASCENDING ORDER return (int) (tablet1.getTabletSize() - tablet2.getTabletSize()); } }); int size = maxSplitThread * 2; if (tabletList.size() < size) { return tabletList.toArray(new Tablet[] {}); } else { Tablet[] targetTablets = new Tablet[size]; for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) { targetTablets[i - 1] = tabletList.get(tabletList.size() - i); } return targetTablets; } } } // end of MajorCompatcionThread class class HeartbeatThread extends Thread { long minMemory; public void run() { minMemory = conf.getLong("tabletServer.minMemory", 200) * 1024 * 1024; while (true) { try { String masterHostName = CloudataMaster.getMasterServerHostName(conf, zk); TabletMasterProtocol masterServer = (TabletMasterProtocol) CRPC.getProxy( TabletMasterProtocol.class, TabletMasterProtocol.versionID, NetworkUtil.getAddress(masterHostName), conf); masterServer.heartbeatTS(hostName, tablets.size()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Can't send heartbeat to CloudataMaster: " + hostName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e); return; } long freeMemory = SizeOf.freeMemory(); long totalMemory = SizeOf.totalMemory(); long maxMemory = SizeOf.maxMemory(); //TabletServer? Tablet? minor compaction? . long realFree = SizeOf.maxMemory() - (totalMemory - freeMemory); if (realFree < minMemory) { LOG.warn("Not enough free memory:freeMemory=" + freeMemory + ", maxMemory=" + maxMemory + ", realFree=" + realFree + ", minMemory=" + minMemory); heavyMemory.getAndSet(2); } else if (realFree > minMemory * 4 * 1024 * 1024) { heavyMemory.getAndSet(0); } } } } class CommitLogErrorMonitor extends Thread { Set<String> errorTablets = new HashSet<String>(); boolean requestStop = false; public void run() { while (!requestStop) { List<String> tmpTablets = null; synchronized (errorTablets) { if (errorTablets.isEmpty()) { continue; } tmpTablets = new ArrayList<String>(); tmpTablets.addAll(errorTablets); } for (String eachTablet : tmpTablets) { Tablet tablet = getTablet(eachTablet); if (tablet == null) { synchronized (eachTablet) { errorTablets.remove(eachTablet); } continue; } try { if (tablet.checkCommitLogError()) { synchronized (eachTablet) { errorTablets.remove(eachTablet); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("[" + eachTablet + "] checkCommitLogError error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } public void addErrorTablets(String tabletName) { synchronized (errorTablets) { if (!errorTablets.contains(tabletName)) { errorTablets.add(tabletName); //errorTablets.notifyAll(); } } } } class TabletScannerListener implements LeaseListener { String tabletName; String scannerId; public TabletScannerListener(String tabletName, String scannerId) { this.tabletName = tabletName; this.scannerId = scannerId; } public void expire() { try {"Scanner expired:" + scannerId); closeScanner(scannerId); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // end of TabletScannerListener class class TabletUploaderListener implements LeaseListener { String tabletName; String uploaderId; public TabletUploaderListener(String tabletName, String uploaderId) { this.tabletName = tabletName; this.uploaderId = uploaderId; } public void expire() { try {"Uploader expired:" + uploaderId); endBatchUploader(tabletName, uploaderId, null, null, null); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } // end of TabletScannerListener class /** * Scanner * @author babokim * */ class DataXceiveServer implements Runnable { boolean shouldListen = true; ServerSocket ss; public DataXceiveServer(ServerSocket ss) { = ss; } /** */ public void run() { try { while (shouldListen) { Socket s = ss.accept(); new Daemon(new DataXceiver(s)).start(); } ss.close(); } catch (IOException ie) {"Exiting ScannerXceiveServer due to " + ie.toString()); } } public void kill() { this.shouldListen = false; try {; } catch (IOException iex) { } } } private static class Count { int value = 0; Count(int init) { value = init; } synchronized void incr() { value++; } synchronized void decr() { value--; } synchronized int getValue() { return value; } public String toString() { return Integer.toString(value); } } /** * Thread for processing incoming/outgoing data stream */ class DataXceiver implements Runnable { Socket socket; DataOutputStream out; DataInputStream in; public DataXceiver(Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; } public void run() { try { out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())); in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream())); byte op = (byte); if (op == OPEN_SCANNER) { runScan(); } else { LOG.error("DataXceiver wrong op code:" + op); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("DataXceiver run error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { //activeDataDaemons.decrementAndGet(); if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } private