Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2019 iserge. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cleanlogic.cesiumjs4gwt.showcase.examples; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.cesiumjs.cs.core.Cartesian3; import org.cesiumjs.cs.core.Matrix4; import org.cesiumjs.cs.core.Transforms; import org.cesiumjs.cs.js.JsObject; import org.cesiumjs.cs.promise.Fulfill; import org.cesiumjs.cs.promise.Reject; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.Camera; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.Model; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.ScreenSpaceCameraController; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.options.FromGltfOptions; import org.cesiumjs.cs.widgets.Viewer; import org.cesiumjs.cs.widgets.ViewerPanel; import org.cleanlogic.cesiumjs4gwt.showcase.basic.AbstractExample; import; import org.cleanlogic.cesiumjs4gwt.showcase.examples.slider.Slider; import org.cleanlogic.cesiumjs4gwt.showcase.examples.slider.SliderEvent; import org.cleanlogic.cesiumjs4gwt.showcase.examples.slider.SliderListener; import javax.inject.Inject; /** * @author Serge Silaev aka iSergio <> */ public class ImageBasedLighting extends AbstractExample { public Viewer viewer; private Model model; private String environmentMapURL; private Cartesian3[] coefficients; private Slider luminanceAtZenithSlider; private TextBox luminanceAtZenithTBox; @Inject public ImageBasedLighting(ShowcaseExampleStore store) { super("Image-Based Lighting", "Use image-based lighting to light a model", new String[] { "Model", "lighting" }, store); } @Override public void buildPanel() { ViewerPanel csVPanel = new ViewerPanel(); viewer = csVPanel.getViewer(); environmentMapURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "SampleData/EnvironmentMap/kiara_6_afternoon_2k_ibl.ktx"; String modelURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "SampleData/models/Pawns/Pawns.glb"; // This environment map was processed using Google's Filament project. To process your own: // 1 - Download the Filament release ( // 2 - Run `cmgen --type=ktx --deploy=/path/to/output /path/to/image.hdr`. Other formats are also supported. Run `cmgen --help` for all options. // 3 - Take the generated coefficients and the KTX file and load them in CesiumJS as shown below. Cartesian3 L00 = new Cartesian3(0.170455150831422, 0.163151083190219, 0.196966760289763); Cartesian3 L1_1 = new Cartesian3(-0.066550267689383, -0.022088055746048, 0.078835009246127); Cartesian3 L10 = new Cartesian3(0.038364097478591, 0.045714300098753, 0.063498904606215); Cartesian3 L11 = new Cartesian3(-0.014365363312810, -0.026490613715151, -0.050189404066020); Cartesian3 L2_2 = new Cartesian3(-0.051532786917890, -0.050777795729986, -0.056449044453032); Cartesian3 L2_1 = new Cartesian3(0.043454596136534, 0.046672590104157, 0.057530107646610); Cartesian3 L20 = new Cartesian3(-0.001640466274110, 0.001286638231156, 0.007228908989616); Cartesian3 L21 = new Cartesian3(-0.042260855700641, -0.046394335094707, -0.057562936365585); Cartesian3 L22 = new Cartesian3(-0.004953478914091, -0.000479681664876, 0.008508150106928); coefficients = new Cartesian3[] { L00, L1_1, L10, L11, L2_2, L2_1, L20, L21, L22 }; double height = 0.0; org.cesiumjs.cs.core.HeadingPitchRoll hpr = new org.cesiumjs.cs.core.HeadingPitchRoll(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Cartesian3 origin = Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-123.0744619, 44.0503706, height); Matrix4 modelMatrix = Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(origin, hpr); FromGltfOptions fromGltfOptions = new FromGltfOptions(); fromGltfOptions.url = modelURL; fromGltfOptions.modelMatrix = modelMatrix; fromGltfOptions.minimumPixelSize = 128.0; model = (Model) csVPanel.getViewer().scene().primitives().add(Model.fromGltf(fromGltfOptions)); model.readyPromise().then(new Fulfill<Model>() { @Override public void onFulfilled(Model value) { Camera camera =; // Zoom to model ScreenSpaceCameraController controller = viewer.scene().screenSpaceCameraController(); double r = 2.0 * Math.max(model.boundingSphere().radius, camera.frustum.near); controller.minimumZoomDistance = r * 0.5; Cartesian3 center = Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(model.modelMatrix, model.boundingSphere().center, new Cartesian3()); double heading = Math.toRadians(230.0); double pitch = Math.toRadians(-20.0); camera.lookAt(center, new org.cesiumjs.cs.core.HeadingPitchRange(heading, pitch, r * 2.0)); camera.lookAtTransform(Matrix4.IDENTITY()); model.sphericalHarmonicCoefficients = coefficients; model.specularEnvironmentMaps = environmentMapURL; } }, new Reject<Void>() { @Override public void onRejected(Void value) { Window.alert("Error"); } }); luminanceAtZenithSlider = new Slider("LuminanceAtZenith", 0, 200, 50); luminanceAtZenithSlider.setStep(1); luminanceAtZenithSlider.addListener(new SliderListener() { @Override public void onStart(SliderEvent e) { // } @Override public boolean onSlide(SliderEvent e) { Slider source = e.getSource(); double value = source.getValue() / 100.0; model.luminanceAtZenith = value; luminanceAtZenithTBox.setValue(value + ""); return true; } @Override public void onChange(SliderEvent e) { // } @Override public void onStop(SliderEvent e) { // } }); luminanceAtZenithTBox = new TextBox(); luminanceAtZenithTBox.setSize("30px", "12px"); luminanceAtZenithTBox.setValue("" + 0.5); luminanceAtZenithTBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { TextBox source = (TextBox) event.getSource(); float value = Float.parseFloat(source.getValue()); luminanceAtZenithSlider.setValue((int) (value * 100)); model.luminanceAtZenith = value; } }); CheckBox useProceduralImageCBox = new CheckBox("Use procedural image"); useProceduralImageCBox.getElement().getStyle().setColor("white"); useProceduralImageCBox.setWidth("100px"); useProceduralImageCBox.setValue(false); useProceduralImageCBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { if (!event.getValue()) { model.sphericalHarmonicCoefficients = coefficients; model.specularEnvironmentMaps = environmentMapURL; } else { model.sphericalHarmonicCoefficients = (Cartesian3[]) JsObject.undefined(); model.specularEnvironmentMaps = (String) JsObject.undefined(); } } }); FlexTable flexTable = new FlexTable(); flexTable.setHTML(1, 0, "<font color=\"white\">Luminance at Zenith</font>"); flexTable.setWidget(1, 1, luminanceAtZenithSlider); flexTable.setWidget(1, 2, luminanceAtZenithTBox); flexTable.setWidget(2, 1, useProceduralImageCBox); AbsolutePanel aPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); aPanel.add(csVPanel); aPanel.add(flexTable, 20, 20); contentPanel.add(new HTML("<p>Use image-based lighting to light a model.</p>")); contentPanel.add(aPanel); initWidget(contentPanel); } @Override public String[] getSourceCodeURLs() { String[] sourceCodeURLs = new String[1]; sourceCodeURLs[0] = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "examples/" + "ImageBasedLighting.txt"; return sourceCodeURLs; } }