void runScan() throws Exception { //FIXME Scanner open timeout? ? ScannerAction? ? scanCount.incr(); //LOG.debug(hostName + " Number of active sacnner daemon: " + scanCount); String scannerId = null; String tabletName = null; try { tabletName = CWritableUtils.readString(in); //LOG.debug(hostName + " Number of active sacnner daemon: " + scanCount + ",tabletName=" + tabletName); String columnName = CWritableUtils.readString(in); RowFilter scanFilter = new RowFilter(); scanFilter.readFields(in); //LOG.debug(hostName + " Number of active sacnner daemon: " + scanCount + ",tabletName=" + tabletName); int retry = 0; int maxRetry = 30; try { tablets.get(tabletName); while (retry < maxRetry) { scannerId = openScanner(tabletName, columnName, scanFilter); if (scannerId != null) { break; } retry++; try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } if (retry >= maxRetry && scannerId == null) { LOG.error("Scanner open timeout"); out.write(SCANNER_OPEN_FAIL); CWritableUtils.writeString(out, "Scanner open timeout"); out.flush(); return; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Scanner open error:" + e.getMessage()); out.write(SCANNER_OPEN_FAIL); CWritableUtils.writeString(out, e.getMessage()); out.flush(); return; } out.write(SCANNER_OPEN_SUCCESS); CWritableUtils.writeString(out, scannerId); out.flush(); //FIXME ?? ? ? ? ???? ? ? ?? long nextCount = 0; if (scannerId != null) { ColumnValue[] columnValues = null; while ((columnValues = next(scannerId)) != null) { out.writeInt(columnValues.length); out.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < columnValues.length; i++) { columnValues[i].write(out); } out.flush(); nextCount++; if (nextCount % 10000 == 0) { Thread.sleep(50); } if (nextCount % 10000 == 0) { LOG.debug(tabletName + " " + nextCount + " scaned"); } } out.writeInt(-1); out.flush(); } } catch (SocketException ignored) { } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("runScan", e); } finally { scanCount.decr(); if (scannerId != null) { try { closeScanner(scannerId); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } } } } public void processCommitLogsServerFail(List<String> errorTablets) { for (String eachTablet : errorTablets) { try { Tablet tablet = tablets.get(eachTablet); if (tablet != null) { tablet.processCommitLogServerFailed(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Can't processCommitLogServerFailed:" + eachTablet + "," + e.getMessage(), e); } } } public void printMeta(String tabletName) throws IOException { tablets.get(tabletName).print(); } public TabletReport getTabletDetailInfo(String tabletName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = tablets.get(tabletName); if (tablet != null) { return tablet.getTabletDetailInfo(); } else { return null; } } public boolean canUpload() throws IOException { if (uploaderCount.value > 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } public void doActionForTest(String tabletName, String action) throws IOException { final Tablet tablet = tablets.get(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("No Tablet:" + tabletName + ", host=" + hostName); } if ("minorCompaction".equals(action)) { tablet.doMinorCompaction(); } else if ("majorCompaction".equals(action)) { tablet.doMajorCompaction(); } else if ("split".equals(action)) { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { try { tablet.doMinorCompaction(); while (true) { if (tablet.diskSSTable.get().getMaxMapFileCount() <= 1) { break; } else if (tablet.diskSSTable.get().getMaxMapFileCount() > 1) { tablet.doMajorCompaction(); } else { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } tablet.doTabletSplit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } }; t.start(); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid action:" + action); } } public String getTestHandlerKey() { return hostName; } public ColumnValue[][] testRPC() { ColumnValue[][] result = new ColumnValue[2][]; return result; } public void setProperty(String key, String value) throws IOException { conf.set(key, value); } public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) throws IOException { return conf.get(key, defaultValue); } public ColumnValue[] getAllMemoryValues(String tabletName, String columnName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { return null; } return tablet.getMemorySSTable().getAllMemoryValues(columnName); } public CloudataConf getConf() { return conf; } public String getTabletServerLockPath() { return tabletServerLockPath; } public TabletServerStatus getServerStatus() throws IOException { TabletServerStatus status = new TabletServerStatus(); status.setServerStartTime(serverStartTime.getTime()); status.setFreeMemory(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()); status.setMaxMemory(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()); status.setTotalMemory(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()); status.setMemoryCacheSize(currentMemoryCacheSize.get()); status.setNumMajorThread(compactionExecutor.getActiveCount()); status.setNumSplitThread(splitExecutor.getActiveCount()); status.setNumEtcThread(actionExecutor.getActiveCount()); status.setCommitLogPipe(PipeBasedCommitLogFileSystem.totalPipeCount.get()); status.setTxStatistics(tabletServerMetrics.getTxStatistics()); return status; } public boolean hasValue(String tabletName, String columnName, Row.Key rowKey, Cell.Key cellKey) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } return tablet.hasValue(columnName, rowKey, cellKey); } @Override public Row.Key[] getSplitedRowKeyRanges(String tabletName, int splitPerTablet) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "]"); } return tablet.getSplitedRowKeyRanges(splitPerTablet); } private static final long ONE_MINUTE = 1 * 60 * 1000; public boolean isInIntensivePut() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMinorCompactionTime.get() > ONE_MINUTE) { if (intensivePut.getAndSet(false) == true) { LOG.debug( "Intensive put is set as FALSE since last minor compaction was occurred more then 1 min ago."); } return false; } return intensivePut.get(); } public void setLastMinorCompactionTime(long bytesPerMilliSec) { if (lastMinorCompactionSpeedLock.tryLock()) { lastMinorCompactionTime.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { boolean inIntensivePut = lastMinorCompactionSpeed.getAndSet(bytesPerMilliSec) < bytesPerMilliSec; if (!inIntensivePut && intensivePut.get() && (minSpeed * 1.6) < bytesPerMilliSec) { inIntensivePut = true; } if (minSpeed > bytesPerMilliSec) { minSpeed = bytesPerMilliSec; } if (intensivePut.getAndSet(inIntensivePut) != inIntensivePut) { LOG.debug("Intensive put situation : " + inIntensivePut + ", Minor compacting bytesPerSec : " + bytesPerMilliSec); } } finally { lastMinorCompactionSpeedLock.unlock(); } } } public void doAllTabletMinorCompaction() throws IOException { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() {"Start doAllTabletMinorCompaction"); while (true) { List<Tablet> currentTablets = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); synchronized (tablets) { currentTablets.addAll(tablets.values()); } boolean end = true; for (Tablet tablet : currentTablets) { if (tablet.getMemtableSize() > 0) { try { end = false; tablet.doMinorCompaction(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName() + " can't minor compaction:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (end) { break; } }"End doAllTabletMinorCompaction"); } }; t.start(); } public void electRebalacingTablets(final int targetTabletNumPerTabletServer) throws IOException { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { try { List<Tablet> currentTablets = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); synchronized (tablets) { currentTablets.addAll(tablets.values()); } if (currentTablets.size() == 0) { return; } int count = 0; for (Tablet tablet : currentTablets) { if (tablet.doStop()) { synchronized (tablets) { tablets.remove(tablet.getTabletInfo().getTabletName()); } count++; boolean end = false; if (count >= targetTabletNumPerTabletServer) { end = true; } connectMasterServer().doRebalacing(hostName, tablet.getTabletInfo(), end); tablet.clearAll(); if (count >= targetTabletNumPerTabletServer) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error electRebalacingTablets:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } }; t.start(); } public String test(long sleepTime, String echo) throws IOException {"Ping......"); if (sleepTime > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } } return echo; } public ZooKeeper getZooKeeper() { return zk; } public boolean checkCacheCapacity(String tabletName, long addedMemorySize) { synchronized (currentMemoryCacheSize) { if (tabletName.indexOf(Constants.TABLE_NAME_ROOT) < 0 && tabletName.indexOf(Constants.TABLE_NAME_META) < 0 && (currentMemoryCacheSize.get() + addedMemorySize > maxMemoryCacheCapacity)) { return false; } else { currentMemoryCacheSize.addAndGet(addedMemorySize); return true; } } } public void removeFromMemoryCache(String tabletName, long memorySize) { synchronized (currentMemoryCacheSize) { currentMemoryCacheSize.addAndGet(0 - memorySize); + ": " + memorySize + ", currentMemoryCacheSize:" + currentMemoryCacheSize); } } public ColumnValue[] getColumnMemoryCacheDatas(String tabletName, String columnName) throws IOException { Tablet tablet = getTablet(tabletName); if (tablet == null || !tablet.isReady()) { throw new IOException("no tablet[" + tabletName + "] on " + hostName); } if (tablet.getDiskSSTable().columnMemoryCaches.containsKey(columnName)) { return tablet.getDiskSSTable().columnMemoryCaches.get(columnName).columnCollection.getAllValues(); } else { return null; } } }